/* * Copyright (c) 2002, 2006, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ /* */ package sun.nio.cs.ext; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.CharBuffer; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.nio.charset.CharsetDecoder; import java.nio.charset.CharsetEncoder; import java.nio.charset.CoderResult; import sun.nio.cs.Surrogate; abstract class ISO2022 extends Charset { private static final byte ISO_ESC = 0x1b; private static final byte ISO_SI = 0x0f; private static final byte ISO_SO = 0x0e; private static final byte ISO_SS2_7 = 0x4e; private static final byte ISO_SS3_7 = 0x4f; private static final byte MSB = (byte)0x80; private static final char REPLACE_CHAR = '\uFFFD'; private static final byte minDesignatorLength = 3; public ISO2022(String csname, String[] aliases) { super(csname, aliases); } public CharsetDecoder newDecoder() { return new Decoder(this); } public CharsetEncoder newEncoder() { return new Encoder(this); } protected static class Decoder extends CharsetDecoder { // Value to be filled by subclass protected byte SODesig[][]; protected byte SS2Desig[][] = null; protected byte SS3Desig[][] = null; protected CharsetDecoder SODecoder[]; protected CharsetDecoder SS2Decoder[] = null; protected CharsetDecoder SS3Decoder[] = null; private static final byte SOFlag = 0; private static final byte SS2Flag = 1; private static final byte SS3Flag = 2; private int curSODes, curSS2Des, curSS3Des; private boolean shiftout; private CharsetDecoder tmpDecoder[]; protected Decoder(Charset cs) { super(cs, 1.0f, 1.0f); } protected void implReset() { curSODes = 0; curSS2Des = 0; curSS3Des = 0; shiftout = false; } private char decode(byte byte1, byte byte2, byte shiftFlag) { byte1 |= MSB; byte2 |= MSB; byte[] tmpByte = { byte1,byte2 }; char[] tmpChar = new char[1]; int i = 0, tmpIndex = 0; switch(shiftFlag) { case SOFlag: tmpIndex = curSODes; tmpDecoder = SODecoder; break; case SS2Flag: tmpIndex = curSS2Des; tmpDecoder = SS2Decoder; break; case SS3Flag: tmpIndex = curSS3Des; tmpDecoder = SS3Decoder; break; } if (tmpDecoder != null) { for(i = 0; i < tmpDecoder.length; i++) { if(tmpIndex == i) { try { ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.wrap(tmpByte,0,2); CharBuffer cc = CharBuffer.wrap(tmpChar,0,1); tmpDecoder[i].decode(bb, cc, true); cc.flip(); return cc.get(); } catch (Exception e) {} } } } return REPLACE_CHAR; } private int findDesig(byte[] in, int sp, int sl, byte[][] desigs) { if (desigs == null) return -1; int i = 0; while (i < desigs.length) { if (desigs[i] != null && sl - sp >= desigs[i].length) { int j = 0; while (j < desigs[i].length && in[sp+j] == desigs[i][j]) { j++; } if (j == desigs[i].length) return i; } i++; } return -1; } private int findDesigBuf(ByteBuffer in, byte[][] desigs) { if (desigs == null) return -1; int i = 0; while (i < desigs.length) { if (desigs[i] != null && in.remaining() >= desigs[i].length) { int j = 0; in.mark(); while (j < desigs[i].length && in.get() == desigs[i][j]) { j++; } if (j == desigs[i].length) return i; in.reset(); } i++; } return -1; } private CoderResult decodeArrayLoop(ByteBuffer src, CharBuffer dst) { byte[] sa = src.array(); int sp = src.arrayOffset() + src.position(); int sl = src.arrayOffset() + src.limit(); assert (sp <= sl); sp = (sp <= sl ? sp : sl); char[] da = dst.array(); int dp = dst.arrayOffset() + dst.position(); int dl = dst.arrayOffset() + dst.limit(); assert (dp <= dl); dp = (dp <= dl ? dp : dl); int b1 = 0, b2 = 0, b3 = 0; try { while (sp < sl) { b1 = sa[sp] & 0xff; int inputSize = 1; switch (b1) { case ISO_SO: shiftout = true; inputSize = 1; break; case ISO_SI: shiftout = false; inputSize = 1; break; case ISO_ESC: if (sl - sp - 1 < minDesignatorLength) return CoderResult.UNDERFLOW; int desig = findDesig(sa, sp + 1, sl, SODesig); if (desig != -1) { curSODes = desig; inputSize = SODesig[desig].length + 1; break; } desig = findDesig(sa, sp + 1, sl, SS2Desig); if (desig != -1) { curSS2Des = desig; inputSize = SS2Desig[desig].length + 1; break; } desig = findDesig(sa, sp + 1, sl, SS3Desig); if (desig != -1) { curSS3Des = desig; inputSize = SS3Desig[desig].length + 1; break; } if (sl - sp < 2) return CoderResult.UNDERFLOW; b1 = sa[sp + 1]; switch(b1) { case ISO_SS2_7: if (sl - sp < 4) return CoderResult.UNDERFLOW; b2 = sa[sp +2]; b3 = sa[sp +3]; if (dl - dp <1) return CoderResult.OVERFLOW; da[dp] = decode((byte)b2, (byte)b3, SS2Flag); dp++; inputSize = 4; break; case ISO_SS3_7: if (sl - sp < 4) return CoderResult.UNDERFLOW; b2 = sa[sp + 2]; b3 = sa[sp + 3]; if (dl - dp <1) return CoderResult.OVERFLOW; da[dp] = decode((byte)b2, (byte)b3, SS3Flag); dp++; inputSize = 4; break; default: return CoderResult.malformedForLength(2); } break; default: if (dl - dp < 1) return CoderResult.OVERFLOW; if (!shiftout) { da[dp++]=(char)(sa[sp] & 0xff); } else { if (dl - dp < 1) return CoderResult.OVERFLOW; if (sl - sp < 2) return CoderResult.UNDERFLOW; b2 = sa[sp+1] & 0xff; da[dp++] = decode((byte)b1, (byte)b2, SOFlag); inputSize = 2; } break; } sp += inputSize; } return CoderResult.UNDERFLOW; } finally { src.position(sp - src.arrayOffset()); dst.position(dp - dst.arrayOffset()); } } private CoderResult decodeBufferLoop(ByteBuffer src, CharBuffer dst) { int mark = src.position(); int b1 = 0, b2 = 0, b3 = 0; try { while (src.hasRemaining()) { b1 = src.get(); int inputSize = 1; switch (b1) { case ISO_SO: shiftout = true; break; case ISO_SI: shiftout = false; break; case ISO_ESC: if (src.remaining() < minDesignatorLength) return CoderResult.UNDERFLOW; int desig = findDesigBuf(src, SODesig); if (desig != -1) { curSODes = desig; inputSize = SODesig[desig].length + 1; break; } desig = findDesigBuf(src, SS2Desig); if (desig != -1) { curSS2Des = desig; inputSize = SS2Desig[desig].length + 1; break; } desig = findDesigBuf(src, SS3Desig); if (desig != -1) { curSS3Des = desig; inputSize = SS3Desig[desig].length + 1; break; } if (src.remaining() < 1) return CoderResult.UNDERFLOW; b1 = src.get(); switch(b1) { case ISO_SS2_7: if (src.remaining() < 2) return CoderResult.UNDERFLOW; b2 = src.get(); b3 = src.get(); if (dst.remaining() < 1) return CoderResult.OVERFLOW; dst.put(decode((byte)b2, (byte)b3, SS2Flag)); inputSize = 4; break; case ISO_SS3_7: if (src.remaining() < 2) return CoderResult.UNDERFLOW; b2 = src.get(); b3 = src.get(); if (dst.remaining() < 1) return CoderResult.OVERFLOW; dst.put(decode((byte)b2, (byte)b3, SS3Flag)); inputSize = 4; break; default: return CoderResult.malformedForLength(2); } break; default: if (dst.remaining() < 1) return CoderResult.OVERFLOW; if (!shiftout) { dst.put((char)(b1 & 0xff)); } else { if (dst.remaining() < 1) return CoderResult.OVERFLOW; if (src.remaining() < 1) return CoderResult.UNDERFLOW; b2 = src.get() & 0xff; dst.put(decode((byte)b1, (byte)b2, SOFlag)); inputSize = 2; } break; } mark += inputSize; } return CoderResult.UNDERFLOW; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return CoderResult.OVERFLOW; } finally { src.position(mark); } } protected CoderResult decodeLoop(ByteBuffer src, CharBuffer dst) { if (src.hasArray() && dst.hasArray()) return decodeArrayLoop(src, dst); else return decodeBufferLoop(src, dst); } } protected static class Encoder extends CharsetEncoder { private final Surrogate.Parser sgp = new Surrogate.Parser(); public static final byte SS2 = (byte)0x8e; public static final byte PLANE2 = (byte)0xA2; public static final byte PLANE3 = (byte)0xA3; private final byte MSB = (byte)0x80; protected final byte maximumDesignatorLength = 4; protected String SODesig, SS2Desig = null, SS3Desig = null; protected CharsetEncoder ISOEncoder; private boolean shiftout = false; private boolean SODesDefined = false; private boolean SS2DesDefined = false; private boolean SS3DesDefined = false; private boolean newshiftout = false; private boolean newSODesDefined = false; private boolean newSS2DesDefined = false; private boolean newSS3DesDefined = false; protected Encoder(Charset cs) { super(cs, 4.0f, 8.0f); } public boolean canEncode(char c) { return (ISOEncoder.canEncode(c)); } protected void implReset() { shiftout = false; SODesDefined = false; SS2DesDefined = false; SS3DesDefined = false; } private int unicodeToNative(char unicode, byte ebyte[]) { int index = 0; byte tmpByte[]; char convChar[] = {unicode}; byte convByte[] = new byte[4]; int converted; try{ CharBuffer cc = CharBuffer.wrap(convChar); ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.allocate(4); ISOEncoder.encode(cc, bb, true); bb.flip(); converted = bb.remaining(); bb.get(convByte,0,converted); } catch(Exception e) { return -1; } if (converted == 2) { if (!SODesDefined) { newSODesDefined = true; ebyte[0] = ISO_ESC; tmpByte = SODesig.getBytes(); System.arraycopy(tmpByte,0,ebyte,1,tmpByte.length); index = tmpByte.length+1; } if (!shiftout) { newshiftout = true; ebyte[index++] = ISO_SO; } ebyte[index++] = (byte)(convByte[0] & 0x7f); ebyte[index++] = (byte)(convByte[1] & 0x7f); } else { if(convByte[0] == SS2) { if (convByte[1] == PLANE2) { if (!SS2DesDefined) { newSS2DesDefined = true; ebyte[0] = ISO_ESC; tmpByte = SS2Desig.getBytes(); System.arraycopy(tmpByte, 0, ebyte, 1, tmpByte.length); index = tmpByte.length+1; } ebyte[index++] = ISO_ESC; ebyte[index++] = ISO_SS2_7; ebyte[index++] = (byte)(convByte[2] & 0x7f); ebyte[index++] = (byte)(convByte[3] & 0x7f); } else if (convByte[1] == PLANE3) { if(!SS3DesDefined){ newSS3DesDefined = true; ebyte[0] = ISO_ESC; tmpByte = SS3Desig.getBytes(); System.arraycopy(tmpByte, 0, ebyte, 1, tmpByte.length); index = tmpByte.length+1; } ebyte[index++] = ISO_ESC; ebyte[index++] = ISO_SS3_7; ebyte[index++] = (byte)(convByte[2] & 0x7f); ebyte[index++] = (byte)(convByte[3] & 0x7f); } } } return index; } private CoderResult encodeArrayLoop(CharBuffer src, ByteBuffer dst) { char[] sa = src.array(); int sp = src.arrayOffset() + src.position(); int sl = src.arrayOffset() + src.limit(); assert (sp <= sl); sp = (sp <= sl ? sp : sl); byte[] da = dst.array(); int dp = dst.arrayOffset() + dst.position(); int dl = dst.arrayOffset() + dst.limit(); assert (dp <= dl); dp = (dp <= dl ? dp : dl); int outputSize = 0; byte[] outputByte = new byte[8]; newshiftout = shiftout; newSODesDefined = SODesDefined; newSS2DesDefined = SS2DesDefined; newSS3DesDefined = SS3DesDefined; try { while (sp < sl) { char c = sa[sp]; if (Character.isSurrogate(c)) { if (sgp.parse(c, sa, sp, sl) < 0) return sgp.error(); return sgp.unmappableResult(); } if (c < 0x80) { // ASCII if (shiftout){ newshiftout = false; outputSize = 2; outputByte[0] = ISO_SI; outputByte[1] = (byte)(c & 0x7f); } else { outputSize = 1; outputByte[0] = (byte)(c & 0x7f); } if(sa[sp] == '\n'){ newSODesDefined = false; newSS2DesDefined = false; newSS3DesDefined = false; } } else { outputSize = unicodeToNative(c, outputByte); if (outputSize == 0) { return CoderResult.unmappableForLength(1); } } if (dl - dp < outputSize) return CoderResult.OVERFLOW; for (int i = 0; i < outputSize; i++) da[dp++] = outputByte[i]; sp++; shiftout = newshiftout; SODesDefined = newSODesDefined; SS2DesDefined = newSS2DesDefined; SS3DesDefined = newSS3DesDefined; } return CoderResult.UNDERFLOW; } finally { src.position(sp - src.arrayOffset()); dst.position(dp - dst.arrayOffset()); } } private CoderResult encodeBufferLoop(CharBuffer src, ByteBuffer dst) { int outputSize = 0; byte[] outputByte = new byte[8]; int inputSize = 0; // Size of input newshiftout = shiftout; newSODesDefined = SODesDefined; newSS2DesDefined = SS2DesDefined; newSS3DesDefined = SS3DesDefined; int mark = src.position(); try { while (src.hasRemaining()) { char inputChar = src.get(); if (Character.isSurrogate(inputChar)) { if (sgp.parse(inputChar, src) < 0) return sgp.error(); return sgp.unmappableResult(); } if (inputChar < 0x80) { // ASCII if (shiftout){ newshiftout = false; outputSize = 2; outputByte[0] = ISO_SI; outputByte[1] = (byte)(inputChar & 0x7f); } else { outputSize = 1; outputByte[0] = (byte)(inputChar & 0x7f); } if(inputChar == '\n'){ newSODesDefined = false; newSS2DesDefined = false; newSS3DesDefined = false; } } else { outputSize = unicodeToNative(inputChar, outputByte); if (outputSize == 0) { return CoderResult.unmappableForLength(1); } } if (dst.remaining() < outputSize) return CoderResult.OVERFLOW; for (int i = 0; i < outputSize; i++) dst.put(outputByte[i]); mark++; shiftout = newshiftout; SODesDefined = newSODesDefined; SS2DesDefined = newSS2DesDefined; SS3DesDefined = newSS3DesDefined; } return CoderResult.UNDERFLOW; } finally { src.position(mark); } } protected CoderResult encodeLoop(CharBuffer src, ByteBuffer dst) { if (src.hasArray() && dst.hasArray()) return encodeArrayLoop(src, dst); else return encodeBufferLoop(src, dst); } } }