/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #ifndef DRILL_CLIENT_H #define DRILL_CLIENT_H #include #include #include "drill/common.hpp" #include "drill/protobuf/Types.pb.h" #if defined _WIN32 || defined __CYGWIN__ #ifdef DRILL_CLIENT_EXPORTS #define DECLSPEC_DRILL_CLIENT __declspec(dllexport) #else #ifdef USE_STATIC_LIBDRILL #define DECLSPEC_DRILL_CLIENT #else #define DECLSPEC_DRILL_CLIENT __declspec(dllimport) #endif #endif #else #if __GNUC__ >= 4 #define DECLSPEC_DRILL_CLIENT __attribute__ ((visibility ("default"))) #else #define DECLSPEC_DRILL_CLIENT #endif #endif namespace exec{ namespace shared{ class DrillPBError; }; }; namespace Drill{ //struct UserServerEndPoint; class DrillClientImpl; class DrillClientQueryResult; class FieldMetadata; class RecordBatch; class SchemaDef; enum QueryType{ SQL = 1, LOGICAL = 2, PHYSICAL = 3 }; class DECLSPEC_DRILL_CLIENT DrillClientError{ public: static const uint32_t CONN_ERROR_START = 100; static const uint32_t QRY_ERROR_START = 200; DrillClientError(uint32_t s, uint32_t e, char* m){status=s; errnum=e; msg=m;}; DrillClientError(uint32_t s, uint32_t e, std::string m){status=s; errnum=e; msg=m;}; static DrillClientError* getErrorObject(const exec::shared::DrillPBError& e); // To get the error number we add a error range start number to // the status code returned (either status_t or connectionStatus_t) uint32_t status; // could be either status_t or connectionStatus_t uint32_t errnum; std::string msg; }; // Only one instance of this class exists. A static member of DrillClientImpl; class DECLSPEC_DRILL_CLIENT DrillClientInitializer{ public: DrillClientInitializer(); ~DrillClientInitializer(); }; // Only one instance of this class exists. A static member of DrillClientImpl; class DECLSPEC_DRILL_CLIENT DrillClientConfig{ public: DrillClientConfig(); ~DrillClientConfig(); static void initLogging(const char* path); static void setLogLevel(logLevel_t l); static void setBufferLimit(uint64_t l); static uint64_t getBufferLimit(); static void setSocketTimeout(int32_t l); static void setHandshakeTimeout(int32_t l); static void setQueryTimeout(int32_t l); static int32_t getSocketTimeout(); static int32_t getHandshakeTimeout(); static int32_t getQueryTimeout(); static logLevel_t getLogLevel(); private: // The logging level static logLevel_t s_logLevel; // The total amount of memory to be allocated by an instance of DrillClient. // For future use. Currently, not enforced. static uint64_t s_bufferLimit; /** * DrillClient configures timeout (in seconds) in a fine granularity. * Disabled by setting the value to zero. * * s_socketTimout: (default 0) * set SO_RCVTIMEO and SO_SNDTIMEO socket options and place a * timeout on socket receives and sends. It is disabled by default. * * s_handshakeTimeout: (default 5) * place a timeout on validating handshake. When an endpoint (host:port) * is reachable but drillbit hangs or running another service. It will * avoid the client hanging. * * s_queryTimeout: (default 180) * place a timeout on waiting result of querying. */ static int32_t s_socketTimeout; static int32_t s_handshakeTimeout; static int32_t s_queryTimeout; static boost::mutex s_mutex; }; /* * Handle to the Query submitted for execution. * */ typedef void* QueryHandle_t; /* * Query Results listener callback. This function is called for every record batch after it has * been received and decoded. The listener function should return a status. * If the listener returns failure, the query will be canceled. * * DrillClientQueryResult will hold a listener & listener contxt for the call back function */ typedef status_t (*pfnQueryResultsListener)(QueryHandle_t ctx, RecordBatch* b, DrillClientError* err); /* * The schema change listener callback. This function is called if the record batch detects a * change in the schema. The client application can call getColDefs in the RecordIterator or * get the field information from the RecordBatch itself and handle the change appropriately. */ typedef status_t (*pfnSchemaListener)(void* ctx, FieldDefPtr f, DrillClientError* err); /* * A Record Iterator instance is returned by the SubmitQuery class. Calls block until some data * is available, or until all data has been returned. */ class DECLSPEC_DRILL_CLIENT RecordIterator{ friend class DrillClient; public: ~RecordIterator(); /* * Returns a vector of column(i.e. field) definitions. The returned reference is guaranteed to be valid till the * end of the query or until a schema change event is received. If a schema change event is received by the * application, the application should discard the reference it currently holds and call this function again. */ FieldDefPtr getColDefs(); /* Move the current pointer to the next record. */ status_t next(); /* Gets the ith column in the current record. */ status_t getCol(size_t i, void** b, size_t* sz); /* true if ith column in the current record is NULL */ bool isNull(size_t i); /* Cancels the query. */ status_t cancel(); /* Returns true is the schem has changed from the previous record. Returns false for the first record. */ bool hasSchemaChanged(); void registerSchemaChangeListener(pfnSchemaListener l); /* * Returns the last error message */ const std::string& getError(); private: RecordIterator(DrillClientQueryResult* pResult){ this->m_currentRecord=-1; this->m_pCurrentRecordBatch=NULL; this->m_pQueryResult=pResult; //m_pColDefs=NULL; } DrillClientQueryResult* m_pQueryResult; size_t m_currentRecord; RecordBatch* m_pCurrentRecordBatch; boost::mutex m_recordBatchMutex; FieldDefPtr m_pColDefs; // Copy of the latest column defs made from the // first record batch with this definition }; class DECLSPEC_DRILL_CLIENT DrillClient{ public: /* * Get the application context from query handle */ static void* getApplicationContext(QueryHandle_t handle); /* * Get the query status from query handle */ static status_t getQueryStatus(QueryHandle_t handle); DrillClient(); ~DrillClient(); // change the logging level static void initLogging(const char* path, logLevel_t l); /** * Connect the client to a Drillbit using connection string and default schema. * * The connection string format can be found in comments of * [DRILL-780](https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/DRILL-780) * * To connect via zookeeper, use the format: * "zk=zk1:port[,zk2:p2,...][//]". * * e.g. * ``` * zk=localhost:2181 * zk=localhost:2181/drill/drillbits1 * zk=localhost:2181,zk2:2181/drill/drillbits1 * ``` * * To connect directly to a drillbit, use the format "local=host:port". * * e.g. * ``` * local= * ``` * * @param[in] connectStr: connection string * @param[in] defaultSchema: default schema (set to NULL and ignore it * if not specified) * @return connection status */ connectionStatus_t connect(const char* connectStr, const char* defaultSchema=NULL); /* test whether the client is active */ bool isActive(); /* close the connection. cancel any pending requests. */ void close() ; /* * Submit a query asynchronously and wait for results to be returned through a callback. A query context handle is passed * back. The listener callback will return the handle in the ctx parameter. */ status_t submitQuery(Drill::QueryType t, const std::string& plan, pfnQueryResultsListener listener, void* listenerCtx, QueryHandle_t* qHandle); /* * Submit a query asynchronously and wait for results to be returned through an iterator that returns * results synchronously. The client app needs to call delete on the iterator when done. */ RecordIterator* submitQuery(Drill::QueryType t, const std::string& plan, DrillClientError* err); /* * The client application should call this function to wait for results if it has registered a * listener. */ void waitForResults(); /* * Returns the last error message */ std::string& getError(); /* * Applications using the async query submit method can register a listener for schema changes * */ void registerSchemaChangeListener(QueryHandle_t* handle, pfnSchemaListener l); /* * Applications using the async query submit method should call freeQueryResources to free up resources * once the query is no longer being processed. */ void freeQueryResources(QueryHandle_t* handle); /* * Applications using the sync query submit method should call freeQueryIterator to free up resources * once the RecordIterator is no longer being processed. */ void freeQueryIterator(RecordIterator** pIter){ delete *pIter; *pIter=NULL;}; private: static DrillClientInitializer s_init; static DrillClientConfig s_config; DrillClientImpl * m_pImpl; }; } // namespace Drill #endif