#!/usr/bin/env python ## This file is part of Scapy ## See http://www.secdev.org/projects/scapy for more informations ## Copyright (C) Philippe Biondi ## This program is published under a GPLv2 license ## Copyright (c) 2011 Jochen Bartl """ LLDP (Link Layer Discovery Protocol) """ from scapy.packet import * from scapy.fields import * from scapy.layers.l2 import Ether from scapy.layers.inet6 import IP6Field _LLDP_tlv_cls = {0: "LLDPDUEnd", 1: "LLDPChassisId", 2: "LLDPPortId", 3: "LLDPTTL", 4: "LLDPPortDescription", 5: "LLDPSystemName", 6: "LLDPSystemDescription", 7: "LLDPSystemCapabilities", 8: "LLDPManagementAddress", 127: "LLDPOrganizationalSpecific"} _LLDP_tlv_types = {0: "End of LLDPDU", 1: "Chassis Id", 2: "Port Id", 3: "Time to Live", 4: "Port Description", 5: "System Name", 6: "System Description", 7: "System Capabilities", 8: "Management Address", 127: "Organization Specific"} # (oui, subtype) # 0x0080c2 - IEEE 802.1 # 0x00120f - IEEE 802.3 _LLDPOrgSpec_tlv_cls = {(0x0080c2, 0x01): "LLDPDot1PortVlanId", } def _LLDPGuessPacketClass(p=None, **kargs): if p is None: return LLDPGeneric(**kargs) cls = Raw if len(p) >= 2: t = struct.unpack("!B", p[0])[0] t = (0xfe & t) >> 1 if t != 127: clsname = _LLDP_tlv_cls.get(t, "LLDPGeneric") else: oui = struct.unpack("!I", "\x00" + p[2:5])[0] subtype = struct.unpack("!B", p[5])[0] clsname = _LLDPOrgSpec_tlv_cls.get((oui, subtype), "LLDPOrgSpecGeneric") cls = globals()[clsname] return cls(p, **kargs) class LLDPGeneric(Packet): name = "LLDP Generic TLV" fields_desc = [BitField("type", 1, 7), BitFieldLenField("length", None, 9, length_of="value"), StrLenField("value", "", length_from=lambda x: x.length)] def guess_payload_class(self, p): return Padding def post_build(self, p, pay): if self.length is None: l = len(p) - 2 p = chr((self.type << 1) ^ (l >> 8)) + chr(l & 0xff) + p[2:] return p+pay class LLDPOrgSpecGeneric(LLDPGeneric): name = "LLDP Org Spec Generic TLV" fields_desc = [BitField("type", 127, 7), BitFieldLenField("length", None, 9, length_of="value"), X3BytesField("oui", 0), ByteField("subtype", 0), StrLenField("value", "", length_from=lambda x: x.length - 4)] class LLDPDUEnd(LLDPGeneric): name = "End of LLDPDU" fields_desc = [BitField("type", 0, 7), BitField("length", 0, 9)] _LLDPChassisId_Subtypes = {0: "Reserved", 1: "Chassis component", 2: "Interface alias", 3: "Port component", 4: "MAC address", 5: "Network address", 6: "Interface name", 7: "Locally assigned"} class LLDPChassisId(LLDPGeneric): name = "LLDP Chassis" fields_desc = [BitField("type", 1, 7), BitField("length", None, 9), ByteEnumField("subtype", 4, _LLDPChassisId_Subtypes), ConditionalField(MACField("macaddr", "00:11:22:33:44:55"), lambda pkt: pkt.subtype == 4), # TODO Subtype 5, IPv4 / IPv6 # Catch-all field for undefined subtypes ConditionalField(StrLenField("value", "", length_from=lambda x: x.length - 1), lambda pkt: pkt.subtype not in [4])] _LLDPPortId_Subtypes = {0: "Reserved", 1: "Interface alias", 2: "Port component", 3: "MAC address", 4: "Network address", 5: "Interface name", 6: "Agent circuit ID", 7: "Locally assigned"} class LLDPPortId(LLDPGeneric): name = "LLDP PortId" fields_desc = [BitField("type", 2, 7), BitField("length", None, 9), ByteEnumField("subtype", 3, _LLDPPortId_Subtypes), ConditionalField(MACField("macaddr", "00:11:22:33:44:55"), lambda pkt: pkt.subtype == 3), # TODO Subtype 4, IPv4 / IPv6 # Catch-all field for undefined subtypes ConditionalField(StrLenField("value", "", length_from=lambda x: x.length - 1), lambda pkt: pkt.subtype not in [3])] class LLDPTTL(LLDPGeneric): name = "LLDP TTL" fields_desc = [BitField("type", 3, 7), BitField("length", None, 9), ShortField("seconds", 120)] class LLDPPortDescription(LLDPGeneric): name = "LLDP Port Description" type = 4 value = "FastEthernet0/1" class LLDPSystemName(LLDPGeneric): name = "LLDP System Name" type = 5 value = "Scapy" class LLDPSystemDescription(LLDPGeneric): name = "LLDP System Description" type = 6 value = "Scapy" _LLDPSystemCapabilities = ["other", "repeater", "bridge", "wlanap", "router", "telephone", "docsiscable", "stationonly"] class LLDPSystemCapabilities(LLDPGeneric): name = "LLDP System Capabilities" fields_desc = [BitField("type", 7, 7), BitField("length", None, 9), # Available capabilities FlagsField("capabilities", 0, 16, _LLDPSystemCapabilities), # Enabled capabilities FlagsField("enabled", 0, 16, _LLDPSystemCapabilities)] _LLDPManagementAddress_Subtype = {1: "IPv4", 2: "IPv6", 6: "802" } _LLDPManagementAddress_IfSubtype = {1: "Unknown", 2: "ifIndex", 3: "System Port Number" } class LLDPManagementAddress(LLDPGeneric): name = "LLDP Management Address" fields_desc = [BitField("type", 8, 7), BitField("length", None, 9), ByteField("addrlen", None), ByteEnumField("addrsubtype", 1, _LLDPManagementAddress_Subtype), ConditionalField(IPField("ipaddr", ""), lambda pkt: pkt.addrsubtype == 1), ConditionalField(IP6Field("ip6addr", "2001:db8::1"), lambda pkt: pkt.addrsubtype == 2), ConditionalField(MACField("macaddr", "00:11:22:33:44:55"), lambda pkt: pkt.addrsubtype == 6), ConditionalField(StrLenField("addrval", "", length_from=lambda x: x.addrlen - 1), lambda pkt: pkt.addrsubtype not in [1, 2, 6]), ByteEnumField("ifsubtype", 2, _LLDPManagementAddress_IfSubtype), IntField("ifnumber", 0), FieldLenField("oidlen", None, length_of="oid", fmt="B"), StrLenField("oid", "", length_from=lambda x: x.oidlen)] def post_build(self, p, pay): # TODO Remove redundant code. LLDPGeneric.post_build() if self.length is None: l = len(p) - 2 p = chr((self.type << 1) ^ (l >> 8)) + chr(l & 0xff) + p[2:] if self.addrlen is None: addrlen = len(p) - 2 - 8 - len(self.oid) + 1 p = p[:2] + struct.pack("B", addrlen) + p[3:] return p+pay _LLDPDot1Subtype = {1: "Port VLAN Id"} class LLDPDot1PortVlanId(LLDPOrgSpecGeneric): name = "LLDP IEEE 802.1 Port VLAN Id" fields_desc = [BitField("type", 127, 7), BitField("length", None, 9), # TODO: XThreeBytesEnumField X3BytesField("oui", 0x0080c2), ByteEnumField("subtype", 0x01, _LLDPDot1Subtype), ShortField("vlan", 1)] class LLDP(Packet): name ="LLDP" fields_desc = [PacketListField("tlvlist", [], _LLDPGuessPacketClass)] bind_layers(Ether, LLDP, type=0x88cc)