# BSD LICENSE # # Copyright(c) 2010-2015 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in # the documentation and/or other materials provided with the # distribution. # * Neither the name of Intel Corporation nor the names of its # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived # from this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT # OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, # SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, # DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY # THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE # OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. import time import re import os from virt_base import VirtBase from virt_base import ST_NOTSTART, ST_PAUSE, ST_RUNNING, ST_UNKNOWN from exception import StartVMFailedException from settings import get_host_ip # This name is derictly defined in the qemu guest serivce # So you can not change it except it is changed by the service QGA_DEV_NAME = 'org.qemu.guest_agent.0' # This path defines an socket path on the host connected with # a specified VM QGA_SOCK_PATH_TEMPLATE = '/tmp/%(vm_name)s_qga0.sock' class QEMUKvm(VirtBase): DEFAULT_BRIDGE = 'br0' QEMU_IFUP = "#!/bin/sh\n\n" + \ "set -x\n\n" + \ "switch=%(switch)s\n\n" + \ "if [ -n '$1' ];then\n" + \ " tunctl -t $1\n" + \ " ip link set $1 up\n" + \ " sleep 0.5s\n" + \ " brctl addif $switch $1\n" + \ " exit 0\n" + \ "else\n" + \ " echo 'Error: no interface specified'\n" + \ " exit 1\n" + \ "fi" QEMU_IFUP_PATH = '/etc/qemu-ifup' def __init__(self, dut, vm_name, suite_name): super(QEMUKvm, self).__init__(dut, vm_name, suite_name) # initialize qemu emulator, example: qemu-system-x86_64 self.qemu_emulator = self.get_qemu_emulator() # initialize qemu boot command line # example: qemu-system-x86_64 -name vm1 -m 2048 -vnc :1 -daemonize self.qemu_boot_line = '' # initialize some resource used by guest. self.init_vm_request_resource() QGA_CLI_PATH = '-r dep/QMP/' self.host_session.copy_file_to(QGA_CLI_PATH) # charater and network device default index self.char_idx = 0 self.netdev_idx = 0 self.pt_idx = 0 self.cuse_id = 0 # devices pass-through into vm self.pt_devices = [] self.pci_maps = [] # default login user,password self.username = dut.crb['user'] self.password = dut.crb['pass'] # internal variable to track whether default nic has been added self.__default_nic = False # set some default values for vm, # if there is not the values of the specified options self.set_vm_default() def set_vm_default(self): self.set_vm_name(self.vm_name) self.set_vm_enable_kvm() self.set_vm_qga() self.set_vm_daemon() self.set_vm_monitor() if not self.__default_nic: # add default control interface def_nic = {'type': 'nic', 'opt_vlan': '0', 'opt_addr': '1f'} self.set_vm_net(**def_nic) def_net = {'type': 'user', 'opt_vlan': '0'} self.set_vm_net(**def_net) self.__default_nic = True def init_vm_request_resource(self): """ initialize some resource used by VM. examples: CPU, PCIs, so on. CPU: initialize vcpus what will be pinned to the VM. If specify this param, the specified vcpus will be pinned to VM by the command 'taskset' when starting the VM. example: vcpus_pinned_to_vm = '1 2 3 4' taskset -c 1,2,3,4 qemu-boot-command-line """ self.vcpus_pinned_to_vm = '' # initialize assigned PCI self.assigned_pcis = [] def get_virt_type(self): """ Get the virtual type. """ return 'KVM' def get_qemu_emulator(self): """ Get the qemu emulator based on the crb. """ arch = self.host_session.send_expect('uname -m', '# ') return 'qemu-system-' + arch def set_qemu_emulator(self, qemu_emulator_path): """ Set the qemu emulator in the specified path explicitly. """ out = self.host_session.send_expect( 'ls %s' % qemu_emulator_path, '# ') if 'No such file or directory' in out: self.host_logger.error("No emulator [ %s ] on the DUT [ %s ]" % (qemu_emulator_path, self.host_dut.get_ip_address())) return None out = self.host_session.send_expect("[ -x %s ];echo $?" % qemu_emulator_path, '# ') if out != '0': self.host_logger.error("Emulator [ %s ] not executable on the DUT [ %s ]" % (qemu_emulator_path, self.host_dut.get_ip_address())) return None self.qemu_emulator = qemu_emulator_path def add_vm_qemu(self, **options): """ path: absolute path for qemu emulator """ if 'path' in options.keys(): self.set_qemu_emulator(options['path']) def has_virtual_ability(self): """ Check if host has the virtual ability. """ out = self.host_session.send_expect('cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep flags', '# ') rgx = re.search(' vmx ', out) if rgx: pass else: self.host_logger.warning("Hardware virtualization disabled on host!!!") return False out = self.host_session.send_expect('lsmod | grep kvm', '# ') if 'kvm' in out and 'kvm_intel' in out: return True else: self.host_logger.warning("kvm or kvm_intel not insmod!!!") return False def enable_virtual_ability(self): """ Load the virutal module of kernel to enable the virutal ability. """ self.host_session.send_expect('modprobe kvm', '# ') self.host_session.send_expect('modprobe kvm_intel', '# ') return True def disk_image_is_ok(self, image): """ Check if the image is OK and no error. """ pass def image_is_used(self, image_path): """ Check if the image has been used on the host. """ qemu_cmd_lines = self.host_session.send_expect( "ps aux | grep qemu | grep -v grep", "# ") image_name_flag = '/' + image_path.strip().split('/')[-1] + ' ' if image_path in qemu_cmd_lines or \ image_name_flag in qemu_cmd_lines: return True return False def __add_boot_line(self, option_boot_line): """ Add boot option into the boot line. """ separator = ' ' self.qemu_boot_line += separator + option_boot_line def set_vm_enable_kvm(self, enable='yes'): """ Set VM boot option to enable the option 'enable-kvm'. """ index = self.find_option_index('enable_kvm') if index: self.params[index] = {'enable_kvm': [{'enable': '%s' % enable}]} else: self.params.append({'enable_kvm': [{'enable': '%s' % enable}]}) def add_vm_enable_kvm(self, **options): """ 'enable': 'yes' """ if 'enable' in options.keys() and \ options['enable'] == 'yes': enable_kvm_boot_line = '-enable-kvm' self.__add_boot_line(enable_kvm_boot_line) def set_vm_name(self, vm_name): """ Set VM name. """ index = self.find_option_index('name') if index: self.params[index] = {'name': [{'name': '%s' % vm_name}]} else: self.params.append({'name': [{'name': '%s' % vm_name}]}) def add_vm_name(self, **options): """ name: vm1 """ if 'name' in options.keys() and \ options['name']: name_boot_line = '-name %s' % options['name'] self.__add_boot_line(name_boot_line) def add_vm_cpu(self, **options): """ model: [host | core2duo | ...] usage: choose model value from the command qemu-system-x86_64 -cpu help number: '4' #number of vcpus cpupin: '3 4 5 6' # host cpu list """ if 'model' in options.keys() and \ options['model']: cpu_boot_line = '-cpu %s' % options['model'] self.__add_boot_line(cpu_boot_line) if 'number' in options.keys() and \ options['number']: smp_cmd_line = '-smp %d' % int(options['number']) self.__add_boot_line(smp_cmd_line) if 'cpupin' in options.keys() and \ options['cpupin']: self.vcpus_pinned_to_vm = str(options['cpupin']) def add_vm_mem(self, **options): """ size: 1024 """ if 'size' in options.keys(): mem_boot_line = '-m %s' % options['size'] self.__add_boot_line(mem_boot_line) if 'hugepage' in options.keys(): if options['hugepage'] == 'yes': mem_boot_huge = '-object memory-backend-file,' \ + 'id=mem,size=%sM,mem-path=%s,share=on' \ % (options['size'], self.host_dut.hugepage_path) self.__add_boot_line(mem_boot_huge) mem_boot_huge_opt = "-numa node,memdev=mem -mem-prealloc" self.__add_boot_line(mem_boot_huge_opt) def add_vm_disk(self, **options): """ file: /home/image/test.img """ if 'file' in options.keys(): disk_boot_line = '-drive file=%s' % options['file'] self.__add_boot_line(disk_boot_line) def add_vm_login(self, **options): """ user: login username of virtual machine password: login password of virtual machine """ if 'user' in options.keys(): user = options['user'] self.username = user if 'password' in options.keys(): password = options['password'] self.password = password def get_vm_login(self): return (self.username, self.password) def set_vm_net(self, **options): index = self.find_option_index('net') if index: self.params[index]['net'].append(options) else: self.params.append({'net': [options]}) def add_vm_net(self, **options): """ Add VM net device. type: [nic | user | tap | bridge | ...] opt_[vlan | fd | br | mac | ...] note:the sub-option will be decided according to the net type. """ if 'type' in options.keys(): if 'opt_vlan' not in options.keys(): options['opt_vlan'] = '0' if options['type'] == 'nic': self.__add_vm_net_nic(**options) if options['type'] == 'user': self.__add_vm_net_user(**options) if options['type'] == 'tap': self.__add_vm_net_tap(**options) if options['type'] == 'user': self.net_type = 'hostfwd' elif options['type'] in ['tap', 'bridge']: self.net_type = 'bridge' def __add_vm_net_nic(self, **options): """ type: nic opt_vlan: 0 note: Default is 0. opt_macaddr: 00:00:00:00:01:01 note: if creating a nic, it`s better to specify a MAC, else it will get a random number. opt_model:["e1000" | "virtio" | "i82551" | ...] note: Default is e1000. opt_name: 'nic1' opt_addr: '' note: PCI cards only. opt_vectors: note: This option currently only affects virtio cards. """ net_boot_line = '-net nic' separator = ',' if 'opt_vlan' in options.keys() and \ options['opt_vlan']: net_boot_line += separator + 'vlan=%s' % options['opt_vlan'] # add MAC info if 'opt_macaddr' in options.keys() and \ options['opt_macaddr']: mac = options['opt_macaddr'] else: mac = self.generate_unique_mac() net_boot_line += separator + 'macaddr=%s' % mac if 'opt_model' in options.keys() and \ options['opt_model']: net_boot_line += separator + 'model=%s' % options['opt_model'] if 'opt_name' in options.keys() and \ options['opt_name']: net_boot_line += separator + 'name=%s' % options['opt_name'] if 'opt_addr' in options.keys() and \ options['opt_addr']: net_boot_line += separator + 'addr=%s' % options['opt_addr'] if 'opt_vectors' in options.keys() and \ options['opt_vectors']: net_boot_line += separator + 'vectors=%s' % options['opt_vectors'] if self.__string_has_multi_fields(net_boot_line, separator): self.__add_boot_line(net_boot_line) def __add_vm_net_user(self, **options): """ type: user opt_vlan: 0 note: default is 0. opt_hostfwd: [tcp|udp]:[hostaddr]:hostport-[guestaddr]:guestport """ net_boot_line = '-net user' separator = ',' if 'opt_vlan' in options.keys() and \ options['opt_vlan']: net_boot_line += separator + 'vlan=%s' % options['opt_vlan'] if 'opt_hostfwd' in options.keys() and \ options['opt_hostfwd']: self.__check_net_user_opt_hostfwd(options['opt_hostfwd']) opt_hostfwd = options['opt_hostfwd'] else: opt_hostfwd = '::-:' hostfwd_line = self.__parse_net_user_opt_hostfwd(opt_hostfwd) net_boot_line += separator + 'hostfwd=%s' % hostfwd_line if self.__string_has_multi_fields(net_boot_line, separator): self.__add_boot_line(net_boot_line) def __check_net_user_opt_hostfwd(self, opt_hostfwd): """ Use regular expression to check if hostfwd value format is correct. """ regx_ip = '\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}' regx_hostfwd = r'["tcp" | "udp"]?:%s?:\d+-%s?:\d+' % (regx_ip, regx_ip) if not re.match(regx_hostfwd, opt_hostfwd): raise Exception("Option opt_hostfwd format is not correct,\n" + "it is %s,\n " % opt_hostfwd + "it should be [tcp|udp]:[hostaddr]:hostport-" + "[guestaddr]:guestport.\n") def __parse_net_user_opt_hostfwd(self, opt_hostfwd): """ Parse the boot option 'hostfwd'. """ separator = ':' field = lambda option, index, separator=':': \ option.split(separator)[index] # get the forword type fwd_type = field(opt_hostfwd, 0) if not fwd_type: fwd_type = 'tcp' # get the host addr host_addr = field(opt_hostfwd, 1) if not host_addr: addr = str(self.host_dut.get_ip_address()) host_addr = get_host_ip(addr) # get the host port in the option host_port = field(opt_hostfwd, 2).split('-')[0] if not host_port: host_port = str(self.virt_pool.alloc_port(self.vm_name)) self.redir_port = host_port # get the guest addr try: guest_addr = str(field(opt_hostfwd, 2).split('-')[1]) except IndexError as e: guest_addr = '' # get the guest port in the option guest_port = str(field(opt_hostfwd, 3)) if not guest_port: guest_port = '22' hostfwd_line = fwd_type + separator + \ host_addr + separator + \ host_port + \ '-' + \ guest_addr + separator + \ guest_port # init the redirect incoming TCP or UDP connections # just combine host address and host port, it is enough # for using ssh to connect with VM self.hostfwd_addr = host_addr + separator + host_port return hostfwd_line def __add_vm_net_tap(self, **options): """ type: tap opt_vlan: 0 note: default is 0. opt_br: br0 note: if choosing tap, need to specify bridge name, else it will be br0. opt_script: QEMU_IFUP_PATH note: if not specified, default is self.QEMU_IFUP_PATH. opt_downscript: QEMU_IFDOWN_PATH note: if not specified, default is self.QEMU_IFDOWN_PATH. """ net_boot_line = '-net tap' separator = ',' # add bridge info if 'opt_br' in options.keys() and \ options['opt_br']: bridge = options['opt_br'] else: bridge = self.DEFAULT_BRIDGE self.__generate_net_config_script(str(bridge)) if 'opt_vlan' in options.keys() and \ options['opt_vlan']: net_boot_line += separator + 'vlan=%s' % options['opt_vlan'] # add network configure script path if 'opt_script' in options.keys() and \ options['opt_script']: script_path = options['opt_script'] else: script_path = self.QEMU_IFUP_PATH net_boot_line += separator + 'script=%s' % script_path # add network configure downscript path if 'opt_downscript' in options.keys() and \ options['opt_downscript']: net_boot_line += separator + \ 'downscript=%s' % options['opt_downscript'] if self.__string_has_multi_fields(net_boot_line, separator): self.__add_boot_line(net_boot_line) def __generate_net_config_script(self, switch=DEFAULT_BRIDGE): """ Generate a script for qemu emulator to build a tap device between host and guest. """ qemu_ifup = self.QEMU_IFUP % {'switch': switch} file_name = os.path.basename(self.QEMU_IFUP_PATH) tmp_file_path = '/tmp/%s' % file_name self.host_dut.create_file(qemu_ifup, tmp_file_path) self.host_session.send_expect('mv -f ~/%s %s' % (file_name, self.QEMU_IFUP_PATH), '# ') self.host_session.send_expect( 'chmod +x %s' % self.QEMU_IFUP_PATH, '# ') def set_vm_device(self, driver='pci-assign', **opts): """ Set VM device with specified driver. """ opts['driver'] = driver index = self.find_option_index('device') if index: self.params[index]['device'].append(opts) else: self.params.append({'device': [opts]}) def add_vm_device(self, **options): """ driver: [pci-assign | virtio-net-pci | ...] opt_[host | addr | ...]: value note:the sub-opterty will be decided according to the driver. """ if 'driver' in options.keys() and \ options['driver']: if options['driver'] == 'pci-assign': self.__add_vm_pci_assign(**options) elif options['driver'] == 'virtio-net-pci': self.__add_vm_virtio_net_pci(**options) elif options['driver'] == 'vhost-user': self.__add_vm_virtio_user_pci(**options) elif options['driver'] == 'vhost-cuse': self.__add_vm_virtio_cuse_pci(**options) def __add_vm_pci_assign(self, **options): """ driver: pci-assign opt_host: 08:00.0 opt_addr: 00:00:00:00:01:02 """ dev_boot_line = '-device pci-assign' separator = ',' if 'opt_host' in options.keys() and \ options['opt_host']: dev_boot_line += separator + 'host=%s' % options['opt_host'] dev_boot_line += separator + 'id=pt_%d' % self.pt_idx self.pt_idx += 1 self.pt_devices.append(options['opt_host']) if 'opt_addr' in options.keys() and \ options['opt_addr']: dev_boot_line += separator + 'addr=%s' % options['opt_addr'] self.assigned_pcis.append(options['opt_addr']) if self.__string_has_multi_fields(dev_boot_line, separator): self.__add_boot_line(dev_boot_line) def __add_vm_virtio_user_pci(self, **options): """ driver virtio-net-pci opt_path: /tmp/vhost-net opt_mac: 00:00:20:00:00:00 """ separator = ',' # chardev parameter if 'opt_path' in options.keys() and options['opt_path']: dev_boot_line = '-chardev socket' char_id = 'char%d' % self.char_idx if 'opt_server' in options.keys() and options['opt_server']: dev_boot_line += separator + 'id=%s' % char_id + separator + 'path=%s' %options['opt_path'] + separator + '%s' % options['opt_server'] self.char_idx += 1 self.__add_boot_line(dev_boot_line) else: dev_boot_line += separator + 'id=%s' % char_id + separator + 'path=%s' %options['opt_path'] self.char_idx += 1 self.__add_boot_line(dev_boot_line) # netdev parameter netdev_id = 'netdev%d' % self.netdev_idx self.netdev_idx += 1 if 'opt_queue' in options.keys() and options['opt_queue']: queue_num=options['opt_queue'] dev_boot_line = '-netdev type=vhost-user,id=%s,chardev=%s,vhostforce,queues=%s' % (netdev_id, char_id,queue_num) else: dev_boot_line = '-netdev type=vhost-user,id=%s,chardev=%s,vhostforce' % (netdev_id, char_id) self.__add_boot_line(dev_boot_line) # device parameter opts = {'opt_netdev': '%s' % netdev_id} if 'opt_mac' in options.keys() and \ options['opt_mac']: opts['opt_mac'] = options['opt_mac'] if 'opt_settings' in options.keys() and options['opt_settings']: opts['opt_settings'] = options['opt_settings'] self.__add_vm_virtio_net_pci(**opts) def __add_vm_virtio_cuse_pci(self, **options): """ driver virtio-net-pci opt_mac: 52:54:00:00:00:01 """ separator = ',' dev_boot_line = '-netdev tap' if 'opt_tap' in options.keys(): cuse_id = options['opt_tap'] else: cuse_id = 'vhost%d' % self.cuse_id self.cuse_id += 1 dev_boot_line += separator + 'id=%s' % cuse_id + separator + 'ifname=tap_%s' % cuse_id + separator + "vhost=on" + separator + "script=no" self.__add_boot_line(dev_boot_line) # device parameter opts = {'opt_netdev': '%s' % cuse_id, 'opt_id': '%s_net' % cuse_id} if 'opt_mac' in options.keys() and options['opt_mac']: opts['opt_mac'] = options['opt_mac'] if 'opt_settings' in options.keys() and options['opt_settings']: opts['opt_settings'] = options['opt_settings'] self.__add_vm_virtio_net_pci(**opts) def __add_vm_virtio_net_pci(self, **options): """ driver: virtio-net-pci opt_netdev: mynet1 opt_id: net1 opt_mac: 00:00:00:00:01:03 opt_bus: pci.0 opt_addr: 0x3 opt_settings: csum=off,gso=off,guest_csum=off """ dev_boot_line = '-device virtio-net-pci' separator = ',' if 'opt_netdev' in options.keys() and \ options['opt_netdev']: dev_boot_line += separator + 'netdev=%s' % options['opt_netdev'] if 'opt_id' in options.keys() and \ options['opt_id']: dev_boot_line += separator + 'id=%s' % options['opt_id'] if 'opt_mac' in options.keys() and \ options['opt_mac']: dev_boot_line += separator + 'mac=%s' % options['opt_mac'] if 'opt_bus' in options.keys() and \ options['opt_bus']: dev_boot_line += separator + 'bus=%s' % options['opt_bus'] if 'opt_addr' in options.keys() and \ options['opt_addr']: dev_boot_line += separator + 'addr=%s' % options['opt_addr'] if 'opt_settings' in options.keys() and \ options['opt_settings']: dev_boot_line += separator + '%s' % options['opt_settings'] if self.__string_has_multi_fields(dev_boot_line, separator): self.__add_boot_line(dev_boot_line) def __string_has_multi_fields(self, string, separator, field_num=2): """ Check if string has multiple fields which is splited with specified separator. """ fields = string.split(separator) number = 0 for field in fields: if field: number += 1 if number >= field_num: return True else: return False def set_vm_monitor(self): """ Set VM boot option to enable qemu monitor. """ index = self.find_option_index('monitor') if index: self.params[index] = {'monitor': [{'path': '/tmp/%s_monitor.sock' % (self.vm_name)}]} else: self.params.append({'monitor': [{'path': '/tmp/%s_monitor.sock' % (self.vm_name)}]}) def add_vm_monitor(self, **options): """ path: if adding monitor to vm, need to specify unix socket patch """ if 'path' in options.keys(): monitor_boot_line = '-monitor unix:%s,server,nowait' % options['path'] self.__add_boot_line(monitor_boot_line) self.monitor_sock_path = options['path'] else: self.monitor_sock_path = None def set_vm_qga(self, enable='yes'): """ Set VM qemu-guest-agent. """ index = self.find_option_index('qga') if index: self.params[index] = {'qga': [{'enable': '%s' % enable}]} else: self.params.append({'qga': [{'enable': '%s' % enable}]}) QGA_SOCK_PATH = QGA_SOCK_PATH_TEMPLATE % {'vm_name': self.vm_name} self.qga_sock_path = QGA_SOCK_PATH def add_vm_qga(self, **options): """ enable: 'yes' Make sure qemu-guest-agent servie up in vm """ QGA_DEV_ID = '%(vm_name)s_qga0' % {'vm_name': self.vm_name} QGA_SOCK_PATH = QGA_SOCK_PATH_TEMPLATE % {'vm_name': self.vm_name} separator = ' ' if 'enable' in options.keys(): if options['enable'] == 'yes': qga_boot_block = '-chardev socket,path=%(SOCK_PATH)s,server,nowait,id=%(ID)s' + \ separator + '-device virtio-serial' + separator + \ '-device virtserialport,chardev=%(ID)s,name=%(DEV_NAME)s' qga_boot_line = qga_boot_block % {'SOCK_PATH': QGA_SOCK_PATH, 'DEV_NAME': QGA_DEV_NAME, 'ID': QGA_DEV_ID} self.__add_boot_line(qga_boot_line) self.qga_sock_path = QGA_SOCK_PATH else: self.qga_sock_path = '' def add_vm_migration(self, **options): """ enable: yes port: tcp port for live migration """ migrate_cmd = "-incoming tcp::%(migrate_port)s" if 'enable' in options.keys(): if options['enable'] == 'yes': if 'port' in options.keys(): self.migrate_port = options['port'] else: self.migrate_port = str(self.virt_pool.alloc_port(self.vm_name)) migrate_boot_line = migrate_cmd % {'migrate_port': self.migrate_port} self.__add_boot_line(migrate_boot_line) def add_vm_serial_port(self, **options): """ enable: 'yes' """ if 'enable' in options.keys(): if options['enable'] == 'yes': self.serial_path = "/tmp/%s_serial.sock" % self.vm_name serial_boot_line = '-serial unix:%s,server,nowait' % self.serial_path self.__add_boot_line(serial_boot_line) else: pass def connect_serial_port(self, name="", first=True): """ Connect to serial port and return connected session for usage if connected failed will return None """ if getattr(self, 'serial_path', None): self.serial_session = self.host_dut.new_session(suite=name) self.serial_session.send_command("nc -U %s" % self.serial_path) if first: # login into Fedora os, not sure can work on all distributions self.serial_session.send_expect("", "login:") self.serial_session.send_expect("%s" % self.username, "Password:") self.serial_session.send_expect("%s" % self.password, "# ") return self.serial_session return None def close_serial_port(self): """ Close serial session if it existed """ if getattr(self, 'serial_session', None): # exit from nc first self.serial_session.send_expect("^C", "# ") self.host_dut.close_session(self.serial_session) def add_vm_vnc(self, **options): """ displayNum: 1 """ if 'displayNum' in options.keys() and \ options['displayNum']: display_num = options['displayNum'] else: display_num = self.virt_pool.alloc_vnc_num(self.vm_name) vnc_boot_line = '-vnc :%d' % int(display_num) self.__add_boot_line(vnc_boot_line) def set_vm_daemon(self, enable='yes'): """ Set VM daemon option. """ index = self.find_option_index('daemon') if index: self.params[index] = {'daemon': [{'enable': '%s' % enable}]} else: self.params.append({'daemon': [{'enable': '%s' % enable}]}) def add_vm_daemon(self, **options): """ enable: 'yes' note: By default VM will start with the daemonize status. Not support starting it on the stdin now. """ if 'daemon' in options.keys() and \ options['enable'] == 'no': pass else: daemon_boot_line = '-daemonize' self.__add_boot_line(daemon_boot_line) def add_vm_usercmd(self, **options): """ usercmd: user self defined command line. This command will be add into qemu boot command. """ if 'cmd' in options.keys(): cmd = options['cmd'] self.__add_boot_line(cmd) def _start_vm(self): """ Start VM. """ self.__alloc_assigned_pcis() qemu_boot_line = self.generate_qemu_boot_line() # Start VM using the qemu command ret = self.host_session.send_expect(qemu_boot_line, '# ', verify=True) if type(ret) is int and ret != 0: raise StartVMFailedException('Start VM failed!!!') self.__get_pci_mapping() # query status self.update_status() # when vm is waiting for migration, can't ping if self.vm_status is not ST_PAUSE: # if VM waiting for migration, can't return ping out = self.__control_session('ping', '120') if "Not responded" in out: raise StartVMFailedException('Not response in 120 seconds!!!') self.__wait_vmnet_ready() def start_migration(self, remote_ip, remote_port): """ Send migration command to host and check whether start migration """ # send migration command migration_port = 'tcp:%(IP)s:%(PORT)s' % {'IP': remote_ip, 'PORT': remote_port} self.__monitor_session('migrate', '-d', migration_port) time.sleep(2) out = self.__monitor_session('info', 'migrate') if "Migration status: active" in out: return True else: return False def wait_migration_done(self): """ Wait for migration done. If not finished after three minutes will raise exception. """ # wait for migration done count = 30 while count: out = self.__monitor_session('info', 'migrate') if "completed" in out: self.host_logger.info("%s" % out) # after migration done, status is pause self.vm_status = ST_PAUSE return True time.sleep(6) count -= 1 raise StartVMFailedException('Virtual machine can not finished in 180 seconds!!!') def generate_qemu_boot_line(self): """ Generate the whole QEMU boot line. """ qemu_emulator = self.qemu_emulator if self.vcpus_pinned_to_vm.strip(): vcpus = self.__alloc_vcpus() if vcpus.strip(): qemu_boot_line = 'taskset -c %s ' % vcpus + \ qemu_emulator + ' ' + \ self.qemu_boot_line else: qemu_boot_line = qemu_emulator + ' ' + \ self.qemu_boot_line return qemu_boot_line def __wait_vmnet_ready(self): """ wait for 120 seconds for vm net ready 10.0.2.* is the default ip address allocated by qemu """ count = 40 while count: out = self.__control_session('ifconfig') if "10.0.2" in out: return True time.sleep(6) count -= 1 raise StartVMFailedException('Virtual machine control net not ready in 120 seconds!!!') def __alloc_vcpus(self): """ Allocate virtual CPUs for VM. """ req_cpus = self.vcpus_pinned_to_vm.split() cpus = self.virt_pool.alloc_cpu(vm=self.vm_name, corelist=req_cpus) if len(req_cpus) != len(cpus): self.host_logger.warning("VCPUs not enough, required [ %s ], just [ %s ]" % (req_cpus, cpus)) raise Exception("No enough required vcpus!!!") vcpus_pinned_to_vm = '' for cpu in cpus: vcpus_pinned_to_vm += ',' + cpu vcpus_pinned_to_vm = vcpus_pinned_to_vm.lstrip(',') return vcpus_pinned_to_vm def __alloc_assigned_pcis(self): """ Record the PCI device info Struct: {dev pci: {'is_vf': [True | False], 'pf_pci': pci}} example: {'08:10.0':{'is_vf':True, 'pf_pci': 08:00.0}} """ assigned_pcis_info = {} for pci in self.assigned_pcis: assigned_pcis_info[pci] = {} if self.__is_vf_pci(pci): assigned_pcis_info[pci]['is_vf'] = True pf_pci = self.__map_vf_to_pf(pci) assgined_pcis_info[pci]['pf_pci'] = pf_pci if self.virt_pool.alloc_vf_from_pf(vm=self.vm_name, pf_pci=pf_pci, *[pci]): port = self.__get_vf_port(pci) port.unbind_driver() port.bind_driver('pci-stub') else: # check that if any VF of specified PF has been # used, raise exception vf_pci = self.__vf_has_been_assinged(pci, **assinged_pcis_info) if vf_pci: raise Exception( "Error: A VF [%s] generated by PF [%s] has " % (vf_pci, pci) + "been assigned to VM, so this PF can not be " + "assigned to VM again!") # get the port instance of PF port = self.__get_net_device_by_pci(pci) if self.virt_pool.alloc_pf(vm=self.vm_name, *[pci]): port.unbind_driver() def __is_vf_pci(self, dev_pci): """ Check if the specified PCI dev is a VF. """ for port_info in self.host_dut.ports_info: if 'sriov_vfs_pci' in port_info.keys(): if dev_pci in port_info['sriov_vfs_pci']: return True return False def __map_vf_to_pf(self, dev_pci): """ Map the specified VF to PF. """ for port_info in self.host_dut.ports_info: if 'sriov_vfs_pci' in port_info.keys(): if dev_pci in port_info['sriov_vfs_pci']: return port_info['pci'] return None def __get_vf_port(self, dev_pci): """ Get the NetDevice instance of specified VF. """ for port_info in self.host_dut.ports_info: if 'vfs_port' in port_info.keys(): for port in port_info['vfs_port']: if dev_pci == port.pci: return port return None def __vf_has_been_assigned(self, pf_pci, **assigned_pcis_info): """ Check if the specified VF has been used. """ for pci in assigned_pcis_info.keys(): if assigned_pcis_info[pci]['is_vf'] and \ assigned_pcis_info[pci]['pf_pci'] == pf_pci: return pci return False def __get_net_device_by_pci(self, net_device_pci): """ Get NetDevice instance by the specified PCI bus number. """ port_info = self.host_dut.get_port_info(net_device_pci) return port_info['port'] def get_vm_ip(self): """ Get VM IP. """ get_vm_ip = getattr(self, "get_vm_ip_%s" % self.net_type) return get_vm_ip() def get_vm_ip_hostfwd(self): """ Get IP which VM is connected by hostfwd. """ return self.hostfwd_addr def get_vm_ip_bridge(self): """ Get IP which VM is connected by bridge. """ out = self.__control_session('ping', '60') if not out: time.sleep(10) out = self.__control_session('ifconfig') ips = re.findall(r'inet (\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)', out) if '' in ips: ips.remove('') num = 3 for ip in ips: out = self.host_session.send_expect( 'ping -c %d %s' % (num, ip), '# ') if '0% packet loss' in out: return ip return '' def __get_pci_mapping(self): devices = self.__strip_guest_pci() for hostpci in self.pt_devices: index = self.pt_devices.index(hostpci) pt_id = 'pt_%d' % index pci_map = {} for device in devices: if device['id'] == pt_id: pci_map['hostpci'] = hostpci pci_map['guestpci'] = device['pci'] self.pci_maps.append(pci_map) def get_pci_mappings(self): """ Return guest and host pci devices mapping structure """ return self.pci_maps def __monitor_session(self, command, *args): """ Connect the qemu montior session, send command and return output message. """ if not self.monitor_sock_path: self.host_logger.info( "No monitor between on host [ %s ] for guest [ %s ]" % (self.host_dut.NAME, self.vm_name)) return None self.host_session.send_expect('nc -U %s' % self.monitor_sock_path, '(qemu)') cmd = command for arg in args: cmd += ' ' + str(arg) # after quit command, qemu will exit if 'quit' in cmd: self.host_session.send_command('%s' % cmd) out = self.host_session.send_expect(' ', '#') else: out = self.host_session.send_expect('%s' % cmd, '(qemu)', 30) self.host_session.send_expect('^C', "# ") return out def update_status(self): """ Query and update VM status """ out = self.__monitor_session('info', 'status') self.host_logger.info("Virtual machine status: %s" % out) if 'paused' in out: self.vm_status = ST_PAUSE elif 'running' in out: self.vm_status = ST_RUNNING else: self.vm_status = ST_UNKNOWN def __strip_guest_pci(self): """ Strip all pci-passthrough device information, based on qemu monitor """ pci_reg = r'^.*Bus(\s+)(\d+), device(\s+)(\d+), function (\d+)' id_reg = r'^.*id \"(.*)\"' pcis = [] out = self.__monitor_session('info', 'pci') if out is None: return pcis lines = out.split("\r\n") for line in lines: m = re.match(pci_reg, line) n = re.match(id_reg, line) if m: pci = "%02d:%02d.%d" % (int(m.group(2)), int(m.group(4)), int(m.group(5))) if n: dev_id = n.group(1) if dev_id != '': pt_dev = {} pt_dev['pci'] = pci pt_dev['id'] = dev_id pcis.append(pt_dev) return pcis def __control_session(self, command, *args): """ Use the qemu guest agent service to control VM. Note: :command: there are these commands as below: cat, fsfreeze, fstrim, halt, ifconfig, info,\ ping, powerdown, reboot, shutdown, suspend :args: give different args by the different commands. """ if not self.qga_sock_path: self.host_logger.info( "No QGA service between host [ %s ] and guest [ %s ]" % (self.host_dut.NAME, self.vm_name)) return None cmd_head = '~/QMP/' + \ "qemu-ga-client " + \ "--address=%s %s" % \ (self.qga_sock_path, command) cmd = cmd_head for arg in args: cmd = cmd_head + ' ' + str(arg) if command is "ping": out = self.host_session.send_expect(cmd, '# ', int(args[0])) else: out = self.host_session.send_expect(cmd, '# ') return out def _stop_vm(self): """ Stop VM. """ if self.vm_status is ST_RUNNING: self.__control_session('powerdown') else: self.__monitor_session('quit') time.sleep(5)