/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include #include #include "drill/userProperties.hpp" #include "saslAuthenticatorImpl.hpp" #include "drillClientImpl.hpp" #include "logger.hpp" namespace Drill { static const std::string DEFAULT_SERVICE_NAME = "drill"; static const std::string KERBEROS_SIMPLE_NAME = "kerberos"; static const std::string KERBEROS_SASL_NAME = "gssapi"; static const std::string PLAIN_NAME = "plain"; static const int PREFERRED_MIN_SSF = 56; const std::map SaslAuthenticatorImpl::MECHANISM_MAPPING = boost::assign::map_list_of (KERBEROS_SIMPLE_NAME, KERBEROS_SASL_NAME) (PLAIN_NAME, PLAIN_NAME) ; boost::mutex SaslAuthenticatorImpl::s_mutex; bool SaslAuthenticatorImpl::s_initialized = false; SaslAuthenticatorImpl::SaslAuthenticatorImpl(const DrillUserProperties* const properties) : m_pUserProperties(properties), m_pConnection(NULL), m_ppwdSecret(NULL), m_pEncryptCtxt(NULL) { if (!s_initialized) { boost::lock_guard lock(SaslAuthenticatorImpl::s_mutex); if (!s_initialized) { // set plugin path if provided if (DrillClientConfig::getSaslPluginPath()) { char *saslPluginPath = const_cast(DrillClientConfig::getSaslPluginPath()); sasl_set_path(0, saslPluginPath); } // loads all the available mechanism and factories in the sasl_lib referenced by the path const int err = sasl_client_init(NULL); if (0 != err) { std::stringstream errMsg; errMsg << "Failed to load authentication libraries. code: " << err; DRILL_MT_LOG(DRILL_LOG(LOG_TRACE) << errMsg.str() << std::endl;) throw std::runtime_error(errMsg.str().c_str()); } { // for debugging purposes const char **mechanisms = sasl_global_listmech(); int i = 0; DRILL_MT_LOG(DRILL_LOG(LOG_TRACE) << "SASL mechanisms available on client: " << std::endl;) while (mechanisms[i] != NULL) { DRILL_MT_LOG(DRILL_LOG(LOG_TRACE) << i << " : " << mechanisms[i] << std::endl;) i++; } } s_initialized = true; } } } SaslAuthenticatorImpl::~SaslAuthenticatorImpl() { if (m_ppwdSecret) { free(m_ppwdSecret); } m_ppwdSecret = NULL; // may be used to negotiated security layers before disposing in the future if (m_pConnection) { sasl_dispose(&m_pConnection); } m_pConnection = NULL; // Memory is owned by DrillClientImpl object m_pEncryptCtxt = NULL; } typedef int (*sasl_callback_proc_t)(void); // see sasl_callback_ft int SaslAuthenticatorImpl::userNameCallback(void *context, int id, const char **result, unsigned *len) { const std::string* const username = static_cast(context); if ((SASL_CB_USER == id || SASL_CB_AUTHNAME == id) && username != NULL) { *result = username->c_str(); // *len = (unsigned int) username->length(); } return SASL_OK; } int SaslAuthenticatorImpl::passwordCallback(sasl_conn_t *conn, void *context, int id, sasl_secret_t **psecret) { const SaslAuthenticatorImpl* const authenticator = static_cast(context); if (SASL_CB_PASS == id) { *psecret = authenticator->m_ppwdSecret; } return SASL_OK; } int SaslAuthenticatorImpl::init(const std::vector& mechanisms, exec::shared::SaslMessage& response, EncryptionContext* const encryptCtxt) { // EncryptionContext should not be NULL here. assert(encryptCtxt != NULL); m_pEncryptCtxt = encryptCtxt; // find and set parameters std::string authMechanismToUse; std::string serviceName; std::string serviceHost; for (std::map::const_iterator it=m_pUserProperties->begin(); it!=m_pUserProperties->end(); ++it){ const std::string key = it->first; const std::string value = it->second; if (USERPROP_SERVICE_HOST == key) { serviceHost = value; } else if (USERPROP_SERVICE_NAME == key) { serviceName = value; } else if (USERPROP_PASSWORD == key) { const size_t length = value.length(); m_ppwdSecret = (sasl_secret_t *) malloc(sizeof(sasl_secret_t) + length); std::memcpy(m_ppwdSecret->data, value.c_str(), length); m_ppwdSecret->len = length; authMechanismToUse = PLAIN_NAME; } else if (USERPROP_USERNAME == key) { m_username = value; } else if (USERPROP_AUTH_MECHANISM == key) { authMechanismToUse = value; } } if (authMechanismToUse.empty()) return SASL_NOMECH; // check if requested mechanism is supported by server boost::algorithm::to_lower(authMechanismToUse); if (std::find(mechanisms.begin(), mechanisms.end(), authMechanismToUse) == mechanisms.end()) return SASL_NOMECH; // find the SASL name const std::map::const_iterator it = SaslAuthenticatorImpl::MECHANISM_MAPPING.find(authMechanismToUse); if (it == SaslAuthenticatorImpl::MECHANISM_MAPPING.end()) return SASL_NOMECH; const std::string saslMechanismToUse = it->second; // setup callbacks and parameters const sasl_callback_t callbacks[] = { { SASL_CB_USER, (sasl_callback_proc_t) &userNameCallback, static_cast(&m_username) }, { SASL_CB_AUTHNAME, (sasl_callback_proc_t) &userNameCallback, static_cast(&m_username) }, { SASL_CB_PASS, (sasl_callback_proc_t) &passwordCallback, static_cast(this) }, { SASL_CB_LIST_END, NULL, NULL } }; if (serviceName.empty()) serviceName = DEFAULT_SERVICE_NAME; // create SASL client int saslResult = sasl_client_new(serviceName.c_str(), serviceHost.c_str(), NULL /** iplocalport */, NULL /** ipremoteport */, callbacks, 0 /** sec flags */, &m_pConnection); DRILL_MT_LOG(DRILL_LOG(LOG_TRACE) << "SaslAuthenticatorImpl::init: sasl_client_new code: " << saslResult << std::endl;) if (saslResult != SASL_OK) return saslResult; // set the security properties setSecurityProps(); // initiate; for now, pass in only one mechanism const char *out; unsigned outlen; const char *mech; saslResult = sasl_client_start(m_pConnection, saslMechanismToUse.c_str(), NULL /** no prompt */, &out, &outlen, &mech); DRILL_MT_LOG(DRILL_LOG(LOG_TRACE) << "SaslAuthenticatorImpl::init: sasl_client_start code: " << saslResult << std::endl;) if (saslResult != SASL_OK && saslResult != SASL_CONTINUE) return saslResult; // prepare response DRILL_MT_LOG(DRILL_LOG(LOG_TRACE) << "SaslAuthenticatorImpl::init: chosen: " << authMechanismToUse << std::endl;) response.set_mechanism(authMechanismToUse); response.set_data(NULL == out ? "" : out, outlen); response.set_status(exec::shared::SASL_START); return saslResult; } int SaslAuthenticatorImpl::step(const exec::shared::SaslMessage& challenge, exec::shared::SaslMessage& response) const { const char *in = challenge.data().c_str(); const unsigned inlen = challenge.data().length(); const char *out; unsigned outlen; const int saslResult = sasl_client_step(m_pConnection, in, inlen, NULL /** no prompt */, &out, &outlen); switch (saslResult) { case SASL_CONTINUE: response.set_data(out, outlen); response.set_status(exec::shared::SASL_IN_PROGRESS); break; case SASL_OK: response.set_data(out, outlen); response.set_status(exec::shared::SASL_SUCCESS); break; default: response.set_status(exec::shared::SASL_FAILED); break; } DRILL_MT_LOG(DRILL_LOG(LOG_TRACE) << "SaslAuthenticatorImpl::step: result: " << saslResult << std::endl;) return saslResult; } /* * Verify that the negotiated value is correct as per system configurations. Also retrieves and set the rawWrapSendSize */ int SaslAuthenticatorImpl::verifyAndUpdateSaslProps() { const int* negotiatedValue; int result = SASL_OK; if(SASL_OK != (result = sasl_getprop(m_pConnection, SASL_SSF, reinterpret_cast(&negotiatedValue)))) { return result; } // If the negotiated SSF value is less than required one that means we have negotiated for weaker security level. if(*negotiatedValue < PREFERRED_MIN_SSF) { DRILL_MT_LOG(DRILL_LOG(LOG_DEBUG) << "SaslAuthenticatorImpl::verifyAndUpdateSaslProps: " << "Negotiated SSF parameter:" << *negotiatedValue << " is less than Preferred one: " << PREFERRED_MIN_SSF << std::endl;) result = SASL_BADPARAM; return result; } if(SASL_OK != (result = sasl_getprop(m_pConnection, SASL_MAXOUTBUF, reinterpret_cast(&negotiatedValue)))) { return result; } DRILL_MT_LOG(DRILL_LOG(LOG_DEBUG) << "SaslAuthenticatorImpl::verifyAndUpdateSaslProps: " << "Negotiated Raw Wrap Buffer size: " << *negotiatedValue << std::endl;) m_pEncryptCtxt->setWrapSizeLimit(*negotiatedValue); return result; } /* * Set the security properties structure with all the needed parameters for encryption so that * a proper mechanism with and cipher is chosen after handshake. * * PREFERRED_MIN_SSF is chosen to be 56 since that is the max_ssf supported by gssapi. We want * stronger cipher algorithm to be used all the time (preferably AES-256), so leaving MAX_SSF as UINT_MAX */ void SaslAuthenticatorImpl::setSecurityProps() const{ if(m_pEncryptCtxt->isEncryptionReqd()) { // set the security properties. sasl_security_properties_t secprops; secprops.min_ssf = PREFERRED_MIN_SSF; secprops.max_ssf = UINT_MAX; secprops.maxbufsize = m_pEncryptCtxt->getMaxWrappedSize(); secprops.property_names = NULL; secprops.property_values = NULL; // Only specify NOPLAINTEXT for encryption since the mechanism is selected based on name not // the security properties configured here. secprops.security_flags = SASL_SEC_NOPLAINTEXT; // Set the security properties in the connection context. sasl_setprop(m_pConnection, SASL_SEC_PROPS, &secprops); } } /* * Encodes the input data by calling the sasl_encode provided by Cyrus-SASL library which internally calls * the wrap function of the chosen mechanism. The output buffer will have first 4 octets as the length of * encrypted data in network byte order. * * Parameters: * dataToWrap - in param - pointer to data buffer to encrypt. * dataToWrapLen - in param - length of data buffer to encrypt. * output - out param - pointer to data buffer with encrypted data. Allocated by Cyrus-SASL * wrappedLen - out param - length of data after encryption * Returns: * SASL_OK - success (returns input if no layer negotiated) * SASL_NOTDONE - security layer negotiation not finished * SASL_BADPARAM - inputlen is greater than the SASL_MAXOUTBUF */ int SaslAuthenticatorImpl::wrap(const char* dataToWrap, const int& dataToWrapLen, const char** output, uint32_t& wrappedLen) { return sasl_encode(m_pConnection, dataToWrap, dataToWrapLen, output, &wrappedLen); } /* * Decodes the input data by calling the sasl_decode provided by Cyrus-SASL library which internally calls * the wrap function of the chosen mechanism. The input buffer will have first 4 octets as the length of * encrypted data in network byte order. * * Parameters: * dataToUnWrap - in param - pointer to data buffer to decrypt. * dataToUnWrapLen - in param - length of data buffer to decrypt. * output - out param - pointer to data buffer with decrypted data. Allocated by Cyrus-SASL * unWrappedLen - out param - length of data after decryption * Returns: * SASL_OK - success (returns input if no layer negotiated) * SASL_NOTDONE - security layer negotiation not finished * SASL_BADPARAM - inputlen is greater than the SASL_MAXOUTBUF */ int SaslAuthenticatorImpl::unwrap(const char* dataToUnWrap, const int& dataToUnWrapLen, const char** output, uint32_t& unWrappedLen) { return sasl_decode(m_pConnection, dataToUnWrap, dataToUnWrapLen, output, &unWrappedLen); } } /* namespace Drill */