/* * Licensed to Elasticsearch under one or more contributor * license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright * ownership. Elasticsearch licenses this file to you under * the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may * not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package org.elasticsearch.index.query; import org.apache.lucene.analysis.Analyzer; import org.apache.lucene.analysis.TokenStream; import org.apache.lucene.analysis.tokenattributes.CharTermAttribute; import org.apache.lucene.index.Term; import org.apache.lucene.queries.ExtendedCommonTermsQuery; import org.apache.lucene.search.BooleanClause.Occur; import org.apache.lucene.search.Query; import org.apache.lucene.util.BytesRefBuilder; import org.elasticsearch.Version; import org.elasticsearch.common.ParseField; import org.elasticsearch.common.ParsingException; import org.elasticsearch.common.Strings; import org.elasticsearch.common.io.stream.StreamInput; import org.elasticsearch.common.io.stream.StreamOutput; import org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.XContentBuilder; import org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.XContentParser; import org.elasticsearch.index.mapper.MappedFieldType; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.Objects; /** * CommonTermsQuery query is a query that executes high-frequency terms in a * optional sub-query to prevent slow queries due to "common" terms like * stopwords. This query basically builds 2 queries off the {@code #add(Term) * added} terms where low-frequency terms are added to a required boolean clause * and high-frequency terms are added to an optional boolean clause. The * optional clause is only executed if the required "low-frequency' clause * matches. */ public class CommonTermsQueryBuilder extends AbstractQueryBuilder { public static final String NAME = "common"; public static final float DEFAULT_CUTOFF_FREQ = 0.01f; public static final Operator DEFAULT_HIGH_FREQ_OCCUR = Operator.OR; public static final Operator DEFAULT_LOW_FREQ_OCCUR = Operator.OR; public static final boolean DEFAULT_DISABLE_COORD = true; private static final ParseField CUTOFF_FREQUENCY_FIELD = new ParseField("cutoff_frequency"); private static final ParseField MINIMUM_SHOULD_MATCH_FIELD = new ParseField("minimum_should_match"); private static final ParseField LOW_FREQ_OPERATOR_FIELD = new ParseField("low_freq_operator"); private static final ParseField HIGH_FREQ_OPERATOR_FIELD = new ParseField("high_freq_operator"); private static final ParseField DISABLE_COORD_FIELD = new ParseField("disable_coord") .withAllDeprecated("disable_coord has been removed"); private static final ParseField ANALYZER_FIELD = new ParseField("analyzer"); private static final ParseField QUERY_FIELD = new ParseField("query"); private static final ParseField HIGH_FREQ_FIELD = new ParseField("high_freq"); private static final ParseField LOW_FREQ_FIELD = new ParseField("low_freq"); private final String fieldName; private final Object text; private Operator highFreqOperator = DEFAULT_HIGH_FREQ_OCCUR; private Operator lowFreqOperator = DEFAULT_LOW_FREQ_OCCUR; private String analyzer = null; private String lowFreqMinimumShouldMatch = null; private String highFreqMinimumShouldMatch = null; private float cutoffFrequency = DEFAULT_CUTOFF_FREQ; /** * Constructs a new common terms query. */ public CommonTermsQueryBuilder(String fieldName, Object text) { if (Strings.isEmpty(fieldName)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("field name is null or empty"); } if (text == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("text cannot be null"); } this.fieldName = fieldName; this.text = text; } /** * Read from a stream. */ public CommonTermsQueryBuilder(StreamInput in) throws IOException { super(in); fieldName = in.readString(); text = in.readGenericValue(); highFreqOperator = Operator.readFromStream(in); lowFreqOperator = Operator.readFromStream(in); analyzer = in.readOptionalString(); lowFreqMinimumShouldMatch = in.readOptionalString(); highFreqMinimumShouldMatch = in.readOptionalString(); if (in.getVersion().before(Version.V_6_0_0_alpha1)) { in.readBoolean(); // disable_coord } cutoffFrequency = in.readFloat(); } @Override protected void doWriteTo(StreamOutput out) throws IOException { out.writeString(this.fieldName); out.writeGenericValue(this.text); highFreqOperator.writeTo(out); lowFreqOperator.writeTo(out); out.writeOptionalString(analyzer); out.writeOptionalString(lowFreqMinimumShouldMatch); out.writeOptionalString(highFreqMinimumShouldMatch); if (out.getVersion().before(Version.V_6_0_0_alpha1)) { out.writeBoolean(true); // disable_coord } out.writeFloat(cutoffFrequency); } public String fieldName() { return this.fieldName; } public Object value() { return this.text; } /** * Sets the operator to use for terms with a high document frequency * (greater than or equal to {@link #cutoffFrequency(float)}. Defaults to * AND. */ public CommonTermsQueryBuilder highFreqOperator(Operator operator) { this.highFreqOperator = (operator == null) ? DEFAULT_HIGH_FREQ_OCCUR : operator; return this; } public Operator highFreqOperator() { return highFreqOperator; } /** * Sets the operator to use for terms with a low document frequency (less * than {@link #cutoffFrequency(float)}. Defaults to AND. */ public CommonTermsQueryBuilder lowFreqOperator(Operator operator) { this.lowFreqOperator = (operator == null) ? DEFAULT_LOW_FREQ_OCCUR : operator; return this; } public Operator lowFreqOperator() { return lowFreqOperator; } /** * Explicitly set the analyzer to use. Defaults to use explicit mapping * config for the field, or, if not set, the default search analyzer. */ public CommonTermsQueryBuilder analyzer(String analyzer) { this.analyzer = analyzer; return this; } public String analyzer() { return this.analyzer; } /** * Sets the cutoff document frequency for high / low frequent terms. A value * in [0..1] (or absolute number >=1) representing the maximum threshold of * a terms document frequency to be considered a low frequency term. * Defaults to * {@value #DEFAULT_CUTOFF_FREQ} */ public CommonTermsQueryBuilder cutoffFrequency(float cutoffFrequency) { this.cutoffFrequency = cutoffFrequency; return this; } public float cutoffFrequency() { return this.cutoffFrequency; } /** * Sets the minimum number of high frequent query terms that need to match in order to * produce a hit when there are no low frequent terms. */ public CommonTermsQueryBuilder highFreqMinimumShouldMatch(String highFreqMinimumShouldMatch) { this.highFreqMinimumShouldMatch = highFreqMinimumShouldMatch; return this; } public String highFreqMinimumShouldMatch() { return this.highFreqMinimumShouldMatch; } /** * Sets the minimum number of low frequent query terms that need to match in order to * produce a hit. */ public CommonTermsQueryBuilder lowFreqMinimumShouldMatch(String lowFreqMinimumShouldMatch) { this.lowFreqMinimumShouldMatch = lowFreqMinimumShouldMatch; return this; } public String lowFreqMinimumShouldMatch() { return this.lowFreqMinimumShouldMatch; } @Override protected void doXContent(XContentBuilder builder, Params params) throws IOException { builder.startObject(NAME); builder.startObject(fieldName); builder.field(QUERY_FIELD.getPreferredName(), text); builder.field(HIGH_FREQ_OPERATOR_FIELD.getPreferredName(), highFreqOperator.toString()); builder.field(LOW_FREQ_OPERATOR_FIELD.getPreferredName(), lowFreqOperator.toString()); if (analyzer != null) { builder.field(ANALYZER_FIELD.getPreferredName(), analyzer); } builder.field(CUTOFF_FREQUENCY_FIELD.getPreferredName(), cutoffFrequency); if (lowFreqMinimumShouldMatch != null || highFreqMinimumShouldMatch != null) { builder.startObject(MINIMUM_SHOULD_MATCH_FIELD.getPreferredName()); if (lowFreqMinimumShouldMatch != null) { builder.field(LOW_FREQ_FIELD.getPreferredName(), lowFreqMinimumShouldMatch); } if (highFreqMinimumShouldMatch != null) { builder.field(HIGH_FREQ_FIELD.getPreferredName(), highFreqMinimumShouldMatch); } builder.endObject(); } printBoostAndQueryName(builder); builder.endObject(); builder.endObject(); } public static CommonTermsQueryBuilder fromXContent(XContentParser parser) throws IOException { String fieldName = null; Object text = null; float boost = AbstractQueryBuilder.DEFAULT_BOOST; String analyzer = null; String lowFreqMinimumShouldMatch = null; String highFreqMinimumShouldMatch = null; Operator highFreqOperator = CommonTermsQueryBuilder.DEFAULT_HIGH_FREQ_OCCUR; Operator lowFreqOperator = CommonTermsQueryBuilder.DEFAULT_LOW_FREQ_OCCUR; float cutoffFrequency = CommonTermsQueryBuilder.DEFAULT_CUTOFF_FREQ; String queryName = null; XContentParser.Token token; String currentFieldName = null; while ((token = parser.nextToken()) != XContentParser.Token.END_OBJECT) { if (token == XContentParser.Token.FIELD_NAME) { currentFieldName = parser.currentName(); } else if (token == XContentParser.Token.START_OBJECT) { throwParsingExceptionOnMultipleFields(NAME, parser.getTokenLocation(), fieldName, currentFieldName); fieldName = currentFieldName; while ((token = parser.nextToken()) != XContentParser.Token.END_OBJECT) { if (token == XContentParser.Token.FIELD_NAME) { currentFieldName = parser.currentName(); } else if (token == XContentParser.Token.START_OBJECT) { if (MINIMUM_SHOULD_MATCH_FIELD.match(currentFieldName)) { String innerFieldName = null; while ((token = parser.nextToken()) != XContentParser.Token.END_OBJECT) { if (token == XContentParser.Token.FIELD_NAME) { innerFieldName = parser.currentName(); } else if (token.isValue()) { if (LOW_FREQ_FIELD.match(innerFieldName)) { lowFreqMinimumShouldMatch = parser.text(); } else if (HIGH_FREQ_FIELD.match(innerFieldName)) { highFreqMinimumShouldMatch = parser.text(); } else { throw new ParsingException(parser.getTokenLocation(), "[" + CommonTermsQueryBuilder.NAME + "] query does not support [" + innerFieldName + "] for [" + currentFieldName + "]"); } } else { throw new ParsingException(parser.getTokenLocation(), "[" + CommonTermsQueryBuilder.NAME + "] unexpected token type [" + token + "] after [" + innerFieldName + "]"); } } } else { throw new ParsingException(parser.getTokenLocation(), "[" + CommonTermsQueryBuilder.NAME + "] query does not support [" + currentFieldName + "]"); } } else if (token.isValue()) { if (QUERY_FIELD.match(currentFieldName)) { text = parser.objectText(); } else if (ANALYZER_FIELD.match(currentFieldName)) { analyzer = parser.text(); } else if (DISABLE_COORD_FIELD.match(currentFieldName)) { // ignore } else if (AbstractQueryBuilder.BOOST_FIELD.match(currentFieldName)) { boost = parser.floatValue(); } else if (HIGH_FREQ_OPERATOR_FIELD.match(currentFieldName)) { highFreqOperator = Operator.fromString(parser.text()); } else if (LOW_FREQ_OPERATOR_FIELD.match(currentFieldName)) { lowFreqOperator = Operator.fromString(parser.text()); } else if (MINIMUM_SHOULD_MATCH_FIELD.match(currentFieldName)) { lowFreqMinimumShouldMatch = parser.text(); } else if (CUTOFF_FREQUENCY_FIELD.match(currentFieldName)) { cutoffFrequency = parser.floatValue(); } else if (AbstractQueryBuilder.NAME_FIELD.match(currentFieldName)) { queryName = parser.text(); } else { throw new ParsingException(parser.getTokenLocation(), "[" + CommonTermsQueryBuilder.NAME + "] query does not support [" + currentFieldName + "]"); } } } } else { throwParsingExceptionOnMultipleFields(NAME, parser.getTokenLocation(), fieldName, parser.currentName()); fieldName = parser.currentName(); text = parser.objectText(); } } return new CommonTermsQueryBuilder(fieldName, text) .lowFreqMinimumShouldMatch(lowFreqMinimumShouldMatch) .highFreqMinimumShouldMatch(highFreqMinimumShouldMatch) .analyzer(analyzer) .highFreqOperator(highFreqOperator) .lowFreqOperator(lowFreqOperator) .cutoffFrequency(cutoffFrequency) .boost(boost) .queryName(queryName); } @Override public String getWriteableName() { return NAME; } @Override protected Query doToQuery(QueryShardContext context) throws IOException { String field; MappedFieldType fieldType = context.fieldMapper(fieldName); if (fieldType != null) { field = fieldType.name(); } else { field = fieldName; } Analyzer analyzerObj; if (analyzer == null) { if (fieldType != null) { analyzerObj = context.getSearchAnalyzer(fieldType); } else { analyzerObj = context.getMapperService().searchAnalyzer(); } } else { analyzerObj = context.getMapperService().getIndexAnalyzers().get(analyzer); if (analyzerObj == null) { throw new QueryShardException(context, "[common] analyzer [" + analyzer + "] not found"); } } Occur highFreqOccur = highFreqOperator.toBooleanClauseOccur(); Occur lowFreqOccur = lowFreqOperator.toBooleanClauseOccur(); ExtendedCommonTermsQuery commonsQuery = new ExtendedCommonTermsQuery(highFreqOccur, lowFreqOccur, cutoffFrequency, fieldType); return parseQueryString(commonsQuery, text, field, analyzerObj, lowFreqMinimumShouldMatch, highFreqMinimumShouldMatch); } private static Query parseQueryString(ExtendedCommonTermsQuery query, Object queryString, String field, Analyzer analyzer, String lowFreqMinimumShouldMatch, String highFreqMinimumShouldMatch) throws IOException { // Logic similar to QueryParser#getFieldQuery try (TokenStream source = analyzer.tokenStream(field, queryString.toString())) { source.reset(); CharTermAttribute termAtt = source.addAttribute(CharTermAttribute.class); BytesRefBuilder builder = new BytesRefBuilder(); while (source.incrementToken()) { // UTF-8 builder.copyChars(termAtt); query.add(new Term(field, builder.toBytesRef())); } } query.setLowFreqMinimumNumberShouldMatch(lowFreqMinimumShouldMatch); query.setHighFreqMinimumNumberShouldMatch(highFreqMinimumShouldMatch); return query; } @Override protected int doHashCode() { return Objects.hash(fieldName, text, highFreqOperator, lowFreqOperator, analyzer, lowFreqMinimumShouldMatch, highFreqMinimumShouldMatch, cutoffFrequency); } @Override protected boolean doEquals(CommonTermsQueryBuilder other) { return Objects.equals(fieldName, other.fieldName) && Objects.equals(text, other.text) && Objects.equals(highFreqOperator, other.highFreqOperator) && Objects.equals(lowFreqOperator, other.lowFreqOperator) && Objects.equals(analyzer, other.analyzer) && Objects.equals(lowFreqMinimumShouldMatch, other.lowFreqMinimumShouldMatch) && Objects.equals(highFreqMinimumShouldMatch, other.highFreqMinimumShouldMatch) && Objects.equals(cutoffFrequency, other.cutoffFrequency); } }