path: root/hadoop-hdds/container-service/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/ozone/container/common/transport/server/ratis/
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Diffstat (limited to 'hadoop-hdds/container-service/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/ozone/container/common/transport/server/ratis/')
1 files changed, 293 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/hadoop-hdds/container-service/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/ozone/container/common/transport/server/ratis/ b/hadoop-hdds/container-service/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/ozone/container/common/transport/server/ratis/
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index 0000000000..1a89e44bd1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hadoop-hdds/container-service/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/ozone/container/common/transport/server/ratis/
@@ -0,0 +1,293 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package org.apache.hadoop.ozone.container.common.transport.server.ratis;
+import org.apache.hadoop.hdds.protocol.proto.ContainerProtos;
+import org.apache.hadoop.hdds.protocol.proto.ContainerProtos
+ .ContainerCommandRequestProto;
+import org.apache.hadoop.hdds.protocol.proto.ContainerProtos
+ .ContainerCommandResponseProto;
+import org.apache.hadoop.hdds.protocol.proto.ContainerProtos
+ .WriteChunkRequestProto;
+import org.apache.hadoop.ozone.container.common.interfaces.ContainerDispatcher;
+import org.apache.ratis.conf.RaftProperties;
+import org.apache.ratis.protocol.Message;
+import org.apache.ratis.protocol.RaftClientRequest;
+import org.apache.ratis.protocol.RaftPeerId;
+import org.apache.ratis.shaded.proto.RaftProtos.LogEntryProto;
+import org.apache.ratis.shaded.proto.RaftProtos.SMLogEntryProto;
+import org.apache.ratis.statemachine.StateMachineStorage;
+import org.apache.ratis.statemachine.TransactionContext;
+import org.apache.ratis.statemachine.impl.BaseStateMachine;
+import org.apache.ratis.statemachine.impl.SimpleStateMachineStorage;
+import org.apache.ratis.statemachine.impl.TransactionContextImpl;
+import org.slf4j.Logger;
+import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
+import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture;
+import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
+import java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor;
+/** A {@link org.apache.ratis.statemachine.StateMachine} for containers.
+ *
+ * The stateMachine is responsible for handling different types of container
+ * requests. The container requests can be divided into readonly and write
+ * requests.
+ *
+ * Read only requests are classified in
+ * {@link org.apache.hadoop.hdds.scm.XceiverClientRatis#isReadOnly}
+ * and these readonly requests are replied from the {@link #query(Message)}.
+ *
+ * The write requests can be divided into requests with user data
+ * (WriteChunkRequest) and other request without user data.
+ *
+ * Inorder to optimize the write throughput, the writeChunk request is
+ * processed in 2 phases. The 2 phases are divided in
+ * {@link #startTransaction(RaftClientRequest)}, in the first phase the user
+ * data is written directly into the state machine via
+ * {@link #writeStateMachineData} and in the second phase the
+ * transaction is committed via {@link #applyTransaction(TransactionContext)}
+ *
+ * For the requests with no stateMachine data, the transaction is directly
+ * committed through
+ * {@link #applyTransaction(TransactionContext)}
+ *
+ * There are 2 ordering operation which are enforced right now in the code,
+ * 1) Write chunk operation are executed after the create container operation,
+ * the write chunk operation will fail otherwise as the container still hasn't
+ * been created. Hence the create container operation has been split in the
+ * {@link #startTransaction(RaftClientRequest)}, this will help in synchronizing
+ * the calls in {@link #writeStateMachineData}
+ *
+ * 2) Write chunk commit operation is executed after write chunk state machine
+ * operation. This will ensure that commit operation is sync'd with the state
+ * machine operation.
+ * */
+public class ContainerStateMachine extends BaseStateMachine {
+ static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(
+ ContainerStateMachine.class);
+ private final SimpleStateMachineStorage storage
+ = new SimpleStateMachineStorage();
+ private final ContainerDispatcher dispatcher;
+ private ThreadPoolExecutor writeChunkExecutor;
+ private final ConcurrentHashMap<Long, CompletableFuture<Message>>
+ writeChunkFutureMap;
+ private final ConcurrentHashMap<String, CompletableFuture<Message>>
+ createContainerFutureMap;
+ ContainerStateMachine(ContainerDispatcher dispatcher,
+ ThreadPoolExecutor writeChunkExecutor) {
+ this.dispatcher = dispatcher;
+ this.writeChunkExecutor = writeChunkExecutor;
+ this.writeChunkFutureMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
+ this.createContainerFutureMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
+ }
+ @Override
+ public StateMachineStorage getStateMachineStorage() {
+ return storage;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void initialize(
+ RaftPeerId id, RaftProperties properties, RaftStorage raftStorage)
+ throws IOException {
+ super.initialize(id, properties, raftStorage);
+ storage.init(raftStorage);
+ // TODO handle snapshots
+ // TODO: Add a flag that tells you that initialize has been called.
+ // Check with Ratis if this feature is done in Ratis.
+ }
+ @Override
+ public TransactionContext startTransaction(RaftClientRequest request)
+ throws IOException {
+ final ContainerCommandRequestProto proto =
+ getRequestProto(request.getMessage().getContent());
+ final SMLogEntryProto log;
+ if (proto.getCmdType() == ContainerProtos.Type.WriteChunk) {
+ final WriteChunkRequestProto write = proto.getWriteChunk();
+ // create the state machine data proto
+ final WriteChunkRequestProto dataWriteChunkProto =
+ WriteChunkRequestProto
+ .newBuilder(write)
+ .setStage(ContainerProtos.Stage.WRITE_DATA)
+ .build();
+ ContainerCommandRequestProto dataContainerCommandProto =
+ ContainerCommandRequestProto
+ .newBuilder(proto)
+ .setWriteChunk(dataWriteChunkProto)
+ .build();
+ // create the log entry proto
+ final WriteChunkRequestProto commitWriteChunkProto =
+ WriteChunkRequestProto.newBuilder()
+ .setPipeline(write.getPipeline())
+ .setKeyName(write.getKeyName())
+ .setChunkData(write.getChunkData())
+ // skipping the data field as it is
+ // already set in statemachine data proto
+ .setStage(ContainerProtos.Stage.COMMIT_DATA)
+ .build();
+ ContainerCommandRequestProto commitContainerCommandProto =
+ ContainerCommandRequestProto
+ .newBuilder(proto)
+ .setWriteChunk(commitWriteChunkProto)
+ .build();
+ log = SMLogEntryProto.newBuilder()
+ .setData(getShadedByteString(commitContainerCommandProto))
+ .setStateMachineData(getShadedByteString(dataContainerCommandProto))
+ .build();
+ } else if (proto.getCmdType() == ContainerProtos.Type.CreateContainer) {
+ log = SMLogEntryProto.newBuilder()
+ .setData(request.getMessage().getContent())
+ .setStateMachineData(request.getMessage().getContent())
+ .build();
+ } else {
+ log = SMLogEntryProto.newBuilder()
+ .setData(request.getMessage().getContent())
+ .build();
+ }
+ return new TransactionContextImpl(this, request, log);
+ }
+ private ByteString getShadedByteString(ContainerCommandRequestProto proto) {
+ return ShadedProtoUtil.asShadedByteString(proto.toByteArray());
+ }
+ private ContainerCommandRequestProto getRequestProto(ByteString request)
+ throws InvalidProtocolBufferException {
+ return ContainerCommandRequestProto.parseFrom(
+ ShadedProtoUtil.asByteString(request));
+ }
+ private Message runCommand(ContainerCommandRequestProto requestProto) {
+ LOG.trace("dispatch {}", requestProto);
+ ContainerCommandResponseProto response = dispatcher.dispatch(requestProto);
+ LOG.trace("response {}", response);
+ return () -> ShadedProtoUtil.asShadedByteString(response.toByteArray());
+ }
+ private CompletableFuture<Message> handleWriteChunk(
+ ContainerCommandRequestProto requestProto, long entryIndex) {
+ final WriteChunkRequestProto write = requestProto.getWriteChunk();
+ String containerName = write.getPipeline().getContainerName();
+ CompletableFuture<Message> future =
+ createContainerFutureMap.get(containerName);
+ CompletableFuture<Message> writeChunkFuture;
+ if (future != null) {
+ writeChunkFuture = future.thenApplyAsync(
+ v -> runCommand(requestProto), writeChunkExecutor);
+ } else {
+ writeChunkFuture = CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(
+ () -> runCommand(requestProto), writeChunkExecutor);
+ }
+ writeChunkFutureMap.put(entryIndex, writeChunkFuture);
+ return writeChunkFuture;
+ }
+ private CompletableFuture<Message> handleCreateContainer(
+ ContainerCommandRequestProto requestProto) {
+ String containerName =
+ requestProto.getCreateContainer().getContainerData().getName();
+ createContainerFutureMap.
+ computeIfAbsent(containerName, k -> new CompletableFuture<>());
+ return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(() -> ByteString.EMPTY);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public CompletableFuture<Message> writeStateMachineData(LogEntryProto entry) {
+ try {
+ final ContainerCommandRequestProto requestProto =
+ getRequestProto(entry.getSmLogEntry().getStateMachineData());
+ ContainerProtos.Type cmdType = requestProto.getCmdType();
+ switch (cmdType) {
+ case CreateContainer:
+ return handleCreateContainer(requestProto);
+ case WriteChunk:
+ return handleWriteChunk(requestProto, entry.getIndex());
+ default:
+ throw new IllegalStateException("Cmd Type:" + cmdType
+ + " should not have state machine data");
+ }
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ return completeExceptionally(e);
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public CompletableFuture<Message> query(Message request) {
+ try {
+ final ContainerCommandRequestProto requestProto =
+ getRequestProto(request.getContent());
+ return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(runCommand(requestProto));
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ return completeExceptionally(e);
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public CompletableFuture<Message> applyTransaction(TransactionContext trx) {
+ try {
+ ContainerCommandRequestProto requestProto =
+ getRequestProto(trx.getSMLogEntry().getData());
+ ContainerProtos.Type cmdType = requestProto.getCmdType();
+ if (cmdType == ContainerProtos.Type.WriteChunk) {
+ WriteChunkRequestProto write = requestProto.getWriteChunk();
+ // the data field has already been removed in start Transaction
+ Preconditions.checkArgument(!write.hasData());
+ CompletableFuture<Message> stateMachineFuture =
+ writeChunkFutureMap.remove(trx.getLogEntry().getIndex());
+ return stateMachineFuture
+ .thenComposeAsync(v ->
+ CompletableFuture.completedFuture(runCommand(requestProto)));
+ } else {
+ Message message = runCommand(requestProto);
+ if (cmdType == ContainerProtos.Type.CreateContainer) {
+ String containerName =
+ requestProto.getCreateContainer().getContainerData().getName();
+ createContainerFutureMap.remove(containerName).complete(message);
+ }
+ return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(message);
+ }
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ return completeExceptionally(e);
+ }
+ }
+ private static <T> CompletableFuture<T> completeExceptionally(Exception e) {
+ final CompletableFuture<T> future = new CompletableFuture<>();
+ future.completeExceptionally(e);
+ return future;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void close() throws IOException {
+ }