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""" Generic port and crbs configuration file load function """ import re import ConfigParser # config parse module import argparse # prase arguments module from settings import IXIA from exception import ConfigParseException, VirtConfigParseException PORTCONF = "conf/ports.cfg" CRBCONF = "conf/crbs.cfg" VIRTCONF = "conf/virt_global.cfg" IXIACONF = "conf/ixia.cfg" class UserConf(): def __init__(self, config): self.conf = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser() load_files = self.conf.read(config) if load_files == []: print "FAILED LOADING %s!!!" % config self.conf = None raise ConfigParseException(config) def get_sections(self): if self.conf is None: return None return self.conf.sections() def load_section(self, section): if self.conf is None: return None items = None for conf_sect in self.conf.sections(): if conf_sect == section: items = self.conf.items(section) return items def load_config(self, item): confs = [conf.strip() for conf in item.split(';')] if '' in confs: confs.remove('') return confs def load_param(self, conf): paramDict = dict() for param in conf.split(','): (key, _, value) = param.partition('=') paramDict[key] = value return paramDict class VirtConf(UserConf): def __init__(self, virt_conf=VIRTCONF): self.config_file = virt_conf self.virt_cfg = {} try: self.virt_conf = UserConf(self.config_file) except ConfigParseException: self.virt_conf = None raise VirtConfigParseException def load_virt_config(self, name): self.virt_cfgs = [] try: virt_confs = self.virt_conf.load_section(name) except: print "FAILED FIND SECTION %s!!!" % name return for virt_conf in virt_confs: virt_cfg = {} virt_params = [] key, config = virt_conf confs = self.virt_conf.load_config(config) for config in confs: virt_params.append(self.load_virt_param(config)) virt_cfg[key] = virt_params self.virt_cfgs.append(virt_cfg) def get_virt_config(self): return self.virt_cfgs def load_virt_param(self, config): cfg_params = self.virt_conf.load_param(config) return cfg_params class PortConf(UserConf): def __init__(self, port_conf=PORTCONF): self.config_file = port_conf self.ports_cfg = {} self.pci_regex = "([\da-f]{4}:[\da-f]{2}:[\da-f]{2}.\d{1})$" try: self.port_conf = UserConf(self.config_file) except ConfigParseException: self.port_conf = None raise PortConfigParseException def load_ports_config(self, crbIP): self.ports_cfg = {} if self.port_conf is None: return ports = self.port_conf.load_section(crbIP) if ports is None: return key, config = ports[0] confs = self.port_conf.load_config(config) for config in confs: port_param = self.port_conf.load_param(config) # port config for vm in virtualization scenario if 'dev_idx' in port_param: keys = port_param.keys() keys.remove('dev_idx') self.ports_cfg[port_param['dev_idx']] = { key: port_param[key] for key in keys} continue # check pci BDF validity if 'pci' not in port_param: print "NOT FOUND CONFIG FOR NO PCI ADDRESS!!!" continue m = re.match(self.pci_regex, port_param['pci']) if m is None: print "INVALID CONFIG FOR NO PCI ADDRESS!!!" continue keys = port_param.keys() keys.remove('pci') self.ports_cfg[port_param['pci']] = { key: port_param[key] for key in keys} if 'numa' in self.ports_cfg[port_param['pci']]: numa_str = self.ports_cfg[port_param['pci']]['numa'] self.ports_cfg[port_param['pci']]['numa'] = int(numa_str) def get_ports_config(self): return self.ports_cfg def check_port_available(self, pci_addr): if pci_addr in self.ports_cfg.keys(): return True else: return False class CrbsConf(UserConf): DEF_CRB = {'IP': '', 'board': 'default', 'user': '', 'pass': '', 'tester IP': '', 'tester pass': '', IXIA: None, 'memory channels': 4, 'bypass core0': True} def __init__(self, crbs_conf=CRBCONF): self.config_file = crbs_conf self.crbs_cfg = [] try: self.crbs_conf = UserConf(self.config_file) except ConfigParseException: self.crbs_conf = None raise ConfigParseException def load_crbs_config(self): sections = self.crbs_conf.get_sections() if not sections: return self.crbs_cfg for name in sections: crb = self.DEF_CRB.copy() crb_confs = self.crbs_conf.load_section(name) if not crb_confs: continue # covert file configuration to dts crbs for conf in crb_confs: key, value = conf if key == 'dut_ip': crb['IP'] = value elif key == 'dut_user': crb['user'] = value elif key == 'dut_passwd': crb['pass'] = value elif key == 'os': crb['OS'] = value elif key == 'tester_ip': crb['tester IP'] = value elif key == 'tester_passwd': crb['tester pass'] = value elif key == 'ixia_group': crb[IXIA] = value elif key == 'channels': crb['memory channels'] = int(value) elif key == 'bypass_core0': if value == 'True': crb['bypass core0'] = True else: crb['bypass core0'] = False elif key == 'board': crb['board'] = value self.crbs_cfg.append(crb) return self.crbs_cfg class IxiaConf(UserConf): def __init__(self, ixia_conf=IXIACONF): self.config_file = ixia_conf self.ixia_cfg = {} try: self.ixia_conf = UserConf(self.config_file) except ConfigParseException: self.ixia_conf = None raise ConfigParseException def load_ixia_config(self): port_reg = r'card=(\d+),port=(\d+)' groups = self.ixia_conf.get_sections() if not groups: return self.ixia_cfg for group in groups: ixia_group = {} ixia_confs = self.ixia_conf.load_section(group) if not ixia_confs: continue # convert file configuration to dts ixiacfg for conf in ixia_confs: key, value = conf if key == 'ixia_version': ixia_group['Version'] = value elif key == 'ixia_ip': ixia_group['IP'] = value elif key == 'ixia_ports': ports = self.ixia_conf.load_config(value) ixia_ports = [] for port in ports: m = re.match(port_reg, port) if m: ixia_port = {} ixia_port["card"] = int(m.group(1)) ixia_port["port"] = int(m.group(2)) ixia_ports.append(ixia_port) ixia_group['Ports'] = ixia_ports elif key == 'ixia_enable_rsfec': ixia_group['enable_rsfec'] = value if 'Version' not in ixia_group: print 'ixia configuration file request ixia_version option!!!' continue if 'IP' not in ixia_group: print 'ixia configuration file request ixia_ip option!!!' continue if 'Ports' not in ixia_group: print 'ixia configuration file request ixia_ports option!!!' continue self.ixia_cfg[group] = ixia_group return self.ixia_cfg if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Load DTS configuration files") parser.add_argument("-p", "--portconf", default=PORTCONF) parser.add_argument("-c", "--crbconf", default=CRBCONF) parser.add_argument("-v", "--virtconf", default=VIRTCONF) parser.add_argument("-i", "--ixiaconf", default=IXIACONF) args = parser.parse_args() # not existed configuration file try: VirtConf('/tmp/not-existed.cfg') except VirtConfigParseException: print "Capture config parse failure" # example for basic use configuration file conf = UserConf(PORTCONF) for section in conf.get_sections(): items = conf.load_section(section) key, value = items[0] confs = conf.load_config(value) for config in confs: conf.load_param(config) # example for port configuration file portconf = PortConf(PORTCONF) portconf.load_ports_config('DUT IP') print portconf.get_ports_config() portconf.check_port_available('86:00.0') # example for global virtualization configuration file virtconf = VirtConf(VIRTCONF) virtconf.load_virt_config('LIBVIRT') print virtconf.get_virt_config() # example for crbs configuration file crbsconf = CrbsConf(CRBCONF) print crbsconf.load_crbs_config() # example for ixia configuration file ixiaconf = IxiaConf(IXIACONF) print ixiaconf.load_ixia_config()