path: root/docs/groovy-api
diff options
authorClinton Gormley <>2013-08-29 01:24:34 +0200
committerClinton Gormley <>2013-08-29 01:24:34 +0200
commit822043347ed4151498e1405dd7494cc2c51684e9 (patch)
treeb8d9feb4e756617e9f3e8a576109706b00511ba8 /docs/groovy-api
parentb9558edeff254ab3d553526e6e0928f67753499d (diff)
Migrated documentation into the main repo
Diffstat (limited to 'docs/groovy-api')
8 files changed, 407 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/docs/groovy-api/anatomy.asciidoc b/docs/groovy-api/anatomy.asciidoc
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index 0000000000..4f0f18b491
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/groovy-api/anatomy.asciidoc
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+== API Anatomy
+Once a <<client,GClient>> has been
+obtained, all of ElasticSearch APIs can be executed on it. Each Groovy
+API is exposed using three different mechanisms.
+=== Closure Request
+The first type is to simply provide the request as a Closure, which
+automatically gets resolved into the respective request instance (for
+the index API, its the `IndexRequest` class). The API returns a special
+future, called `GActionFuture`. This is a groovier version of
+elasticsearch Java `ActionFuture` (in turn a nicer extension to Java own
+`Future`) which allows to register listeners (closures) on it for
+success and failures, as well as blocking for the response. For example:
+def indexR = client.index {
+ index "test"
+ type "type1"
+ id "1"
+ source {
+ test = "value"
+ complex {
+ value1 = "value1"
+ value2 = "value2"
+ }
+ }
+println "Indexed $ into $indexR.response.index/$indexR.response.type"
+In the above example, calling `indexR.response` will simply block for
+the response. We can also block for the response for a specific timeout:
+IndexResponse response = indexR.response "5s" // block for 5 seconds, same as:
+response = indexR.response 5, TimeValue.SECONDS //
+We can also register closures that will be called on success and on
+indexR.success = {IndexResponse response ->
+ pritnln "Indexed $ into $response.index/$response.type"
+indexR.failure = {Throwable t ->
+ println "Failed to index: $t.message"
+=== Request
+This option allows to pass the actual instance of the request (instead
+of a closure) as a parameter. The rest is similar to the closure as a
+parameter option (the `GActionFuture` handling). For example:
+def indexR = client.index (new IndexRequest(
+ index: "test",
+ type: "type1",
+ id: "1",
+ source: {
+ test = "value"
+ complex {
+ value1 = "value1"
+ value2 = "value2"
+ }
+ }))
+println "Indexed $ into $indexR.response.index/$indexR.response.type"
+=== Java Like
+The last option is to provide an actual instance of the API request, and
+an `ActionListener` for the callback. This is exactly like the Java API
+with the added `gexecute` which returns the `GActionFuture`:
+def indexR = node.client.prepareIndex("test", "type1", "1").setSource({
+ test = "value"
+ complex {
+ value1 = "value1"
+ value2 = "value2"
+ }
diff --git a/docs/groovy-api/client.asciidoc b/docs/groovy-api/client.asciidoc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..28d5ba00bf
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+++ b/docs/groovy-api/client.asciidoc
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+== Client
+Obtaining an elasticsearch Groovy `GClient` (a `GClient` is a simple
+wrapper on top of the Java `Client`) is simple. The most common way to
+get a client is by starting an embedded `Node` which acts as a node
+within the cluster.
+=== Node Client
+A Node based client is the simplest form to get a `GClient` to start
+executing operations against elasticsearch.
+import org.elasticsearch.groovy.client.GClient
+import org.elasticsearch.groovy.node.GNode
+import static org.elasticsearch.groovy.node.GNodeBuilder.nodeBuilder
+// on startup
+GNode node = nodeBuilder().node();
+GClient client = node.client();
+// on shutdown
+Since elasticsearch allows to configure it using JSON based settings,
+the configuration itself can be done using a closure that represent the
+import org.elasticsearch.groovy.node.GNode
+import org.elasticsearch.groovy.node.GNodeBuilder
+import static org.elasticsearch.groovy.node.GNodeBuilder.*
+// on startup
+GNodeBuilder nodeBuilder = nodeBuilder();
+nodeBuilder.settings {
+ node {
+ client = true
+ }
+ cluster {
+ name = "test"
+ }
+GNode node = nodeBuilder.node()
+// on shutdown
diff --git a/docs/groovy-api/count.asciidoc b/docs/groovy-api/count.asciidoc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..066bb054c5
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+++ b/docs/groovy-api/count.asciidoc
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+== Count API
+The count API is very similar to the
+link:{java}/count.html[Java count API]. The Groovy
+extension allows to provide the query to execute as a `Closure` (similar
+to GORM criteria builder):
+def count = client.count {
+ indices "test"
+ types "type1"
+ query {
+ term {
+ test = "value"
+ }
+ }
+The query follows the same link:{ref}/query-dsl.html[Query DSL].
diff --git a/docs/groovy-api/delete.asciidoc b/docs/groovy-api/delete.asciidoc
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index 0000000000..c339b4919b
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+++ b/docs/groovy-api/delete.asciidoc
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+== Delete API
+The delete API is very similar to the
+link:{java}/delete.html[Java delete API], here is an
+def deleteF = node.client.delete {
+ index "test"
+ type "type1"
+ id "1"
diff --git a/docs/groovy-api/get.asciidoc b/docs/groovy-api/get.asciidoc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..aa206ccf19
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+++ b/docs/groovy-api/get.asciidoc
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+== Get API
+The get API is very similar to the
+link:{java}/get.html[Java get API]. The main benefit
+of using groovy is handling the source content. It can be automatically
+converted to a `Map` which means using Groovy to navigate it is simple:
+def getF = node.client.get {
+ index "test"
+ type "type1"
+ id "1"
+println "Result of field2: $getF.response.source.complex.field2"
diff --git a/docs/groovy-api/index.asciidoc b/docs/groovy-api/index.asciidoc
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index 0000000000..f089642400
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+++ b/docs/groovy-api/index.asciidoc
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+= Groovy API
+== Preface
+This section describes the[Groovy] API
+elasticsearch provides. All elasticsearch APIs are executed using a
+<<client,GClient>>, and are completely
+asynchronous in nature (they either accept a listener, or return a
+The Groovy API is a wrapper on top of the
+link:{java}[Java API] exposing it in a groovier
+manner. The execution options for each API follow a similar manner and
+covered in <<anatomy>>.
+==== Maven Repository
+The Groovy API is hosted on
+For example, you can define the latest version in your `pom.xml` file:
+ <groupId>org.elasticsearch</groupId>
+ <artifactId>elasticsearch-client-groovy</artifactId>
+ <version>${es.version}</version>
diff --git a/docs/groovy-api/index_.asciidoc b/docs/groovy-api/index_.asciidoc
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index 0000000000..7c35b1ada5
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+++ b/docs/groovy-api/index_.asciidoc
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+== Index API
+The index API is very similar to the
+link:{java}/index_.html[Java index API]. The Groovy
+extension to it is the ability to provide the indexed source using a
+closure. For example:
+def indexR = client.index {
+ index "test"
+ type "type1"
+ id "1"
+ source {
+ test = "value"
+ complex {
+ value1 = "value1"
+ value2 = "value2"
+ }
+ }
+In the above example, the source closure itself gets transformed into an
+XContent (defaults to JSON). In order to change how the source closure
+is serialized, a global (static) setting can be set on the `GClient` by
+changing the `indexContentType` field.
+Note also that the `source` can be set using the typical Java based
+APIs, the `Closure` option is a Groovy extension.
diff --git a/docs/groovy-api/search.asciidoc b/docs/groovy-api/search.asciidoc
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index 0000000000..2e2dadf79f
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+++ b/docs/groovy-api/search.asciidoc
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+== Search API
+The search API is very similar to the
+link:{java}/search.html[Java search API]. The Groovy
+extension allows to provide the search source to execute as a `Closure`
+including the query itself (similar to GORM criteria builder):
+def search = {
+ indices "test"
+ types "type1"
+ source {
+ query {
+ term(test: "value")
+ }
+ }
+search.response.hits.each {SearchHit hit ->
+ println "Got hit $ from $hit.index/$hit.type"
+It can also be executed using the "Java API" while still using a closure
+for the query:
+def search = node.client.prepareSearch("test").setQuery({
+ term(test: "value")
+search.response.hits.each {SearchHit hit ->
+ println "Got hit $ from $hit.index/$hit.type"
+The format of the search `Closure` follows the same JSON syntax as the
+link:{ref}/search-search.html[Search API] request.
+=== More examples
+Term query where multiple values are provided (see
+def search = {
+ indices "test"
+ types "type1"
+ source {
+ query {
+ terms(test: ["value1", "value2"])
+ }
+ }
+Query string (see
+link:{ref}/query-dsl-query-string-query.html[query string]):
+def search = {
+ indices "test"
+ types "type1"
+ source {
+ query {
+ query_string(
+ fields: ["test"],
+ query: "value1 value2")
+ }
+ }
+Pagination (see
+def search = {
+ indices "test"
+ types "type1"
+ source {
+ from = 0
+ size = 10
+ query {
+ term(test: "value")
+ }
+ }
+Sorting (see link:{ref}/search-request-sort.html[sort]):
+def search = {
+ indices "test"
+ types "type1"
+ source {
+ query {
+ term(test: "value")
+ }
+ sort = [
+ date : [ order: "desc"]
+ ]
+ }