/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.drill.yarn.scripts; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.drill.yarn.scripts.ScriptUtils.DrillbitRun; import org.apache.drill.yarn.scripts.ScriptUtils.RunResult; import org.apache.drill.yarn.scripts.ScriptUtils.ScriptRunner; import org.junit.BeforeClass; import org.junit.Ignore; import org.junit.Test; /** * Unit tests to test the many ways that the Drill shell scripts can run. * Since it would be difficult to test options using the actual Drillbit, the * scripts make use of a special test fixture in runbit: the ability to pass * a "wrapper" script to run in place of the Drillit. That script probes stderr, * stdout and log files, and writes its arguments (which is the Drillbit launch * command) to a file. As a result, we can capture this output and analyze it * to ensure we are passing the right arguments to the Drillbit, and that output * is going to the right destinations. */ // Turned of by default: works only in a developer setup @Ignore public class TestScripts { static ScriptUtils context; @BeforeClass public static void initialSetup() throws IOException { context = ScriptUtils.instance(); context.initialSetup(); } /** * Test the simplest case: use the $DRILL_HOME/conf directory and default log * location. Non-existent drill-env.sh and drill-config.sh files. Everything * is at its Drill-provided defaults. Then, try overriding each user-settable * environment variable in the environment (which simulates what YARN might * do.) */ @Test public void testStockCombined() throws IOException { context.createMockDistrib(); File siteDir = new File(context.testDrillHome, "conf"); context.createMockConf(siteDir); // No drill-env.sh, no distrib-env.sh { RunResult result = new DrillbitRun(DrillbitRun.DRILLBIT_RUN) .run(); assertEquals(0, result.returnCode); result.validateJava(); result.validateStockArgs(); result.validateClassPath(ScriptUtils.stdCp); result.validateStdOut(); result.validateStdErr(); result.validateDrillLog(); } // As above, but pass an argument. { String propArg = "-Dproperty=value"; RunResult result = new DrillbitRun(DrillbitRun.DRILLBIT_RUN) .withArg(propArg).run(); assertEquals(0, result.returnCode); result.validateStdOut(); result.validateArg(propArg); } // Custom Java opts to achieve the same result { String propArg = "-Dproperty=value"; RunResult result = new DrillbitRun(DrillbitRun.DRILLBIT_RUN) .addEnv("DRILL_JAVA_OPTS", propArg).run(); assertEquals(0, result.returnCode); result.validateStockArgs(); // Should not lose standard JVM args result.validateStdOut(); result.validateArg(propArg); } // Custom Drillbit Java Opts to achieve the same result { String propArg = "-Dproperty2=value2"; RunResult result = new DrillbitRun(DrillbitRun.DRILLBIT_RUN) .addEnv("DRILLBIT_JAVA_OPTS", propArg).run(); assertEquals(0, result.returnCode); result.validateStockArgs(); // Should not lose standard JVM args result.validateStdOut(); result.validateArg(propArg); } // Both sets of options { String propArg = "-Dproperty=value"; String propArg2 = "-Dproperty2=value2"; RunResult result = new DrillbitRun(DrillbitRun.DRILLBIT_RUN) .addEnv("DRILL_JAVA_OPTS", propArg) .addEnv("DRILLBIT_JAVA_OPTS", propArg2).run(); assertEquals(0, result.returnCode); result.validateArgs(new String[] { propArg, propArg2 }); } // Custom heap memory { RunResult result = new DrillbitRun(DrillbitRun.DRILLBIT_RUN) .addEnv("DRILL_HEAP", "5G").run(); result.validateArgs(new String[] { "-Xms5G", "-Xmx5G" }); } // Custom direct memory { RunResult result = new DrillbitRun(DrillbitRun.DRILLBIT_RUN) .addEnv("DRILL_MAX_DIRECT_MEMORY", "7G").run(); result.validateArg("-XX:MaxDirectMemorySize=7G"); } // Enable GC logging { RunResult result = new DrillbitRun(DrillbitRun.DRILLBIT_RUN) .addEnv("SERVER_LOG_GC", "1").run(); String logTail = context.testLogDir.getName() + "/drillbit.gc"; result.validateArgRegex("-Xloggc:.*/" + logTail); } // Max Perm Size { RunResult result = new DrillbitRun(DrillbitRun.DRILLBIT_RUN) .addEnv("DRILLBIT_MAX_PERM", "600M").run(); result.validateArg("-XX:MaxPermSize=600M"); } // Code cache size { RunResult result = new DrillbitRun(DrillbitRun.DRILLBIT_RUN) .addEnv("DRILLBIT_CODE_CACHE_SIZE", "2G").run(); result.validateArg("-XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize=2G"); } } /** * Use the "stock" setup, but add each custom bit of the class path to ensure * it is passed to the Drillbit. * * @throws IOException */ @Test public void testClassPath() throws IOException { context.createMockDistrib(); File siteDir = new File(context.testDrillHome, "conf"); context.createMockConf(siteDir); File extrasDir = context.createDir(new File(context.testDir, "extras")); File hadoopJar = context.makeDummyJar(extrasDir, "hadoop"); File hbaseJar = context.makeDummyJar(extrasDir, "hbase"); File prefixJar = context.makeDummyJar(extrasDir, "prefix"); File cpJar = context.makeDummyJar(extrasDir, "cp"); File extnJar = context.makeDummyJar(extrasDir, "extn"); File toolsJar = context.makeDummyJar(extrasDir, "tools"); { RunResult result = new DrillbitRun(DrillbitRun.DRILLBIT_RUN) .addEnv("DRILL_CLASSPATH_PREFIX", prefixJar.getAbsolutePath()).run(); result.validateClassPath(prefixJar.getAbsolutePath()); } { RunResult result = new DrillbitRun(DrillbitRun.DRILLBIT_RUN) .addEnv("DRILL_TOOL_CP", toolsJar.getAbsolutePath()).run(); result.validateClassPath(toolsJar.getAbsolutePath()); } { RunResult result = new DrillbitRun(DrillbitRun.DRILLBIT_RUN) .addEnv("HADOOP_CLASSPATH", hadoopJar.getAbsolutePath()).run(); result.validateClassPath(hadoopJar.getAbsolutePath()); } { RunResult result = new DrillbitRun(DrillbitRun.DRILLBIT_RUN) .addEnv("HBASE_CLASSPATH", hbaseJar.getAbsolutePath()).run(); result.validateClassPath(hbaseJar.getAbsolutePath()); } { RunResult result = new DrillbitRun(DrillbitRun.DRILLBIT_RUN) .addEnv("EXTN_CLASSPATH", extnJar.getAbsolutePath()).run(); result.validateClassPath(extnJar.getAbsolutePath()); } { RunResult result = new DrillbitRun(DrillbitRun.DRILLBIT_RUN) .addEnv("DRILL_CLASSPATH", cpJar.getAbsolutePath()).run(); result.validateClassPath(cpJar.getAbsolutePath()); } // Site jars not on path if not created File siteJars = new File(siteDir, "jars"); { RunResult result = new DrillbitRun(DrillbitRun.DRILLBIT_RUN).run(); assertFalse(result.classPathContains(siteJars.getAbsolutePath())); } // Site/jars on path if exists context.createDir(siteJars); context.makeDummyJar(siteJars, "site"); { RunResult result = new DrillbitRun(DrillbitRun.DRILLBIT_RUN).run(); result.validateClassPath(siteJars.getAbsolutePath() + "/*"); } } /** * Create a custom log folder location. */ @Test public void testLogDir() throws IOException { context.createMockDistrib(); File siteDir = new File(context.testDrillHome, "conf"); context.createMockConf(siteDir); File logsDir = context.createDir(new File(context.testDir, "logs")); context.removeDir(new File(context.testDrillHome, "log")); { String logPath = logsDir.getAbsolutePath(); RunResult result = new DrillbitRun(DrillbitRun.DRILLBIT_RUN) .addEnv("DRILL_LOG_DIR", logPath).withLogDir(logsDir).run(); assertEquals(0, result.returnCode); result.validateArgs( new String[] { "-Dlog.path=" + logPath + "/drillbit.log", "-Dlog.query.path=" + logPath + "/drillbit_queries.json", }); result.validateStdOut(); result.validateStdErr(); result.validateDrillLog(); } } /** * Create a custom Java lib path. This uses the new DRILL_JAVA_LIB_PATH * variable. */ @Test public void testLibPath() throws IOException { context.createMockDistrib(); File siteDir = new File(context.testDrillHome, "conf"); context.createMockConf(siteDir); File logsDir = context.createDir(new File(context.testDir, "logs")); context.removeDir(new File(context.testDrillHome, "log")); { String logPath = logsDir.getAbsolutePath(); RunResult result = new DrillbitRun(DrillbitRun.DRILLBIT_RUN) .addEnv("DRILL_LOG_DIR", logPath).withLogDir(logsDir).run(); assertEquals(0, result.returnCode); result.validateArgs( new String[] { "-Dlog.path=" + logPath + "/drillbit.log", "-Dlog.query.path=" + logPath + "/drillbit_queries.json", }); result.validateStdOut(); result.validateStdErr(); result.validateDrillLog(); } } /** * Try setting custom environment variable values in drill-env.sh in the * $DRILL_HOME/conf location. */ @Test public void testDrillEnv() throws IOException { doEnvFileTest("drill-env.sh"); } /** * Repeat the above test using distrib-env.sh in the $DRILL_HOME/conf * location. */ @Test public void testDistribEnv() throws IOException { doEnvFileTest("distrib-env.sh"); } /** * Implementation of the drill-env.sh and distrib-env.sh tests. */ private void doEnvFileTest(String fileName) throws IOException { context.createMockDistrib(); File siteDir = new File(context.testDrillHome, "conf"); context.createMockConf(siteDir); /** * Set all properties in the env file. */ Map drillEnv = new HashMap<>(); String propArg = "-Dproperty=value"; drillEnv.put("DRILL_JAVA_OPTS", propArg); drillEnv.put("DRILL_HEAP", "5G"); drillEnv.put("DRILL_MAX_DIRECT_MEMORY", "7G"); drillEnv.put("SERVER_LOG_GC", "1"); drillEnv.put("DRILLBIT_MAX_PERM", "600M"); drillEnv.put("DRILLBIT_CODE_CACHE_SIZE", "2G"); context.createEnvFile(new File(siteDir, fileName), drillEnv); { RunResult result = new DrillbitRun(DrillbitRun.DRILLBIT_RUN).run(); assertEquals(0, result.returnCode); String expectedArgs[] = { propArg, "-Xms5G", "-Xmx5G", "-XX:MaxDirectMemorySize=7G", "-XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize=2G", "-XX:MaxPermSize=600M" }; result.validateArgs(expectedArgs); String logTail = context.testLogDir.getName() + "/drillbit.gc"; result.validateArgRegex("-Xloggc:.*/" + logTail); } // Change some drill-env.sh options in the environment. // The generated drill-env.sh should allow overrides. // (The generated form is the form that customers should use.) { RunResult result = new DrillbitRun(DrillbitRun.DRILLBIT_RUN) .addEnv("SERVER_LOG_GC", "0") .addEnv("DRILL_MAX_DIRECT_MEMORY", "9G") .run(); assertEquals(0, result.returnCode); result.validateArg("-XX:MaxDirectMemorySize=9G"); result.validateArg("-XX:MaxPermSize=600M"); String logTail = context.testDrillHome.getName() + "/log/drillbit.gc"; assertFalse(result.containsArgRegex("-Xloggc:.*/" + logTail)); } } /** * Test that drill-env.sh overrides distrib-env.sh, and that the environment * overrides both. Assumes the basics were tested above. * * @throws IOException */ @Test public void testDrillAndDistribEnv() throws IOException { context.createMockDistrib(); File siteDir = new File(context.testDrillHome, "conf"); context.createMockConf(siteDir); Map distribEnv = new HashMap<>(); distribEnv.put("DRILL_HEAP", "5G"); distribEnv.put("DRILL_MAX_DIRECT_MEMORY", "7G"); distribEnv.put("DRILLBIT_MAX_PERM", "600M"); context.createEnvFile(new File(siteDir, "distrib-env.sh"), distribEnv); Map drillEnv = new HashMap<>(); drillEnv.put("DRILL_HEAP", "6G"); drillEnv.put("DRILL_MAX_DIRECT_MEMORY", "9G"); context.createEnvFile(new File(siteDir, "drill-env.sh"), drillEnv); { RunResult result = new DrillbitRun(DrillbitRun.DRILLBIT_RUN).run(); assertEquals(0, result.returnCode); String expectedArgs[] = { "-Xms6G", "-Xmx6G", "-XX:MaxDirectMemorySize=9G", "-XX:MaxPermSize=600M", "-XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize=1G" // Default }; result.validateArgs(expectedArgs); } { RunResult result = new DrillbitRun(DrillbitRun.DRILLBIT_RUN) .addEnv("DRILL_MAX_DIRECT_MEMORY", "5G").run(); assertEquals(0, result.returnCode); String expectedArgs[] = { "-Xms6G", "-Xmx6G", "-XX:MaxDirectMemorySize=5G", "-XX:MaxPermSize=600M", "-XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize=1G" // Default }; result.validateArgs(expectedArgs); } } @Test public void testBadSiteDir() throws IOException { context.createMockDistrib(); File siteDir = new File(context.testDrillHome, "conf"); context.removeDir(siteDir); // Directory does not exist. { RunResult result = new DrillbitRun(DrillbitRun.DRILLBIT_RUN) .withSite(siteDir).run(); assertEquals(1, result.returnCode); assertTrue(result.stderr.contains("Config dir does not exist")); } // Not a directory context.writeFile(siteDir, "dummy"); { RunResult result = new DrillbitRun(DrillbitRun.DRILLBIT_RUN) .withSite(siteDir).run(); assertEquals(1, result.returnCode); assertTrue(result.stderr.contains("Config dir does not exist")); } // Directory exists, but drill-override.conf does not siteDir.delete(); context.createDir(siteDir); { RunResult result = new DrillbitRun(DrillbitRun.DRILLBIT_RUN) .withSite(siteDir).run(); assertEquals(1, result.returnCode); assertTrue(result.stderr.contains("Drill config file missing")); } } /** * Move configuration to a site folder out of $DRILL_HOME/conf. The site * folder can contain code (which is why we call it "site" and not "config".) * The site directory can be passed to the Drillbit in several ways. * * @throws IOException */ @Test public void testSiteDir() throws IOException { context.createMockDistrib(); File confDir = new File(context.testDrillHome, "conf"); context.createDir(confDir); File siteDir = new File(context.testDir, "site"); context.createMockConf(siteDir); // Dummy drill-env.sh to simulate the shipped "example" file. context.writeFile(new File(confDir, "drill-env.sh"), "#!/usr/bin/env bash\n" + "# Example file"); File siteJars = new File(siteDir, "jars"); Map distribEnv = new HashMap<>(); distribEnv.put("DRILL_HEAP", "5G"); distribEnv.put("DRILL_MAX_DIRECT_MEMORY", "7G"); distribEnv.put("DRILLBIT_MAX_PERM", "600M"); context.createEnvFile(new File(confDir, "distrib-env.sh"), distribEnv); Map drillEnv = new HashMap<>(); drillEnv.put("DRILL_HEAP", "6G"); drillEnv.put("DRILL_MAX_DIRECT_MEMORY", "9G"); context.createEnvFile(new File(siteDir, "drill-env.sh"), drillEnv); String expectedArgs[] = { "-Xms6G", "-Xmx6G", "-XX:MaxDirectMemorySize=9G", "-XX:MaxPermSize=600M", "-XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize=1G" // Default }; // Site set using argument { // Use --config explicitly RunResult result = new DrillbitRun(DrillbitRun.DRILLBIT_RUN) .withArg("--config") .withArg(siteDir.getAbsolutePath()) .run(); assertEquals(0, result.returnCode); result.validateArgs(expectedArgs); result.validateClassPath(siteDir.getAbsolutePath()); } { RunResult result = new DrillbitRun() .withArg("--config") .withArg(siteDir.getAbsolutePath()) .withArg(DrillbitRun.DRILLBIT_RUN) .run(); assertEquals(0, result.returnCode); result.validateArgs(expectedArgs); } { RunResult result = new DrillbitRun(DrillbitRun.DRILLBIT_RUN) .withSite(siteDir) .run(); assertEquals(0, result.returnCode); result.validateArgs(expectedArgs); } // Site argument and argument to Drillbit { String propArg = "-Dproperty=value"; RunResult result = new DrillbitRun(DrillbitRun.DRILLBIT_RUN) .withSite(siteDir) .withArg(propArg) .run( ); assertEquals(0, result.returnCode); result.validateArgs(expectedArgs); result.validateArg(propArg); } // Set as an environment variable { RunResult result = new DrillbitRun(DrillbitRun.DRILLBIT_RUN) .addEnv("DRILL_CONF_DIR",siteDir.getAbsolutePath()) .run(); assertEquals(0, result.returnCode); result.validateArgs(expectedArgs); } // Site jars not on path if not created { RunResult result = new DrillbitRun(DrillbitRun.DRILLBIT_RUN) .withSite(siteDir) .run(); assertFalse(result.classPathContains(siteJars.getAbsolutePath())); } // Site/jars on path if exists context.createDir(siteJars); context.makeDummyJar(siteJars, "site"); { RunResult result = new DrillbitRun(DrillbitRun.DRILLBIT_RUN) .withSite(siteDir) .run(); assertTrue(result.classPathContains(siteJars.getAbsolutePath() + "/*")); } } /** * Test the Java library path. Three sources: *
  1. DRILL_JAVA_LIB_PATH Set in drill-env.sh
  2. *
  3. DOY_JAVA_LIB_PATH passed in from an env. var.
  4. *
  5. $DRILL_SITE/lib, if it exists.
  6. *
* * @throws IOException */ @Test public void testJavaLibDir() throws IOException { context.createMockDistrib(); File siteDir = new File(context.testDrillHome, "conf"); context.createMockConf(siteDir); // Stock run: no lib dir. String prefix = "-Djava.library.path="; { RunResult result = new DrillbitRun(DrillbitRun.DRILLBIT_RUN) .run(); assertFalse(result.containsArgRegex(prefix + ".*")); assertNull(result.libPath); } // Old-style argument in DRILL_JAVA_OPTS { Map env = new HashMap<>(); env.put("DRILL_JAVA_OPTS", prefix + "/foo/bar:/foo/mumble"); RunResult result = new DrillbitRun(DrillbitRun.DRILLBIT_RUN) .withEnvironment(env) .run(); assertTrue(result.containsArgRegex(prefix + ".*")); assertNotNull(result.libPath); assertEquals(2, result.libPath.length); assertEquals("/foo/bar", result.libPath[0]); assertEquals("/foo/mumble", result.libPath[1]); } // New-style argument in DRILL_JAVA_LIB_PATH { Map env = new HashMap<>(); env.put("DRILL_JAVA_LIB_PATH", "/foo/bar:/foo/mumble"); RunResult result = new DrillbitRun(DrillbitRun.DRILLBIT_RUN) .withEnvironment(env) .run(); assertTrue(result.containsArgRegex(prefix + ".*")); assertNotNull(result.libPath); assertEquals(2, result.libPath.length); assertEquals("/foo/bar", result.libPath[0]); assertEquals("/foo/mumble", result.libPath[1]); } // YARN argument in DOY_JAVA_LIB_PATH { Map env = new HashMap<>(); env.put("DOY_JAVA_LIB_PATH", "/foo/bar:/foo/mumble"); RunResult result = new DrillbitRun(DrillbitRun.DRILLBIT_RUN) .withEnvironment(env) .run(); assertTrue(result.containsArgRegex(prefix + ".*")); assertNotNull(result.libPath); assertEquals(2, result.libPath.length); assertEquals("/foo/bar", result.libPath[0]); assertEquals("/foo/mumble", result.libPath[1]); } // Both DRILL_JAVA_LIB_PATH and DOY_JAVA_LIB_PATH { Map env = new HashMap<>(); env.put("DRILL_JAVA_LIB_PATH", "/foo/bar:/foo/mumble"); env.put("DOY_JAVA_LIB_PATH", "/doy/bar:/doy/mumble"); RunResult result = new DrillbitRun(DrillbitRun.DRILLBIT_RUN) .withEnvironment(env) .run(); assertTrue(result.containsArgRegex(prefix + ".*")); assertNotNull(result.libPath); assertEquals(4, result.libPath.length); assertEquals("/doy/bar", result.libPath[0]); assertEquals("/doy/mumble", result.libPath[1]); assertEquals("/foo/bar", result.libPath[2]); assertEquals("/foo/mumble", result.libPath[3]); } // Site directory with a lib folder siteDir = new File(context.testDir, "site"); context.createMockConf(siteDir); File libDir = new File(siteDir, "lib"); context.createDir(libDir); { RunResult result = new DrillbitRun(DrillbitRun.DRILLBIT_RUN) .withSite(siteDir) .run(); assertTrue(result.containsArgRegex(prefix + ".*")); assertNotNull(result.libPath); assertEquals(1, result.libPath.length); assertEquals(libDir.getAbsolutePath(), result.libPath[0]); } // The whole enchilada: all three settings. { Map env = new HashMap<>(); env.put("DRILL_JAVA_LIB_PATH", "/foo/bar:/foo/mumble"); env.put("DOY_JAVA_LIB_PATH", "/doy/bar:/doy/mumble"); RunResult result = new DrillbitRun(DrillbitRun.DRILLBIT_RUN) .withSite(siteDir) .withEnvironment(env) .run(); assertTrue(result.containsArgRegex(prefix + ".*")); assertNotNull(result.libPath); assertEquals(5, result.libPath.length); assertEquals(libDir.getAbsolutePath(), result.libPath[0]); assertEquals("/doy/bar", result.libPath[1]); assertEquals("/doy/mumble", result.libPath[2]); assertEquals("/foo/bar", result.libPath[3]); assertEquals("/foo/mumble", result.libPath[4]); } } /** * Test running a (simulated) Drillbit as a daemon with start, status, stop. * * @throws IOException */ @Test public void testStockDaemon() throws IOException { context.createMockDistrib(); File siteDir = new File(context.testDrillHome, "conf"); context.createMockConf(siteDir); // No drill-env.sh, no distrib-env.sh File pidFile; { RunResult result = new DrillbitRun(DrillbitRun.DRILLBIT_START).start(); assertEquals(0, result.returnCode); result.validateJava(); result.validateStockArgs(); result.validateClassPath(ScriptUtils.stdCp); assertTrue(result.stdout.contains("Starting drillbit, logging")); assertTrue(result.log.contains("Starting drillbit on")); assertTrue(result.log.contains("Drill Log Message")); assertTrue(result.out.contains("Drill Stdout Message")); assertTrue(result.out.contains("Stderr Message")); pidFile = result.pidFile; } // Save the pid file for reuse. assertTrue(pidFile.exists()); File saveDir = new File(context.testDir, "save"); context.createDir(saveDir); File savedPidFile = new File(saveDir, pidFile.getName()); context.copyFile(pidFile, savedPidFile); // Status should be running { RunResult result = new DrillbitRun(DrillbitRun.DRILLBIT_STATUS).run( ); assertEquals(0, result.returnCode); assertTrue(result.stdout.contains("drillbit is running")); } // Start should refuse to start a second Drillbit. { RunResult result = new DrillbitRun(DrillbitRun.DRILLBIT_START).start(); assertEquals(1, result.returnCode); assertTrue( result.stdout.contains("drillbit is already running as process")); } // Normal start, allow normal shutdown { RunResult result = new DrillbitRun(DrillbitRun.DRILLBIT_STOP).run(); assertEquals(0, result.returnCode); assertTrue(result.log.contains("Terminating drillbit pid")); assertTrue(result.stdout.contains("Stopping drillbit")); } // Status should report no drillbit (no pid file) { RunResult result = new DrillbitRun(DrillbitRun.DRILLBIT_STATUS).run(); assertEquals(1, result.returnCode); assertTrue(result.stdout.contains("drillbit is not running")); } // Stop should report no pid file { RunResult result = new DrillbitRun(DrillbitRun.DRILLBIT_STOP).run(); assertEquals(1, result.returnCode); assertTrue( result.stdout.contains("No drillbit to stop because no pid file")); } // Get nasty. Put the pid file back. But, there is no process with that pid. context.copyFile(savedPidFile, pidFile); // Status should now complain. { RunResult result = new DrillbitRun(DrillbitRun.DRILLBIT_STATUS).run(); assertEquals(1, result.returnCode); assertTrue(result.stdout .contains("file is present but drillbit is not running")); } // As should stop. { RunResult result = new DrillbitRun(DrillbitRun.DRILLBIT_STOP).run(); assertEquals(1, result.returnCode); assertTrue( result.stdout.contains("No drillbit to stop because kill -0 of pid")); } } @Test public void testStockDaemonWithArg() throws IOException { context.createMockDistrib(); File siteDir = new File(context.testDrillHome, "conf"); context.createMockConf(siteDir); // As above, but pass an argument. { String propArg = "-Dproperty=value"; DrillbitRun runner = new DrillbitRun(DrillbitRun.DRILLBIT_START); runner.withArg(propArg); RunResult result = runner.start(); assertEquals(0, result.returnCode); result.validateArg(propArg); } validateAndCloseDaemon(null); } private void validateAndCloseDaemon(File siteDir) throws IOException { { RunResult result = new DrillbitRun(DrillbitRun.DRILLBIT_STATUS) .withSite(siteDir) .run(); assertEquals(0, result.returnCode); assertTrue(result.stdout.contains("drillbit is running")); } { RunResult result = new DrillbitRun(DrillbitRun.DRILLBIT_STOP) .withSite(siteDir) .run(); assertEquals(0, result.returnCode); } } /** * The Daemon process creates a pid file. Verify that the DRILL_PID_DIR can be * set to put the pid file in a custom location. The test is done with the * site (conf) dir in the default location. * * @throws IOException */ @Test public void testPidDir() throws IOException { context.createMockDistrib(); File siteDir = new File(context.testDrillHome, "conf"); context.createMockConf(siteDir); File pidDir = context.createDir(new File(context.testDir, "pid")); Map drillEnv = new HashMap<>(); drillEnv.put("DRILL_PID_DIR", pidDir.getAbsolutePath()); context.createEnvFile(new File(siteDir, "drill-env.sh"), drillEnv); { RunResult result = new DrillbitRun(DrillbitRun.DRILLBIT_START) .withPidDir(pidDir) .start(); assertEquals(0, result.returnCode); assertTrue(result.pidFile.getParentFile().equals(pidDir)); assertTrue(result.pidFile.exists()); } validateAndCloseDaemon(null); } /** * Test a custom site directory with the Drill daemon process. The custom * directory contains a drill-env.sh with a custom option. Verify that that * option is picked up when starting Drill. * * @throws IOException */ @Test public void testSiteDirWithDaemon() throws IOException { context.createMockDistrib(); File siteDir = new File(context.testDir, "site"); context.createMockConf(siteDir); Map drillEnv = new HashMap<>(); drillEnv.put("DRILL_MAX_DIRECT_MEMORY", "9G"); context.createEnvFile(new File(siteDir, "drill-env.sh"), drillEnv); // Use the -site (--config) option. { DrillbitRun runner = new DrillbitRun(DrillbitRun.DRILLBIT_START); runner.withSite(siteDir); RunResult result = runner.start(); assertEquals(0, result.returnCode); result.validateArg("-XX:MaxDirectMemorySize=9G"); } validateAndCloseDaemon(siteDir); // Set an env var. { DrillbitRun runner = new DrillbitRun(DrillbitRun.DRILLBIT_START); runner.addEnv("DRILL_CONF_DIR", siteDir.getAbsolutePath()); RunResult result = runner.start(); assertEquals(0, result.returnCode); result.validateArg("-XX:MaxDirectMemorySize=9G"); } validateAndCloseDaemon(siteDir); } /** * Launch the Drill daemon using a custom log file location. The config is in * the default location. * * @throws IOException */ @Test public void testLogDirWithDaemon() throws IOException { context.createMockDistrib(); File siteDir = new File(context.testDrillHome, "conf"); context.createMockConf(siteDir); File logsDir = context.createDir(new File(context.testDir, "logs")); context.removeDir(new File(context.testDrillHome, "log")); Map drillEnv = new HashMap<>(); drillEnv.put("DRILL_LOG_DIR", logsDir.getAbsolutePath()); context.createEnvFile(new File(siteDir, "drill-env.sh"), drillEnv); { DrillbitRun runner = new DrillbitRun(DrillbitRun.DRILLBIT_START); runner.withLogDir(logsDir); RunResult result = runner.start(); assertEquals(0, result.returnCode); assertNotNull(result.logFile); assertTrue(result.logFile.getParentFile().equals(logsDir)); assertTrue(result.logFile.exists()); assertNotNull(result.outFile); assertTrue(result.outFile.getParentFile().equals(logsDir)); assertTrue(result.outFile.exists()); } validateAndCloseDaemon(null); } /** * Some distributions create symlinks to drillbit.sh in standard locations * such as /usr/bin. Because drillbit.sh uses its own location to compute * DRILL_HOME, it must handle symlinks. This test verifies that process. * * @throws IOException */ @Test public void testDrillbitSymlink() throws IOException { context.createMockDistrib(); File siteDir = new File(context.testDrillHome, "conf"); context.createMockConf(siteDir); File drillbitFile = new File(context.testDrillHome, "bin/drillbit.sh"); File linksDir = context.createDir(new File(context.testDir, "links")); File link = new File(linksDir, drillbitFile.getName()); try { Files.createSymbolicLink(link.toPath(), drillbitFile.toPath()); } catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) { // Well. This is a system without symlinks, so we won't be testing // syminks here... return; } { RunResult result = new DrillbitRun(DrillbitRun.DRILLBIT_START).start(); assertEquals(0, result.returnCode); assertEquals(result.pidFile.getParentFile(), context.testDrillHome); } validateAndCloseDaemon(null); } /** * Test the restart command of drillbit.sh * * @throws IOException */ @Test public void testRestart() throws IOException { context.createMockDistrib(); File siteDir = new File(context.testDrillHome, "conf"); context.createMockConf(siteDir); int firstPid; { RunResult result = new DrillbitRun(DrillbitRun.DRILLBIT_START).start(); assertEquals(0, result.returnCode); firstPid = result.getPid(); } // Make sure it is running. { RunResult result = new DrillbitRun(DrillbitRun.DRILLBIT_STATUS) .withSite(siteDir) .run(); assertEquals(0, result.returnCode); assertTrue(result.stdout.contains("drillbit is running")); } // Restart. Should get new pid. { RunResult result = new DrillbitRun(DrillbitRun.DRILLBIT_RESTART).start(); assertEquals(0, result.returnCode); int secondPid = result.getPid(); assertNotEquals(firstPid, secondPid); } validateAndCloseDaemon(null); } /** * Simulate a Drillbit that refuses to die. The stop script wait a while, then * forces killing. * * @throws IOException */ @Test public void testForcedKill() throws IOException { context.createMockDistrib(); File siteDir = new File(context.testDrillHome, "conf"); context.createMockConf(siteDir); { DrillbitRun runner = new DrillbitRun(DrillbitRun.DRILLBIT_START); runner.addEnv("PRETEND_HUNG", "1"); RunResult result = runner.start(); assertEquals(0, result.returnCode); } { RunResult result = new DrillbitRun(DrillbitRun.DRILLBIT_STATUS) .preserveLogs() .run(); assertEquals(0, result.returnCode); assertTrue(result.stdout.contains("drillbit is running")); } { RunResult result = new DrillbitRun(DrillbitRun.DRILLBIT_STOP) .addEnv("DRILL_STOP_TIMEOUT","5") .preserveLogs() .run(); assertEquals(0, result.returnCode); assertTrue(result.stdout.contains("drillbit did not complete after")); } } /** * Verify the basics of the sqlline script, including the env vars that can be * customized. Also validate running in embedded mode (using drillbit memory * and other options.) * * @throws IOException */ @Test public void testSqlline() throws IOException { context.createMockDistrib(); File siteDir = new File(context.testDrillHome, "conf"); context.createMockConf(siteDir); int stockArgCount; { // Out-of-the-box sqlline RunResult result = new ScriptRunner("sqlline").run(); assertEquals(0, result.returnCode); result.validateJava(); result.validateClassPath(ScriptUtils.stdCp); assertTrue(result.containsArgsRegex(ScriptUtils.sqlLineArgs)); stockArgCount = result.echoArgs.size(); } { RunResult result = new ScriptRunner("sqlline") .withArg("arg1") .withArg("arg2") .run( ); assertTrue(result.containsArg("arg1")); assertTrue(result.containsArg("arg2")); } { // Change drill memory and other drill-specific // settings: should not affect sqlline Map drillEnv = new HashMap<>(); drillEnv.put("DRILL_JAVA_OPTS", "-Dprop=value"); drillEnv.put("DRILL_HEAP", "5G"); drillEnv.put("DRILL_MAX_DIRECT_MEMORY", "7G"); drillEnv.put("SERVER_LOG_GC", "1"); drillEnv.put("DRILLBIT_MAX_PERM", "600M"); drillEnv.put("DRILLBIT_CODE_CACHE_SIZE", "2G"); RunResult result = new ScriptRunner("sqlline") .withEnvironment(drillEnv) .run(); assertTrue(result.containsArgsRegex(ScriptUtils.sqlLineArgs)); // Nothing new should have been added assertEquals(stockArgCount, result.echoArgs.size()); } { // Change client memory: should affect sqlline Map shellEnv = new HashMap<>(); shellEnv.put("CLIENT_GC_OPTS", "-XX:+UseG1GC"); shellEnv.put("SQLLINE_JAVA_OPTS", "-XX:MaxPermSize=256M"); RunResult result = new ScriptRunner("sqlline") .withEnvironment(shellEnv) .run(); assertTrue(result.containsArg("-XX:MaxPermSize=256M")); assertTrue(result.containsArg("-XX:+UseG1GC")); } { // Change drill memory and other drill-specific // settings: then set the "magic" variable that says // that Drill is embedded. The scripts should now use // the Drillbit options. Map drillEnv = new HashMap<>(); drillEnv.put("DRILL_JAVA_OPTS", "-Dprop=value"); drillEnv.put("DRILL_HEAP", "5G"); drillEnv.put("DRILL_MAX_DIRECT_MEMORY", "7G"); drillEnv.put("SERVER_LOG_GC", "1"); drillEnv.put("DRILLBIT_MAX_PERM", "600M"); drillEnv.put("DRILLBIT_CODE_CACHE_SIZE", "2G"); drillEnv.put("DRILL_EMBEDDED", "1"); RunResult result = new ScriptRunner("sqlline") .withEnvironment(drillEnv) .run(); String expectedArgs[] = { "-Dprop=value", "-Xms5G", "-Xmx5G", "-XX:MaxDirectMemorySize=7G", "-XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize=2G", "-XX:MaxPermSize=600M" }; result.validateArgs(expectedArgs); assertTrue(result.containsArg("sqlline.SqlLine")); } } /** * Verify that the sqlline client works with the --site option by customizing * items in the site directory. * * @throws IOException */ @Test public void testSqllineSiteDir() throws IOException { context.createMockDistrib(); File siteDir = new File(context.testDir, "site"); context.createMockConf(siteDir); // Dummy drill-env.sh to simulate the shipped "example" file // with some client-specific changes. context.writeFile( new File( siteDir, "drill-env.sh" ), "#!/usr/bin/env bash\n" + "# Example file\n" + "export SQLLINE_JAVA_OPTS=\"-XX:MaxPermSize=256M\"\n" ); File siteJars = new File(siteDir, "jars"); context.createDir(siteJars); context.makeDummyJar(siteJars, "site"); { RunResult result = new ScriptRunner("sqlline").withSite(siteDir).run(); assertEquals(0, result.returnCode); assertTrue(result.containsArg("-XX:MaxPermSize=256M")); result.validateClassPath(siteJars.getAbsolutePath() + "/*"); } } /** * Tests the three scripts that wrap sqlline for specific purposes: *
  • drill-conf — Wrapper for sqlline, uses drill config to find Drill. * Seems this one needs fixing to use a config other than the hard-coded * $DRILL_HOME/conf location.
  • *
  • drill-embedded — Starts a drill "embedded" in SqlLine, using a local * ZK.
  • *
  • drill-localhost — Wrapper for sqlline, uses a local ZK.
  • *
* * Of these, drill-embedded runs an embedded Drillbit and so should use the * Drillbit memory options. The other two are clients, but with simple default * options for finding the Drillbit. *

* Because the scripts are simple wrappers, all we do is verify that the right * "extra" options are set, not the fundamentals (which were already covered * in the sqlline tests.) * * @throws IOException */ @Test public void testSqllineWrappers() throws IOException { context.createMockDistrib(); File siteDir = new File(context.testDrillHome, "conf"); context.createMockConf(siteDir); { // drill-conf: just adds a stub JDBC connect string. RunResult result = new ScriptRunner("drill-conf") .withArg("arg1") .run(); assertEquals(0, result.returnCode); result.validateJava(); result.validateClassPath(ScriptUtils.stdCp); assertTrue(result.containsArgsRegex(ScriptUtils.sqlLineArgs)); assertTrue(result.containsArg("-u")); assertTrue(result.containsArg("jdbc:drill:")); assertTrue(result.containsArg("arg1")); } { // drill-localhost: Adds a JDBC connect string to a drillbit // on the localhost RunResult result = new ScriptRunner("drill-localhost") .withArg("arg1") .run(); assertEquals(0, result.returnCode); result.validateJava(); result.validateClassPath(ScriptUtils.stdCp); assertTrue(result.containsArgsRegex(ScriptUtils.sqlLineArgs)); assertTrue(result.containsArg("-u")); assertTrue(result.containsArg("jdbc:drill:drillbit=localhost")); assertTrue(result.containsArg("arg1")); } { // drill-embedded: Uses drillbit startup options and // connects to the embedded drillbit. RunResult result = new ScriptRunner("drill-embedded") .withArg("arg1") .run(); assertEquals(0, result.returnCode); result.validateJava(); result.validateClassPath(ScriptUtils.stdCp); assertTrue(result.containsArgsRegex(ScriptUtils.sqlLineArgs)); assertTrue(result.containsArg("-u")); assertTrue(result.containsArg("jdbc:drill:zk=local")); assertTrue(result.containsArg("-Xms4G")); assertTrue(result.containsArg("-XX:MaxDirectMemorySize=8G")); assertTrue(result.containsArg("arg1")); } } }