[[release-notes-6.0.0-alpha2]] == 6.0.0-alpha2 Release Notes Also see <>. [[breaking-6.0.0-alpha2]] [float] === Breaking changes CRUD:: * Deleting a document from a non-existing index creates the indexIf the index does not exist, delete document will not auto create it {pull}24518[#24518] (issue: {issue}15425[#15425]) Plugin Analysis ICU:: * Upgrade icu4j to latest version {pull}24821[#24821] Plugin Repository S3:: * Remove deprecated S3 settings {pull}24445[#24445] Scripting:: * Remove script access to term statistics {pull}19462[#19462] (issue: {issue}19359[#19359]) [[breaking-java-6.0.0-alpha2]] [float] === Breaking Java changes Aggregations:: * Make Terms.Bucket an interface rather than an abstract class {pull}24492[#24492] * Compound order for histogram aggregations {pull}22343[#22343] (issues: {issue}14771[#14771], {issue}20003[#20003], {issue}23613[#23613]) Plugins:: * Drop name from TokenizerFactory {pull}24869[#24869] [[deprecation-6.0.0-alpha2]] [float] === Deprecations Settings:: * Deprecate settings in .yml and .json {pull}24059[#24059] (issue: {issue}19391[#19391]) [[feature-6.0.0-alpha2]] [float] === New features Aggregations:: * SignificantText aggregation - like significant_terms, but for text {pull}24432[#24432] (issue: {issue}23674[#23674]) Internal:: * Automatically adjust search threadpool queue_size {pull}23884[#23884] (issue: {issue}3890[#3890]) Mapping:: * Add new ip_range field type {pull}24433[#24433] Plugin Analysis ICU:: * Add ICUCollationFieldMapper {pull}24126[#24126] [[enhancement-6.0.0-alpha2]] [float] === Enhancements Core:: * Improve bootstrap checks error messages {pull}24548[#24548] Engine:: * Move the IndexDeletionPolicy to be engine internal {pull}24930[#24930] (issue: {issue}10708[#10708]) Internal:: * Add assertions enabled helper {pull}24834[#24834] Java High Level REST Client:: * Add doc_count to ParsedMatrixStats {pull}24952[#24952] (issue: {issue}24776[#24776]) * Add fromXContent method to ClearScrollResponse {pull}24909[#24909] * ClearScrollRequest to implement ToXContentObject {pull}24907[#24907] * SearchScrollRequest to implement ToXContentObject {pull}24906[#24906] (issue: {issue}3889[#3889]) * Add aggs parsers for high level REST Client {pull}24824[#24824] (issues: {issue}23965[#23965], {issue}23973[#23973], {issue}23974[#23974], {issue}24085[#24085], {issue}24160[#24160], {issue}24162[#24162], {issue}24182[#24182], {issue}24183[#24183], {issue}24208[#24208], {issue}24213[#24213], {issue}24239[#24239], {issue}24284[#24284], {issue}24312[#24312], {issue}24330[#24330], {issue}24365[#24365], {issue}24371[#24371], {issue}24442[#24442], {issue}24521[#24521], {issue}24524[#24524], {issue}24564[#24564], {issue}24583[#24583], {issue}24589[#24589], {issue}24648[#24648], {issue}24667[#24667], {issue}24675[#24675], {issue}24682[#24682], {issue}24700[#24700], {issue}24706[#24706], {issue}24717[#24717], {issue}24720[#24720], {issue}24738[#24738], {issue}24746[#24746], {issue}24789[#24789], {issue}24791[#24791], {issue}24794[#24794], {issue}24796[#24796], {issue}24822[#24822]) Mapping:: * Identify documents by their `_id`. {pull}24460[#24460] Packaging:: * Set number of processes in systemd unit file {pull}24970[#24970] (issue: {issue}20874[#20874]) Plugin Lang Painless:: * Make Painless Compiler Use an Instance Per Context {pull}24972[#24972] * Make PainlessScript An Interface {pull}24966[#24966] Recovery:: * Introduce primary context {pull}25031[#25031] (issue: {issue}10708[#10708]) Scripting:: * Add StatefulFactoryType as optional intermediate factory in script contexts {pull}24974[#24974] (issue: {issue}20426[#20426]) * Make contexts available to ScriptEngine construction {pull}24896[#24896] * Make ScriptEngine.compile generic on the script context {pull}24873[#24873] * Add instance and compiled classes to script contexts {pull}24868[#24868] Search:: * Eliminate array access in tight loops when profiling is enabled. {pull}24959[#24959] * Support Multiple Inner Hits on a Field Collapse Request {pull}24517[#24517] * Expand cross cluster search indices for search requests to the concrete index or to it's aliases {pull}24502[#24502] Search Templates:: * Add max concurrent searches to multi template search {pull}24255[#24255] (issues: {issue}20912[#20912], {issue}21907[#21907]) Sequence IDs:: * Fill gaps on primary promotion {pull}24945[#24945] (issue: {issue}10708[#10708]) * Introduce clean transition on primary promotion {pull}24925[#24925] (issue: {issue}10708[#10708]) * Guarantee that translog generations are seqNo conflict free {pull}24825[#24825] (issues: {issue}10708[#10708], {issue}24779[#24779]) * Inline global checkpoints {pull}24513[#24513] (issue: {issue}10708[#10708]) Snapshot/Restore:: * Enhances get snapshots API to allow retrieving repository index only {pull}24477[#24477] (issue: {issue}24288[#24288]) [[bug-6.0.0-alpha2]] [float] === Bug fixes Aggregations:: * Terms aggregation should remap global ordinal buckets when a sub-aggregator is used to sort the terms {pull}24941[#24941] (issue: {issue}24788[#24788]) * Correctly set doc_count when MovAvg "predicts" values on existing buckets {pull}24892[#24892] (issue: {issue}24327[#24327]) * DateHistogram: Fix `extended_bounds` with `offset` {pull}23789[#23789] (issue: {issue}23776[#23776]) * Fix ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when no ranges are specified in the query {pull}23241[#23241] (issue: {issue}22881[#22881]) Analysis:: * PatternAnalyzer should lowercase wildcard queries when `lowercase` is true. {pull}24967[#24967] Cache:: * fix bug of weight computation {pull}24856[#24856] Core:: * Fix cache expire after access {pull}24546[#24546] Index APIs:: * Validates updated settings on closed indices {pull}24487[#24487] (issue: {issue}23787[#23787]) Ingest:: * Fix floating-point error when DateProcessor parses UNIX {pull}24947[#24947] * add option for _ingest.timestamp to use new ZonedDateTime (5.x backport) {pull}24030[#24030] (issues: {issue}23168[#23168], {issue}23174[#23174]) Inner Hits:: * Fix Source filtering in new field collapsing feature {pull}24068[#24068] (issue: {issue}24063[#24063]) Internal:: * Ensure remote cluster is connected before fetching `_field_caps` {pull}24845[#24845] (issue: {issue}24763[#24763]) Network:: * Fix error message if an incompatible node connects {pull}24884[#24884] Plugins:: * Fix plugin installation permissions {pull}24527[#24527] (issue: {issue}24480[#24480]) Scroll:: * Fix single shard scroll within a cluster with nodes in version `>= 5.3` and `<= 5.3` {pull}24512[#24512] Search:: * Fix script field sort returning Double.MAX_VALUE for all documents {pull}24942[#24942] (issue: {issue}24940[#24940]) * Compute the took time of the query after the expand phase of field collapsing {pull}24902[#24902] (issue: {issue}24900[#24900]) Sequence IDs:: * Handle primary failure handling replica response {pull}24926[#24926] (issue: {issue}24935[#24935]) Snapshot/Restore:: * Fix inefficient (worst case exponential) loading of snapshot repository {pull}24510[#24510] (issue: {issue}24509[#24509]) Stats:: * Avoid double decrement on current query counter {pull}24922[#24922] (issues: {issue}22996[#22996], {issue}24872[#24872]) * Adjust available and free bytes to be non-negative on huge FSes {pull}24911[#24911] (issues: {issue}23093[#23093], {issue}24453[#24453]) Suggesters:: * Fix context suggester to read values from keyword type field {pull}24200[#24200] (issue: {issue}24129[#24129])