path: root/core/src/main/java/org/elasticsearch/plugins/
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 256 deletions
diff --git a/core/src/main/java/org/elasticsearch/plugins/ b/core/src/main/java/org/elasticsearch/plugins/
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--- a/core/src/main/java/org/elasticsearch/plugins/
+++ /dev/null
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- * Licensed to Elasticsearch under one or more contributor
- * license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright
- * ownership. Elasticsearch licenses this file to you under
- * the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
- * not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
-package org.elasticsearch.plugins;
-import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine;
-import org.elasticsearch.common.Strings;
-import org.elasticsearch.common.SuppressForbidden;
-import org.elasticsearch.common.cli.CliTool;
-import org.elasticsearch.common.cli.CliToolConfig;
-import org.elasticsearch.common.cli.Terminal;
-import org.elasticsearch.common.logging.log4j.LogConfigurator;
-import org.elasticsearch.common.settings.Settings;
-import org.elasticsearch.common.unit.TimeValue;
-import org.elasticsearch.env.Environment;
-import org.elasticsearch.node.internal.InternalSettingsPreparer;
-import org.elasticsearch.plugins.PluginManager.OutputMode;
-import java.util.Locale;
-import static org.elasticsearch.common.cli.CliToolConfig.Builder.cmd;
-import static org.elasticsearch.common.cli.CliToolConfig.Builder.option;
-public class PluginManagerCliParser extends CliTool {
- // By default timeout is 0 which means no timeout
- public static final TimeValue DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = TimeValue.timeValueMillis(0);
- private static final CliToolConfig CONFIG = CliToolConfig.config("plugin", PluginManagerCliParser.class)
- .cmds(ListPlugins.CMD, Install.CMD, Remove.CMD)
- .build();
- public static void main(String[] args) {
- // initialize default for es.logger.level because we will not read the logging.yml
- String loggerLevel = System.getProperty("es.logger.level", "INFO");
- // Set the appender for all potential log files to terminal so that other components that use the logger print out the
- // same terminal.
- // The reason for this is that the plugin cli cannot be configured with a file appender because when the plugin command is
- // executed there is no way of knowing where the logfiles should be placed. For example, if elasticsearch
- // is run as service then the logs should be at /var/log/elasticsearch but when started from the tar they should be at es.home/logs.
- // Therefore we print to Terminal.
- Environment env = InternalSettingsPreparer.prepareEnvironment(Settings.builder()
- .put("appender.terminal.type", "terminal")
- .put("rootLogger", "${es.logger.level}, terminal")
- .put("es.logger.level", loggerLevel)
- .build(), Terminal.DEFAULT);
- // configure but do not read the logging conf file
- LogConfigurator.configure(env.settings(), false);
- int status = new PluginManagerCliParser().execute(args).status();
- exit(status);
- }
- @SuppressForbidden(reason = "Allowed to exit explicitly from #main()")
- private static void exit(int status) {
- System.exit(status);
- }
- public PluginManagerCliParser() {
- super(CONFIG);
- }
- public PluginManagerCliParser(Terminal terminal) {
- super(CONFIG, terminal);
- }
- @Override
- protected Command parse(String cmdName, CommandLine cli) throws Exception {
- switch (cmdName.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT)) {
- case Install.NAME:
- return Install.parse(terminal, cli);
- case ListPlugins.NAME:
- return ListPlugins.parse(terminal, cli);
- case Remove.NAME:
- return Remove.parse(terminal, cli);
- default:
- assert false : "can't get here as cmd name is validated before this method is called";
- return exitCmd(ExitStatus.USAGE);
- }
- }
- /**
- * List all installed plugins
- */
- static class ListPlugins extends CliTool.Command {
- private static final String NAME = "list";
- private static final CliToolConfig.Cmd CMD = cmd(NAME, ListPlugins.class).build();
- private final OutputMode outputMode;
- public static Command parse(Terminal terminal, CommandLine cli) {
- OutputMode outputMode = OutputMode.DEFAULT;
- if (cli.hasOption("s")) {
- outputMode = OutputMode.SILENT;
- }
- if (cli.hasOption("v")) {
- outputMode = OutputMode.VERBOSE;
- }
- return new ListPlugins(terminal, outputMode);
- }
- ListPlugins(Terminal terminal, OutputMode outputMode) {
- super(terminal);
- this.outputMode = outputMode;
- }
- @Override
- public ExitStatus execute(Settings settings, Environment env) throws Exception {
- PluginManager pluginManager = new PluginManager(env, null, outputMode, DEFAULT_TIMEOUT);
- pluginManager.listInstalledPlugins(terminal);
- return ExitStatus.OK;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Remove a plugin
- */
- static class Remove extends CliTool.Command {
- private static final String NAME = "remove";
- private static final CliToolConfig.Cmd CMD = cmd(NAME, Remove.class).build();
- public static Command parse(Terminal terminal, CommandLine cli) {
- String[] args = cli.getArgs();
- if (args.length == 0) {
- return exitCmd(ExitStatus.USAGE, terminal, "plugin name is missing (type -h for help)");
- }
- OutputMode outputMode = OutputMode.DEFAULT;
- if (cli.hasOption("s")) {
- outputMode = OutputMode.SILENT;
- }
- if (cli.hasOption("v")) {
- outputMode = OutputMode.VERBOSE;
- }
- return new Remove(terminal, outputMode, args[0]);
- }
- private OutputMode outputMode;
- final String pluginName;
- Remove(Terminal terminal, OutputMode outputMode, String pluginToRemove) {
- super(terminal);
- this.outputMode = outputMode;
- this.pluginName = pluginToRemove;
- }
- @Override
- public ExitStatus execute(Settings settings, Environment env) throws Exception {
- PluginManager pluginManager = new PluginManager(env, null, outputMode, DEFAULT_TIMEOUT);
- terminal.println("-> Removing " + Strings.coalesceToEmpty(pluginName) + "...");
- pluginManager.removePlugin(pluginName, terminal);
- return ExitStatus.OK;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Installs a plugin
- */
- static class Install extends Command {
- private static final String NAME = "install";
- private static final CliToolConfig.Cmd CMD = cmd(NAME, Install.class)
- .options(option("t", "timeout").required(false).hasArg(false))
- .options(option("b", "batch").required(false))
- .build();
- static Command parse(Terminal terminal, CommandLine cli) {
- String[] args = cli.getArgs();
- // install [plugin-name/url]
- if ((args == null) || (args.length == 0)) {
- return exitCmd(ExitStatus.USAGE, terminal, "plugin name or url is missing (type -h for help)");
- }
- String name = args[0];
- URL optionalPluginUrl = null;
- // try parsing cli argument as URL
- try {
- optionalPluginUrl = new URL(name);
- name = null;
- } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
- // we tried to parse the cli argument as url and failed
- // continue treating it as a symbolic plugin name like `analysis-icu` etc.
- }
- TimeValue timeout = TimeValue.parseTimeValue(cli.getOptionValue("t"), DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, "cli");
- OutputMode outputMode = OutputMode.DEFAULT;
- if (cli.hasOption("s")) {
- outputMode = OutputMode.SILENT;
- }
- if (cli.hasOption("v")) {
- outputMode = OutputMode.VERBOSE;
- }
- boolean batch = System.console() == null;
- if (cli.hasOption("b")) {
- batch = true;
- }
- return new Install(terminal, name, outputMode, optionalPluginUrl, timeout, batch);
- }
- final String name;
- private OutputMode outputMode;
- final URL url;
- final TimeValue timeout;
- final boolean batch;
- Install(Terminal terminal, String name, OutputMode outputMode, URL url, TimeValue timeout, boolean batch) {
- super(terminal);
- = name;
- this.outputMode = outputMode;
- this.url = url;
- this.timeout = timeout;
- this.batch = batch;
- }
- @Override
- public ExitStatus execute(Settings settings, Environment env) throws Exception {
- PluginManager pluginManager = new PluginManager(env, url, outputMode, timeout);
- if (name != null) {
- terminal.println("-> Installing " + Strings.coalesceToEmpty(name) + "...");
- } else {
- terminal.println("-> Installing from " + URLDecoder.decode(url.toString(), "UTF-8") + "...");
- }
- pluginManager.downloadAndExtract(name, terminal, batch);
- return ExitStatus.OK;
- }
- }
-} \ No newline at end of file