# Overview The Apache Hadoop software library is a framework that allows for the distributed processing of large data sets across clusters of computers using a simple programming model. Hadoop is designed to scale from a few servers to thousands of machines, each offering local computation and storage. Rather than rely on hardware to deliver high-availability, Hadoop can detect and handle failures at the application layer. This provides a highly-available service on top of a cluster of machines, each of which may be prone to failure. HBase is the Hadoop database. Think of it as a distributed, scalable Big Data store. This bundle provides a complete deployment of Hadoop and HBase components from [Apache Bigtop][] that performs distributed data processing at scale. Ganglia and rsyslog applications are also provided to monitor cluster health and syslog activity. [Apache Bigtop]: http://bigtop.apache.org/ ## Bundle Composition The applications that comprise this bundle are spread across 8 units as follows: * NameNode (HDFS) * ResourceManager (YARN) * Colocated on the NameNode unit * Zookeeper * 3 separate units * Slave (DataNode and NodeManager) * 3 separate units * HBase * 3 units colocated with the Hadoop Slaves * Client (Hadoop endpoint) * Plugin (Facilitates communication with the Hadoop cluster) * Subordinate to the HBase and Client units * Ganglia (Web interface for monitoring cluster metrics) * Colocated on the Client unit * Rsyslog (Aggregate cluster syslog events in a single location) * Colocated on the Client unit Deploying this bundle results in a fully configured Apache Bigtop cluster on any supported cloud, which can be scaled to meet workload demands. # Deploying A working Juju installation is assumed to be present. If Juju is not yet set up, please follow the [getting-started][] instructions prior to deploying this bundle. > **Note**: This bundle requires hardware resources that may exceed limits of Free-tier or Trial accounts on some clouds. To deploy to these environments, modify a local copy of [bundle.yaml][] to set `services: 'X': num_units: 1` and `machines: 'X': constraints: mem=3G` as needed to satisfy account limits. Deploy this bundle from the Juju charm store with the `juju deploy` command: juju deploy hadoop-hbase > **Note**: The above assumes Juju 2.0 or greater. If using an earlier version of Juju, use [juju-quickstart][] with the following syntax: `juju quickstart hadoop-hbase`. Alternatively, deploy a locally modified `bundle.yaml` with: juju deploy /path/to/bundle.yaml > **Note**: The above assumes Juju 2.0 or greater. If using an earlier version of Juju, use [juju-quickstart][] with the following syntax: `juju quickstart /path/to/bundle.yaml`. The charms in this bundle can also be built from their source layers in the [Bigtop charm repository][]. See the [Bigtop charm README][] for instructions on building and deploying these charms locally. ## Network-Restricted Environments Charms can be deployed in environments with limited network access. To deploy in this environment, configure a Juju model with appropriate proxy and/or mirror options. See [Configuring Models][] for more information. [getting-started]: https://jujucharms.com/docs/stable/getting-started [bundle.yaml]: https://github.com/apache/bigtop/blob/master/bigtop-deploy/juju/hadoop-hbase/bundle.yaml [juju-quickstart]: https://launchpad.net/juju-quickstart [Bigtop charm repository]: https://github.com/apache/bigtop/tree/master/bigtop-packages/src/charm [Bigtop charm README]: https://github.com/apache/bigtop/blob/master/bigtop-packages/src/charm/README.md [Configuring Models]: https://jujucharms.com/docs/stable/models-config # Verifying ## Status The applications that make up this bundle provide status messages to indicate when they are ready: juju status This is particularly useful when combined with `watch` to track the on-going progress of the deployment: watch -n 2 juju status The message for each unit will provide information about that unit's state. Once they all indicate that they are ready, perform application smoke tests to verify that the bundle is working as expected. ## Smoke Test The charms for each core component (namenode, resourcemanager, slave, hbase, and zookeeper) provide a `smoke-test` action that can be used to verify the application is functioning as expected. Note that the 'slave' component runs extensive tests provided by Apache Bigtop and may take up to 30 minutes to complete. Run the smoke-test actions as follows: juju run-action namenode/0 smoke-test juju run-action resourcemanager/0 smoke-test juju run-action slave/0 smoke-test juju run-action hbase/0 smoke-test juju run-action zookeeper/0 smoke-test > **Note**: The above assumes Juju 2.0 or greater. If using an earlier version of Juju, the syntax is `juju action do /0 smoke-test`. Watch the progress of the smoke test actions with: watch -n 2 juju show-action-status > **Note**: The above assumes Juju 2.0 or greater. If using an earlier version of Juju, the syntax is `juju action status`. Eventually, all of the actions should settle to `status: completed`. If any report `status: failed`, that application is not working as expected. Get more information about a specific smoke test with: juju show-action-output > **Note**: The above assumes Juju 2.0 or greater. If using an earlier version of Juju, the syntax is `juju action fetch `. ## Utilities Applications in this bundle include command line and web utilities that can be used to verify information about the cluster. From the command line, show the HDFS dfsadmin report and view the current list of YARN NodeManager units with the following: juju run --application namenode "su hdfs -c 'hdfs dfsadmin -report'" juju run --application resourcemanager "su yarn -c 'yarn node -list'" Show the list of Zookeeper nodes with the following: juju run --unit zookeeper/0 'echo "ls /" | /usr/lib/zookeeper/bin/zkCli.sh' To access the HDFS web console, find the `PUBLIC-ADDRESS` of the namenode application and expose it: juju status namenode juju expose namenode The web interface will be available at the following URL: http://NAMENODE_PUBLIC_IP:50070 Similarly, to access the Resource Manager web consoles, find the `PUBLIC-ADDRESS` of the resourcemanager application and expose it: juju status resourcemanager juju expose resourcemanager The YARN and Job History web interfaces will be available at the following URLs: http://RESOURCEMANAGER_PUBLIC_IP:8088 http://RESOURCEMANAGER_PUBLIC_IP:19888 Finally, to access the HBase web console, find the `PUBLIC-ADDRESS` of any hbase unit and expose the application: juju status hbase juju expose hbase The web interface will be available at the following URL: http://HBASE_PUBLIC_IP:60010 # Monitoring This bundle includes Ganglia for system-level monitoring of the namenode, resourcemanager, slave, hbase, and zookeeper units. Metrics are sent to a centralized ganglia unit for easy viewing in a browser. To view the ganglia web interface, find the `PUBLIC-ADDRESS` of the Ganglia application and expose it: juju status ganglia juju expose ganglia The web interface will be available at: http://GANGLIA_PUBLIC_IP/ganglia # Logging This bundle includes rsyslog to collect syslog data from the namenode, resourcemanager, slave, hbase, and zookeeper units. These logs are sent to a centralized rsyslog unit for easy syslog analysis. One method of viewing this log data is to simply cat syslog from the rsyslog unit: juju run --unit rsyslog/0 'sudo cat /var/log/syslog' Logs may also be forwarded to an external rsyslog processing service. See the *Forwarding logs to a system outside of the Juju environment* section of the [rsyslog README](https://jujucharms.com/rsyslog/) for more information. # Benchmarking The `resourcemanager` charm in this bundle provide several benchmarks to gauge the performance of the Hadoop cluster. Each benchmark is an action that can be run with `juju run-action`: $ juju actions resourcemanager ACTION DESCRIPTION mrbench Mapreduce benchmark for small jobs nnbench Load test the NameNode hardware and configuration smoke-test Run an Apache Bigtop smoke test. teragen Generate data with teragen terasort Runs teragen to generate sample data, and then runs terasort to sort that data testdfsio DFS IO Testing $ juju run-action resourcemanager/0 nnbench Action queued with id: 55887b40-116c-4020-8b35-1e28a54cc622 $ juju show-action-output 55887b40-116c-4020-8b35-1e28a54cc622 results: meta: composite: direction: asc units: secs value: "128" start: 2016-02-04T14:55:39Z stop: 2016-02-04T14:57:47Z results: raw: '{"BAD_ID": "0", "FILE: Number of read operations": "0", "Reduce input groups": "8", "Reduce input records": "95", "Map output bytes": "1823", "Map input records": "12", "Combine input records": "0", "HDFS: Number of bytes read": "18635", "FILE: Number of bytes written": "32999982", "HDFS: Number of write operations": "330", "Combine output records": "0", "Total committed heap usage (bytes)": "3144749056", "Bytes Written": "164", "WRONG_LENGTH": "0", "Failed Shuffles": "0", "FILE: Number of bytes read": "27879457", "WRONG_MAP": "0", "Spilled Records": "190", "Merged Map outputs": "72", "HDFS: Number of large read operations": "0", "Reduce shuffle bytes": "2445", "FILE: Number of large read operations": "0", "Map output materialized bytes": "2445", "IO_ERROR": "0", "CONNECTION": "0", "HDFS: Number of read operations": "567", "Map output records": "95", "Reduce output records": "8", "WRONG_REDUCE": "0", "HDFS: Number of bytes written": "27412", "GC time elapsed (ms)": "603", "Input split bytes": "1610", "Shuffled Maps ": "72", "FILE: Number of write operations": "0", "Bytes Read": "1490"}' status: completed timing: completed: 2016-02-04 14:57:48 +0000 UTC enqueued: 2016-02-04 14:55:14 +0000 UTC started: 2016-02-04 14:55:27 +0000 UTC The `hbase` charm in this bundle also provides a benchmark to gauge the performance of the HBase cluster: $ juju run-action hbase/0 perf-test Action queued with id: 339cec1f-e903-4ee7-85ca-876fb0c3d28e $ juju show-action-output 339cec1f-e903-4ee7-85ca-876fb0c3d28e results: meta: composite: direction: asc units: secs value: "200.754000" status: completed timing: completed: 2016-11-02 03:11:48 +0000 UTC enqueued: 2016-11-02 03:08:21 +0000 UTC started: 2016-11-02 03:08:26 +0000 UTC # Scaling By default, three Hadoop slave, HBase, and Zookeeper units are deployed. Scaling these applications is as simple as adding more units. To add one unit: juju add-unit slave juju add-unit hbase juju add-unit zookeeper Multiple units may be added at once. For example, add four more slave units: juju add-unit -n4 slave # Contact Information - # Resources - [Apache Bigtop home page](http://bigtop.apache.org/) - [Apache Bigtop issue tracking](http://bigtop.apache.org/issue-tracking.html) - [Apache Bigtop mailing lists](http://bigtop.apache.org/mail-lists.html) - [Juju Bigtop charms](https://jujucharms.com/q/apache/bigtop) - [Juju mailing list](https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/juju) - [Juju community](https://jujucharms.com/community)