FROM ubuntu:14.04 RUN apt-get update RUN apt-get install -y subunit python python-dev python-pip RUN mkdir /opt/tempest-pull VOLUME /srv/data/bundle-receipts VOLUME /srv/data/logs # Get dependencies RUN pip install py2neo # Copy the local package files to the container's workspace. ADD . /opt/tempest-pull WORKDIR /opt/tempest-pull # These need to be set here to override any default config that might be specified # in that isn't what we need it to be when running in a linked Docker # container ENV NEO4J_ENDPOINT http://neo4j:7474/db/data/ ENV BUNDLES_ROOT /srv/data/bundle-receipts/ ENV LOGS_ROOT /srv/data/logs/ # Run this command by default when the container starts. ENTRYPOINT python -c "import config; from app import app;, False)"