/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import org.ajoberstar.grgit.* buildscript { repositories { mavenCentral() } dependencies { classpath 'org.ajoberstar:grgit:0.2.2' } } apply plugin: 'java' apply plugin: 'groovy' apply plugin: 'download-task' def PACKAGES_GROUP = 'package' final String VERBOSE = "verbose" final String BOM = "bigtop.mk" //HashMap def BOM_map = [ APACHE_MIRROR: "http://apache.osuosl.org", APACHE_ARCHIVE: "http://archive.apache.org/dist", BASE_DIR: projectDir.absolutePath, BUILD_DIR: projectDir.absolutePath + "/build", OUTPUT_DIR: projectDir.absolutePath + "/output", DIST_DIR: projectDir.absolutePath + "/dist", DL_DIR: projectDir.absolutePath + "/dl", BIGTOP_BOM: '', BIGTOP_BUILD_STAMP: '' ] def final BIGTOP_BOM = 'BIGTOP_BOM' def final BASE_DIR = BOM_map['BASE_DIR'] def final REPO_DIR = "${BOM_map['BASE_DIR']}/bigtop-repos" def final BUILD_DIR = BOM_map['BUILD_DIR'] def final OUTPUT_DIR = BOM_map['OUTPUT_DIR'] def final DIST_DIR = BOM_map['DIST_DIR'] def final DL_DIR = BOM_map['DL_DIR'] def final BIGTOP_BUILD_STAMP = System.getenv('BIGTOP_BUILD_STAMP') ?: BOM_map['BIGTOP_BUILD_STAMP'] def targets = [] def components = [] // Package building and logic around it def touchTargetFile = { fileName -> // to comply with make build GFileUtils.touch new File(fileName) } def ifExists = { url -> if (url == null) return URLConnection uCon = new URL(url).openConnection() return (uCon as HttpURLConnection).responseCode == 200 } def getDate() { new Date().format('E, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss Z') } def nativePackaging = { def devNull = new org.apache.bigtop.NullOutputStream() def result = exec { commandLine "/bin/bash", "-c", """dpkg-query -S /bin/sh && exit 1 rpm -qf /bin/sh && exit 2 exit 0 """ ignoreExitValue true errorOutput devNull standardOutput devNull } [false, "deb", "rpm"][result.getExitValue()] }.call() task "packages-help" (description: "All package build related tasks information", group: PACKAGES_GROUP) << { targets.each { target -> println (target + "\n\t[" + tasks.findAll { alltask -> alltask.name.startsWith(target)}*.name.join(", ") + "]") } } def genTasks = { target, variable -> Task t = task "${target}-download" (dependsOn: "${target}_vardefines", description: "Download $target artifacts", group: PACKAGES_GROUP) << { def final TARBALL_SRC = BOM_map[variable + '_TARBALL_SRC'] def final DOWNLOAD_DST = BOM_map[variable + '_DOWNLOAD_DST'] def final DOWNLOAD_URL = BOM_map[variable + '_DOWNLOAD_URL'] def final GIT_REPO = BOM_map[variable + '_GIT_REPO'] def final GIT_REF = BOM_map[variable + '_GIT_REF'] def final GIT_DIR = BOM_map[variable + '_GIT_DIR'] if (!DOWNLOAD_DST) return mkdir(DL_DIR) if (TARBALL_SRC?.isEmpty() || new File(DOWNLOAD_DST)?.exists() || new File(BOM_map[variable + '_TARGET_DL'])?.exists()) { println "\tFile $DOWNLOAD_DST appears to be already downloaded. Exiting..." return } if (GIT_REPO && GIT_REF) { def dir = GIT_DIR if (dir == null || dir.isEmpty()) { dir = TARBALL_SRC.substring(0, TARBALL_SRC.lastIndexOf(".t")) } delete("${DL_DIR}/${dir}") Grgit.clone( uri: GIT_REPO, refToCheckout: GIT_REF, dir: new File("${DL_DIR}/${dir}") ) delete("${DL_DIR}/${dir}/.git") exec { workingDir DL_DIR commandLine "tar -czf ${TARBALL_SRC} ${dir}".split() } delete("${DL_DIR}/${dir}") } else { download { src DOWNLOAD_URL dest DOWNLOAD_DST } } touchTargetFile(BOM_map[variable + '_TARGET_DL']) } task "${target}-tar" (dependsOn: ["${target}_vardefines", "${target}-download"], description: "Preparing a tarball for $target artifacts", group: PACKAGES_GROUP) << { if (new File(BOM_map[variable + '_TARGET_TAR'])?.exists()) { println "\tNothing to do. Exiting..." return } def final TAR_DIR = BOM_map[variable + '_TAR_DIR'] def final TARBALL_SRC = BOM_map[variable + '_TARBALL_SRC'] ?: "" def final DOWNLOAD_DST = BOM_map[variable + '_DOWNLOAD_DST'] ?: "" def final SEED_TAR = BOM_map[variable + '_SEED_TAR'] def UNPACK = "tar -xzf" def PATCHES = "" if (TARBALL_SRC.empty) PATCHES="/dev/null" if (TARBALL_SRC.endsWith('.zip')) { PATCHES="/dev/null" UNPACK = "unzip" } delete(TAR_DIR); mkdir(TAR_DIR) println "PATCHES are $PATCHES" if (!PATCHES.empty) { println "Non-empty patches" if (!TARBALL_SRC.empty) { exec { workingDir TAR_DIR commandLine "$UNPACK $DOWNLOAD_DST".split(' ') } def unpacked = new File(TAR_DIR) if (unpacked.list().size() == 1) { def TOP_LEVEL_DIR = unpacked.list()[0] fileTree ("$TAR_DIR/$TOP_LEVEL_DIR") { include '**/*' }.copy { into TAR_DIR } delete(TOP_LEVEL_DIR) } } else { copy { from 'LICENSE' into TAR_DIR } } /* // TODO fix the patching (cd $(BASE_DIR)/bigtop-packages/src/common/$($(PKG)_NAME); cat $$PATCHES)| \ (cd $($(PKG)_TAR_DIR) ; patch -p0 ; cd .. ; tar czf $($(PKG)_SEED_TAR) *) ;\ */ def command = [ '-c', 'tar', '"', '-czf', SEED_TAR, '*', '"' ] exec { workingDir "$TAR_DIR/.." commandLine "tar -czf $SEED_TAR ${new File("$TAR_DIR/..").list().join(' ')}".split(' ') } } else { println "Copy $DOWNLOAD_DST to $SEED_TAR" copy { from DOWNLOAD_DST into BOM_map['BUILD_DIR'] + "/$target/tar/" rename TARBALL_SRC, SEED_TAR } } touchTargetFile(BOM_map[variable + '_TARGET_TAR']) } // Keeping the reference to deb task to be used later for correct sequencing Task tdeb = task "$target-deb"(dependsOn: "${target}-sdeb", description: "Buildind DEB for $target artifacts", group: PACKAGES_GROUP) << { if (new File(BOM_map[variable + '_TARGET_DEB'])?.exists()) { println "\tNothing to do. Exiting..." return } def final PKG_NAME = BOM_map[variable + '_PKG_NAME'] def final PKG_RELEASE = BOM_map[variable + '_PKG_RELEASE'] def final PKG_VERSION = BOM_map[variable + '_PKG_VERSION'] def final PKG_OUTPUT_DIR = BOM_map[variable + '_OUTPUT_DIR'] def final BASE_VERSION = BOM_map[variable + '_BASE_VERSION'] def final RELEASE_VERSION = BOM_map[variable + '_RELEASE_VERSION'] def final SRCDEB = "${PKG_NAME}_$PKG_VERSION${BIGTOP_BUILD_STAMP}-${PKG_RELEASE}.dsc" exec { workingDir PKG_OUTPUT_DIR commandLine "dpkg-source -x $SRCDEB".split(' ') } // Order of debuild parameters is important; hence specifying explicitely rather // than in an array of args def command = """debuild \ --preserve-envvar PATH \ --preserve-envvar JAVA32_HOME \ --preserve-envvar JAVA64_HOME \ --preserve-envvar FORREST_HOME \ --preserve-envvar MAVEN3_HOME \ --preserve-envvar MAVEN_OPTS \ --preserve-envvar JAVA_HOME \ --preserve-envvar SCALA_HOME \ --set-envvar=${variable}_BASE_VERSION=$BASE_VERSION \ --set-envvar=${variable}_VERSION=$PKG_VERSION$BIGTOP_BUILD_STAMP \ --set-envvar=${variable}_RELEASE=$RELEASE_VERSION \ -uc -us -b """ exec { workingDir "$PKG_OUTPUT_DIR/$PKG_NAME-$PKG_VERSION$BIGTOP_BUILD_STAMP" commandLine command.split(' ') } exec { workingDir "$PKG_OUTPUT_DIR" commandLine 'rm','-rf',"$PKG_NAME-$PKG_VERSION$BIGTOP_BUILD_STAMP" } touchTargetFile(BOM_map[variable + '_TARGET_DEB']) } // Guarantee that tasks are ran in the order set by BOM file if (targets.size() > 0) tdeb.mustRunAfter "${targets.get(targets.size() - 1)}-deb" task "$target-sdeb" (dependsOn: ["${target}_vardefines", "${target}-tar"], description: "Buildind SDEB for $target artifacts", group: PACKAGES_GROUP ) << { if (new File(BOM_map[variable + '_TARGET_SDEB'])?.exists()) { println "\tNothing to do. Exiting..." return } def final PKG_BUILD_DIR = BOM_map[variable + '_BUILD_DIR'] def final NAME = BOM_map[variable + '_NAME'] def final PKG_NAME = BOM_map[variable + '_PKG_NAME'] def final SEED_TAR = BOM_map[variable + '_SEED_TAR'] def final PKG_VERSION = BOM_map[variable + '_PKG_VERSION'] def final RELEASE_VERSION = BOM_map[variable + '_RELEASE_VERSION'] def final PKG_OUTPUT_DIR = BOM_map[variable + '_OUTPUT_DIR'] delete ("$PKG_BUILD_DIR/deb") def final DEB_BLD_DIR = "$PKG_BUILD_DIR/deb/$NAME-${PKG_VERSION}${BIGTOP_BUILD_STAMP}" def final DEB_PKG_DIR = "$PKG_BUILD_DIR/deb/$PKG_NAME-${PKG_VERSION}${BIGTOP_BUILD_STAMP}-${PKG_VERSION}" mkdir (DEB_BLD_DIR) copy { from SEED_TAR into "$PKG_BUILD_DIR/deb/" rename BOM_map[variable + '_TARBALL_DST'], "${PKG_NAME}_${PKG_VERSION}${BIGTOP_BUILD_STAMP}.orig.tar.gz" } exec { workingDir DEB_BLD_DIR commandLine "tar --strip-components 1 -xf $DEB_BLD_DIR/../${PKG_NAME}_${PKG_VERSION}${BIGTOP_BUILD_STAMP}.orig.tar.gz".split(' ') } fileTree ("${BASE_DIR}/bigtop-packages/src/deb/$NAME") { include '**/*' }.copy { into "$DEB_BLD_DIR/debian" } copy { from "${BASE_DIR}/bigtop-packages/src/templates/init.d.tmpl" into "$DEB_BLD_DIR/debian" } fileTree ("$BASE_DIR/bigtop-packages/src/common/$NAME") { include '**/*' }.copy { into "$DEB_BLD_DIR/debian" } // Prepeare bom file with all the versions def bomWriter = new File("$DEB_BLD_DIR/debian/bigtop.bom").newWriter() BOM_map[BIGTOP_BOM].split(" ").each { bomWriter << "$it\n"} bomWriter.close() // Create changelog def changelog = new File("$DEB_BLD_DIR/debian/changelog").newWriter() changelog << "$PKG_NAME ($PKG_VERSION$BIGTOP_BUILD_STAMP-$RELEASE_VERSION) stable; urgency=low\n" changelog << " Clean build\n" changelog << " -- Bigtop ${getDate()}\n" changelog.close() // Deleting obsolete files delete fileTree (dir: "$DEB_BLD_DIR/debian", includes: ['*.ex', '*.EX', '*.~']) // Creating source package exec { workingDir DEB_BLD_DIR commandLine "dpkg-buildpackage -uc -us -sa -S".split(' ') } mkdir(PKG_OUTPUT_DIR) fileTree (dir: "$DEB_PKG_DIR/..", includes: ['*.dsc', '*.diff.gz', '*.debian.tar.gz', '*.debian.tar.xz', "*_source.changes", "*.orig.tar.gz" ]).copy { into PKG_OUTPUT_DIR } touchTargetFile(BOM_map[variable + '_TARGET_SDEB']) } task "$target-apt" (dependsOn: "$target-deb", description: "Creating APT repository for $target packages", group: PACKAGES_GROUP) << { if (new File(BOM_map[variable + '_TARGET_APT'])?.exists()) { println "\tNothing to do. Exiting..." return } def final PKG_NAME = BOM_map[variable + '_NAME'] def final PKG_RELEASE = BOM_map[variable + '_PKG_RELEASE'] def final PKG_VERSION = BOM_map[variable + '_PKG_VERSION'] def final PKG_OUTPUT_DIR = BOM_map[variable + '_OUTPUT_DIR'] mkdir("$OUTPUT_DIR/apt/conf") copy { from "$REPO_DIR/apt/distributions" into "$OUTPUT_DIR/apt/conf" } fileTree (PKG_OUTPUT_DIR) { include "*.changes" }.each { changeFile -> exec { workingDir BUILD_DIR commandLine "reprepro -Vb $OUTPUT_DIR/apt include bigtop $changeFile".split(' ') } } touchTargetFile(BOM_map["${variable}_TARGET_APT"]) } // Keeping the reference to task to be used later for correct sequencing Task trpm = task "$target-rpm" (dependsOn: ["${target}-srpm"], description: "Buildind RPM for $target artifacts", group: PACKAGES_GROUP) << { if (new File(BOM_map[variable + '_TARGET_RPM'])?.exists()) { println "\tNothing to do. Exiting..." return } def final PKG_BUILD_DIR = BOM_map[variable + '_BUILD_DIR'] def final NAME = BOM_map[variable + '_NAME'] def final PKG_NAME = BOM_map[variable + '_PKG_NAME'] def final PKG_OUTPUT_DIR = BOM_map[variable + '_OUTPUT_DIR'] def final PKG_VERSION = BOM_map[variable + '_PKG_VERSION'] def final BASE_VERSION = BOM_map[variable + '_BASE_VERSION'] def final RELEASE_VERSION = BOM_map[variable + '_RELEASE_VERSION'] def RELEASE_DIST = "rpmbuild --eval '%{?dist}' 2>/dev/null".execute().text.trim().replaceAll("'",'') def SRCRPM="$PKG_OUTPUT_DIR/$PKG_NAME-${PKG_VERSION}$BIGTOP_BUILD_STAMP-${RELEASE_VERSION}${RELEASE_DIST}.src.rpm" def command = [ '--define', "_topdir $PKG_BUILD_DIR/rpm/", '--define', "${NAME}_base_version $BASE_VERSION", '--define', "${NAME}_version ${PKG_VERSION}${BIGTOP_BUILD_STAMP}", '--define', "${NAME}_release $RELEASE_VERSION%{?dist}", '--rebuild', SRCRPM, ] exec { workingDir BASE_DIR executable 'rpmbuild' args command } fileTree ("$PKG_BUILD_DIR/rpm/RPMS") { include '**/*' }.copy { into PKG_OUTPUT_DIR } touchTargetFile(BOM_map[variable + '_TARGET_RPM']) } // Guarantee that tasks are ran in the order set by BOM file if (targets.size() > 0) trpm.mustRunAfter "${targets.get(targets.size() - 1)}-rpm" task "$target-srpm" (dependsOn: ["${target}_vardefines" , "${target}-tar"], description: "Buildind SRPM for $target artifacts", group: PACKAGES_GROUP) << { if (new File(BOM_map[variable + '_TARGET_SRPM'])?.exists()) { println "\tNothing to do. Exiting..." return } def final NAME = BOM_map[variable + '_NAME'] def final PKG_NAME = BOM_map[variable + '_PKG_NAME'] def final PKG_NAME_FOR_PKG = BOM_map[variable + '_NAME'].replaceAll("-", "_") def final PKG_BUILD_DIR = BOM_map[variable + '_BUILD_DIR'] def final SEED_TAR = BOM_map[variable + '_SEED_TAR'] def final PKG_VERSION = BOM_map[variable + '_PKG_VERSION'] def final RELEASE_VERSION = BOM_map[variable + '_RELEASE_VERSION'] def final BASE_VERSION = BOM_map[variable + '_BASE_VERSION'] def final PKG_OUTPUT_DIR = BOM_map[variable + '_OUTPUT_DIR'] delete ("$PKG_BUILD_DIR/rpm") fileTree ("${BASE_DIR}/bigtop-packages/src/rpm/$NAME") { include '**/*' }.copy { into "$PKG_BUILD_DIR/rpm" } copy { from SEED_TAR into "$PKG_BUILD_DIR/rpm/SOURCES" } copy { from "${BASE_DIR}/bigtop-packages/src/templates/init.d.tmpl" into "$PKG_BUILD_DIR/rpm/SOURCES" } fileTree ("$BASE_DIR/bigtop-packages/src/common/$NAME") { include '**/*' }.copy { into "$PKG_BUILD_DIR/rpm/SOURCES" } // Writing bigtop.bom files with all the versions def bomWriter = new File("$PKG_BUILD_DIR/rpm/SOURCES/bigtop.bom").newWriter() BOM_map[BIGTOP_BOM].split(" ").each { bomWriter << "$it\n"} bomWriter.close() def command = [ '--define', "_topdir $PKG_BUILD_DIR/rpm/", '--define', "${PKG_NAME_FOR_PKG}_base_version $BASE_VERSION", '--define', "${PKG_NAME_FOR_PKG}_version ${PKG_VERSION}${BIGTOP_BUILD_STAMP}", '--define', "${PKG_NAME_FOR_PKG}_release $RELEASE_VERSION%{?dist}", '-bs', '--nodeps', "--buildroot=${PKG_BUILD_DIR}/rpm/INSTALL", "${PKG_BUILD_DIR}/rpm/SPECS/${NAME}.spec", ] exec { workingDir BASE_DIR executable 'rpmbuild' args command } mkdir(PKG_OUTPUT_DIR) def RELEASE_DIST = "rpmbuild --eval '%{?dist}' 2>/dev/null".execute().text.trim().replaceAll("'",'') copy { from "$PKG_BUILD_DIR/rpm/SRPMS/${PKG_NAME}-${PKG_VERSION}${BIGTOP_BUILD_STAMP}-${RELEASE_VERSION}${RELEASE_DIST}.src.rpm" into PKG_OUTPUT_DIR } touchTargetFile(BOM_map[variable + '_TARGET_SRPM']) } if (nativePackaging) { task "$target-pkg" (dependsOn: "$target-$nativePackaging", description: "Invoking a native binary packaging target $nativePackaging", group: PACKAGES_GROUP) << { } task "$target-spkg" (dependsOn: "$target-s$nativePackaging", description: "Invoking a native binary packaging target s$nativePackaging", group: PACKAGES_GROUP) << { } } task "$target-yum" (dependsOn: "$target-rpm", description: "Creating YUM repository for $target packages", group: PACKAGES_GROUP) << { if (new File(BOM_map[variable + '_TARGET_YUM'])?.exists()) { println "\tNothing to do. Exiting..." return } exec { workingDir BUILD_DIR commandLine "createrepo -o $OUTPUT_DIR $OUTPUT_DIR".split(' ') } touchTargetFile(BOM_map["${variable}_TARGET_YUM"]) } task "$target-version" (description: "Show version of $target component", group: PACKAGES_GROUP) << { println "Base: ${BOM_map[variable + '_BASE_VERSION']}" } task "${target}_vardefines" << { BOM_map[variable + '_NAME'] = target if (!BOM_map[variable + '_PKG_NAME']) { BOM_map[variable + '_PKG_NAME'] = BOM_map[variable + '_NAME'] } BOM_map[variable + '_PKG_RELEASE'] = '1' BOM_map[variable + '_BUILD_DIR'] = BOM_map['BUILD_DIR'] + "/$target" BOM_map[variable + '_OUTPUT_DIR'] = BOM_map['OUTPUT_DIR'] + "/$target" BOM_map[variable + '_SOURCE_DIR'] = BOM_map['BUILD_DIR'] + "/source" BOM_map[variable + '_TAR_DIR'] = BOM_map['BUILD_DIR'] + "/$target/tar/${target}-${BOM_map[variable + '_BASE_VERSION']}" BOM_map[variable + '_SEED_TAR'] = BOM_map['BUILD_DIR'] + "/$target/tar/" + BOM_map[variable + '_TARBALL_DST'] BOM_map[variable + '_DOWNLOAD_URL'] = (BOM_map[variable + '_SITE'] != null && BOM_map[variable + '_TARBALL_SRC'] != null) ? BOM_map[variable + '_SITE'] + '/' + BOM_map[variable + '_TARBALL_SRC'] : null BOM_map[variable + '_DOWNLOAD_DST'] = (BOM_map[variable + '_TARBALL_SRC'] != null) ? DL_DIR + '/' + BOM_map[variable + '_TARBALL_SRC'] : null // test that the download url will return http 200. If it does not, use the ARCHIVE url instead of the MIRROR SITE url if (!ifExists(BOM_map[variable + '_DOWNLOAD_URL'])) { BOM_map[variable + '_DOWNLOAD_URL'] = BOM_map[variable + '_ARCHIVE'] + '/' + BOM_map[variable + '_TARBALL_SRC'] } BOM_map[variable + '_TARGET_DL'] = BOM_map[variable + '_BUILD_DIR'] + '/.download' BOM_map[variable + '_TARGET_TAR'] = BOM_map[variable + '_BUILD_DIR'] + '/.tar' BOM_map[variable + '_TARGET_SRPM'] = BOM_map[variable + '_BUILD_DIR'] + '/.srpm' BOM_map[variable + '_TARGET_RPM'] = BOM_map[variable + '_BUILD_DIR'] + '/.rpm' BOM_map[variable + '_TARGET_YUM'] = BOM_map[variable + '_BUILD_DIR'] + '/.yum' BOM_map[variable + '_TARGET_SDEB'] = BOM_map[variable + '_BUILD_DIR'] + '/.sdeb' BOM_map[variable + '_TARGET_DEB'] = BOM_map[variable + '_BUILD_DIR'] + '/.deb' BOM_map[variable + '_TARGET_APT'] = BOM_map[variable + '_BUILD_DIR'] + '/.apt' BOM_map[variable + '_TARGET_RELNOTES'] = BOM_map[variable + '_BUILD_DIR'] + '/.relnotes' if (System.getProperty(VERBOSE)) { BOM_map.keySet().findAll{ it.startsWith (variable) }. each { k -> println "$k ${BOM_map.get(k)}" } } } task "$target-info" (dependsOn: "${target}_vardefines", description: "Info about $target component build", group: PACKAGES_GROUP) << { println "Info for package $target" println " Will download from URL: ${BOM_map[variable + '_DOWNLOAD_URL']}" println " To destination file: ${BOM_map[variable + '_DOWNLOAD_DST']}" println " Then unpack into ${BOM_map[variable + '_SOURCE_DIR']}" println " And create a seed tarball ${BOM_map[variable + '_SEED_TAR']}" //TODO more about patches println "Version: " + BOM_map[variable + '_BASE_VERSION'] //TODO more about stamping } task "$target-relnotes" (description: "Preparing release notes for $target. No yet implemented!!!", group: PACKAGES_GROUP)<< { } task "$target-clean" (dependsOn: "${target}_vardefines", description: "Removing $target component ${BOM_map[variable + '_BUILD_DIR']} and ${BOM_map[variable + '_OUTPUT_DIR']}", group: PACKAGES_GROUP) << { delete(BOM_map[variable + '_BUILD_DIR']) delete(BOM_map[variable + '_OUTPUT_DIR']) } task "$target-help" (description: "List of available tasks for $target", group: PACKAGES_GROUP) << { println (target + "\n\t[" + tasks.findAll { alltask -> alltask.name.startsWith(target)}*.name.join(", ") + "]") } } def readBOM = { def buildUtils = new org.apache.bigtop.BuildUtils() def bomfile = new File(BOM) def envs = [] bomfile.eachLine { if (!it.startsWith("#") && !it.isEmpty()) { if (it.startsWith("\$(eval")) { def pattern = ~/.*call PACKAGE,(\w+[-\w+]*),(\w+)/ def m = it =~ pattern assert m.size() == 1 def target = m[0][1] def variable = m[0][2] genTasks(target, variable) targets.add(target) // Store the component name in the list // TODO - we might not need them components anymore: version are calculated differently now components.add(variable) return } envs = it?.split("=") def value = buildUtils.evaluateBOM(BOM_map, envs[1]) value = System.getProperty(envs[0]) ?: value BOM_map.put(envs[0], value) } } } // We need to make sure that all dynamic tasks are available for invocation project.afterEvaluate { readBOM() def bomVersions = "" // Versions need to be preserved for more than just component: // - there are JDK version requirement // - possibly more in the future BOM_map.keySet().findAll { it ==~ /.*_BASE_VERSION/ }.each { base_version -> bomVersions += "${base_version.replaceAll('_BASE', '')}=${BOM_map[base_version]} " } BOM_map[BIGTOP_BOM] = bomVersions if (System.getProperty(VERBOSE))println "BIGTOP_BOM:\n${BOM_map[BIGTOP_BOM]}" // Putting all targets of different types into one common target task "srpm" (dependsOn: tasks.findAll { alltask -> alltask.name.endsWith("-srpm")}*.name, description: "Build all SRPM packages for the stack components", group: PACKAGES_GROUP ) << { } task "rpm" (dependsOn: tasks.findAll { alltask -> alltask.name.endsWith("-rpm")}*.name, description: "Build all RPM packages for the stack", group: PACKAGES_GROUP ) << { } task "yum" (dependsOn: tasks.findAll { alltask -> alltask.name.endsWith("-yum")}*.name, description: "Create YUM repository for all pre-built RPM packages", group: PACKAGES_GROUP ) << { } task "sdeb" (dependsOn: tasks.findAll { alltask -> alltask.name.endsWith("-sdeb")}*.name, description: "Build all SDEB packages for the stack components", group: PACKAGES_GROUP ) << { } task "deb" (dependsOn: tasks.findAll { alltask -> alltask.name.endsWith("-deb")}*.name, description: "Build all DEB packages for the stack components", group: PACKAGES_GROUP ) << { } task "apt" (dependsOn: tasks.findAll { alltask -> alltask.name.endsWith("-apt")}*.name, description: "Create APT repository for all pre-built DEB packages", group: PACKAGES_GROUP ) << { } task clean (overwrite: true, dependsOn: tasks.findAll { alltask -> alltask.name.endsWith("-clean")}*.name, description: "Cleaning all components' build and output directories. Overwrites standard clean task", group: PACKAGES_GROUP) << { } task allclean (dependsOn: clean, description: "Removing $BUILD_DIR, $OUTPUT_DIR, and $DIST_DIR", group: PACKAGES_GROUP) << { delete (BUILD_DIR) delete (OUTPUT_DIR) delete (DIST_DIR) } task realclean (dependsOn: allclean, description: "Removing $BUILD_DIR, $OUTPUT_DIR, $DIST_DIR, and $DL_DIR", group: PACKAGES_GROUP) << { delete (DL_DIR) } }