/* * Licensed to Elasticsearch under one or more contributor * license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright * ownership. Elasticsearch licenses this file to you under * the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may * not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package org.elasticsearch.search.fetch.subphase.highlight; import org.apache.lucene.search.highlight.SimpleFragmenter; import org.apache.lucene.search.highlight.SimpleSpanFragmenter; import org.elasticsearch.Version; import org.elasticsearch.action.support.ToXContentToBytes; import org.elasticsearch.common.ParseField; import org.elasticsearch.common.ParsingException; import org.elasticsearch.common.io.stream.StreamInput; import org.elasticsearch.common.io.stream.StreamOutput; import org.elasticsearch.common.io.stream.Writeable; import org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.ObjectParser; import org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.XContentBuilder; import org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.XContentParser; import org.elasticsearch.index.query.QueryBuilder; import org.elasticsearch.search.fetch.subphase.highlight.HighlightBuilder.BoundaryScannerType; import org.elasticsearch.search.fetch.subphase.highlight.HighlightBuilder.Order; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.function.BiFunction; import static org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.ObjectParser.fromList; import static org.elasticsearch.index.query.AbstractQueryBuilder.parseInnerQueryBuilder; /** * This abstract class holds parameters shared by {@link HighlightBuilder} and {@link HighlightBuilder.Field} * and provides the common setters, equality, hashCode calculation and common serialization */ public abstract class AbstractHighlighterBuilder> extends ToXContentToBytes implements Writeable { public static final ParseField PRE_TAGS_FIELD = new ParseField("pre_tags"); public static final ParseField POST_TAGS_FIELD = new ParseField("post_tags"); public static final ParseField FIELDS_FIELD = new ParseField("fields"); public static final ParseField ORDER_FIELD = new ParseField("order"); public static final ParseField HIGHLIGHT_FILTER_FIELD = new ParseField("highlight_filter"); public static final ParseField FRAGMENT_SIZE_FIELD = new ParseField("fragment_size"); public static final ParseField FRAGMENT_OFFSET_FIELD = new ParseField("fragment_offset"); public static final ParseField NUMBER_OF_FRAGMENTS_FIELD = new ParseField("number_of_fragments"); public static final ParseField ENCODER_FIELD = new ParseField("encoder"); public static final ParseField REQUIRE_FIELD_MATCH_FIELD = new ParseField("require_field_match"); public static final ParseField BOUNDARY_SCANNER_FIELD = new ParseField("boundary_scanner"); public static final ParseField BOUNDARY_MAX_SCAN_FIELD = new ParseField("boundary_max_scan"); public static final ParseField BOUNDARY_CHARS_FIELD = new ParseField("boundary_chars"); public static final ParseField BOUNDARY_SCANNER_LOCALE_FIELD = new ParseField("boundary_scanner_locale"); public static final ParseField TYPE_FIELD = new ParseField("type"); public static final ParseField FRAGMENTER_FIELD = new ParseField("fragmenter"); public static final ParseField NO_MATCH_SIZE_FIELD = new ParseField("no_match_size"); public static final ParseField FORCE_SOURCE_FIELD = new ParseField("force_source"); public static final ParseField PHRASE_LIMIT_FIELD = new ParseField("phrase_limit"); public static final ParseField OPTIONS_FIELD = new ParseField("options"); public static final ParseField HIGHLIGHT_QUERY_FIELD = new ParseField("highlight_query"); public static final ParseField MATCHED_FIELDS_FIELD = new ParseField("matched_fields"); protected String[] preTags; protected String[] postTags; protected Integer fragmentSize; protected Integer numOfFragments; protected String highlighterType; protected String fragmenter; protected QueryBuilder highlightQuery; protected Order order; protected Boolean highlightFilter; protected Boolean forceSource; protected BoundaryScannerType boundaryScannerType; protected Integer boundaryMaxScan; protected char[] boundaryChars; protected Locale boundaryScannerLocale; protected Integer noMatchSize; protected Integer phraseLimit; protected Map options; protected Boolean requireFieldMatch; public AbstractHighlighterBuilder() { } /** * Read from a stream. */ protected AbstractHighlighterBuilder(StreamInput in) throws IOException { preTags(in.readOptionalStringArray()); postTags(in.readOptionalStringArray()); fragmentSize(in.readOptionalVInt()); numOfFragments(in.readOptionalVInt()); highlighterType(in.readOptionalString()); fragmenter(in.readOptionalString()); if (in.readBoolean()) { highlightQuery(in.readNamedWriteable(QueryBuilder.class)); } order(in.readOptionalWriteable(Order::readFromStream)); highlightFilter(in.readOptionalBoolean()); forceSource(in.readOptionalBoolean()); if (in.getVersion().onOrAfter(Version.V_5_4_0)) { boundaryScannerType(in.readOptionalWriteable(BoundaryScannerType::readFromStream)); } boundaryMaxScan(in.readOptionalVInt()); if (in.readBoolean()) { boundaryChars(in.readString().toCharArray()); } if (in.getVersion().onOrAfter(Version.V_5_4_0)) { if (in.readBoolean()) { boundaryScannerLocale(in.readString()); } } noMatchSize(in.readOptionalVInt()); phraseLimit(in.readOptionalVInt()); if (in.readBoolean()) { options(in.readMap()); } requireFieldMatch(in.readOptionalBoolean()); } /** * write common parameters to {@link StreamOutput} */ @Override public final void writeTo(StreamOutput out) throws IOException { out.writeOptionalStringArray(preTags); out.writeOptionalStringArray(postTags); out.writeOptionalVInt(fragmentSize); out.writeOptionalVInt(numOfFragments); out.writeOptionalString(highlighterType); out.writeOptionalString(fragmenter); boolean hasQuery = highlightQuery != null; out.writeBoolean(hasQuery); if (hasQuery) { out.writeNamedWriteable(highlightQuery); } out.writeOptionalWriteable(order); out.writeOptionalBoolean(highlightFilter); out.writeOptionalBoolean(forceSource); if (out.getVersion().onOrAfter(Version.V_5_4_0)) { out.writeOptionalWriteable(boundaryScannerType); } out.writeOptionalVInt(boundaryMaxScan); boolean hasBounaryChars = boundaryChars != null; out.writeBoolean(hasBounaryChars); if (hasBounaryChars) { out.writeString(String.valueOf(boundaryChars)); } if (out.getVersion().onOrAfter(Version.V_5_4_0)) { boolean hasBoundaryScannerLocale = boundaryScannerLocale != null; out.writeBoolean(hasBoundaryScannerLocale); if (hasBoundaryScannerLocale) { out.writeString(boundaryScannerLocale.toLanguageTag()); } } out.writeOptionalVInt(noMatchSize); out.writeOptionalVInt(phraseLimit); boolean hasOptions = options != null; out.writeBoolean(hasOptions); if (hasOptions) { out.writeMap(options); } out.writeOptionalBoolean(requireFieldMatch); doWriteTo(out); } protected abstract void doWriteTo(StreamOutput out) throws IOException; /** * Set the pre tags that will be used for highlighting. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public HB preTags(String... preTags) { this.preTags = preTags; return (HB) this; } /** * @return the value set by {@link #preTags(String...)} */ public String[] preTags() { return this.preTags; } /** * Set the post tags that will be used for highlighting. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public HB postTags(String... postTags) { this.postTags = postTags; return (HB) this; } /** * @return the value set by {@link #postTags(String...)} */ public String[] postTags() { return this.postTags; } /** * Set the fragment size in characters, defaults to {@link HighlightBuilder#DEFAULT_FRAGMENT_CHAR_SIZE} */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public HB fragmentSize(Integer fragmentSize) { this.fragmentSize = fragmentSize; return (HB) this; } /** * @return the value set by {@link #fragmentSize(Integer)} */ public Integer fragmentSize() { return this.fragmentSize; } /** * Set the number of fragments, defaults to {@link HighlightBuilder#DEFAULT_NUMBER_OF_FRAGMENTS} */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public HB numOfFragments(Integer numOfFragments) { this.numOfFragments = numOfFragments; return (HB) this; } /** * @return the value set by {@link #numOfFragments(Integer)} */ public Integer numOfFragments() { return this.numOfFragments; } /** * Set type of highlighter to use. Out of the box supported types * are unified, plain and fvj. * Defaults to unified. * Details of the different highlighter types are covered in the reference guide. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public HB highlighterType(String highlighterType) { this.highlighterType = highlighterType; return (HB) this; } /** * @return the value set by {@link #highlighterType(String)} */ public String highlighterType() { return this.highlighterType; } /** * Sets what fragmenter to use to break up text that is eligible for highlighting. * This option is only applicable when using the plain highlighterType highlighter. * Permitted values are "simple" or "span" relating to {@link SimpleFragmenter} and * {@link SimpleSpanFragmenter} implementations respectively with the default being "span" */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public HB fragmenter(String fragmenter) { this.fragmenter = fragmenter; return (HB) this; } /** * @return the value set by {@link #fragmenter(String)} */ public String fragmenter() { return this.fragmenter; } /** * Sets a query to be used for highlighting instead of the search query. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public HB highlightQuery(QueryBuilder highlightQuery) { this.highlightQuery = highlightQuery; return (HB) this; } /** * @return the value set by {@link #highlightQuery(QueryBuilder)} */ public QueryBuilder highlightQuery() { return this.highlightQuery; } /** * The order of fragments per field. By default, ordered by the order in the * highlighted text. Can be score, which then it will be ordered * by score of the fragments, or none. */ public HB order(String order) { return order(Order.fromString(order)); } /** * By default, fragments of a field are ordered by the order in the highlighted text. * If set to {@link Order#SCORE}, this changes order to score of the fragments. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public HB order(Order scoreOrdered) { this.order = scoreOrdered; return (HB) this; } /** * @return the value set by {@link #order(Order)} */ public Order order() { return this.order; } /** * Set this to true when using the highlighterType fvh * and you want to provide highlighting on filter clauses in your * query. Default is false. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public HB highlightFilter(Boolean highlightFilter) { this.highlightFilter = highlightFilter; return (HB) this; } /** * @return the value set by {@link #highlightFilter(Boolean)} */ public Boolean highlightFilter() { return this.highlightFilter; } /** * When using the highlighterType fvh this setting * controls which scanner to use for fragment boundaries, and defaults to "simple". */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public HB boundaryScannerType(String boundaryScannerType) { this.boundaryScannerType = BoundaryScannerType.fromString(boundaryScannerType); return (HB) this; } /** * When using the highlighterType fvh this setting * controls which scanner to use for fragment boundaries, and defaults to "simple". */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public HB boundaryScannerType(BoundaryScannerType boundaryScannerType) { this.boundaryScannerType = boundaryScannerType; return (HB) this; } /** * @return the value set by {@link #boundaryScannerType(String)} */ public BoundaryScannerType boundaryScannerType() { return this.boundaryScannerType; } /** * When using the highlighterType fvh this setting * controls how far to look for boundary characters, and defaults to 20. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public HB boundaryMaxScan(Integer boundaryMaxScan) { this.boundaryMaxScan = boundaryMaxScan; return (HB) this; } /** * @return the value set by {@link #boundaryMaxScan(Integer)} */ public Integer boundaryMaxScan() { return this.boundaryMaxScan; } /** * When using the highlighterType fvh this setting * defines what constitutes a boundary for highlighting. It’s a single string with * each boundary character defined in it. It defaults to .,!? \t\n */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public HB boundaryChars(char[] boundaryChars) { this.boundaryChars = boundaryChars; return (HB) this; } /** * @return the value set by {@link #boundaryChars(char[])} */ public char[] boundaryChars() { return this.boundaryChars; } /** * When using the highlighterType fvh and boundaryScannerType break_iterator, this setting * controls the locale to use by the BreakIterator, defaults to "root". */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public HB boundaryScannerLocale(String boundaryScannerLocale) { if (boundaryScannerLocale != null) { this.boundaryScannerLocale = Locale.forLanguageTag(boundaryScannerLocale); } return (HB) this; } /** * @return the value set by {@link #boundaryScannerLocale(String)} */ public Locale boundaryScannerLocale() { return this.boundaryScannerLocale; } /** * Allows to set custom options for custom highlighters. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public HB options(Map options) { this.options = options; return (HB) this; } /** * @return the value set by {@link #options(Map)} */ public Map options() { return this.options; } /** * Set to true to cause a field to be highlighted only if a query matches that field. * Default is false meaning that terms are highlighted on all requested fields regardless * if the query matches specifically on them. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public HB requireFieldMatch(Boolean requireFieldMatch) { this.requireFieldMatch = requireFieldMatch; return (HB) this; } /** * @return the value set by {@link #requireFieldMatch(Boolean)} */ public Boolean requireFieldMatch() { return this.requireFieldMatch; } /** * Sets the size of the fragment to return from the beginning of the field if there are no matches to * highlight and the field doesn't also define noMatchSize. * @param noMatchSize integer to set or null to leave out of request. default is null. * @return this for chaining */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public HB noMatchSize(Integer noMatchSize) { this.noMatchSize = noMatchSize; return (HB) this; } /** * @return the value set by {@link #noMatchSize(Integer)} */ public Integer noMatchSize() { return this.noMatchSize; } /** * Sets the maximum number of phrases the fvh will consider if the field doesn't also define phraseLimit. * @param phraseLimit maximum number of phrases the fvh will consider * @return this for chaining */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public HB phraseLimit(Integer phraseLimit) { this.phraseLimit = phraseLimit; return (HB) this; } /** * @return the value set by {@link #phraseLimit(Integer)} */ public Integer phraseLimit() { return this.phraseLimit; } /** * Forces the highlighting to highlight fields based on the source even if fields are stored separately. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public HB forceSource(Boolean forceSource) { this.forceSource = forceSource; return (HB) this; } /** * @return the value set by {@link #forceSource(Boolean)} */ public Boolean forceSource() { return this.forceSource; } @Override public XContentBuilder toXContent(XContentBuilder builder, Params params) throws IOException { builder.startObject(); innerXContent(builder); builder.endObject(); return builder; } protected abstract void innerXContent(XContentBuilder builder) throws IOException; void commonOptionsToXContent(XContentBuilder builder) throws IOException { if (preTags != null) { builder.array(PRE_TAGS_FIELD.getPreferredName(), preTags); } if (postTags != null) { builder.array(POST_TAGS_FIELD.getPreferredName(), postTags); } if (fragmentSize != null) { builder.field(FRAGMENT_SIZE_FIELD.getPreferredName(), fragmentSize); } if (numOfFragments != null) { builder.field(NUMBER_OF_FRAGMENTS_FIELD.getPreferredName(), numOfFragments); } if (highlighterType != null) { builder.field(TYPE_FIELD.getPreferredName(), highlighterType); } if (fragmenter != null) { builder.field(FRAGMENTER_FIELD.getPreferredName(), fragmenter); } if (highlightQuery != null) { builder.field(HIGHLIGHT_QUERY_FIELD.getPreferredName(), highlightQuery); } if (order != null) { builder.field(ORDER_FIELD.getPreferredName(), order.toString()); } if (highlightFilter != null) { builder.field(HIGHLIGHT_FILTER_FIELD.getPreferredName(), highlightFilter); } if (boundaryScannerType != null) { builder.field(BOUNDARY_SCANNER_FIELD.getPreferredName(), boundaryScannerType.name()); } if (boundaryMaxScan != null) { builder.field(BOUNDARY_MAX_SCAN_FIELD.getPreferredName(), boundaryMaxScan); } if (boundaryChars != null) { builder.field(BOUNDARY_CHARS_FIELD.getPreferredName(), new String(boundaryChars)); } if (boundaryScannerLocale != null) { builder.field(BOUNDARY_SCANNER_LOCALE_FIELD.getPreferredName(), boundaryScannerLocale.toLanguageTag()); } if (options != null && options.size() > 0) { builder.field(OPTIONS_FIELD.getPreferredName(), options); } if (forceSource != null) { builder.field(FORCE_SOURCE_FIELD.getPreferredName(), forceSource); } if (requireFieldMatch != null) { builder.field(REQUIRE_FIELD_MATCH_FIELD.getPreferredName(), requireFieldMatch); } if (noMatchSize != null) { builder.field(NO_MATCH_SIZE_FIELD.getPreferredName(), noMatchSize); } if (phraseLimit != null) { builder.field(PHRASE_LIMIT_FIELD.getPreferredName(), phraseLimit); } } static > BiFunction setupParser( ObjectParser parser) { parser.declareStringArray(fromList(String.class, HB::preTags), PRE_TAGS_FIELD); parser.declareStringArray(fromList(String.class, HB::postTags), POST_TAGS_FIELD); parser.declareString(HB::order, ORDER_FIELD); parser.declareBoolean(HB::highlightFilter, HIGHLIGHT_FILTER_FIELD); parser.declareInt(HB::fragmentSize, FRAGMENT_SIZE_FIELD); parser.declareInt(HB::numOfFragments, NUMBER_OF_FRAGMENTS_FIELD); parser.declareBoolean(HB::requireFieldMatch, REQUIRE_FIELD_MATCH_FIELD); parser.declareString(HB::boundaryScannerType, BOUNDARY_SCANNER_FIELD); parser.declareInt(HB::boundaryMaxScan, BOUNDARY_MAX_SCAN_FIELD); parser.declareString((HB hb, String bc) -> hb.boundaryChars(bc.toCharArray()) , BOUNDARY_CHARS_FIELD); parser.declareString(HB::boundaryScannerLocale, BOUNDARY_SCANNER_LOCALE_FIELD); parser.declareString(HB::highlighterType, TYPE_FIELD); parser.declareString(HB::fragmenter, FRAGMENTER_FIELD); parser.declareInt(HB::noMatchSize, NO_MATCH_SIZE_FIELD); parser.declareBoolean(HB::forceSource, FORCE_SOURCE_FIELD); parser.declareInt(HB::phraseLimit, PHRASE_LIMIT_FIELD); parser.declareObject(HB::options, (XContentParser p, Void c) -> { try { return p.map(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Error parsing options", e); } }, OPTIONS_FIELD); parser.declareObject(HB::highlightQuery, (XContentParser p, Void c) -> { try { return parseInnerQueryBuilder(p); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Error parsing query", e); } }, HIGHLIGHT_QUERY_FIELD); return (XContentParser p, HB hb) -> { try { parser.parse(p, hb, null); if (hb.preTags() != null && hb.postTags() == null) { throw new ParsingException(p.getTokenLocation(), "pre_tags are set but post_tags are not set"); } } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } return hb; }; } @Override public final int hashCode() { return Objects.hash(getClass(), Arrays.hashCode(preTags), Arrays.hashCode(postTags), fragmentSize, numOfFragments, highlighterType, fragmenter, highlightQuery, order, highlightFilter, forceSource, boundaryScannerType, boundaryMaxScan, Arrays.hashCode(boundaryChars), boundaryScannerLocale, noMatchSize, phraseLimit, options, requireFieldMatch, doHashCode()); } /** * fields only present in subclass should contribute to hashCode in the implementation */ protected abstract int doHashCode(); @Override public final boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) { return true; } if (obj == null || getClass() != obj.getClass()) { return false; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") HB other = (HB) obj; return Arrays.equals(preTags, other.preTags) && Arrays.equals(postTags, other.postTags) && Objects.equals(fragmentSize, other.fragmentSize) && Objects.equals(numOfFragments, other.numOfFragments) && Objects.equals(highlighterType, other.highlighterType) && Objects.equals(fragmenter, other.fragmenter) && Objects.equals(highlightQuery, other.highlightQuery) && Objects.equals(order, other.order) && Objects.equals(highlightFilter, other.highlightFilter) && Objects.equals(forceSource, other.forceSource) && Objects.equals(boundaryScannerType, other.boundaryScannerType) && Objects.equals(boundaryMaxScan, other.boundaryMaxScan) && Arrays.equals(boundaryChars, other.boundaryChars) && Objects.equals(boundaryScannerLocale, other.boundaryScannerLocale) && Objects.equals(noMatchSize, other.noMatchSize) && Objects.equals(phraseLimit, other.phraseLimit) && Objects.equals(options, other.options) && Objects.equals(requireFieldMatch, other.requireFieldMatch) && doEquals(other); } /** * fields only present in subclass should be checked for equality in the implementation */ protected abstract boolean doEquals(HB other); }