#!/bin/bash # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more # contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with # this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. # The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 # (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with # the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. usage() { echo "usage: $PROG [-C file ] args" echo " -C file Use alternate file for config.yaml" echo " commands:" echo " -c NUM_INSTANCES, --create NUM_INSTANCES Create a Docker based Bigtop Hadoop cluster" echo " -d, --destroy Destroy the cluster" echo " -e, --exec INSTANCE_NO|INSTANCE_NAME Execute command on a specific instance. Instance can be specified by name or number." echo " For example: $PROG --exec 1 bash" echo " $PROG --exec docker_bigtop_1 bash" echo " -E, --env-check Check whether required tools has been installed" echo " -l, --list List out container status for the cluster" echo " -p, --provision Deploy configuration changes" echo " -s, --smoke-tests Run Bigtop smoke tests" echo " -h, --help" exit 1 } create() { if [ -e .provision_id ]; then log "Cluster already exist! Run ./$PROG -d to destroy the cluster or delete .provision_id file and containers manually." exit 1; fi echo "`date +'%Y%m%d_%H%M%S'`_R$RANDOM" > .provision_id PROVISION_ID=`cat .provision_id` # Create a shared /etc/hosts and hiera.yaml that will be both mounted to each container soon mkdir -p config/hieradata 2> /dev/null echo > ./config/hiera.yaml echo > ./config/hosts export DOCKER_IMAGE=$(get-yaml-config docker image) export MEM_LIMIT=$(get-yaml-config docker memory_limit) # Startup instances docker-compose -p $PROVISION_ID scale bigtop=$1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then log "Docker container(s) startup failed!"; exit 1; fi # Get the headnode FQDN NODES=(`docker-compose -p $PROVISION_ID ps -q`) hadoop_head_node=`docker inspect --format {{.Config.Hostname}}.{{.Config.Domainname}} ${NODES[0]}` # Fetch configurations form specificed yaml config file repo=$(get-yaml-config repo) components="[`echo $(get-yaml-config components) | sed 's/ /, /g'`]" distro=$(get-yaml-config distro) enable_local_repo=$(get-yaml-config enable_local_repo) generate-config "$hadoop_head_node" "$repo" "$components" # Start provisioning generate-hosts bootstrap $distro $enable_local_repo provision } generate-hosts() { for node in ${NODES[*]}; do entry=`docker inspect --format "{{.NetworkSettings.IPAddress}} {{.Config.Hostname}}.{{.Config.Domainname}} {{.Config.Hostname}}" $node` docker exec ${NODES[0]} bash -c "echo $entry >> /etc/hosts" done wait # This must be the last entry in the /etc/hosts docker exec ${NODES[0]} bash -c "echo ' localhost' >> ./etc/hosts" } generate-config() { log "Bigtop Puppet configurations are shared between instances, and can be modified under config/hieradata" cat $BIGTOP_PUPPET_DIR/hiera.yaml >> ./config/hiera.yaml cp -vfr $BIGTOP_PUPPET_DIR/hieradata ./config/ cat > ./config/hieradata/site.yaml << EOF bigtop::hadoop_head_node: $1 hadoop::hadoop_storage_dirs: [/data/1, /data/2] bigtop::bigtop_repo_uri: $2 hadoop_cluster_node::cluster_components: $3 EOF } copy-to-instances() { for node in ${NODES[*]}; do docker cp $1 $node:$2 & done wait } bootstrap() { for node in ${NODES[*]}; do docker exec $node bash -c "/bigtop-home/provisioner/utils/setup-env-$1.sh $2" & done wait } provision() { for node in ${NODES[*]}; do bigtop-puppet $node & done wait } smoke-tests() { hadoop_head_node=${NODES:0:12} smoke_test_components="`echo $(get-yaml-config smoke_test_components) | sed 's/ /,/g'`" docker exec $hadoop_head_node bash -c "bash -x /bigtop-home/provisioner/utils/smoke-tests.sh $smoke_test_components" } destroy() { docker exec ${NODES[0]} bash -c "umount /etc/hosts; rm -f /etc/hosts" if [ -n "$PROVISION_ID" ]; then docker-compose -p $PROVISION_ID stop docker-compose -p $PROVISION_ID rm -f fi rm -rvf ./config .provision_id } bigtop-puppet() { docker exec $1 bash -c 'puppet apply --parser future --modulepath=/bigtop-home/bigtop-deploy/puppet/modules:/etc/puppet/modules /bigtop-home/bigtop-deploy/puppet/manifests' } get-yaml-config() { RUBY_EXE=ruby if [ $# -eq 1 ]; then RUBY_SCRIPT="data = YAML::load(STDIN.read); puts data['$1'];" elif [ $# -eq 2 ]; then RUBY_SCRIPT="data = YAML::load(STDIN.read); puts data['$1']['$2'];" else echo "The yaml config retrieval function can only take 1 or 2 parameters."; exit 1; fi cat ${yamlconf} | $RUBY_EXE -ryaml -e "$RUBY_SCRIPT" | tr -d '\r' } execute() { re='^[0-9]+$' if [[ $1 =~ $re ]] ; then no=$1 shift docker exec -ti ${NODES[$((no-1))]} $@ else name=$1 shift docker exec -ti $name $@ fi } env-check() { echo "Environment check..." echo "Check docker:" docker -v || exit 1 echo "Check docker-compose:" docker-compose -v || exit 1 echo "Check ruby:" ruby -v || exit 1 } list() { local msg msg=$(docker-compose -p $PROVISION_ID ps 2>&1) if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then msg="Cluster hasn't been created yet." fi echo "$msg" } log() { echo -e "\n[LOG] $1\n" } PROG=`basename $0` if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then usage fi yamlconf="config.yaml" BIGTOP_PUPPET_DIR=../../bigtop-deploy/puppet if [ -e .provision_id ]; then PROVISION_ID=`cat .provision_id` fi if [ -n "$PROVISION_ID" ]; then NODES=(`docker-compose -p $PROVISION_ID ps -q`) fi while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do case "$1" in -c|--create) if [ $# -lt 2 ]; then echo "Create requires a number" 1>&2 usage fi env-check create $2 shift 2;; -C|--conf) if [ $# -lt 2 ]; then echo "Alternative config file for config.yaml" 1>&2 usage fi yamlconf=$2 shift 2;; -d|--destroy) destroy shift;; -e|--exec) if [ $# -lt 3 ]; then echo "exec command takes 2 parameters: 1) instance no 2) command to be executed" 1>&2 usage fi shift execute $@ shift $#;; -E|--env-check) env-check shift;; -l|--list) list shift;; -p|--provision) provision shift;; -s|--smoke-tests) smoke-tests shift;; -h|--help) usage shift;; *) echo "Unknown argument: '$1'" 1>&2 usage;; esac done