# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more # contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with # this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. # The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 # (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with # the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. class hadoop ($hadoop_security_authentication = "simple", $kerberos_realm = undef, $zk = "", # Set from facter if available $hadoop_storage_dirs = split($::hadoop_storage_dirs, ";"), $proxyusers = { oozie => { groups => 'hudson,testuser,root,hadoop,jenkins,oozie,httpfs,hue,users', hosts => "*" }, hue => { groups => 'hudson,testuser,root,hadoop,jenkins,oozie,httpfs,hue,users', hosts => "*" }, httpfs => { groups => 'hudson,testuser,root,hadoop,jenkins,oozie,httpfs,hue,users', hosts => "*" } }, $generate_secrets = false, ) { include stdlib class deploy ($roles) { if ("datanode" in $roles) { include hadoop::datanode } if ("namenode" in $roles) { include hadoop::init_hdfs include hadoop::namenode if ("datanode" in $roles) { Class['Hadoop::Namenode'] -> Class['Hadoop::Datanode'] -> Class['Hadoop::Init_hdfs'] } else { Class['Hadoop::Namenode'] -> Class['Hadoop::Init_hdfs'] } } if ($hadoop::common_hdfs::ha != "disabled" and "standby-namenode" in $roles) { include hadoop::namenode } if ("mapred-app" in $roles) { include hadoop::mapred-app } if ("nodemanager" in $roles) { include hadoop::nodemanager } if ("resourcemanager" in $roles) { include hadoop::resourcemanager include hadoop::historyserver include hadoop::proxyserver if ("nodemanager" in $roles) { Class['Hadoop::Resourcemanager'] -> Class['Hadoop::Nodemanager'] } } if ($hadoop::common_hdfs::ha == "disabled" and "secondarynamenode" in $roles) { include hadoop::secondarynamenode } if ("httpfs-server" in $roles) { include hadoop::httpfs } if ("hadoop-client" in $roles) { include hadoop::client } } class init_hdfs { exec { "init hdfs": path => ['/bin','/sbin','/usr/bin','/usr/sbin'], command => 'bash -x /usr/lib/hadoop/libexec/init-hdfs.sh', require => Package['hadoop-hdfs'] } } class common ($hadoop_java_home = undef, $hadoop_classpath = undef, $hadoop_heapsize = undef, $hadoop_opts = undef, $hadoop_namenode_opts = undef, $hadoop_secondarynamenode_opts = undef, $hadoop_datanode_opts = undef, $hadoop_balancer_opts = undef, $hadoop_jobtracker_opts = undef, $hadoop_tasktracker_opts = undef, $hadoop_client_opts = undef, $hadoop_ssh_opts = undef, $hadoop_log_dir = undef, $hadoop_slaves = undef, $hadoop_master = undef, $hadoop_slave_sleep = undef, $hadoop_pid_dir = undef, $hadoop_ident_string = undef, $hadoop_niceness = undef, $use_tez = false, $tez_conf_dir = undef, $tez_jars = undef, ) inherits hadoop { file { "/etc/hadoop/conf/hadoop-env.sh": content => template('hadoop/hadoop-env.sh'), require => [Package["hadoop"]], } package { "hadoop": ensure => latest, require => Package["jdk"], } #FIXME: package { "hadoop-native": # ensure => latest, # require => [Package["hadoop"]], #} } class common_yarn ( $yarn_data_dirs = suffix($hadoop::hadoop_storage_dirs, "/yarn"), $hadoop_ps_host, $hadoop_ps_port = "20888", $hadoop_rm_host, $hadoop_rm_port = "8032", $hadoop_rm_admin_port = "8033", $hadoop_rm_webapp_port = "8088", $hadoop_rt_port = "8025", $hadoop_sc_port = "8030", $yarn_log_server_url = undef, $yarn_nodemanager_resource_memory_mb = undef, $yarn_scheduler_maximum_allocation_mb = undef, $yarn_scheduler_minimum_allocation_mb = undef, $yarn_resourcemanager_scheduler_class = undef, $yarn_resourcemanager_ha_enabled = undef, $yarn_resourcemanager_cluster_id = "ha-rm-uri", $yarn_resourcemanager_zk_address = $hadoop::zk, # work around https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/YARN-2847 by default $container_executor_banned_users = "doesnotexist", $container_executor_min_user_id = "499", $hadoop_security_authentication = $hadoop::hadoop_security_authentication, $kerberos_realm = $hadoop::kerberos_realm, ) inherits hadoop { include common package { "hadoop-yarn": ensure => latest, require => [Package["jdk"], Package["hadoop"]], } if ($hadoop_security_authentication == "kerberos") { require kerberos::client kerberos::host_keytab { "yarn": tag => "mapreduce", spnego => true, # we don't actually need this package as long as we don't put the # keytab in a directory managed by it. But it creates user mapred whom we # wan't to give the keytab to. require => Package["hadoop-yarn"], } } file { "/etc/hadoop/conf/yarn-site.xml": content => template('hadoop/yarn-site.xml'), require => [Package["hadoop"]], } file { "/etc/hadoop/conf/container-executor.cfg": content => template('hadoop/container-executor.cfg'), require => [Package["hadoop"]], } } class common_hdfs ($ha = "disabled", $hadoop_config_dfs_block_size = undef, $hadoop_config_namenode_handler_count = undef, $hadoop_dfs_datanode_plugins = "", $hadoop_dfs_namenode_plugins = "", $hadoop_namenode_host = $fqdn, $hadoop_namenode_port = "8020", $hadoop_namenode_http_port = "50070", $hadoop_namenode_https_port = "50470", $hdfs_data_dirs = suffix($hadoop::hadoop_storage_dirs, "/hdfs"), $hdfs_shortcut_reader = undef, $hdfs_support_append = undef, $hdfs_webhdfs_enabled = "true", $hdfs_replication = undef, $hdfs_datanode_fsdataset_volume_choosing_policy = undef, $hdfs_nfs_bridge = "disabled", $hdfs_nfs_bridge_user = undef, $hdfs_nfs_gw_host = undef, $hdfs_nfs_proxy_groups = undef, $namenode_data_dirs = suffix($hadoop::hadoop_storage_dirs, "/namenode"), $nameservice_id = "ha-nn-uri", $journalnode_host = "", $journalnode_port = "8485", $journalnode_http_port = "8480", $journalnode_https_port = "8481", $journalnode_edits_dir = "${hadoop::hadoop_storage_dirs[0]}/journalnode", $shared_edits_dir = "/hdfs_shared", $testonly_hdfs_sshkeys = "no", $hadoop_ha_sshfence_user_home = "/var/lib/hadoop-hdfs", $sshfence_privkey = "hadoop/id_sshfence", $sshfence_pubkey = "hadoop/id_sshfence.pub", $sshfence_user = "hdfs", $zk = $hadoop::zk, $hadoop_config_fs_inmemory_size_mb = undef, $hadoop_security_group_mapping = undef, $hadoop_core_proxyusers = $hadoop::proxyusers, $hadoop_snappy_codec = undef, $hadoop_security_authentication = $hadoop::hadoop_security_authentication, $kerberos_realm = $hadoop::kerberos_realm, $hadoop_http_authentication_type = undef, $hadoop_http_authentication_signature_secret = undef, $hadoop_http_authentication_signature_secret_file = "/etc/hadoop/conf/hadoop-http-authentication-signature-secret", $hadoop_http_authentication_cookie_domain = regsubst($fqdn, "^[^\\.]+\\.", ""), $generate_secrets = $hadoop::generate_secrets, $namenode_datanode_registration_ip_hostname_check = true, ) inherits hadoop { $sshfence_keydir = "$hadoop_ha_sshfence_user_home/.ssh" $sshfence_keypath = "$sshfence_keydir/id_sshfence" include common # Check if test mode is enforced, so we can install hdfs ssh-keys for passwordless if ($testonly_hdfs_sshkeys == "yes") { notify{"WARNING: provided hdfs ssh keys are for testing purposes only.\n They shouldn't be used in production cluster": } $ssh_user = "hdfs" $ssh_user_home = "/var/lib/hadoop-hdfs" $ssh_user_keydir = "$ssh_user_home/.ssh" $ssh_keypath = "$ssh_user_keydir/id_hdfsuser" $ssh_privkey = "hadoop/hdfs/id_hdfsuser" $ssh_pubkey = "hadoop/hdfs/id_hdfsuser.pub" file { $ssh_user_keydir: ensure => directory, owner => 'hdfs', group => 'hdfs', mode => '0700', require => Package["hadoop-hdfs"], } file { $ssh_keypath: source => "puppet:///modules/$ssh_privkey", owner => 'hdfs', group => 'hdfs', mode => '0600', require => File[$ssh_user_keydir], } file { "$ssh_user_keydir/authorized_keys": source => "puppet:///modules/$ssh_pubkey", owner => 'hdfs', group => 'hdfs', mode => '0600', require => File[$ssh_user_keydir], } } if ($hadoop_security_authentication == "kerberos" and $ha != "disabled") { fail("High-availability secure clusters are not currently supported") } package { "hadoop-hdfs": ensure => latest, require => [Package["jdk"], Package["hadoop"]], } if ($hadoop_security_authentication == "kerberos") { require kerberos::client kerberos::host_keytab { "hdfs": princs => [ "hdfs", "host" ], spnego => true, # we don't actually need this package as long as we don't put the # keytab in a directory managed by it. But it creates user hdfs whom we # wan't to give the keytab to. require => Package["hadoop-hdfs"], } } file { "/etc/hadoop/conf/core-site.xml": content => template('hadoop/core-site.xml'), require => [Package["hadoop"]], } file { "/etc/hadoop/conf/hdfs-site.xml": content => template('hadoop/hdfs-site.xml'), require => [Package["hadoop"]], } if $hadoop_http_authentication_type == "kerberos" { if $generate_secrets { $http_auth_sig_secret = trocla("hadoop_http_authentication_signature_secret", "plain") } else { $http_auth_sig_secret = $hadoop_http_authentication_signature_secret } if $http_auth_sig_secret == undef { fail("Hadoop HTTP authentication signature secret must be set") } file { 'hadoop-http-auth-sig-secret': path => "${hadoop_http_authentication_signature_secret_file}", # it's a password file - do not filebucket backup => false, mode => "0440", owner => "root", # allows access by hdfs and yarn (and mapred - mhmm...) group => "hadoop", content => $http_auth_sig_secret, require => [Package["hadoop"]], } # all the services will need this File['hadoop-http-auth-sig-secret'] ~> Service<| title == "hadoop-hdfs-journalnode" |> File['hadoop-http-auth-sig-secret'] ~> Service<| title == "hadoop-hdfs-namenode" |> File['hadoop-http-auth-sig-secret'] ~> Service<| title == "hadoop-hdfs-datanode" |> File['hadoop-http-auth-sig-secret'] ~> Service<| title == "hadoop-yarn-resourcemanager" |> File['hadoop-http-auth-sig-secret'] ~> Service<| title == "hadoop-yarn-nodemanager" |> require kerberos::client kerberos::host_keytab { "HTTP": # we need only the HTTP SPNEGO keys princs => [], spnego => true, owner => "root", group => "hadoop", mode => "0440", # we don't actually need this package as long as we don't put the # keytab in a directory managed by it. But it creates group hadoop which # we wan't to give the keytab to. require => Package["hadoop"], } # all the services will need this as well Kerberos::Host_keytab["HTTP"] -> Service<| title == "hadoop-hdfs-journalnode" |> Kerberos::Host_keytab["HTTP"] -> Service<| title == "hadoop-hdfs-namenode" |> Kerberos::Host_keytab["HTTP"] -> Service<| title == "hadoop-hdfs-datanode" |> Kerberos::Host_keytab["HTTP"] -> Service<| title == "hadoop-yarn-resourcemanager" |> Kerberos::Host_keytab["HTTP"] -> Service<| title == "hadoop-yarn-nodemanager" |> } } class common_mapred_app ( $mapreduce_cluster_acls_enabled = undef, $mapreduce_jobhistory_host = undef, $mapreduce_jobhistory_port = "10020", $mapreduce_jobhistory_webapp_port = "19888", $mapreduce_framework_name = "yarn", $mapred_data_dirs = suffix($hadoop::hadoop_storage_dirs, "/mapred"), $mapreduce_cluster_temp_dir = "/mapred/system", $yarn_app_mapreduce_am_staging_dir = "/user", $mapreduce_task_io_sort_factor = 64, # 10 default $mapreduce_task_io_sort_mb = 256, # 100 default $mapreduce_reduce_shuffle_parallelcopies = undef, # 5 is default # processorcount == facter fact $mapreduce_tasktracker_map_tasks_maximum = inline_template("<%= [1, @processorcount.to_i * 0.20].max.round %>"), $mapreduce_tasktracker_reduce_tasks_maximum = inline_template("<%= [1, @processorcount.to_i * 0.20].max.round %>"), $mapreduce_tasktracker_http_threads = 60, # 40 default $mapreduce_output_fileoutputformat_compress_type = "BLOCK", # "RECORD" default $mapreduce_map_output_compress = undef, $mapreduce_job_reduce_slowstart_completedmaps = undef, $hadoop_security_authentication = $hadoop::hadoop_security_authentication, $kerberos_realm = $hadoop::kerberos_realm, ) inherits hadoop { include common_hdfs package { "hadoop-mapreduce": ensure => latest, require => [Package["jdk"], Package["hadoop"]], } if ($hadoop_security_authentication == "kerberos") { require kerberos::client kerberos::host_keytab { "mapred": tag => "mapreduce", spnego => true, # we don't actually need this package as long as we don't put the # keytab in a directory managed by it. But it creates user yarn whom we # wan't to give the keytab to. require => Package["hadoop-mapreduce"], } } file { "/etc/hadoop/conf/mapred-site.xml": content => template('hadoop/mapred-site.xml'), require => [Package["hadoop"]], } file { "/etc/hadoop/conf/taskcontroller.cfg": content => template('hadoop/taskcontroller.cfg'), require => [Package["hadoop"]], } } class datanode ( $hadoop_security_authentication = $hadoop::hadoop_security_authentication, ) inherits hadoop { include common_hdfs package { "hadoop-hdfs-datanode": ensure => latest, require => Package["jdk"], } file { "/etc/default/hadoop-hdfs-datanode": content => template('hadoop/hadoop-hdfs'), require => [Package["hadoop-hdfs-datanode"]], } service { "hadoop-hdfs-datanode": ensure => running, hasstatus => true, subscribe => [Package["hadoop-hdfs-datanode"], File["/etc/hadoop/conf/core-site.xml"], File["/etc/hadoop/conf/hdfs-site.xml"], File["/etc/hadoop/conf/hadoop-env.sh"]], require => [ Package["hadoop-hdfs-datanode"], File["/etc/default/hadoop-hdfs-datanode"], File[$hadoop::common_hdfs::hdfs_data_dirs] ], } Kerberos::Host_keytab <| title == "hdfs" |> -> Service["hadoop-hdfs-datanode"] Service<| title == 'hadoop-hdfs-namenode' |> -> Service['hadoop-hdfs-datanode'] hadoop::create_storage_dir { $hadoop::common_hdfs::hdfs_data_dirs: } -> file { $hadoop::common_hdfs::hdfs_data_dirs: ensure => directory, owner => hdfs, group => hdfs, mode => 755, require => [ Package["hadoop-hdfs"] ], } } class httpfs ($hadoop_httpfs_port = "14000", $secret = "hadoop httpfs secret", $generate_secrets = $hadoop::generate_secrets, $hadoop_core_proxyusers = $hadoop::proxyusers, $hadoop_security_authentcation = $hadoop::hadoop_security_authentication, $kerberos_realm = $hadoop::kerberos_realm, ) inherits hadoop { include common_hdfs if ($hadoop_security_authentication == "kerberos") { kerberos::host_keytab { "httpfs": spnego => true, require => Package["hadoop-httpfs"], } } package { "hadoop-httpfs": ensure => latest, require => Package["jdk"], } file { "/etc/hadoop-httpfs/conf/httpfs-site.xml": content => template('hadoop/httpfs-site.xml'), require => [Package["hadoop-httpfs"]], } file { "/etc/hadoop-httpfs/conf/httpfs-env.sh": content => template('hadoop/httpfs-env.sh'), require => [Package["hadoop-httpfs"]], } if $generate_secrets { $httpfs_signature_secret = trocla("httpfs-signature-secret", "plain") } else { $httpfs_signature_secret = $secret } if $httpfs_signature_secret == undef { fail("HTTPFS signature secret must be set") } file { "/etc/hadoop-httpfs/conf/httpfs-signature.secret": content => $httpfs_signature_secret, # it's a password file - do not filebucket backup => false, require => [Package["hadoop-httpfs"]], } service { "hadoop-httpfs": ensure => running, hasstatus => true, subscribe => [Package["hadoop-httpfs"], File["/etc/hadoop-httpfs/conf/httpfs-site.xml"], File["/etc/hadoop-httpfs/conf/httpfs-env.sh"], File["/etc/hadoop-httpfs/conf/httpfs-signature.secret"], File["/etc/hadoop/conf/core-site.xml"], File["/etc/hadoop/conf/hdfs-site.xml"]], require => [ Package["hadoop-httpfs"] ], } Kerberos::Host_keytab <| title == "httpfs" |> -> Service["hadoop-httpfs"] } class kinit { include common_hdfs exec { "HDFS kinit": command => "/usr/bin/kinit -kt /etc/hdfs.keytab hdfs/$fqdn && /usr/bin/kinit -R", user => "hdfs", require => Kerberos::Host_keytab["hdfs"], } } class create_hdfs_dirs($hdfs_dirs_meta, $hadoop_security_authentcation = $hadoop::hadoop_security_authentication ) inherits hadoop { $user = $hdfs_dirs_meta[$title][user] $perm = $hdfs_dirs_meta[$title][perm] if ($hadoop_security_authentication == "kerberos") { require hadoop::kinit Exec["HDFS kinit"] -> Exec["HDFS init $title"] } exec { "HDFS init $title": user => "hdfs", command => "/bin/bash -c 'hadoop fs -mkdir $title ; hadoop fs -chmod $perm $title && hadoop fs -chown $user $title'", require => Service["hadoop-hdfs-namenode"], } Exec <| title == "activate nn1" |> -> Exec["HDFS init $title"] } class rsync_hdfs($files, $hadoop_security_authentcation = $hadoop::hadoop_security_authentication ) inherits hadoop { $src = $files[$title] if ($hadoop_security_authentication == "kerberos") { require hadoop::kinit Exec["HDFS kinit"] -> Exec["HDFS init $title"] } exec { "HDFS rsync $title": user => "hdfs", command => "/bin/bash -c 'hadoop fs -mkdir -p $title ; hadoop fs -put -f $src $title'", require => Service["hadoop-hdfs-namenode"], } Exec <| title == "activate nn1" |> -> Exec["HDFS rsync $title"] } class namenode ( $nfs_server = "", $nfs_path = "", $standby_bootstrap_retries = 10, # milliseconds $standby_bootstrap_retry_interval = 30000) { include common_hdfs if ($hadoop::common_hdfs::ha != 'disabled') { file { $hadoop::common_hdfs::sshfence_keydir: ensure => directory, owner => 'hdfs', group => 'hdfs', mode => '0700', require => Package["hadoop-hdfs"], } file { $hadoop::common_hdfs::sshfence_keypath: source => "puppet:///files/$hadoop::common_hdfs::sshfence_privkey", owner => 'hdfs', group => 'hdfs', mode => '0600', before => Service["hadoop-hdfs-namenode"], require => File[$hadoop::common_hdfs::sshfence_keydir], } file { "$hadoop::common_hdfs::sshfence_keydir/authorized_keys": source => "puppet:///files/$hadoop::common_hdfs::sshfence_pubkey", owner => 'hdfs', group => 'hdfs', mode => '0600', before => Service["hadoop-hdfs-namenode"], require => File[$hadoop::common_hdfs::sshfence_keydir], } if (! ('qjournal://' in $hadoop::common_hdfs::shared_edits_dir)) { hadoop::create_storage_dir { $hadoop::common_hdfs::shared_edits_dir: } -> file { $hadoop::common_hdfs::shared_edits_dir: ensure => directory, } if ($nfs_server) { if (!$nfs_path) { fail("No nfs share specified for shared edits dir") } require nfs::client mount { $hadoop::common_hdfs::shared_edits_dir: ensure => "mounted", atboot => true, device => "${nfs_server}:${nfs_path}", fstype => "nfs", options => "tcp,soft,timeo=10,intr,rsize=32768,wsize=32768", require => File[$hadoop::common::hdfs::shared_edits_dir], before => Service["hadoop-hdfs-namenode"], } } } } package { "hadoop-hdfs-namenode": ensure => latest, require => Package["jdk"], } service { "hadoop-hdfs-namenode": ensure => running, hasstatus => true, subscribe => [Package["hadoop-hdfs-namenode"], File["/etc/hadoop/conf/core-site.xml"], File["/etc/hadoop/conf/hdfs-site.xml"], File["/etc/hadoop/conf/hadoop-env.sh"]], require => [Package["hadoop-hdfs-namenode"]], } Kerberos::Host_keytab <| title == "hdfs" |> -> Exec <| tag == "namenode-format" |> -> Service["hadoop-hdfs-namenode"] if ($hadoop::common_hdfs::ha == "auto") { package { "hadoop-hdfs-zkfc": ensure => latest, require => Package["jdk"], } service { "hadoop-hdfs-zkfc": ensure => running, hasstatus => true, subscribe => [Package["hadoop-hdfs-zkfc"], File["/etc/hadoop/conf/core-site.xml"], File["/etc/hadoop/conf/hdfs-site.xml"], File["/etc/hadoop/conf/hadoop-env.sh"]], require => [Package["hadoop-hdfs-zkfc"]], } Service <| title == "hadoop-hdfs-zkfc" |> -> Service <| title == "hadoop-hdfs-namenode" |> } $namenode_array = any2array($hadoop::common_hdfs::hadoop_namenode_host) $first_namenode = $namenode_array[0] if ($::fqdn == $first_namenode) { exec { "namenode format": user => "hdfs", command => "/bin/bash -c 'hdfs namenode -format -nonInteractive >> /var/lib/hadoop-hdfs/nn.format.log 2>&1'", returns => [ 0, 1], creates => "${hadoop::common_hdfs::namenode_data_dirs[0]}/current/VERSION", require => [ Package["hadoop-hdfs-namenode"], File[$hadoop::common_hdfs::namenode_data_dirs], File["/etc/hadoop/conf/hdfs-site.xml"] ], tag => "namenode-format", } if ($hadoop::common_hdfs::ha != "disabled") { if ($hadoop::common_hdfs::ha == "auto") { exec { "namenode zk format": user => "hdfs", command => "/bin/bash -c 'hdfs zkfc -formatZK -nonInteractive >> /var/lib/hadoop-hdfs/zk.format.log 2>&1'", returns => [ 0, 2], require => [ Package["hadoop-hdfs-zkfc"], File["/etc/hadoop/conf/hdfs-site.xml"] ], tag => "namenode-format", } Service <| title == "zookeeper-server" |> -> Exec <| title == "namenode zk format" |> Exec <| title == "namenode zk format" |> -> Service <| title == "hadoop-hdfs-zkfc" |> } else { exec { "activate nn1": command => "/usr/bin/hdfs haadmin -transitionToActive nn1", user => "hdfs", unless => "/usr/bin/test $(/usr/bin/hdfs haadmin -getServiceState nn1) = active", require => Service["hadoop-hdfs-namenode"], } } } } elsif ($hadoop::common_hdfs::ha == "auto") { $retry_params = "-Dipc.client.connect.max.retries=$standby_bootstrap_retries \ -Dipc.client.connect.retry.interval=$standby_bootstrap_retry_interval" exec { "namenode bootstrap standby": user => "hdfs", # first namenode might be rebooting just now so try for some time command => "/bin/bash -c 'hdfs namenode -bootstrapStandby $retry_params >> /var/lib/hadoop-hdfs/nn.bootstrap-standby.log 2>&1'", creates => "${hadoop::common_hdfs::namenode_data_dirs[0]}/current/VERSION", require => [ Package["hadoop-hdfs-namenode"], File[$hadoop::common_hdfs::namenode_data_dirs], File["/etc/hadoop/conf/hdfs-site.xml"] ], tag => "namenode-format", } } elsif ($hadoop::common_hdfs::ha != "disabled") { hadoop::namedir_copy { $hadoop::common_hdfs::namenode_data_dirs: source => $first_namenode, ssh_identity => $hadoop::common_hdfs::sshfence_keypath, require => File[$hadoop::common_hdfs::sshfence_keypath], } } file { "/etc/default/hadoop-hdfs-namenode": content => template('hadoop/hadoop-hdfs'), require => [Package["hadoop-hdfs-namenode"]], } hadoop::create_storage_dir { $hadoop::common_hdfs::namenode_data_dirs: } -> file { $hadoop::common_hdfs::namenode_data_dirs: ensure => directory, owner => hdfs, group => hdfs, mode => 700, require => [Package["hadoop-hdfs"]], } } define create_storage_dir { exec { "mkdir $name": command => "/bin/mkdir -p $name", creates => $name, user =>"root", } } define namedir_copy ($source, $ssh_identity) { exec { "copy namedir $title from first namenode": command => "/usr/bin/rsync -avz -e '/usr/bin/ssh -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -i $ssh_identity' '${source}:$title/' '$title/'", user => "hdfs", tag => "namenode-format", creates => "$title/current/VERSION", } } class secondarynamenode { include common_hdfs package { "hadoop-hdfs-secondarynamenode": ensure => latest, require => Package["jdk"], } file { "/etc/default/hadoop-hdfs-secondarynamenode": content => template('hadoop/hadoop-hdfs'), require => [Package["hadoop-hdfs-secondarynamenode"]], } service { "hadoop-hdfs-secondarynamenode": ensure => running, hasstatus => true, subscribe => [Package["hadoop-hdfs-secondarynamenode"], File["/etc/hadoop/conf/core-site.xml"], File["/etc/hadoop/conf/hdfs-site.xml"], File["/etc/hadoop/conf/hadoop-env.sh"]], require => [Package["hadoop-hdfs-secondarynamenode"]], } Kerberos::Host_keytab <| title == "hdfs" |> -> Service["hadoop-hdfs-secondarynamenode"] } class journalnode { include common_hdfs package { "hadoop-hdfs-journalnode": ensure => latest, require => Package["jdk"], } $journalnode_cluster_journal_dir = "${hadoop::common_hdfs::journalnode_edits_dir}/${hadoop::common_hdfs::nameservice_id}" service { "hadoop-hdfs-journalnode": ensure => running, hasstatus => true, subscribe => [Package["hadoop-hdfs-journalnode"], File["/etc/hadoop/conf/hadoop-env.sh"], File["/etc/hadoop/conf/hdfs-site.xml"], File["/etc/hadoop/conf/core-site.xml"]], require => [ Package["hadoop-hdfs-journalnode"], File[$journalnode_cluster_journal_dir] ], } hadoop::create_storage_dir { [$hadoop::common_hdfs::journalnode_edits_dir, $journalnode_cluster_journal_dir]: } -> file { [ "${hadoop::common_hdfs::journalnode_edits_dir}", "$journalnode_cluster_journal_dir" ]: ensure => directory, owner => 'hdfs', group => 'hdfs', mode => 755, require => [Package["hadoop-hdfs"]], } } class resourcemanager { include common_yarn package { "hadoop-yarn-resourcemanager": ensure => latest, require => Package["jdk"], } service { "hadoop-yarn-resourcemanager": ensure => running, hasstatus => true, subscribe => [Package["hadoop-yarn-resourcemanager"], File["/etc/hadoop/conf/hadoop-env.sh"], File["/etc/hadoop/conf/yarn-site.xml"], File["/etc/hadoop/conf/core-site.xml"]], require => [ Package["hadoop-yarn-resourcemanager"] ], } Kerberos::Host_keytab <| tag == "mapreduce" |> -> Service["hadoop-yarn-resourcemanager"] } class proxyserver { include common_yarn package { "hadoop-yarn-proxyserver": ensure => latest, require => Package["jdk"], } service { "hadoop-yarn-proxyserver": ensure => running, hasstatus => true, subscribe => [Package["hadoop-yarn-proxyserver"], File["/etc/hadoop/conf/hadoop-env.sh"], File["/etc/hadoop/conf/yarn-site.xml"], File["/etc/hadoop/conf/core-site.xml"]], require => [ Package["hadoop-yarn-proxyserver"] ], } Kerberos::Host_keytab <| tag == "mapreduce" |> -> Service["hadoop-yarn-proxyserver"] } class historyserver { include common_mapred_app package { "hadoop-mapreduce-historyserver": ensure => latest, require => Package["jdk"], } service { "hadoop-mapreduce-historyserver": ensure => running, hasstatus => true, subscribe => [Package["hadoop-mapreduce-historyserver"], File["/etc/hadoop/conf/hadoop-env.sh"], File["/etc/hadoop/conf/yarn-site.xml"], File["/etc/hadoop/conf/core-site.xml"]], require => [Package["hadoop-mapreduce-historyserver"]], } Kerberos::Host_keytab <| tag == "mapreduce" |> -> Service["hadoop-mapreduce-historyserver"] } class nodemanager { include common_mapred_app include common_yarn package { "hadoop-yarn-nodemanager": ensure => latest, require => Package["jdk"], } service { "hadoop-yarn-nodemanager": ensure => running, hasstatus => true, subscribe => [Package["hadoop-yarn-nodemanager"], File["/etc/hadoop/conf/hadoop-env.sh"], File["/etc/hadoop/conf/yarn-site.xml"], File["/etc/hadoop/conf/core-site.xml"]], require => [ Package["hadoop-yarn-nodemanager"], File[$hadoop::common_yarn::yarn_data_dirs] ], } Kerberos::Host_keytab <| tag == "mapreduce" |> -> Service["hadoop-yarn-nodemanager"] hadoop::create_storage_dir { $hadoop::common_yarn::yarn_data_dirs: } -> file { $hadoop::common_yarn::yarn_data_dirs: ensure => directory, owner => yarn, group => yarn, mode => 755, require => [Package["hadoop-yarn"]], } } class mapred-app { include common_mapred_app hadoop::create_storage_dir { $hadoop::common_mapred_app::mapred_data_dirs: } -> file { $hadoop::common_mapred_app::mapred_data_dirs: ensure => directory, owner => yarn, group => yarn, mode => 755, require => [Package["hadoop-mapreduce"]], } } class client { include common_mapred_app include common_yarn $hadoop_client_packages = $operatingsystem ? { /(OracleLinux|CentOS|RedHat|Fedora)/ => [ "hadoop-doc", "hadoop-hdfs-fuse", "hadoop-client", "hadoop-libhdfs", "hadoop-debuginfo" ], /(SLES|OpenSuSE)/ => [ "hadoop-doc", "hadoop-hdfs-fuse", "hadoop-client", "hadoop-libhdfs" ], /(Ubuntu|Debian)/ => [ "hadoop-doc", "hadoop-hdfs-fuse", "hadoop-client", "libhdfs0-dev" ], default => [ "hadoop-doc", "hadoop-hdfs-fuse", "hadoop-client" ], } package { $hadoop_client_packages: ensure => latest, require => [Package["jdk"], Package["hadoop"], Package["hadoop-hdfs"], Package["hadoop-mapreduce"]], } } }