path: root/docs/reference/aggregations/metrics/percentile-aggregation.asciidoc
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diff --git a/docs/reference/aggregations/metrics/percentile-aggregation.asciidoc b/docs/reference/aggregations/metrics/percentile-aggregation.asciidoc
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+++ b/docs/reference/aggregations/metrics/percentile-aggregation.asciidoc
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+=== Percentiles Aggregation
+A `multi-value` metrics aggregation that calculates one or more percentiles
+over numeric values extracted from the aggregated documents. These values
+can be extracted either from specific numeric fields in the documents, or
+be generated by a provided script.
+Percentiles show the point at which a certain percentage of observed values
+occur. For example, the 95th percentile is the value which is greater than 95%
+of the observed values.
+Percentiles are often used to find outliers. In normal distributions, the
+0.13th and 99.87th percentiles represents three standard deviations from the
+mean. Any data which falls outside three standard deviations is often considered
+an anomaly.
+When a range of percentiles are retrieved, they can be used to estimate the
+data distribution and determine if the data is skewed, bimodal, etc.
+Assume your data consists of website load times. The average and median
+load times are not overly useful to an administrator. The max may be interesting,
+but it can be easily skewed by a single slow response.
+Let's look at a range of percentiles representing load time:
+ "aggs" : {
+ "load_time_outlier" : {
+ "percentiles" : {
+ "field" : "load_time" <1>
+ }
+ }
+ }
+<1> The field `load_time` must be a numeric field
+By default, the `percentile` metric will generate a range of
+percentiles: `[ 1, 5, 25, 50, 75, 95, 99 ]`. The response will look like this:
+ ...
+ "aggregations": {
+ "load_time_outlier": {
+ "values" : {
+ "1.0": 15,
+ "5.0": 20,
+ "25.0": 23,
+ "50.0": 25,
+ "75.0": 29,
+ "95.0": 60,
+ "99.0": 150
+ }
+ }
+ }
+As you can see, the aggregation will return a calculated value for each percentile
+in the default range. If we assume response times are in milliseconds, it is
+immediately obvious that the webpage normally loads in 15-30ms, but occasionally
+spikes to 60-150ms.
+Often, administrators are only interested in outliers -- the extreme percentiles.
+We can specify just the percents we are interested in (requested percentiles
+must be a value between 0-100 inclusive):
+ "aggs" : {
+ "load_time_outlier" : {
+ "percentiles" : {
+ "field" : "load_time",
+ "percents" : [95, 99, 99.9] <1>
+ }
+ }
+ }
+<1> Use the `percents` parameter to specify particular percentiles to calculate
+==== Script
+The percentile metric supports scripting. For example, if our load times
+are in milliseconds but we want percentiles calculated in seconds, we could use
+a script to convert them on-the-fly:
+ "aggs" : {
+ "load_time_outlier" : {
+ "percentiles" : {
+ "script" : "doc['load_time'].value / timeUnit", <1>
+ "params" : {
+ "timeUnit" : 1000 <2>
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+<1> The `field` parameter is replaced with a `script` parameter, which uses the
+script to generate values which percentiles are calculated on
+<2> Scripting supports parameterized input just like any other script
+TIP: The `script` parameter expects an inline script. Use `script_id` for indexed scripts and `script_file` for scripts in the `config/scripts/` directory.
+==== Percentiles are (usually) approximate
+There are many different algorithms to calculate percentiles. The naive
+implementation simply stores all the values in a sorted array. To find the 50th
+percentile, you simply find the value that is at `my_array[count(my_array) * 0.5]`.
+Clearly, the naive implementation does not scale -- the sorted array grows
+linearly with the number of values in your dataset. To calculate percentiles
+across potentially billions of values in an Elasticsearch cluster, _approximate_
+percentiles are calculated.
+The algorithm used by the `percentile` metric is called TDigest (introduced by
+Ted Dunning in
+[Computing Accurate Quantiles using T-Digests]).
+When using this metric, there are a few guidelines to keep in mind:
+- Accuracy is proportional to `q(1-q)`. This means that extreme percentiles (e.g. 99%)
+are more accurate than less extreme percentiles, such as the median
+- For small sets of values, percentiles are highly accurate (and potentially
+100% accurate if the data is small enough).
+- As the quantity of values in a bucket grows, the algorithm begins to approximate
+the percentiles. It is effectively trading accuracy for memory savings. The
+exact level of inaccuracy is difficult to generalize, since it depends on your
+data distribution and volume of data being aggregated
+The following chart shows the relative error on a uniform distribution depending
+on the number of collected values and the requested percentile:
+It shows how precision is better for extreme percentiles. The reason why error diminishes
+for large number of values is that the law of large numbers makes the distribution of
+values more and more uniform and the t-digest tree can do a better job at summarizing
+it. It would not be the case on more skewed distributions.
+==== Compression
+experimental[The `compression` parameter is specific to the current internal implementation of percentiles, and may change in the future]
+Approximate algorithms must balance memory utilization with estimation accuracy.
+This balance can be controlled using a `compression` parameter:
+ "aggs" : {
+ "load_time_outlier" : {
+ "percentiles" : {
+ "field" : "load_time",
+ "compression" : 200 <1>
+ }
+ }
+ }
+<1> Compression controls memory usage and approximation error
+The TDigest algorithm uses a number of "nodes" to approximate percentiles -- the
+more nodes available, the higher the accuracy (and large memory footprint) proportional
+to the volume of data. The `compression` parameter limits the maximum number of
+nodes to `20 * compression`.
+Therefore, by increasing the compression value, you can increase the accuracy of
+your percentiles at the cost of more memory. Larger compression values also
+make the algorithm slower since the underlying tree data structure grows in size,
+resulting in more expensive operations. The default compression value is
+A "node" uses roughly 32 bytes of memory, so under worst-case scenarios (large amount
+of data which arrives sorted and in-order) the default settings will produce a
+TDigest roughly 64KB in size. In practice data tends to be more random and
+the TDigest will use less memory.