/* * Licensed to Elasticsearch under one or more contributor * license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright * ownership. Elasticsearch licenses this file to you under * the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may * not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.support; import org.elasticsearch.common.ParseField; import org.elasticsearch.common.ParsingException; import org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.XContentParser; import org.elasticsearch.index.query.QueryParseContext; import org.elasticsearch.script.Script; import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.AggregationBuilder.CommonFields; import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.Aggregator; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; public abstract class MultiValuesSourceParser implements Aggregator.Parser { public abstract static class AnyValuesSourceParser extends MultiValuesSourceParser { protected AnyValuesSourceParser(boolean formattable) { super(formattable, ValuesSourceType.ANY, null); } } public abstract static class NumericValuesSourceParser extends MultiValuesSourceParser { protected NumericValuesSourceParser(boolean formattable) { super(formattable, ValuesSourceType.NUMERIC, ValueType.NUMERIC); } } public abstract static class BytesValuesSourceParser extends MultiValuesSourceParser { protected BytesValuesSourceParser(boolean formattable) { super(formattable, ValuesSourceType.BYTES, ValueType.STRING); } } public abstract static class GeoPointValuesSourceParser extends MultiValuesSourceParser { protected GeoPointValuesSourceParser(boolean formattable) { super(formattable, ValuesSourceType.GEOPOINT, ValueType.GEOPOINT); } } private boolean formattable = false; private ValuesSourceType valuesSourceType = null; private ValueType targetValueType = null; private MultiValuesSourceParser(boolean formattable, ValuesSourceType valuesSourceType, ValueType targetValueType) { this.valuesSourceType = valuesSourceType; this.targetValueType = targetValueType; this.formattable = formattable; } @Override public final MultiValuesSourceAggregationBuilder parse(String aggregationName, QueryParseContext context) throws IOException { XContentParser parser = context.parser(); List fields = null; ValueType valueType = null; String format = null; Map missingMap = null; Map otherOptions = new HashMap<>(); XContentParser.Token token; String currentFieldName = null; while ((token = parser.nextToken()) != XContentParser.Token.END_OBJECT) { if (token == XContentParser.Token.FIELD_NAME) { currentFieldName = parser.currentName(); } else if (token == XContentParser.Token.VALUE_STRING) { if (CommonFields.FIELDS.match(currentFieldName)) { fields = Collections.singletonList(parser.text()); } else if (formattable && CommonFields.FORMAT.match(currentFieldName)) { format = parser.text(); } else if (CommonFields.VALUE_TYPE.match(currentFieldName)) { throw new ParsingException(parser.getTokenLocation(), "Unexpected token " + token + " [" + currentFieldName + "] in [" + aggregationName + "]. " + "Multi-field aggregations do not support scripts."); } else if (!token(aggregationName, currentFieldName, token, parser, otherOptions)) { throw new ParsingException(parser.getTokenLocation(), "Unexpected token " + token + " [" + currentFieldName + "] in [" + aggregationName + "]."); } } else if (token == XContentParser.Token.START_OBJECT) { if (CommonFields.MISSING.match(currentFieldName)) { missingMap = new HashMap<>(); while (parser.nextToken() != XContentParser.Token.END_OBJECT) { parseMissingAndAdd(aggregationName, currentFieldName, parser, missingMap); } } else if (Script.SCRIPT_PARSE_FIELD.match(currentFieldName)) { throw new ParsingException(parser.getTokenLocation(), "Unexpected token " + token + " [" + currentFieldName + "] in [" + aggregationName + "]. " + "Multi-field aggregations do not support scripts."); } else if (!token(aggregationName, currentFieldName, token, parser, otherOptions)) { throw new ParsingException(parser.getTokenLocation(), "Unexpected token " + token + " [" + currentFieldName + "] in [" + aggregationName + "]."); } } else if (token == XContentParser.Token.START_ARRAY) { if (Script.SCRIPT_PARSE_FIELD.match(currentFieldName)) { throw new ParsingException(parser.getTokenLocation(), "Unexpected token " + token + " [" + currentFieldName + "] in [" + aggregationName + "]. " + "Multi-field aggregations do not support scripts."); } else if (CommonFields.FIELDS.match(currentFieldName)) { fields = new ArrayList<>(); while ((token = parser.nextToken()) != XContentParser.Token.END_ARRAY) { if (token == XContentParser.Token.VALUE_STRING) { fields.add(parser.text()); } else { throw new ParsingException(parser.getTokenLocation(), "Unexpected token " + token + " [" + currentFieldName + "] in [" + aggregationName + "]."); } } } else if (!token(aggregationName, currentFieldName, token, parser, otherOptions)) { throw new ParsingException(parser.getTokenLocation(), "Unexpected token " + token + " [" + currentFieldName + "] in [" + aggregationName + "]."); } } else if (!token(aggregationName, currentFieldName, token, parser, otherOptions)) { throw new ParsingException(parser.getTokenLocation(), "Unexpected token " + token + " [" + currentFieldName + "] in [" + aggregationName + "]."); } } MultiValuesSourceAggregationBuilder factory = createFactory(aggregationName, this.valuesSourceType, this.targetValueType, otherOptions); if (fields != null) { factory.fields(fields); } if (valueType != null) { factory.valueType(valueType); } if (format != null) { factory.format(format); } if (missingMap != null) { factory.missingMap(missingMap); } return factory; } private void parseMissingAndAdd(final String aggregationName, final String currentFieldName, XContentParser parser, final Map missing) throws IOException { XContentParser.Token token = parser.currentToken(); if (token == null) { token = parser.nextToken(); } if (token == XContentParser.Token.FIELD_NAME) { final String fieldName = parser.currentName(); if (missing.containsKey(fieldName)) { throw new ParsingException(parser.getTokenLocation(), "Missing field [" + fieldName + "] already defined as [" + missing.get(fieldName) + "] in [" + aggregationName + "]."); } parser.nextToken(); missing.put(fieldName, parser.objectText()); } else { throw new ParsingException(parser.getTokenLocation(), "Unexpected token " + token + " [" + currentFieldName + "] in [" + aggregationName + "]"); } } /** * Creates a {@link ValuesSourceAggregationBuilder} from the information * gathered by the subclass. Options parsed in * {@link MultiValuesSourceParser} itself will be added to the factory * after it has been returned by this method. * * @param aggregationName * the name of the aggregation * @param valuesSourceType * the type of the {@link ValuesSource} * @param targetValueType * the target type of the final value output by the aggregation * @param otherOptions * a {@link Map} containing the extra options parsed by the * {@link #token(String, String, XContentParser.Token, XContentParser, Map)} * method * @return the created factory */ protected abstract MultiValuesSourceAggregationBuilder createFactory(String aggregationName, ValuesSourceType valuesSourceType, ValueType targetValueType, Map otherOptions); /** * Allows subclasses of {@link MultiValuesSourceParser} to parse extra * parameters and store them in a {@link Map} which will later be passed to * {@link #createFactory(String, ValuesSourceType, ValueType, Map)}. * * @param aggregationName * the name of the aggregation * @param currentFieldName * the name of the current field being parsed * @param token * the current token for the parser * @param parser * the parser * @param otherOptions * a {@link Map} of options to be populated by successive calls * to this method which will then be passed to the * {@link #createFactory(String, ValuesSourceType, ValueType, Map)} * method * @return true if the current token was correctly parsed, * false otherwise * @throws IOException * if an error occurs whilst parsing */ protected abstract boolean token(String aggregationName, String currentFieldName, XContentParser.Token token, XContentParser parser, Map otherOptions) throws IOException; }