# BSD LICENSE # # Copyright(c) 2010-2015 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in # the documentation and/or other materials provided with the # distribution. # * Neither the name of Intel Corporation nor the names of its # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived # from this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT # OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, # SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, # DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY # THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE # OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. """ DPDK Test suite. Vhost user one-copy sample test suite. """ import os import dts import string import re import time from scapy.utils import wrpcap, rdpcap from test_case import TestCase from exception import VerifyFailure from settings import HEADER_SIZE from etgen import IxiaPacketGenerator from qemu_kvm import QEMUKvm class TestVhostUserOneCopyOneVm(TestCase, IxiaPacketGenerator): def set_up_all(self): # To Extend IXIA packet generator method, call the tester's method. self.tester.extend_external_packet_generator(TestVhostUserOneCopyOneVm, self) # Build target with modified config file self.dut.send_expect( "sed -i -e 's/CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_VHOST_USER=.*$/CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE" "_VHOST_USER=y/' ./config/common_base", "# ", 30) self.dut.build_install_dpdk(self.target) # Get and verify the ports self.dut_ports = self.dut.get_ports() self.verify(len(self.dut_ports) >= 1, "Insufficient ports for testing") # Get the port's socket self.pf = self.dut_ports[0] netdev = self.dut.ports_info[self.pf]['port'] self.socket = netdev.get_nic_socket() self.cores = self.dut.get_core_list("1S/3C/1T", socket=self.socket) # Set the params of vhost sample self.vhost_app = "./examples/vhost/build/vhost-switch" self.zero_copy = 0 self.vm2vm = 0 self.jumbo = 0 # Using file to save the vhost sample output since in jumboframe case, # there will be lots of output self.vhost_test = self.vhost_app + \ " -c %s -n %d --socket-mem 1024,1024 -- -p 0x1 --mergeable %d" + \ " --zero-copy %d --vm2vm %d 2 > ./vhost.out &" # build the vhost sample in vhost-user mode. if self.nic in ['niantic']: self.dut.send_expect( "sed -i -e 's/#define MAX_QUEUES.*$/#define MAX_QUEUES 128/' " "./examples/vhost/main.c", "#", 10) else: self.dut.send_expect( "sed -i -e 's/#define MAX_QUEUES.*$/#define MAX_QUEUES 512/' " "./examples/vhost/main.c", "#", 10) out = self.dut.send_expect("make -C examples/vhost", "#") self.verify("Error" not in out, "compilation error") self.verify("No such file" not in out, "Not found file error") # Define the virtio/VM variables self.virtio1 = "eth1" self.virtio2 = "eth2" self.virtio1_mac = "52:54:00:00:00:01" self.virtio2_mac = "52:54:00:00:00:02" self.src1 = "" self.src2 = "" self.dst1 = "" self.dst2 = "" self.vm_dut = None self.header_row = ["FrameSize(B)", "Injection(Mpps)", "Throughput(Mpps)", "LineRate(%)"] self.memory_channel = 4 def set_up(self): # # Run before each test case. # # Launch vhost sample using default params if "jumbo" in self.running_case: self.jumbo = 1 self.frame_sizes = [64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 1280, 1518, 2048, 5000, 9000] self.vm_testpmd = "./x86_64-native-linuxapp-gcc/app/testpmd -c 0x3 -n 3" \ + " -- -i --txqflags=0xf00 " \ + "--disable-hw-vlan-filter --max-pkt-len 9600" else: self.jumbo = 0 self.frame_sizes = [64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 1280, 1518] self.vm_testpmd = "./x86_64-native-linuxapp-gcc/app/testpmd -c 0x3 -n 3" \ + " -- -i --txqflags=0xf00 --disable-hw-vlan-filter" self.dut.send_expect("rm -rf ./vhost.out", "#") self.launch_vhost_sample() # start VM with 2virtio self.start_onevm() def launch_vhost_sample(self): # # Launch the vhost sample with different parameters # self.coremask = dts.create_mask(self.cores) self.vhostapp_testcmd = self.vhost_test % ( self.coremask, self.memory_channel, self.jumbo, self.zero_copy, self.vm2vm) self.dut.send_expect(self.vhostapp_testcmd, "# ", 40) time.sleep(30) try: print "Launch vhost sample:" self.dut.session.copy_file_from("/root/dpdk/vhost.out") fp = open('./vhost.out', 'r') out = fp.read() fp.close() if "Error" in out: raise Exception("Launch vhost sample failed") else: print "Launch vhost sample finished" except Exception as e: print dts.RED("Failed to launch vhost sample: %s" % str(e)) def start_onevm(self): # # Start One VM with 2 virtio devices # self.vm = QEMUKvm(self.dut, 'vm0', 'vhost_sample') if "user" in self.running_case: vm_params = {} vm_params['driver'] = 'vhost-user' vm_params['opt_path'] = './vhost-net' vm_params['opt_mac'] = self.virtio1_mac self.vm.set_vm_device(**vm_params) vm_params['opt_mac'] = self.virtio2_mac self.vm.set_vm_device(**vm_params) try: self.vm_dut = self.vm.start() if self.vm_dut is None: raise Exception("Set up VM ENV failed") except Exception as e: print dts.RED("Failure for %s" % str(e)) return True def vm_testpmd_start(self): # # Start testpmd in vm # if self.vm_dut is not None: # Start testpmd with user self.vm_dut.send_expect(self.vm_testpmd, "testpmd>", 20) # Start tx_first self.vm_dut.send_expect("start tx_first", "testpmd>") def clear_vhost_env(self): # # Kill all vhost sample, shutdown VM # if self.vm_dut: self.vm_dut.kill_all() time.sleep(1) if self.vm: self.vm.stop() self.vm = None def set_legacy_disablefw(self): # # Disable firewall and iptables in legacy case # if self.vm_dut is not None: self.vm_dut.send_expect("systemctl stop firewalld.service", "#") self.vm_dut.send_expect("systemctl disable firewalld.service", "#") self.vm_dut.send_expect("systemctl stop ip6tables.service", "#") self.vm_dut.send_expect("systemctl disable ip6tables.service", "#") self.vm_dut.send_expect("systemctl stop iptables.service", "#") self.vm_dut.send_expect("systemctl disable iptables.service", "#") self.vm_dut.send_expect( "systemctl stop NetworkManager.service", "#") self.vm_dut.send_expect( "systemctl disable NetworkManager.service", "#") self.vm_dut.send_expect( "echo 1 >/proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward", "#") def set_onevm_legacy_fwd(self): if self.vm_dut is not None: ifcfg = self.vm_dut.send_expect("ifconfig -a", "#", 10) intfs = re.compile('eth\d').findall(ifcfg) # Find the virtio1 and virtio2's interface names for intf in intfs: out_mac = self.vm_dut.send_expect( "ifconfig %s" % intf, "#", 10) if self.virtio1_mac in out_mac: self.virtio1 = intf if self.virtio2_mac in out_mac: self.virtio2 = intf print "Virtio1's intf is %s" % self.virtio1 print "Virtio2's intf is %s" % self.virtio2 # Set the mtu 9000 if jumboframe is enabled. if self.jumbo == 1: self.vm_dut.send_expect( "ifconfig %s mtu 9000" % self.virtio1, "#") self.vm_dut.send_expect( "ifconfig %s mtu 9000" % self.virtio2, "#") # Set up the ip address/ipv4 fwd tables self.vm_dut.send_expect( "ip addr add dev %s" % self.virtio1, "#") self.vm_dut.send_expect( "ip addr add dev %s" % self.virtio2, "#") self.vm_dut.send_expect( "ip link set dev %s up" % self.virtio1, "#") self.vm_dut.send_expect( "ip link set dev %s up" % self.virtio2, "#") self.vm_dut.send_expect( "ip neigh add lladdr 52:00:00:00:00:01 dev %s" % self.virtio1, "#") self.vm_dut.send_expect( "ip neigh add lladdr 52:00:00:00:00:02 dev %s" % self.virtio2, "#") self.vm_dut.send_expect("ip route show", "#") print self.vm_dut.send_expect("arp -a", "#") def get_transmission_results(self, rx_port_list, tx_port_list, delay=5): time.sleep(delay) recvbpsRate = 0 recvRate = 0 txbpsRate = 0 txRate = 0 for port in tx_port_list: self.stat_get_rate_stat_all_stats(port) out = self.send_expect('stat cget -framesSent', '%', 10) txRate += int(out.strip()) self.logger.info("Port %s: TX %f Mpps" % (port, (txRate * 1.0 / 1000000))) out = self.send_expect('stat cget -bitsSent', '%', 10) txbpsRate += int(out.strip()) self.logger.info("Port %s: TX %f Mbps" % (port, (txbpsRate * 1.0 / 1000000))) for port in rx_port_list: self.stat_get_rate_stat_all_stats(port) out = self.send_expect('stat cget -framesReceived', '%', 10) recvRate += int(out.strip()) out = self.send_expect('stat cget -oversize', '%', 10) recvRate += int(out.strip()) self.logger.info("Port %s: RX %f Mpps" % (port, (recvRate * 1.0 / 1000000))) out = self.send_expect('stat cget -bitsReceived', '%', 10) recvbpsRate += int(out.strip()) self.logger.info("Port %s: RX %f Mbps" % (port, (recvbpsRate * 1.0 / 1000000))) self.hook_transmissoin_func() self.send_expect("ixStopTransmit portList", "%", 30) return (txRate,recvRate) def send_verify(self, case, frame_sizes, vlan_id1=0, vlan_id2=0): dts.results_table_add_header(self.header_row) for frame_size in frame_sizes: info = "Running test %s, and %d frame size." % (case, frame_size) self.logger.info(info) payload = frame_size - HEADER_SIZE['eth'] - HEADER_SIZE['ip'] flow1 = '[Ether(dst="%s")/Dot1Q(vlan=%s)/IP(src="%s",dst="%s")/("X"*%d)]' % ( self.virtio1_mac, vlan_id1, self.src1, self.dst1, payload) flow2 = '[Ether(dst="%s")/Dot1Q(vlan=%s)/IP(src="%s",dst="%s")/("X"*%d)]' % ( self.virtio2_mac, vlan_id2, self.src2, self.dst2, payload) self.tester.scapy_append('wrpcap("flow1.pcap", %s)' % flow1) self.tester.scapy_append('wrpcap("flow2.pcap", %s)' % flow2) self.tester.scapy_execute() tgenInput = [] port = self.tester.get_local_port(self.pf) tgenInput.append((port, port, "flow1.pcap")) tgenInput.append((port, port, "flow2.pcap")) recvpkt, sendpkt = self.tester.traffic_generator_throughput( tgenInput, delay=15) recvpkt /= 1000000.0 sendpkt /= 1000000.0 pct = sendpkt * 100 / recvpkt data_row = [frame_size, str(recvpkt), str(sendpkt), str(pct)] dts.results_table_add_row(data_row) dts.results_table_print() def test_perf_user_one_vm_legacy_fwd(self): # # Test the performance of one vm with 2virtio devices in legacy fwd # # Restore the virtio interfaces to use legacy driver self.vm_dut.restore_interfaces() self.set_legacy_disablefw() # Set the legacy fwd rules then get the VLAN id from vhost sample # output self.set_onevm_legacy_fwd() time.sleep(5) self.dut.get_session_output(timeout=2) self.dut.session.copy_file_from("/root/dpdk/vhost.out") fp = open('./vhost.out', 'r') out = fp.read() fp.close() # Get the VLAN ID for virtio print "Check the vlan info: " l1 = re.findall( 'MAC_ADDRESS.*?%s.*?and.*?VLAN_TAG.*?(\d+).*?registered' % (str(self.virtio1_mac)), out) if len(l1) > 0: vlan_id1 = l1[0] print "vlan_id1 is ", vlan_id1 l2 = re.findall( 'MAC_ADDRESS.*?%s.*?and.*?VLAN_TAG.*?(\d+).*?registered' % (str(self.virtio2_mac)), out) if len(l2) > 0: vlan_id2 = l2[0] print "vlan_id2 is ", vlan_id2 self.send_verify(self.running_case, self.frame_sizes, vlan_id1, vlan_id2) # Stop the Vhost sample self.dut.send_expect("killall -s INT vhost-switch", "#", 20) def test_perf_user_one_vm_dpdk_fwd(self): # # Test the performance of one vm with 2virtio devices in legacy fwd # # start testpmd on VM self.vm_testpmd_start() time.sleep(5) # Clean the output to ensure the commands cat ./vhost.out can be sent # and got answered correctly. self.dut.get_session_output(timeout=2) self.dut.session.copy_file_from("/root/dpdk/vhost.out") fp = open('./vhost.out', 'r') out = fp.read() fp.close() # Get the VLAN ID for virtio print "Check the vlan info: " l1 = re.findall( 'MAC_ADDRESS.*?%s.*?and.*?VLAN_TAG.*?(\d+).*?registered' % (str(self.virtio1_mac)), out) if len(l1) > 0: vlan_id1 = l1[0] print vlan_id1 l2 = re.findall( 'MAC_ADDRESS.*?%s.*?and.*?VLAN_TAG.*?(\d+).*?registered' % (str(self.virtio2_mac)), out) if len(l2) > 0: vlan_id2 = l2[0] print vlan_id2 self.send_verify(self.running_case, self.frame_sizes, vlan_id1, vlan_id2) # Stop testpmd self.vm_dut.send_expect("stop", "testpmd>") time.sleep(1) self.vm_dut.send_expect("quit", "# ") # Stop the Vhost sample self.dut.send_expect("killall -s INT vhost-switch", "#") def test_perf_user_one_vm_legacy_fwd_jumboframe(self): self.test_perf_user_one_vm_legacy_fwd() def test_perf_user_one_vm_dpdk_fwd_jumboframe(self): self.test_perf_user_one_vm_dpdk_fwd() def tear_down(self): # # Run after each test case. # self.clear_vhost_env() self.dut.kill_all() time.sleep(2) def tear_down_all(self): """ Run after each test suite. """ pass