/* * Copyright (c) 2002, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. * */ package sun.jvm.hotspot.ui.classbrowser; import java.io.*; import java.util.*; import sun.jvm.hotspot.asm.*; import sun.jvm.hotspot.asm.sparc.*; import sun.jvm.hotspot.asm.x86.*; import sun.jvm.hotspot.asm.ia64.*; import sun.jvm.hotspot.asm.amd64.*; import sun.jvm.hotspot.code.*; import sun.jvm.hotspot.compiler.*; import sun.jvm.hotspot.debugger.*; import sun.jvm.hotspot.interpreter.*; import sun.jvm.hotspot.memory.*; import sun.jvm.hotspot.oops.*; import sun.jvm.hotspot.runtime.*; import sun.jvm.hotspot.tools.jcore.*; import sun.jvm.hotspot.types.*; import sun.jvm.hotspot.utilities.*; public class HTMLGenerator implements /* imports */ ClassConstants { static class Formatter { boolean html; StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); Formatter(boolean h) { html = h; } void append(String s) { buf.append(s); } void append(int s) { buf.append(s); } void append(char s) { buf.append(s); } void append(StringBuffer s) { buf.append(s); } void append(Formatter s) { buf.append(s); } StringBuffer getBuffer() { return buf; } public String toString() { return buf.toString(); } void wrap(String tag, String text) { wrap(tag, tag, text); } void wrap(String before, String after, String text) { beginTag(before); append(text); endTag(after); } // header tags void h1(String s) { nl(); wrap("h1", s); nl(); } void h2(String s) { nl(); wrap("h2", s); nl(); } void h3(String s) { nl(); wrap("h3", s); nl(); } void h4(String s) { nl(); wrap("h4", s); nl(); } // list tags void beginList() { beginTag("ul"); nl(); } void endList() { endTag("ul"); nl(); } void beginListItem() { beginTag("li"); } void endListItem() { endTag("li"); nl(); } void li(String s) { wrap("li", s); nl(); } // table tags void beginTable(int border) { beginTag("table border='" + border + "'"); } void cell(String s) { wrap("td", s); } void headerCell(String s) { wrap("th", s); } void endTable() { endTag("table"); } void link(String href, String text) { wrap("a href='" + href + "'", "a", text); } void beginTag(String s) { if (html) { append("<"); append(s); append(">"); } } void endTag(String s) { if (html) { append(""); } else { if (s.equals("table") || s.equals("tr")) { nl(); } if (s.equals("td") || s.equals("th")) { append(" "); } } } void bold(String s) { wrap("b", s); } void nl() { if (!html) buf.append("\n"); } void br() { if (html) append("
"); else append("\n"); } void genEmptyHTML() { if (html) append(""); } void genHTMLPrologue() { if (html) append(""); } void genHTMLPrologue(String title) { if (html) { append(""); append(title); append(""); append(""); } h2(title); } void genHTMLEpilogue() { if (html) append(""); } } private static final String DUMP_KLASS_OUTPUT_DIR = "."; private static final int NATIVE_CODE_SIZE = 200; private final String spaces; private final String tab; private boolean genHTML = true; public HTMLGenerator() { this(true); } public HTMLGenerator(boolean html) { genHTML = html; if (html) { spaces = "  "; tab = "    "; } else { spaces = " "; tab = " "; } } private static CPUHelper cpuHelper; static { VM.registerVMInitializedObserver(new Observer() { public void update(Observable o, Object data) { initialize(); } }); } private static synchronized void initialize() { String cpu = VM.getVM().getCPU(); if (cpu.equals("sparc")) { cpuHelper = new SPARCHelper(); } else if (cpu.equals("x86")) { cpuHelper = new X86Helper(); } else if (cpu.equals("amd64") || cpu.equals("x86_64")) { cpuHelper = new AMD64Helper(); } else if (cpu.equals("ia64")) { cpuHelper = new IA64Helper(); } else { throw new RuntimeException("cpu '" + cpu + "' is not yet supported!"); } } protected static synchronized CPUHelper getCPUHelper() { return cpuHelper; } protected String escapeHTMLSpecialChars(String value) { if (!genHTML) return value; Formatter buf = new Formatter(genHTML); int len = value.length(); for (int i=0; i < len; i++) { char c = value.charAt(i); switch (c) { case '<': buf.append("<"); break; case '>': buf.append(">"); break; case '&': buf.append("&"); break; default: buf.append(c); break; } } return buf.toString(); } public String genHTMLForMessage(String message) { Formatter buf = new Formatter(genHTML); buf.genHTMLPrologue(message); buf.genHTMLEpilogue(); return buf.toString(); } public String genHTMLErrorMessage(Exception exp) { exp.printStackTrace(); return genHTMLForMessage(exp.getClass().getName() + " : " + exp.getMessage()); } public String genHTMLForWait(String message) { Formatter buf = new Formatter(genHTML); buf.genHTMLPrologue("Please wait .."); buf.h2(message); return buf.toString(); } protected String genKlassTitle(InstanceKlass klass) { Formatter buf = new Formatter(genHTML); AccessFlags acc = klass.getAccessFlagsObj(); if (acc.isPublic()) { buf.append("public "); } else if (acc.isProtected()) { buf.append("protected "); } else if (acc.isPrivate()) { buf.append("private "); } if (acc.isStatic()) { buf.append("static "); } if (acc.isAbstract() ) { buf.append("abstract "); } else if (acc.isFinal()) { buf.append("final "); } if (acc.isStrict()) { buf.append("strict "); } // javac generated flags if (acc.isEnum()) { buf.append("[enum] "); } if (acc.isSynthetic()) { buf.append("[synthetic] "); } if (klass.isInterface()) { buf.append("interface"); } else { buf.append("class"); } buf.append(' '); buf.append(klass.getName().asString().replace('/', '.')); // is it generic? Symbol genSig = klass.getGenericSignature(); if (genSig != null) { buf.append(" [signature "); buf.append(escapeHTMLSpecialChars(genSig.asString())); buf.append("] "); } else { buf.append(' '); } buf.append('@'); buf.append(klass.getHandle().toString()); return buf.toString(); } protected String genBaseHref() { return ""; } protected String genKlassHref(InstanceKlass klass) { return genBaseHref() + "klass=" + klass.getHandle(); } protected String genKlassLink(InstanceKlass klass) { Formatter buf = new Formatter(genHTML); buf.link(genKlassHref(klass), genKlassTitle(klass)); return buf.toString(); } protected String genMethodModifierString(AccessFlags acc) { Formatter buf = new Formatter(genHTML); if (acc.isPrivate()) { buf.append("private "); } else if (acc.isProtected()) { buf.append("protected "); } else if (acc.isPublic()) { buf.append("public "); } if (acc.isStatic()) { buf.append("static "); } else if (acc.isAbstract() ) { buf.append("abstract "); } else if (acc.isFinal()) { buf.append("final "); } if (acc.isNative()) { buf.append("native "); } if (acc.isStrict()) { buf.append("strict "); } if (acc.isSynchronized()) { buf.append("synchronized "); } // javac generated flags if (acc.isBridge()) { buf.append("[bridge] "); } if (acc.isSynthetic()) { buf.append("[synthetic] "); } if (acc.isVarArgs()) { buf.append("[varargs] "); } return buf.toString(); } protected String genMethodNameAndSignature(Method method) { Formatter buf = new Formatter(genHTML); buf.append(genMethodModifierString(method.getAccessFlagsObj())); Symbol sig = method.getSignature(); new SignatureConverter(sig, buf.getBuffer()).iterateReturntype(); buf.append(" "); String methodName = method.getName().asString(); buf.append(escapeHTMLSpecialChars(methodName)); buf.append('('); new SignatureConverter(sig, buf.getBuffer()).iterateParameters(); buf.append(')'); // is it generic? Symbol genSig = method.getGenericSignature(); if (genSig != null) { buf.append(" [signature "); buf.append(escapeHTMLSpecialChars(genSig.asString())); buf.append("] "); } return buf.toString().replace('/', '.'); } protected String genMethodTitle(Method method) { Formatter buf = new Formatter(genHTML); buf.append(genMethodNameAndSignature(method)); buf.append(' '); buf.append('@'); buf.append(method.getHandle().toString()); return buf.toString(); } protected String genMethodHref(Method m) { return genBaseHref() + "method=" + m.getHandle(); } protected String genMethodLink(Method m) { Formatter buf = new Formatter(genHTML); buf.link(genMethodHref(m), genMethodTitle(m)); return buf.toString(); } protected String genMethodAndKlassLink(Method m) { Formatter buf = new Formatter(genHTML); buf.append(genMethodLink(m)); buf.append(" of "); buf.append(genKlassLink((InstanceKlass) m.getMethodHolder())); return buf.toString(); } protected String genNMethodHref(NMethod nm) { return genBaseHref() + "nmethod=" + nm.getAddress(); } public String genNMethodTitle(NMethod nmethod) { Formatter buf = new Formatter(genHTML); Method m = nmethod.getMethod(); buf.append("Disassembly for compiled method ["); buf.append(genMethodTitle(m)); buf.append(" ] "); buf.append('@'); buf.append(nmethod.getAddress().toString()); return buf.toString(); } protected String genNMethodLink(NMethod nm) { Formatter buf = new Formatter(genHTML); buf.link(genNMethodHref(nm), genNMethodTitle(nm)); return buf.toString(); } public String genCodeBlobTitle(CodeBlob blob) { Formatter buf = new Formatter(genHTML); buf.append("Disassembly for code blob " + blob.getName() + " ["); buf.append(blob.getClass().getName()); buf.append(" ] @"); buf.append(blob.getAddress().toString()); return buf.toString(); } protected BytecodeDisassembler createBytecodeDisassembler(Method m) { return new BytecodeDisassembler(m); } private String genLowHighShort(int val) { Formatter buf = new Formatter(genHTML); buf.append('#'); buf.append(Integer.toString(val & 0xFFFF)); buf.append(" #"); buf.append(Integer.toString((val >> 16) & 0xFFFF)); return buf.toString(); } private String genListOfShort(short[] values) { if (values == null || values.length == 0) return ""; Formatter buf = new Formatter(genHTML); buf.append('['); for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { if (i > 0) buf.append(' '); buf.append('#'); buf.append(Integer.toString(values[i])); } buf.append(']'); return buf.toString(); } protected String genHTMLTableForConstantPool(ConstantPool cpool) { Formatter buf = new Formatter(genHTML); buf.beginTable(1); buf.beginTag("tr"); buf.headerCell("Index"); buf.headerCell("Constant Type"); buf.headerCell("Constant Value"); buf.endTag("tr"); final int length = (int) cpool.getLength(); // zero'th pool entry is always invalid. ignore it. for (int index = 1; index < length; index++) { buf.beginTag("tr"); buf.cell(Integer.toString(index)); int ctag = (int) cpool.getTags().getByteAt((int) index); switch (ctag) { case JVM_CONSTANT_Integer: buf.cell("JVM_CONSTANT_Integer"); buf.cell(Integer.toString(cpool.getIntAt(index))); break; case JVM_CONSTANT_Float: buf.cell("JVM_CONSTANT_Float"); buf.cell(Float.toString(cpool.getFloatAt(index))); break; case JVM_CONSTANT_Long: buf.cell("JVM_CONSTANT_Long"); buf.cell(Long.toString(cpool.getLongAt(index))); // long entries occupy two slots index++; break; case JVM_CONSTANT_Double: buf.cell("JVM_CONSTANT_Double"); buf.cell(Double.toString(cpool.getDoubleAt(index))); // double entries occupy two slots index++; break; case JVM_CONSTANT_UnresolvedClass: buf.cell("JVM_CONSTANT_UnresolvedClass"); buf.cell(cpool.getSymbolAt(index).asString()); break; case JVM_CONSTANT_UnresolvedClassInError: buf.cell("JVM_CONSTANT_UnresolvedClassInError"); buf.cell(cpool.getSymbolAt(index).asString()); break; case JVM_CONSTANT_Class: buf.cell("JVM_CONSTANT_Class"); Klass klass = (Klass) cpool.getObjAtRaw(index); if (klass instanceof InstanceKlass) { buf.cell(genKlassLink((InstanceKlass) klass)); } else { buf.cell(klass.getName().asString().replace('/', '.')); } break; case JVM_CONSTANT_UnresolvedString: buf.cell("JVM_CONSTANT_UnresolvedString"); buf.cell("\"" + escapeHTMLSpecialChars(cpool.getSymbolAt(index).asString()) + "\""); break; case JVM_CONSTANT_Utf8: buf.cell("JVM_CONSTANT_Utf8"); buf.cell("\"" + escapeHTMLSpecialChars(cpool.getSymbolAt(index).asString()) + "\""); break; case JVM_CONSTANT_String: buf.cell("JVM_CONSTANT_String"); buf.cell("\"" + escapeHTMLSpecialChars(OopUtilities.stringOopToString(cpool.getObjAtRaw(index))) + "\""); break; case JVM_CONSTANT_Fieldref: buf.cell("JVM_CONSTANT_Fieldref"); buf.cell(genLowHighShort(cpool.getIntAt(index))); break; case JVM_CONSTANT_Methodref: buf.cell("JVM_CONSTANT_Methodref"); buf.cell(genLowHighShort(cpool.getIntAt(index))); break; case JVM_CONSTANT_InterfaceMethodref: buf.cell("JVM_CONSTANT_InterfaceMethodref"); buf.cell(genLowHighShort(cpool.getIntAt(index))); break; case JVM_CONSTANT_NameAndType: buf.cell("JVM_CONSTANT_NameAndType"); buf.cell(genLowHighShort(cpool.getIntAt(index))); break; case JVM_CONSTANT_ClassIndex: buf.cell("JVM_CONSTANT_ClassIndex"); buf.cell(Integer.toString(cpool.getIntAt(index))); break; case JVM_CONSTANT_StringIndex: buf.cell("JVM_CONSTANT_StringIndex"); buf.cell(Integer.toString(cpool.getIntAt(index))); break; case JVM_CONSTANT_MethodHandle: buf.cell("JVM_CONSTANT_MethodHandle"); buf.cell(genLowHighShort(cpool.getIntAt(index))); break; case JVM_CONSTANT_MethodType: buf.cell("JVM_CONSTANT_MethodType"); buf.cell(Integer.toString(cpool.getIntAt(index))); break; case JVM_CONSTANT_InvokeDynamic: buf.cell("JVM_CONSTANT_InvokeDynamic"); buf.cell(genLowHighShort(cpool.getIntAt(index)) + genListOfShort(cpool.getBootstrapSpecifierAt(index))); break; default: throw new InternalError("unknown tag: " + ctag); } buf.endTag("tr"); } buf.endTable(); return buf.toString(); } public String genHTML(ConstantPool cpool) { try { Formatter buf = new Formatter(genHTML); buf.genHTMLPrologue(genConstantPoolTitle(cpool)); buf.h3("Holder Class"); buf.append(genKlassLink((InstanceKlass) cpool.getPoolHolder())); buf.h3("Constants"); buf.append(genHTMLTableForConstantPool(cpool)); buf.genHTMLEpilogue(); return buf.toString(); } catch (Exception exp) { return genHTMLErrorMessage(exp); } } protected String genConstantPoolHref(ConstantPool cpool) { return genBaseHref() + "cpool=" + cpool.getHandle(); } protected String genConstantPoolTitle(ConstantPool cpool) { Formatter buf = new Formatter(genHTML); buf.append("Constant Pool of ["); buf.append(genKlassTitle((InstanceKlass) cpool.getPoolHolder())); buf.append("] @"); buf.append(cpool.getHandle().toString()); return buf.toString(); } protected String genConstantPoolLink(ConstantPool cpool) { Formatter buf = new Formatter(genHTML); buf.link(genConstantPoolHref(cpool), genConstantPoolTitle(cpool)); return buf.toString(); } public String genHTML(Method method) { try { final Formatter buf = new Formatter(genHTML); buf.genHTMLPrologue(genMethodTitle(method)); buf.h3("Holder Class"); buf.append(genKlassLink((InstanceKlass) method.getMethodHolder())); NMethod nmethod = method.getNativeMethod(); if (nmethod != null) { buf.h3("Compiled Code"); buf.append(genNMethodLink(nmethod)); } boolean hasThrows = method.hasCheckedExceptions(); ConstantPool cpool = ((InstanceKlass) method.getMethodHolder()).getConstants(); if (hasThrows) { buf.h3("Checked Exception(s)"); CheckedExceptionElement[] exceptions = method.getCheckedExceptions(); buf.beginTag("ul"); for (int exp = 0; exp < exceptions.length; exp++) { short cpIndex = (short) exceptions[exp].getClassCPIndex(); ConstantPool.CPSlot obj = cpool.getSlotAt(cpIndex); if (obj.isMetaData()) { buf.li((obj.getSymbol()).asString().replace('/', '.')); } else { buf.li(genKlassLink((InstanceKlass)obj.getOop())); } } buf.endTag("ul"); } if (method.isNative() || method.isAbstract()) { buf.genHTMLEpilogue(); return buf.toString(); } buf.h3("Bytecode"); BytecodeDisassembler disasm = createBytecodeDisassembler(method); final boolean hasLineNumbers = method.hasLineNumberTable(); disasm.decode(new BytecodeVisitor() { private Method method; public void prologue(Method m) { method = m; buf.beginTable(0); buf.beginTag("tr"); if (hasLineNumbers) { buf.headerCell("line"); } buf.headerCell("bci" + spaces); buf.headerCell("bytecode"); buf.endTag("tr"); } public void visit(Bytecode instr) { int curBci = instr.bci(); buf.beginTag("tr"); if (hasLineNumbers) { int lineNumber = method.getLineNumberFromBCI(curBci); buf.cell(Integer.toString(lineNumber) + spaces); } buf.cell(Integer.toString(curBci) + spaces); buf.beginTag("td"); String instrStr = null; try { instrStr = escapeHTMLSpecialChars(instr.toString()); } catch (RuntimeException re) { buf.append("exception during bytecode processing"); buf.endTag("td"); buf.endTag("tr"); re.printStackTrace(); return; } if (instr instanceof BytecodeNew) { BytecodeNew newBytecode = (BytecodeNew) instr; InstanceKlass klass = newBytecode.getNewKlass(); if (klass != null) { buf.link(genKlassHref(klass), instrStr); } else { buf.append(instrStr); } } else if(instr instanceof BytecodeInvoke) { BytecodeInvoke invokeBytecode = (BytecodeInvoke) instr; Method m = invokeBytecode.getInvokedMethod(); if (m != null) { buf.link(genMethodHref(m), instrStr); buf.append(" of "); InstanceKlass klass = (InstanceKlass) m.getMethodHolder(); buf.link(genKlassHref(klass), genKlassTitle(klass)); } else { buf.append(instrStr); } } else if (instr instanceof BytecodeGetPut) { BytecodeGetPut getPut = (BytecodeGetPut) instr; sun.jvm.hotspot.oops.Field f = getPut.getField(); buf.append(instrStr); if (f != null) { InstanceKlass klass = f.getFieldHolder(); buf.append(" of "); buf.link(genKlassHref(klass), genKlassTitle(klass)); } } else if (instr instanceof BytecodeLoadConstant) { BytecodeLoadConstant ldc = (BytecodeLoadConstant) instr; if (ldc.isKlassConstant()) { Object oop = ldc.getKlass(); if (oop instanceof Klass) { buf.append(""); buf.append(instrStr); buf.append(""); } else { // unresolved klass literal buf.append(instrStr); } } else { // not a klass literal buf.append(instrStr); } } else { buf.append(instrStr); } buf.endTag("td"); buf.endTag("tr"); } public void epilogue() { buf.endTable(); } }); // display exception table for this method boolean hasException = method.hasExceptionTable(); if (hasException) { ExceptionTableElement[] exceptionTable = method.getExceptionTable(); int numEntries = exceptionTable.length; if (numEntries != 0) { buf.h4("Exception Table"); buf.beginTable(1); buf.beginTag("tr"); buf.headerCell("start bci"); buf.headerCell("end bci"); buf.headerCell("handler bci"); buf.headerCell("catch type"); buf.endTag("tr"); for (int e = 0; e < numEntries; e ++) { buf.beginTag("tr"); buf.cell(Integer.toString(exceptionTable[e].getStartPC())); buf.cell(Integer.toString(exceptionTable[e].getEndPC())); buf.cell(Integer.toString(exceptionTable[e].getHandlerPC())); short cpIndex = (short) exceptionTable[e].getCatchTypeIndex(); ConstantPool.CPSlot obj = cpIndex == 0? null : cpool.getSlotAt(cpIndex); if (obj == null) { buf.cell("Any"); } else if (obj.isMetaData()) { buf.cell(obj.getSymbol().asString().replace('/', '.')); } else { buf.cell(genKlassLink((InstanceKlass)obj.getOop())); } buf.endTag("tr"); } buf.endTable(); } } // display constant pool hyperlink buf.h3("Constant Pool"); buf.append(genConstantPoolLink(cpool)); buf.genHTMLEpilogue(); return buf.toString(); } catch (Exception exp) { return genHTMLErrorMessage(exp); } } protected Disassembler createDisassembler(long startPc, byte[] code) { return getCPUHelper().createDisassembler(startPc, code); } protected SymbolFinder createSymbolFinder() { return new DummySymbolFinder(); } // genHTML for a given address. Address may be a PC or // methodOop or klassOop. public String genHTMLForAddress(String addrStr) { return genHTML(parseAddress(addrStr)); } public String genHTML(sun.jvm.hotspot.debugger.Address pc) { CodeBlob blob = null; try { blob = (CodeBlob)VM.getVM().getCodeCache().findBlobUnsafe(pc); } catch (Exception exp) { // ignore } if (blob != null) { if (blob instanceof NMethod) { return genHTML((NMethod)blob); } else { // may be interpreter code. Interpreter interp = VM.getVM().getInterpreter(); if (interp.contains(pc)) { InterpreterCodelet codelet = interp.getCodeletContaining(pc); if (codelet == null) { return "Unknown location in the Interpreter: " + pc; } return genHTML(codelet); } return genHTML(blob); } } else if (VM.getVM().getCodeCache().contains(pc)) { return "Unknown location in the CodeCache: " + pc; } // did not find nmethod. // try methodOop, klassOop and constantPoolOop. try { Oop obj = getOopAtAddress(pc); if (obj != null) { if (obj instanceof Method) { return genHTML((Method) obj); } else if (obj instanceof InstanceKlass) { return genHTML((InstanceKlass) obj); } else if (obj instanceof ConstantPool) { return genHTML((ConstantPool) obj); } } } catch (Exception exp) { // ignore } // didn't find any. do raw disassembly. return genHTMLForRawDisassembly(pc, null); } protected byte[] readBuffer(sun.jvm.hotspot.debugger.Address addr, int size) { byte[] buf = new byte[size]; for (int b = 0; b < size; b++) { buf[b] = (byte) addr.getJByteAt(b); } return buf; } public String genHTMLForRawDisassembly(sun.jvm.hotspot.debugger.Address startPc, int size) { try { return genHTMLForRawDisassembly(startPc, null, readBuffer(startPc, size)); } catch (Exception exp) { return genHTMLErrorMessage(exp); } } protected String genHTMLForRawDisassembly(sun.jvm.hotspot.debugger.Address startPc, String prevPCs) { try { return genHTMLForRawDisassembly(startPc, prevPCs, readBuffer(startPc, NATIVE_CODE_SIZE)); } catch (Exception exp) { return genHTMLErrorMessage(exp); } } protected String genPCHref(long targetPc) { return genBaseHref() + "pc=0x" + Long.toHexString(targetPc); } protected String genMultPCHref(String pcs) { StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(genBaseHref()); buf.append("pc_multiple="); buf.append(pcs); return buf.toString(); } protected String genPCHref(long currentPc, sun.jvm.hotspot.asm.Address addr) { String href = null; if (addr instanceof PCRelativeAddress) { PCRelativeAddress pcRelAddr = (PCRelativeAddress) addr; href = genPCHref(currentPc + pcRelAddr.getDisplacement()); } else if(addr instanceof DirectAddress) { href = genPCHref(((DirectAddress) addr).getValue()); } return href; } class RawCodeVisitor implements InstructionVisitor { private int instrSize = 0; private Formatter buf; private SymbolFinder symFinder = createSymbolFinder(); RawCodeVisitor(Formatter buf) { this.buf = buf; } public int getInstructionSize() { return instrSize; } public void prologue() { } public void visit(long currentPc, Instruction instr) { String href = null; if (instr.isCall()) { CallInstruction call = (CallInstruction) instr; sun.jvm.hotspot.asm.Address addr = call.getBranchDestination(); href = genPCHref(currentPc, addr); } instrSize += instr.getSize(); buf.append("0x"); buf.append(Long.toHexString(currentPc)); buf.append(':'); buf.append(tab); if (href != null) { buf.link(href, instr.asString(currentPc, symFinder)); } else { buf.append(instr.asString(currentPc, symFinder)); } buf.br(); } public void epilogue() { } }; protected String genHTMLForRawDisassembly(sun.jvm.hotspot.debugger.Address addr, String prevPCs, byte[] code) { try { long startPc = addressToLong(addr); Disassembler disasm = createDisassembler(startPc, code); final Formatter buf = new Formatter(genHTML); buf.genHTMLPrologue("Disassembly @0x" + Long.toHexString(startPc)); if (prevPCs != null && genHTML) { buf.beginTag("p"); buf.link(genMultPCHref(prevPCs), "show previous code .."); buf.endTag("p"); } buf.h3("Code"); RawCodeVisitor visitor = new RawCodeVisitor(buf); disasm.decode(visitor); if (genHTML) buf.beginTag("p"); Formatter tmpBuf = new Formatter(genHTML); tmpBuf.append("0x"); tmpBuf.append(Long.toHexString(startPc + visitor.getInstructionSize()).toString()); tmpBuf.append(",0x"); tmpBuf.append(Long.toHexString(startPc)); if (prevPCs != null) { tmpBuf.append(','); tmpBuf.append(prevPCs); } if (genHTML) { buf.link(genMultPCHref(tmpBuf.toString()), "show more code .."); buf.endTag("p"); } buf.genHTMLEpilogue(); return buf.toString(); } catch (Exception exp) { return genHTMLErrorMessage(exp); } } protected String genSafepointInfo(NMethod nm, PCDesc pcDesc) { ScopeDesc sd = nm.getScopeDescAt(pcDesc.getRealPC(nm)); Formatter buf = new Formatter(genHTML); Formatter tabs = new Formatter(genHTML); tabs.append(tab + tab + tab); // Initial indent for debug info buf.beginTag("pre"); genScope(buf, tabs, sd); // Reset indent for scalar replaced objects tabs = new Formatter(genHTML); tabs.append(tab + tab + tab); // Initial indent for debug info genScObjInfo(buf, tabs, sd); buf.endTag("pre"); buf.append(genOopMapInfo(nm, pcDesc)); return buf.toString(); } protected void genScope(Formatter buf, Formatter tabs, ScopeDesc sd) { if (sd == null) { return; } genScope(buf, tabs, sd.sender()); buf.append(tabs); Method m = sd.getMethod(); buf.append(genMethodAndKlassLink(m)); int bci = sd.getBCI(); buf.append(" @ bci = "); buf.append(Integer.toString(bci)); int line = m.getLineNumberFromBCI(bci); if (line != -1) { buf.append(", line = "); buf.append(Integer.toString(line)); } List locals = sd.getLocals(); if (locals != null) { buf.br(); buf.append(tabs); buf.append(genHTMLForLocals(sd, locals)); } List expressions = sd.getExpressions(); if (expressions != null) { buf.br(); buf.append(tabs); buf.append(genHTMLForExpressions(sd, expressions)); } List monitors = sd.getMonitors(); if (monitors != null) { buf.br(); buf.append(tabs); buf.append(genHTMLForMonitors(sd, monitors)); } buf.br(); tabs.append(tab); } protected void genScObjInfo(Formatter buf, Formatter tabs, ScopeDesc sd) { if (sd == null) { return; } List objects = sd.getObjects(); if (objects == null) { return; } int length = objects.size(); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { buf.append(tabs); ObjectValue ov = (ObjectValue)objects.get(i); buf.append("ScObj" + i); ScopeValue sv = ov.getKlass(); if (Assert.ASSERTS_ENABLED) { Assert.that(sv.isConstantOop(), "scalar replaced object klass must be constant oop"); } ConstantOopReadValue klv = (ConstantOopReadValue)sv; OopHandle klHandle = klv.getValue(); if (Assert.ASSERTS_ENABLED) { Assert.that(klHandle != null, "scalar replaced object klass must be not NULL"); } Oop obj = VM.getVM().getObjectHeap().newOop(klHandle); if (obj instanceof InstanceKlass) { InstanceKlass kls = (InstanceKlass) obj; buf.append(" " + kls.getName().asString() + "={"); int flen = ov.fieldsSize(); int klen = kls.getJavaFieldsCount(); int findex = 0; for (int index = 0; index < klen; index++) { int accsFlags = kls.getFieldAccessFlags(index); Symbol f_name = kls.getFieldName(index); AccessFlags access = new AccessFlags(accsFlags); if (!access.isStatic()) { ScopeValue svf = ov.getFieldAt(findex++); String fstr = scopeValueAsString(sd, svf); buf.append(" [" + f_name.asString() + " :"+ index + "]=(#" + fstr + ")"); } } buf.append(" }"); } else { buf.append(" "); int flen = ov.fieldsSize(); if (obj instanceof TypeArrayKlass) { TypeArrayKlass kls = (TypeArrayKlass) obj; buf.append(kls.getElementTypeName() + "[" + flen + "]"); } else if (obj instanceof ObjArrayKlass) { ObjArrayKlass kls = (ObjArrayKlass) obj; Klass elobj = kls.getBottomKlass(); if (elobj instanceof InstanceKlass) { buf.append(elobj.getName().asString()); } else if (elobj instanceof TypeArrayKlass) { TypeArrayKlass elkls = (TypeArrayKlass) elobj; buf.append(elkls.getElementTypeName()); } else { if (Assert.ASSERTS_ENABLED) { Assert.that(false, "unknown scalar replaced object klass!"); } } buf.append("[" + flen + "]"); int ndim = (int) kls.getDimension(); while (--ndim > 0) { buf.append("[]"); } } else { if (Assert.ASSERTS_ENABLED) { Assert.that(false, "unknown scalar replaced object klass!"); } } buf.append("={"); for (int findex = 0; findex < flen; findex++) { ScopeValue svf = ov.getFieldAt(findex); String fstr = scopeValueAsString(sd, svf); buf.append(" [" + findex + "]=(#" + fstr + ")"); } buf.append(" }"); } buf.br(); } } protected String genHTMLForOopMap(OopMap map) { final int stack0 = VMRegImpl.getStack0().getValue(); Formatter buf = new Formatter(genHTML); final class OopMapValueIterator { final Formatter iterate(OopMapStream oms, String type, boolean printContentReg) { Formatter tmpBuf = new Formatter(genHTML); boolean found = false; tmpBuf.beginTag("tr"); tmpBuf.beginTag("td"); tmpBuf.append(type); for (; ! oms.isDone(); oms.next()) { OopMapValue omv = oms.getCurrent(); if (omv == null) { continue; } found = true; VMReg vmReg = omv.getReg(); int reg = vmReg.getValue(); if (reg < stack0) { tmpBuf.append(VMRegImpl.getRegisterName(reg)); } else { tmpBuf.append('['); tmpBuf.append(Integer.toString((reg - stack0) * 4)); tmpBuf.append(']'); } if (printContentReg) { tmpBuf.append(" = "); VMReg vmContentReg = omv.getContentReg(); int contentReg = vmContentReg.getValue(); if (contentReg < stack0) { tmpBuf.append(VMRegImpl.getRegisterName(contentReg)); } else { tmpBuf.append('['); tmpBuf.append(Integer.toString((contentReg - stack0) * 4)); tmpBuf.append(']'); } } tmpBuf.append(spaces); } tmpBuf.endTag("td"); tmpBuf.endTag("tr"); return found ? tmpBuf : new Formatter(genHTML); } } buf.beginTable(0); OopMapValueIterator omvIterator = new OopMapValueIterator(); OopMapStream oms = new OopMapStream(map, OopMapValue.OopTypes.OOP_VALUE); buf.append(omvIterator.iterate(oms, "Oops:", false)); oms = new OopMapStream(map, OopMapValue.OopTypes.NARROWOOP_VALUE); buf.append(omvIterator.iterate(oms, "narrowOops:", false)); oms = new OopMapStream(map, OopMapValue.OopTypes.VALUE_VALUE); buf.append(omvIterator.iterate(oms, "Values:", false)); oms = new OopMapStream(map, OopMapValue.OopTypes.CALLEE_SAVED_VALUE); buf.append(omvIterator.iterate(oms, "Callee saved:", true)); oms = new OopMapStream(map, OopMapValue.OopTypes.DERIVED_OOP_VALUE); buf.append(omvIterator.iterate(oms, "Derived oops:", true)); buf.endTag("table"); return buf.toString(); } protected String genOopMapInfo(NMethod nmethod, PCDesc pcDesc) { OopMapSet mapSet = nmethod.getOopMaps(); if (mapSet == null || (mapSet.getSize() <= 0)) return ""; int pcOffset = pcDesc.getPCOffset(); OopMap map = mapSet.findMapAtOffset(pcOffset, VM.getVM().isDebugging()); if (map == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("no oopmap at safepoint!"); } return genOopMapInfo(map); } protected String genOopMapInfo(OopMap map) { Formatter buf = new Formatter(genHTML); buf.beginTag("pre"); buf.append("OopMap: "); buf.br(); buf.append(genHTMLForOopMap(map)); buf.endTag("pre"); return buf.toString(); } protected String locationAsString(Location loc) { Formatter buf = new Formatter(genHTML); if (loc.isIllegal()) { buf.append("illegal"); } else { Location.Where w = loc.getWhere(); Location.Type type = loc.getType(); if (w == Location.Where.ON_STACK) { buf.append("stack[" + loc.getStackOffset() + "]"); } else if (w == Location.Where.IN_REGISTER) { boolean isFloat = (type == Location.Type.FLOAT_IN_DBL || type == Location.Type.DBL); int regNum = loc.getRegisterNumber(); VMReg vmReg = new VMReg(regNum); buf.append(VMRegImpl.getRegisterName(vmReg.getValue())); } buf.append(", "); if (type == Location.Type.NORMAL) { buf.append("normal"); } else if (type == Location.Type.OOP) { buf.append("oop"); } else if (type == Location.Type.NARROWOOP) { buf.append("narrowoop"); } else if (type == Location.Type.INT_IN_LONG) { buf.append("int"); } else if (type == Location.Type.LNG) { buf.append("long"); } else if (type == Location.Type.FLOAT_IN_DBL) { buf.append("float"); } else if (type == Location.Type.DBL) { buf.append("double"); } else if (type == Location.Type.ADDR) { buf.append("address"); } else if (type == Location.Type.INVALID) { buf.append("invalid"); } } return buf.toString(); } private String scopeValueAsString(ScopeDesc sd, ScopeValue sv) { Formatter buf = new Formatter(genHTML); if (sv.isConstantInt()) { buf.append("int "); ConstantIntValue intValue = (ConstantIntValue) sv; buf.append(Integer.toString(intValue.getValue())); } else if (sv.isConstantLong()) { buf.append("long "); ConstantLongValue longValue = (ConstantLongValue) sv; buf.append(Long.toString(longValue.getValue())); buf.append("L"); } else if (sv.isConstantDouble()) { buf.append("double "); ConstantDoubleValue dblValue = (ConstantDoubleValue) sv; buf.append(Double.toString(dblValue.getValue())); buf.append("D"); } else if (sv.isConstantOop()) { buf.append("oop "); ConstantOopReadValue oopValue = (ConstantOopReadValue) sv; OopHandle oopHandle = oopValue.getValue(); if (oopHandle != null) { buf.append(oopHandle.toString()); } else { buf.append("null"); } } else if (sv.isLocation()) { LocationValue lvalue = (LocationValue) sv; Location loc = lvalue.getLocation(); if (loc != null) { buf.append(locationAsString(loc)); } else { buf.append("null"); } } else if (sv.isObject()) { ObjectValue ov = (ObjectValue)sv; buf.append("#ScObj" + sd.getObjects().indexOf(ov)); } else { buf.append("unknown scope value " + sv); } return buf.toString(); } protected String genHTMLForScopeValues(ScopeDesc sd, boolean locals, List values) { int length = values.size(); Formatter buf = new Formatter(genHTML); buf.append(locals? "locals " : "expressions "); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { ScopeValue sv = (ScopeValue) values.get(i); if (sv == null) { continue; } buf.append('('); if (locals) { Symbol name = sd.getMethod().getLocalVariableName(sd.getBCI(), i); if (name != null) { buf.append("'"); buf.append(name.asString()); buf.append('\''); } else { buf.append("["); buf.append(Integer.toString(i)); buf.append(']'); } } else { buf.append("["); buf.append(Integer.toString(i)); buf.append(']'); } buf.append(", "); buf.append(scopeValueAsString(sd, sv)); buf.append(") "); } return buf.toString(); } protected String genHTMLForLocals(ScopeDesc sd, List locals) { return genHTMLForScopeValues(sd, true, locals); } protected String genHTMLForExpressions(ScopeDesc sd, List expressions) { return genHTMLForScopeValues(sd, false, expressions); } protected String genHTMLForMonitors(ScopeDesc sd, List monitors) { int length = monitors.size(); Formatter buf = new Formatter(genHTML); buf.append("monitors "); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { MonitorValue mv = (MonitorValue) monitors.get(i); if (mv == null) { continue; } buf.append("(owner = "); ScopeValue owner = mv.owner(); if (owner != null) { buf.append(scopeValueAsString(sd, owner)); } else { buf.append("null"); } buf.append(", lock = "); Location loc = mv.basicLock(); if (loc != null) { buf.append(locationAsString(loc)); } else { buf.append("null"); } buf.append(") "); } return buf.toString(); } public String genHTML(final NMethod nmethod) { try { final Formatter buf = new Formatter(genHTML); buf.genHTMLPrologue(genNMethodTitle(nmethod)); buf.h3("Method"); buf.append(genMethodAndKlassLink(nmethod.getMethod())); buf.h3("Compiled Code"); sun.jvm.hotspot.debugger.Address instsBegin = nmethod.instsBegin(); sun.jvm.hotspot.debugger.Address instsEnd = nmethod.instsEnd(); final int instsSize = nmethod.instsSize(); final long startPc = addressToLong(instsBegin); final byte[] code = new byte[instsSize]; for (int i=0; i < code.length; i++) code[i] = instsBegin.getJByteAt(i); final long verifiedEntryPoint = addressToLong(nmethod.getVerifiedEntryPoint()); final long entryPoint = addressToLong(nmethod.getEntryPoint()); final Map safepoints = nmethod.getSafepoints(); final SymbolFinder symFinder = createSymbolFinder(); final Disassembler disasm = createDisassembler(startPc, code); class NMethodVisitor implements InstructionVisitor { public void prologue() { } public void visit(long currentPc, Instruction instr) { String href = null; if (instr.isCall()) { CallInstruction call = (CallInstruction) instr; sun.jvm.hotspot.asm.Address addr = call.getBranchDestination(); href = genPCHref(currentPc, addr); } if (currentPc == verifiedEntryPoint) { buf.bold("Verified Entry Point"); buf.br(); } if (currentPc == entryPoint) { buf.bold(">Entry Point"); buf.br(); } PCDesc pcDesc = (PCDesc) safepoints.get(longToAddress(currentPc)); if (pcDesc != null) { buf.append(genSafepointInfo(nmethod, pcDesc)); } buf.append("0x"); buf.append(Long.toHexString(currentPc)); buf.append(':'); buf.append(tab); if (href != null) { buf.link(href, instr.asString(currentPc, symFinder)); } else { buf.append(instr.asString(currentPc, symFinder)); } buf.br(); } public void epilogue() { } }; disasm.decode(new NMethodVisitor()); sun.jvm.hotspot.debugger.Address stubBegin = nmethod.stubBegin(); if (stubBegin != null) { sun.jvm.hotspot.debugger.Address stubEnd = nmethod.stubEnd(); buf.h3("Stub"); long stubStartPc = addressToLong(stubBegin); long stubEndPc = addressToLong(stubEnd); int range = (int) (stubEndPc - stubStartPc); byte[] stubCode = readBuffer(stubBegin, range); Disassembler disasm2 = createDisassembler(stubStartPc, stubCode); disasm2.decode(new NMethodVisitor()); } buf.genHTMLEpilogue(); return buf.toString(); } catch (Exception exp) { return genHTMLErrorMessage(exp); } } public String genHTML(final CodeBlob blob) { try { final Formatter buf = new Formatter(genHTML); buf.genHTMLPrologue(genCodeBlobTitle(blob)); buf.h3("CodeBlob"); buf.h3("Compiled Code"); final sun.jvm.hotspot.debugger.Address codeBegin = blob.codeBegin(); final int codeSize = blob.getCodeSize(); final long startPc = addressToLong(codeBegin); final byte[] code = new byte[codeSize]; for (int i=0; i < code.length; i++) code[i] = codeBegin.getJByteAt(i); final SymbolFinder symFinder = createSymbolFinder(); final Disassembler disasm = createDisassembler(startPc, code); class CodeBlobVisitor implements InstructionVisitor { OopMapSet maps; OopMap curMap; int curMapIndex; long curMapOffset; public void prologue() { maps = blob.getOopMaps(); if (maps != null && (maps.getSize() > 0)) { curMap = maps.getMapAt(0); if (curMap != null) { curMapOffset = curMap.getOffset(); } } } public void visit(long currentPc, Instruction instr) { String href = null; if (instr.isCall()) { CallInstruction call = (CallInstruction) instr; sun.jvm.hotspot.asm.Address addr = call.getBranchDestination(); href = genPCHref(currentPc, addr); } buf.append("0x"); buf.append(Long.toHexString(currentPc)); buf.append(':'); buf.append(tab); if (href != null) { buf.link(href, instr.asString(currentPc, symFinder)); } else { buf.append(instr.asString(currentPc, symFinder)); } buf.br(); // See whether we have an oop map at this PC if (curMap != null) { long curOffset = currentPc - startPc; if (curOffset == curMapOffset) { buf.append(genOopMapInfo(curMap)); if (++curMapIndex >= maps.getSize()) { curMap = null; } else { curMap = maps.getMapAt(curMapIndex); if (curMap != null) { curMapOffset = curMap.getOffset(); } } } } } public void epilogue() { } }; disasm.decode(new CodeBlobVisitor()); buf.genHTMLEpilogue(); return buf.toString(); } catch (Exception exp) { return genHTMLErrorMessage(exp); } } protected String genInterpreterCodeletTitle(InterpreterCodelet codelet) { Formatter buf = new Formatter(genHTML); buf.append("Interpreter codelet ["); buf.append(codelet.codeBegin().toString()); buf.append(','); buf.append(codelet.codeEnd().toString()); buf.append(") - "); buf.append(codelet.getDescription()); return buf.toString(); } protected String genInterpreterCodeletLinkPageHref(StubQueue stubq) { return genBaseHref() + "interp_codelets"; } public String genInterpreterCodeletLinksPage() { Formatter buf = new Formatter(genHTML); buf.genHTMLPrologue("Interpreter Codelets"); buf.beginTag("ul"); Interpreter interp = VM.getVM().getInterpreter(); StubQueue code = interp.getCode(); InterpreterCodelet stub = (InterpreterCodelet) code.getFirst(); while (stub != null) { buf.beginTag("li"); sun.jvm.hotspot.debugger.Address addr = stub.codeBegin(); buf.link(genPCHref(addressToLong(addr)), stub.getDescription() + " @" + addr); buf.endTag("li"); stub = (InterpreterCodelet) code.getNext(stub); } buf.endTag("ul"); buf.genHTMLEpilogue(); return buf.toString(); } public String genHTML(InterpreterCodelet codelet) { Formatter buf = new Formatter(genHTML); buf.genHTMLPrologue(genInterpreterCodeletTitle(codelet)); Interpreter interp = VM.getVM().getInterpreter(); StubQueue stubq = interp.getCode(); if (genHTML) { buf.beginTag("h3"); buf.link(genInterpreterCodeletLinkPageHref(stubq), "View links for all codelets"); buf.endTag("h3"); buf.br(); } Stub prev = stubq.getPrev(codelet); if (prev != null) { if (genHTML) { buf.beginTag("h3"); buf.link(genPCHref(addressToLong(prev.codeBegin())), "View Previous Codelet"); buf.endTag("h3"); buf.br(); } else { buf.h3("Previous Codelet = 0x" + Long.toHexString(addressToLong(prev.codeBegin()))); } } buf.h3("Code"); long stubStartPc = addressToLong(codelet.codeBegin()); long stubEndPc = addressToLong(codelet.codeEnd()); int range = (int) (stubEndPc - stubStartPc); byte[] stubCode = readBuffer(codelet.codeBegin(), range); Disassembler disasm = createDisassembler(stubStartPc, stubCode); disasm.decode(new RawCodeVisitor(buf)); Stub next = stubq.getNext(codelet); if (next != null) { if (genHTML) { buf.beginTag("h3"); buf.link(genPCHref(addressToLong(next.codeBegin())), "View Next Codelet"); buf.endTag("h3"); } else { buf.h3("Next Codelet = 0x" + Long.toHexString(addressToLong(next.codeBegin()))); } } buf.genHTMLEpilogue(); return buf.toString(); } protected String genDumpKlassesTitle(InstanceKlass[] klasses) { return (klasses.length == 1) ? "Create .class for this class" : "Create .class for all classes"; } protected String genDumpKlassesHref(InstanceKlass[] klasses) { StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(genBaseHref()); buf.append("jcore_multiple="); for (int k = 0; k < klasses.length; k++) { buf.append(klasses[k].getHandle().toString()); buf.append(','); } return buf.toString(); } protected String genDumpKlassesLink(InstanceKlass[] klasses) { if (!genHTML) return ""; Formatter buf = new Formatter(genHTML); buf.link(genDumpKlassesHref(klasses), genDumpKlassesTitle(klasses)); return buf.toString(); } public String genHTMLForKlassNames(InstanceKlass[] klasses) { try { Formatter buf = new Formatter(genHTML); buf.genHTMLPrologue(); buf.h3(genDumpKlassesLink(klasses)); buf.append(genHTMLListForKlassNames(klasses)); buf.genHTMLEpilogue(); return buf.toString(); } catch (Exception exp) { return genHTMLErrorMessage(exp); } } protected String genHTMLListForKlassNames(InstanceKlass[] klasses) { final Formatter buf = new Formatter(genHTML); buf.beginTable(0); for (int i = 0; i < klasses.length; i++) { InstanceKlass ik = klasses[i]; buf.beginTag("tr"); buf.cell(genKlassLink(ik)); buf.endTag("tr"); } buf.endTable(); return buf.toString(); } public String genHTMLForMethodNames(InstanceKlass klass) { try { Formatter buf = new Formatter(genHTML); buf.genHTMLPrologue(); buf.append(genHTMLListForMethods(klass)); buf.genHTMLEpilogue(); return buf.toString(); } catch (Exception exp) { return genHTMLErrorMessage(exp); } } protected String genHTMLListForMethods(InstanceKlass klass) { Formatter buf = new Formatter(genHTML); ObjArray methods = klass.getMethods(); int numMethods = (int) methods.getLength(); if (numMethods != 0) { buf.h3("Methods"); buf.beginTag("ul"); for (int m = 0; m < numMethods; m++) { Method mtd = (Method) methods.getObjAt(m); buf.li(genMethodLink(mtd) + ";"); } buf.endTag("ul"); } return buf.toString(); } protected String genHTMLListForInterfaces(InstanceKlass klass) { try { Formatter buf = new Formatter(genHTML); ObjArray interfaces = klass.getLocalInterfaces(); int numInterfaces = (int) interfaces.getLength(); if (numInterfaces != 0) { buf.h3("Interfaces"); buf.beginTag("ul"); for (int i = 0; i < numInterfaces; i++) { InstanceKlass inf = (InstanceKlass) interfaces.getObjAt(i); buf.li(genKlassLink(inf)); } buf.endTag("ul"); } return buf.toString(); } catch (Exception exp) { return genHTMLErrorMessage(exp); } } protected String genFieldModifierString(AccessFlags acc) { Formatter buf = new Formatter(genHTML); if (acc.isPrivate()) { buf.append("private "); } else if (acc.isProtected()) { buf.append("protected "); } else if (acc.isPublic()) { buf.append("public "); } if (acc.isStatic()) { buf.append("static "); } if (acc.isFinal()) { buf.append("final "); } if (acc.isVolatile()) { buf.append("volatile "); } if (acc.isTransient()) { buf.append("transient "); } // javac generated flags if (acc.isSynthetic()) { buf.append("[synthetic] "); } return buf.toString(); } public String genHTMLForFieldNames(InstanceKlass klass) { try { Formatter buf = new Formatter(genHTML); buf.genHTMLPrologue(); buf.append(genHTMLListForFields(klass)); buf.genHTMLEpilogue(); return buf.toString(); } catch (Exception exp) { return genHTMLErrorMessage(exp); } } protected String genHTMLListForFields(InstanceKlass klass) { Formatter buf = new Formatter(genHTML); int numFields = klass.getJavaFieldsCount(); if (numFields != 0) { buf.h3("Fields"); buf.beginList(); for (int f = 0; f < numFields; f++) { sun.jvm.hotspot.oops.Field field = klass.getFieldByIndex(f); String f_name = ((NamedFieldIdentifier)field.getID()).getName(); Symbol f_sig = field.getSignature(); Symbol f_genSig = field.getGenericSignature(); AccessFlags acc = field.getAccessFlagsObj(); buf.beginListItem(); buf.append(genFieldModifierString(acc)); buf.append(' '); Formatter sigBuf = new Formatter(genHTML); new SignatureConverter(f_sig, sigBuf.getBuffer()).dispatchField(); buf.append(sigBuf.toString().replace('/', '.')); buf.append(' '); buf.append(f_name); buf.append(';'); // is it generic? if (f_genSig != null) { buf.append(" [signature "); buf.append(escapeHTMLSpecialChars(f_genSig.asString())); buf.append("] "); } buf.append(" (offset = " + field.getOffset() + ")"); buf.endListItem(); } buf.endList(); } return buf.toString(); } protected String genKlassHierarchyHref(InstanceKlass klass) { return genBaseHref() + "hierarchy=" + klass.getHandle(); } protected String genKlassHierarchyTitle(InstanceKlass klass) { Formatter buf = new Formatter(genHTML); buf.append("Class Hierarchy of "); buf.append(genKlassTitle(klass)); return buf.toString(); } protected String genKlassHierarchyLink(InstanceKlass klass) { Formatter buf = new Formatter(genHTML); buf.link(genKlassHierarchyHref(klass), genKlassHierarchyTitle(klass)); return buf.toString(); } protected String genHTMLListForSubKlasses(InstanceKlass klass) { Formatter buf = new Formatter(genHTML); Klass subklass = klass.getSubklassKlass(); if (subklass != null) { buf.beginList(); while (subklass != null) { if (subklass instanceof InstanceKlass) { buf.li(genKlassLink((InstanceKlass)subklass)); } subklass = subklass.getNextSiblingKlass(); } buf.endList(); } return buf.toString(); } public String genHTMLForKlassHierarchy(InstanceKlass klass) { Formatter buf = new Formatter(genHTML); buf.genHTMLPrologue(genKlassHierarchyTitle(klass)); buf.beginTag("pre"); buf.append(genKlassLink(klass)); buf.br(); StringBuffer tabs = new StringBuffer(tab); InstanceKlass superKlass = klass; while ( (superKlass = (InstanceKlass) superKlass.getSuper()) != null ) { buf.append(tabs); buf.append(genKlassLink(superKlass)); tabs.append(tab); buf.br(); } buf.endTag("pre"); // generate subklass list Klass subklass = klass.getSubklassKlass(); if (subklass != null) { buf.h3("Direct Subclasses"); buf.append(genHTMLListForSubKlasses(klass)); } buf.genHTMLEpilogue(); return buf.toString(); } protected String genDumpKlassHref(InstanceKlass klass) { return genBaseHref() + "jcore=" + klass.getHandle(); } protected String genDumpKlassLink(InstanceKlass klass) { if (!genHTML) return ""; Formatter buf = new Formatter(genHTML); buf.link(genDumpKlassHref(klass), "Create .class File"); return buf.toString(); } public String genHTML(InstanceKlass klass) { Formatter buf = new Formatter(genHTML); buf.genHTMLPrologue(genKlassTitle(klass)); InstanceKlass superKlass = (InstanceKlass) klass.getSuper(); if (genHTML) { // super class tree and subclass list buf.beginTag("h3"); buf.link(genKlassHierarchyHref(klass), "View Class Hierarchy"); buf.endTag("h3"); } // jcore - create .class link buf.h3(genDumpKlassLink(klass)); // super class if (superKlass != null) { buf.h3("Super Class"); buf.append(genKlassLink(superKlass)); } // interfaces buf.append(genHTMLListForInterfaces(klass)); // fields buf.append(genHTMLListForFields(klass)); // methods buf.append(genHTMLListForMethods(klass)); // constant pool link buf.h3("Constant Pool"); buf.append(genConstantPoolLink(klass.getConstants())); buf.genHTMLEpilogue(); return buf.toString(); } protected sun.jvm.hotspot.debugger.Address parseAddress(String address) { VM vm = VM.getVM(); sun.jvm.hotspot.debugger.Address addr = vm.getDebugger().parseAddress(address); return addr; } protected long addressToLong(sun.jvm.hotspot.debugger.Address addr) { return VM.getVM().getDebugger().getAddressValue(addr); } protected sun.jvm.hotspot.debugger.Address longToAddress(long addr) { return parseAddress("0x" + Long.toHexString(addr)); } protected Oop getOopAtAddress(sun.jvm.hotspot.debugger.Address addr) { OopHandle oopHandle = addr.addOffsetToAsOopHandle(0); return VM.getVM().getObjectHeap().newOop(oopHandle); } protected Oop getOopAtAddress(String address) { sun.jvm.hotspot.debugger.Address addr = parseAddress(address); return getOopAtAddress(addr); } private void dumpKlass(InstanceKlass kls) throws IOException { String klassName = kls.getName().asString(); klassName = klassName.replace('/', File.separatorChar); int index = klassName.lastIndexOf(File.separatorChar); File dir = null; if (index != -1) { String dirName = klassName.substring(0, index); dir = new File(DUMP_KLASS_OUTPUT_DIR, dirName); } else { dir = new File(DUMP_KLASS_OUTPUT_DIR); } dir.mkdirs(); File f = new File(dir, klassName.substring(klassName.lastIndexOf(File.separatorChar) + 1) + ".class"); f.createNewFile(); FileOutputStream fis = new FileOutputStream(f); ClassWriter cw = new ClassWriter(kls, fis); cw.write(); } public String genDumpKlass(InstanceKlass kls) { try { dumpKlass(kls); Formatter buf = new Formatter(genHTML); buf.genHTMLPrologue(genKlassTitle(kls)); buf.append(".class created for "); buf.append(genKlassLink(kls)); buf.genHTMLEpilogue(); return buf.toString(); } catch(IOException exp) { return genHTMLErrorMessage(exp); } } protected String genJavaStackTraceTitle(JavaThread thread) { Formatter buf = new Formatter(genHTML); buf.append("Java Stack Trace for "); buf.append(thread.getThreadName()); return buf.toString(); } public String genHTMLForJavaStackTrace(JavaThread thread) { Formatter buf = new Formatter(genHTML); buf.genHTMLPrologue(genJavaStackTraceTitle(thread)); buf.append("Thread state = "); buf.append(thread.getThreadState().toString()); buf.br(); buf.beginTag("pre"); for (JavaVFrame vf = thread.getLastJavaVFrameDbg(); vf != null; vf = vf.javaSender()) { Method method = vf.getMethod(); buf.append(" - "); buf.append(genMethodLink(method)); buf.append(" @bci = " + vf.getBCI()); int lineNumber = method.getLineNumberFromBCI(vf.getBCI()); if (lineNumber != -1) { buf.append(", line = "); buf.append(lineNumber); } sun.jvm.hotspot.debugger.Address pc = vf.getFrame().getPC(); if (pc != null) { buf.append(", pc = "); buf.link(genPCHref(addressToLong(pc)), pc.toString()); } if (vf.isCompiledFrame()) { buf.append(" (Compiled"); } else if (vf.isInterpretedFrame()) { buf.append(" (Interpreted"); } if (vf.mayBeImpreciseDbg()) { buf.append("; information may be imprecise"); } buf.append(")"); buf.br(); } buf.endTag("pre"); buf.genHTMLEpilogue(); return buf.toString(); } public String genHTMLForHyperlink(String href) { if (href.startsWith("klass=")) { href = href.substring(href.indexOf('=') + 1); Oop obj = getOopAtAddress(href); if (Assert.ASSERTS_ENABLED) { Assert.that(obj instanceof InstanceKlass, "class= href with improper InstanceKlass!"); } return genHTML((InstanceKlass) obj); } else if (href.startsWith("method=")) { href = href.substring(href.indexOf('=') + 1); Oop obj = getOopAtAddress(href); if (Assert.ASSERTS_ENABLED) { Assert.that(obj instanceof Method, "method= href with improper Method!"); } return genHTML((Method) obj); } else if (href.startsWith("nmethod=")) { String addr = href.substring(href.indexOf('=') + 1); Object obj = VMObjectFactory.newObject(NMethod.class, parseAddress(addr)); if (Assert.ASSERTS_ENABLED) { Assert.that(obj instanceof NMethod, "nmethod= href with improper NMethod!"); } return genHTML((NMethod) obj); } else if (href.startsWith("pc=")) { String address = href.substring(href.indexOf('=') + 1); return genHTML(parseAddress(address)); } else if (href.startsWith("pc_multiple=")) { int indexOfComma = href.indexOf(','); if (indexOfComma == -1) { String firstPC = href.substring(href.indexOf('=') + 1); return genHTMLForRawDisassembly(parseAddress(firstPC), null); } else { String firstPC = href.substring(href.indexOf('=') + 1, indexOfComma); return genHTMLForRawDisassembly(parseAddress(firstPC), href.substring(indexOfComma + 1)); } } else if (href.startsWith("interp_codelets")) { return genInterpreterCodeletLinksPage(); } else if (href.startsWith("hierarchy=")) { href = href.substring(href.indexOf('=') + 1); Oop obj = getOopAtAddress(href); if (Assert.ASSERTS_ENABLED) { Assert.that(obj instanceof InstanceKlass, "class= href with improper InstanceKlass!"); } return genHTMLForKlassHierarchy((InstanceKlass) obj); } else if (href.startsWith("cpool=")) { href = href.substring(href.indexOf('=') + 1); Oop obj = getOopAtAddress(href); if (Assert.ASSERTS_ENABLED) { Assert.that(obj instanceof ConstantPool, "cpool= href with improper ConstantPool!"); } return genHTML((ConstantPool) obj); } else if (href.startsWith("jcore=")) { href = href.substring(href.indexOf('=') + 1); Oop obj = getOopAtAddress(href); if (Assert.ASSERTS_ENABLED) { Assert.that(obj instanceof InstanceKlass, "jcore= href with improper InstanceKlass!"); } return genDumpKlass((InstanceKlass) obj); } else if (href.startsWith("jcore_multiple=")) { href = href.substring(href.indexOf('=') + 1); Formatter buf = new Formatter(genHTML); buf.genHTMLPrologue(); StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(href, ","); while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { Oop obj = getOopAtAddress(st.nextToken()); if (Assert.ASSERTS_ENABLED) { Assert.that(obj instanceof InstanceKlass, "jcore_multiple= href with improper InstanceKlass!"); } InstanceKlass kls = (InstanceKlass) obj; try { dumpKlass(kls); buf.append(".class created for "); buf.append(genKlassLink(kls)); } catch(Exception exp) { buf.bold("can't .class for " + genKlassTitle(kls) + " : " + exp.getMessage()); } buf.br(); } buf.genHTMLEpilogue(); return buf.toString(); } else { if (Assert.ASSERTS_ENABLED) { Assert.that(false, "unknown href link!"); } return null; } } }