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""" Excel spreadsheet generator Example: excel_report = ExcelReporter('../output/test_results.xls') result = Result() result.dut = dutIP result.target = target result.nic = nic result.test_suite = test_suite result.test_case = test_case.__name__ result.test_case_passed() excel_report.save(result) Result: execl will be formatted as DUT Target NIC Test suite Test case Results x86_64-native-linuxapp-gcc niantic SUITE CASE PASSED """ import xlwt from xlwt.ExcelFormula import Formula class ExcelReporter(object): """ Make use of a Result object generates an Excel Spreadsheet with those results. It supports saving the same file with incremental results. """ def __init__(self, filename): self.filename = filename self.xsl_file = None self.result = None self.__styles() def __init(self): self.workbook = xlwt.Workbook() self.sheet = self.workbook.add_sheet( "Test Results", cell_overwrite_ok=True) def __add_header(self): self.sheet.write(0, 0, 'DUT', self.header_style) self.sheet.write(0, 1, 'Target', self.header_style) self.sheet.write(0, 2, 'NIC', self.header_style) self.sheet.write(0, 3, 'Test suite', self.header_style) self.sheet.write(0, 4, 'Test case', self.header_style) self.sheet.write(0, 5, 'Results', self.header_style) self.sheet.write(0, 7, 'Pass', self.header_style) self.sheet.write(0, 8, 'Fail', self.header_style) self.sheet.write(0, 9, 'Blocked', self.header_style) self.sheet.write(0, 10, 'N/A', self.header_style) self.sheet.write(0, 11, 'Not Run', self.header_style) self.sheet.write(0, 12, 'Total', self.header_style) self.sheet.write(1, 7, Formula('COUNTIF(F2:F2000,"PASSED")')) self.sheet.write(1, 8, Formula('COUNTIF(F2:F2000,"FAILED*") + COUNTIF(F2:F2000,"IXA*")')) self.sheet.write(1, 9, Formula('COUNTIF(F2:F2000,"BLOCKED*")')) self.sheet.write(1, 10, Formula('COUNTIF(F2:F2000,"N/A*")')) self.sheet.write(1, 12, Formula('H2+I2+J2+K2+L2')) self.sheet.col(0).width = 4000 self.sheet.col(1).width = 7500 self.sheet.col(2).width = 3000 self.sheet.col(3).width = 5000 self.sheet.col(4).width = 8000 self.sheet.col(5).width = 3000 self.sheet.col(6).width = 1000 self.sheet.col(7).width = 3000 self.sheet.col(8).width = 3000 self.sheet.col(9).width = 3000 self.sheet.col(10).width = 3000 self.sheet.col(11).width = 3000 self.sheet.col(12).width = 3000 def __styles(self): header_pattern = xlwt.Pattern() header_pattern.pattern = xlwt.Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN header_pattern.pattern_fore_colour = xlwt.Style.colour_map['ocean_blue'] passed_font = xlwt.Font() passed_font.colour_index = xlwt.Style.colour_map['black'] self.passed_style = xlwt.XFStyle() self.passed_style.font = passed_font failed_font = xlwt.Font() failed_font.bold = True failed_font.colour_index = xlwt.Style.colour_map['red'] self.failed_style = xlwt.XFStyle() self.failed_style.font = failed_font header_font = xlwt.Font() header_font.bold = True header_font.height = 260 header_font.italic = True header_font.colour_index = xlwt.Style.colour_map['white'] title_font = xlwt.Font() title_font.bold = True title_font.height = 220 title_font.italic = True self.header_style = xlwt.XFStyle() self.header_style.font = header_font self.header_style.pattern = header_pattern self.title_style = xlwt.XFStyle() self.title_style.font = title_font def __write_result(self, dut, target, suite, case): test_result = self.result.result_for(dut, target, suite, case) if test_result is not None and len(test_result) > 0: result = test_result[0] if test_result[1] != '': result = "{0} '{1}'".format(result, test_result[1]) if test_result[0] == 'PASSED': self.sheet.write(self.row, self.col + 1, result) else: self.sheet.write( self.row, self.col + 1, result, self.failed_style) def __write_cases(self, dut, target, suite): for case in self.result.all_test_cases(dut, target, suite): self.col += 1 if case[:5] == "test_": self.sheet.write(self.row, self.col, case[5:]) else: self.sheet.write(self.row, self.col, case) self.__write_result(dut, target, suite, case) self.row += 1 self.col -= 1 def __write_suites(self, dut, target): for suite in self.result.all_test_suites(dut, target): self.row += 1 self.col += 1 self.sheet.write(self.row, self.col, suite) self.__write_cases(dut, target, suite) self.col -= 1 def __write_nic(self, dut, target): nic = self.result.current_nic(dut, target) self.col += 1 self.sheet.write(self.row, self.col, nic, self.title_style) self.__write_suites(dut, target) self.col -= 1 def __write_failed_target(self, dut, target): msg = "TARGET ERROR '%s'" % self.result.target_failed_msg(dut, target) self.sheet.write(self.row, self.col + 4, msg, self.failed_style) self.row += 1 def __write_targets(self, dut): for target in self.result.all_targets(dut): self.col += 1 self.sheet.write(self.row, self.col, target, self.title_style) if self.result.is_target_failed(dut, target): self.__write_failed_target(dut, target) else: self.__write_nic(dut, target) self.row += 1 self.col -= 1 def __write_failed_dut(self, dut): msg = "PREREQ FAILED '%s'" % self.result.dut_failed_msg(dut) self.sheet.write(self.row, self.col + 5, msg, self.failed_style) self.row += 1 def __parse_result(self): for dut in self.result.all_duts(): self.sheet.write(self.row, self.col, dut, self.title_style) if self.result.is_dut_failed(dut): self.__write_failed_dut(dut) else: self.__write_targets(dut) self.row += 1 def save(self, result): self.__init() self.__add_header() self.row = 1 self.col = 0 self.result = result self.__parse_result() self.workbook.save(self.filename)