# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more # contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with # this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. # The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 # (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with # the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. Bigtop Changelog * Release 0.8.0 (unreleased) * Release 0.7.0 (2013-10-28) - SUB-TASK - [BIGTOP-932] - Allow puppet recipes to automatically pull in needed files from web - [BIGTOP-964] - Bump hive version to 0.11 - [BIGTOP-993] - Add packaging for Phoenix - [BIGTOP-1053] - Bump version of Hadoop to 2.0.6-alpha - [BIGTOP-1073] - Bump version of HBase to 0.94.11 - [BIGTOP-1074] - Bump version of Hue to 2.5.0 - [BIGTOP-1075] - bump version of Flume to 1.4.0 - [BIGTOP-1076] - bump version of Crunch to 0.7.0 - [BIGTOP-1077] - Bump version of Hive to 0.11.0 - [BIGTOP-1078] - bump version of Datafu to 1.0.0 - [BIGTOP-1079] - bump version of Solr to 4.5.0 - [BIGTOP-1083] - Spark version was changed with incubating process. - [BIGTOP-1101] - Bump version of HBase to 0.94.12 - BUG - [BIGTOP-990] - /usr/lib/bigtop-utils/ should be owned by bigtop-utils package - [BIGTOP-998] - Consolidate Hue packages - [BIGTOP-1005] - Create versionless symlinks in hadoop client directory - [BIGTOP-1006] - Explicitly state the working directory to be used in init scripts instead of relying on user's home directories - [BIGTOP-1008] - /usr/lib/bigtop-utils directory is not owned by bigtop-utils package in RPMs - [BIGTOP-1010] - libsnappy not included in the final hadoop RPM - [BIGTOP-1011] - bigtop-detect-javahome has a quirky search order - [BIGTOP-1017] - Revert a commit that introduces some unneeded dependencies - [BIGTOP-1027] - 'bigtop-detect-classpath' helper script missing from bigtop-utils - [BIGTOP-1033] - itest-common: fix debian install to avoid conffile prompt - [BIGTOP-1034] - Custom user's home directory's creation fails in init-hdfs.sh - [BIGTOP-1036] - Hue's oozie app package should depend on hue jobsub package - [BIGTOP-1037] - Provide a mechanism to control the sourcing of defaults files - [BIGTOP-1044] - hive and hive-jdbc versions should be kept in sync - [BIGTOP-1045] - Be consistent with shells, bigtop-detect-javahome, and bigtop-utils versions - [BIGTOP-1046] - Pig's use of BIGTOP_DEFAULTS_DIR is evaluated at the wrong time - [BIGTOP-1051] - Spark archive should come in tar.gz format - [BIGTOP-1052] - Increase environment configurability/debugging of Mahout Tests - [BIGTOP-1055] - Spark package doesn't create PREFIX/bin directory and sets wrong permissions - [BIGTOP-1059] - Add path option for pig.jar to pig smoke pom.xml - [BIGTOP-1070] - Add BIGTOP_CLASSPATH functionality to tomcat deployment - [BIGTOP-1071] - bigtop-detect-javahome should select the first possible candidate in the list - [BIGTOP-1081] - deb spark packing needs to set SOURCE_DIR - [BIGTOP-1082] - spark package tests are missing - [BIGTOP-1084] - spark build on CentOS 5 and SLES11 is broken - [BIGTOP-1086] - fix miscellaneous failures in package tests - [BIGTOP-1087] - flume rpm package needs to own /usr/lib/flume/tools - [BIGTOP-1088] - oozie packages need to own /etc/oozie/conf.dist/tomcat-deployment.{default,secure} - [BIGTOP-1090] - hue packaging needs to handle mutable bits (app.reg and hue.pth) - [BIGTOP-1094] - spark SPEC mistakenly re-defines alternatives command on SLES/OpenSUSE - [BIGTOP-1095] - oozie packaging doesn't remove tomcat alternatives - [BIGTOP-1096] - alternatives within the alternatives-managed sub-directory could be harmful - [BIGTOP-1098] - now that Spark has had its first incubator release we have to adjust bigtop accordingly - [BIGTOP-1099] - sync up the versions used for smoke tests with the BOM versions - [BIGTOP-1100] - the new Tomcat deployment style would benefit from a few usability tweaks - [BIGTOP-1103] - Remaining fixes of BIGTOP_DEFAULTS_DIR evaluation - [BIGTOP-1107] - Update to the official Hue 2.5.1 release - [BIGTOP-1108] - Solr 4.5.0 has been formally released and we should start using the official release bits - [BIGTOP-1112] - sqoop-client should require bigtop-utils - [BIGTOP-1114] - Hue metastore app is missing from core registration and Debian packages - [BIGTOP-1115] - update package test manifest for Bigtop 0.7.0 - [BIGTOP-1117] - hive-hcatalog integration has a few issues - [BIGTOP-1119] - phoenix DEB packages differ in a few ways from RPM counterparts - IMPROVEMENT - [BIGTOP-927] - Update puppet recipes to support Ubuntu - [BIGTOP-938] - Upgrade to Junit 4.11 - [BIGTOP-955] - HBase installation should advertise its location and configuration - [BIGTOP-1004] - Hadoop packages do not include version independent symlinks - [BIGTOP-1021] - Update HBase version to 0.94.9 - [BIGTOP-1031] - README has outdated/ambiguous information - [BIGTOP-1041] - Add Puppet support for Spark cluster deployment - [BIGTOP-1056] - some changes are introduced into Spark build: needs to be updated here - [BIGTOP-1063] - Add Scala 2.9.3 to bigtop-toolchain - [BIGTOP-1069] - Remove descriptions about JDK5 dependency - [BIGTOP-1080] - Change /usr/bin scripts to be alternatives instead of flat files - [BIGTOP-1106] - update our puppet deployment topology - NEW FEATURE - [BIGTOP-811] - Add /var/lib/bigtop as a location to install SQL connectors and other plug-ins - [BIGTOP-1023] - Define BOM for 0.7.0 release of Bigtop - TASK - [BIGTOP-715] - Add Spark packaging - [BIGTOP-939] - Make usage of bigtop-tomcat more dynamic - TEST - [BIGTOP-719] - Add TestTextSnappy to test hadoop fs -text with snappy compressed files - [BIGTOP-1030] - Develop integration tests for new Spark component - [BIGTOP-1057] - Add TeraGen / TeraSort Benchmakring * Release 0.6.0 (2013-06-10) - SUB-TASK - [BIGTOP-239] - HBase init scripts are shut down in the wrong order - [BIGTOP-812] - HttpFS is using Tomcat 6.0.32 which has numerous vulnerabilities - [BIGTOP-813] - add integration test for HCatlog - [BIGTOP-814] - add packaging test for HCatlog - [BIGTOP-822] - Bump version of Hadoop to 2.0.5 - [BIGTOP-824] - Bump version of Hive to 0.10 - [BIGTOP-832] - Bump version of Hue to 2.3.0 - [BIGTOP-833] - Update HCatalog packaging for Bigtop 0.6.0 integration - [BIGTOP-839] - add packaging test for Sqoop 2 - [BIGTOP-852] - Improve HDFS helper script - [BIGTOP-854] - add package testing manifest for HCatalog - [BIGTOP-855] - add integration tests for HCatalog - [BIGTOP-861] - init-hdfs.sh does not work from init scripts - [BIGTOP-862] - All the Apache Hadoop services ought to start nicely and in order - [BIGTOP-863] - verify the existence of the initscripts with typo - [BIGTOP-864] - update the appliance for the location of the init-hdfs.sh script - [BIGTOP-880] - Bump version of Datafu to 0.0.6 - [BIGTOP-891] - TestPigTest doesn't run against YARN cluster - [BIGTOP-915] - bump version of Oozie to 3.3.2 - [BIGTOP-916] - Bump version of Pig to 0.11.1 - [BIGTOP-917] - Bump version of Solr to 4.2.1 - [BIGTOP-926] - Bump version of Giraph to 1.0 - [BIGTOP-933] - Need to add ASF license text to bigtop-toolchain files - [BIGTOP-962] - Bump Sqoop version to 1.99.2 - [BIGTOP-963] - bump version of Whirr to 0.8.2 - [BIGTOP-980] - bigtop-toolchaing user module can't create 'jenkins' user - BUG FIXES - [BIGTOP-275] - scoping of variable in puppet code is incorrect - [BIGTOP-379] - Package testing for Bigtop 0.5.0 release - [BIGTOP-445] - yarn default file has the wrong name - [BIGTOP-463] - should we reconsider /usr/lib vs. /usr/libexec decision? - [BIGTOP-483] - Smoke test of Hadoop fails with clitest missing testConf.xml file - [BIGTOP-489] - TestCLI with two test cases fails ID - 146 and 147 related to refreshServiceAcl - [BIGTOP-504] - provide a functionality for detecting libjvm.so in bigtop-utils - [BIGTOP-545] - package testing manifest in trunk needs to be updated - [BIGTOP-553] - Metadata for packages needs to be harmonized between RPM and Debain - [BIGTOP-584] - Fix hive smoke test failures in trunk - [BIGTOP-624] - running start on a service already running should return success - [BIGTOP-637] - Update boxgrinder appliance for the coming release - [BIGTOP-786] - Not able to find wiki link on Bigtop homepage - [BIGTOP-804] - org.apache.bigtop.itest.pmanager.PackageManagerTest.testLookupGcc fails on some systems - [BIGTOP-808] - hadoop-conf-pseudo package breaks hadoop-conf alternatives during upgrades - [BIGTOP-809] - Remove harmless scary message from solr build - [BIGTOP-815] - Move the trunk forward now that 0.5.0 is released - [BIGTOP-818] - Updated list of supported platforms on Bigtop's homepage and readme file - [BIGTOP-823] - Remove obsolete slf4j removal in hive packaging - [BIGTOP-826] - Wrong return code returned when stopping Hue on RHEL/SUSE - [BIGTOP-827] - Ubuntu Install Instructutions Fail with a 404 - [BIGTOP-829] - Hue status returned wrong information on SLES - [BIGTOP-830] - Add $(APACHE_MIRROR) for bigtop-tomcat - [BIGTOP-834] - Remove workaround for MAPREDUCE-4814 in historyserver - [BIGTOP-835] - The shell exec method must have variants which have timeout and can run in background - [BIGTOP-836] - Hue status on SuSE doesn't work when run from outside of /usr/bin - [BIGTOP-837] - Oozie 3.3.0 can't be build against Hadoop 2.0.3 or later - [BIGTOP-841] - hadoop-conf-pseudo missed configuration for capacity scheduler and historyserver - [BIGTOP-842] - hadoop-mapreduce-historyserver service dumps some output to the console instead of its .out file - [BIGTOP-844] - hadoop rpm upgrade sequence is broken - [BIGTOP-846] - The helper script introduced in BIGTOP-547 doesn't create /user/$USER directories on HDFS - [BIGTOP-850] - Remove non-ASF repositories and infrastructure references from the project files - [BIGTOP-851] - Typo breaks detection of multiple libraries in bigtop-utils in some JVMs - [BIGTOP-853] - HBase test, TestLoadAndVerify does not work on secure clusters - [BIGTOP-857] - Inconsistent group ownership of /var/run/hadoop-hdfs between .deb and .rpm installs - [BIGTOP-858] - HBase tests are no longer compile with HBase 0.94 - [BIGTOP-859] - fix the Bigtop trunk package test - [BIGTOP-869] - hadoop preun should not stop services itself on behalf of its subpackages - [BIGTOP-870] - Bump version of Pig to 0.11 - [BIGTOP-873] - Hive needs Ivy cache cleared - [BIGTOP-874] - make test contracts show up in javadoc - [BIGTOP-875] - hadoop-smoke is broken because of missed dependency - [BIGTOP-876] - TestDFSAdmin in hadoop-smoke is outdated and still relies on presence of -upgradeProgress - [BIGTOP-877] - TestDFSAdmin in hadoop-smoke has to ensure its own environment, e.g. create HDFS paths, etc. - [BIGTOP-878] - Bump version of Oozie to 3.3.1 - [BIGTOP-879] - Bump version of Solr to 4.2.0 - [BIGTOP-883] - Add support for Oracle RPM Java 1.7 - [BIGTOP-884] - hive smoke tests can't be executed as a jar file isn't present anymore - [BIGTOP-885] - TestHiveSmokeBulk fails on Hive 0.9 - [BIGTOP-886] - Non-fatal errors when starting Hive daemons in EL5 - [BIGTOP-887] - Sqoop 2 should be consistent with Oozie / Bigtop for server plugins directory - [BIGTOP-888] - Oozie losing value of JAVA_HOME when spawning sub-shell - [BIGTOP-889] - pig smoke tests are no longer running - [BIGTOP-890] - Remove workaround for distributed cache problem from Oozie package - [BIGTOP-892] - hadoop packages misses capacity-scheduler configuration - [BIGTOP-894] - Pig compilation fails on RPM systems on Bigtop trunk - [BIGTOP-895] - A number of testcases in TestCLI are failing with (at least) Hadoop 2.0.3 and later - [BIGTOP-896] - Solr rpm requires redhat-lsb to run - [BIGTOP-899] - enabled deployment topology with 3 nodes - [BIGTOP-900] - update deployment configs for Kerberized installations - [BIGTOP-901] - Oozie smoke tests mightn't be able to obtain the jobtracker or namenode hostnames, using old config. names - [BIGTOP-902] - Hive uses same file for log4j and standard output - [BIGTOP-903] - crunch integration tests need to clean up output directory before each individual subtask is run - [BIGTOP-904] - mahout tests should default to /tmp as a temp location - [BIGTOP-905] - bump versions of test execution poms to match the BOM - [BIGTOP-906] - a few tests need artifacts compiled against Hadoop 2.X - [BIGTOP-907] - hadoop-mapreduce-historyserver should require hadoop-hdfs - [BIGTOP-910] - datanode init script cannot stop the process bcause it cannot find the pid file - [BIGTOP-912] - update HBase tests for 0.6.0 - [BIGTOP-914] - puppet needs to provision test users - [BIGTOP-918] - Move BOM version info to the root pom file - [BIGTOP-920] - Add HCatalog tests - [BIGTOP-923] - Packages that depend on bigtop-utils needs to specify >= 0.6 - [BIGTOP-928] - Hive can't be build against non-published Hadoop artifacts - [BIGTOP-929] - Pig component build needs to use internal resolvers - [BIGTOP-930] - init-hdfs.sh fails on execution - [BIGTOP-934] - Hidden cookie is being set by wiki.cloudera.org via http://blogs.apache.org/bigtop top page - [BIGTOP-935] - Use init script templates for hive - [BIGTOP-936] - Use init script templates for hbase - [BIGTOP-937] - Hive does not restart on Ubuntu - [BIGTOP-940] - fix issues with Hive package - [BIGTOP-945] - Service lock files need to match init script name - [BIGTOP-946] - solr-server runlevels are wrong in debian - [BIGTOP-947] - oozie init script does not use JAVA_HOME in /etc/default/bigtop-utils - [BIGTOP-948] - TestFileAppend and TestHDFSQuota tests need to be updated - [BIGTOP-949] - Add Sqoop tests - [BIGTOP-950] - race condition for output consumption in Shell code - [BIGTOP-951] - Hive Smoke's TestJdbcDriver fails - [BIGTOP-953] - Revert BIGTOP-835 and BIGTOP-950 - [BIGTOP-954] - metadada and user data for sqoop and hcatalog packages are wrong - [BIGTOP-956] - fix small issues with mahout, hue and oozie tests - [BIGTOP-957] - update deployment code for Sqoop2 - [BIGTOP-958] - update deployment code for HCatalog - [BIGTOP-959] - get rid of hadoop specific init.d.tmpl - [BIGTOP-960] - Remove workaround for HBASE-6263 in hbase-thrift start - [BIGTOP-968] - oozie is now part of the core hue - [BIGTOP-969] - a few files belong to more than one package - [BIGTOP-970] - update package test manifest and fix small issues in package metadata for Bigtop 0.6.0 - [BIGTOP-971] - take care of the rat licensing complaints - [BIGTOP-974] - Crunch download location is no longer /incubator - [BIGTOP-975] - HBase regionserver init script does not implement "condrestart" command - [BIGTOP-981] - Provide minimal documentation for puppet deploy config file - [BIGTOP-982] - hcatalog needs to be given HCAT_HOME and HIVE_HOME - [BIGTOP-983] - Oozie-client package ships its docs twice - [BIGTOP-984] - bigtop-utils doesn't detect JAVA_HOME for Oracle JDK 7 when package by Debian's tool - [BIGTOP-985] - Create Hive JDBC package - [BIGTOP-988] - HCatalog does not launch daemon process in a known directory - [BIGTOP-991] - crunch archive is incorrect - [BIGTOP-994] - hdfs-init missed a few permissions on the sub-directories - [BIGTOP-997] - TestCLI fails test id 5: comparator fails - [BIGTOP-1001] - need package tests for hive-jdbc package - [BIGTOP-1002] - Complete porting Sqoop import tests to Sqoop 2 - IMPROVEMENT - [BIGTOP-12] - Add HCatalog to Bigtop - [BIGTOP-547] - create an HDFS setup helper script - [BIGTOP-712] - Bigtop 0.5.0 release - [BIGTOP-713] - use newer debhelper and source format 3.0 (quilt) for Debian and Ubuntu packaging - [BIGTOP-756] - Provide the thrift API interface file in the HBase packages - [BIGTOP-763] - Add hdfs-journalnode to hadoop.spec - [BIGTOP-817] - Wiki breadcrumb still shows Bigtop(incubating) - [BIGTOP-821] - Puppet README's Usage section cuts off because of angle bracket delimiter - [BIGTOP-838] - Both conf.empty and conf.pseudo packages don't seem to include a sample hadoop-env.sh file - [BIGTOP-843] - It would be really cool if bigtop-detect-javahome were smarter and didn't pick a 32-bit JVM, or a 1.7 JVM set with default - [BIGTOP-882] - Upload content of Oozie sharelib to HDFS - [BIGTOP-893] - migrate puppet code to use init-hdfs.sh - [BIGTOP-931] - a few improvements to secure puppet deployment code - [BIGTOP-961] - hcatalog should be re-using hive user when running - [BIGTOP-967] - package removal is currently missing from our package tests - [BIGTOP-973] - Improve error diagnostics when sed'ing Hadoop version in Oozie package - [BIGTOP-995] - JDK bug 6979329 requires a redundant kinit -R - [BIGTOP-1000] - Remove remaining references to the Incubator - NEW FEATURE - [BIGTOP-732] - Support running multiple HBase region servers - [BIGTOP-881] - Add support for Oozie to be configured with SSL (HTTPS) - TASK - [BIGTOP-118] - Check to ensure our build system requirements are actually declared properly in the packaging. - [BIGTOP-681] - Package tests needed for new DataFu package - [BIGTOP-720] - Build environment automation - [BIGTOP-760] - Push artifacts from non-Maven projects into local Maven cache - [BIGTOP-805] - Add Sqoop 2 to bigtop - TEST - [BIGTOP-621] - Add test for distcp - intra cluster - [BIGTOP-625] - Add HDFS Append Test - [BIGTOP-693] - Add hadoop-fuse-dfs test - [BIGTOP-728] - add datafu integration test * Release 0.5.0 (2012-12-25) - SUB-TASK - [BIGTOP-39] - Include Apache Avro in Bigtop - [BIGTOP-41] - Add Apache Thrift to Bigtop - [BIGTOP-65] - Package Apache Forrest - [BIGTOP-225] - Exit consistently in init scripts for stop on stopped service - [BIGTOP-232] - create an example .ks file for Bigtop - [BIGTOP-237] - Oozie init scripts are way too verbose - [BIGTOP-239] - HBase init scripts are shut down in the wrong order - [BIGTOP-240] - hbase initscripts should be more explicit - [BIGTOP-302] - 1. Start a separate Wiki page on Installing Bigtop in VMs (VirtualBox) (make sure to record the fact that one needs >> 2GB of RAM) 2. Record the experience with 32bit OSes - [BIGTOP-380] - Initscripts have misleading messages - [BIGTOP-533] - BigTop Hama Integration Tests - [BIGTOP-551] - Updates for packaging manifest - [BIGTOP-612] - Add Crunch to Bigtop - [BIGTOP-692] - Bump Whirr to 0.8.1 - [BIGTOP-695] - Make variables used in flume build/install scripts consistent - [BIGTOP-696] - Make variables used in oozie build/install scripts consistent - [BIGTOP-697] - Make variables used in zookeeper build/install scripts consistent - [BIGTOP-700] - Make variables used in whirr build/install scripts consistent - [BIGTOP-702] - Make variables used in datafu build/install scripts consistent - [BIGTOP-703] - Make variables used in jsvc build/install scripts consistent - [BIGTOP-704] - Make variables used in pig build/install scripts consistent - [BIGTOP-705] - Make variables used in giraph build/install scripts consistent - [BIGTOP-706] - Make variables used in hive build/install scripts consistent - [BIGTOP-707] - Make variables used in tomcat build/install scripts consistent - [BIGTOP-711] - update hadoop version to 2.0.2-alpha - [BIGTOP-714] - HDFS Fuse build broken for 0.23.3 - [BIGTOP-733] - Bump Hue to 2.1.0 - [BIGTOP-735] - Upgrade to pull Solr 4.0 when it's officially released - [BIGTOP-736] - When Solr is integrated, we'll need some tests. - [BIGTOP-744] - add package test for Solr - [BIGTOP-750] - Bump Zookeeper to 3.4.5 - [BIGTOP-751] - Bump HBase to 0.94.2 - [BIGTOP-752] - Bump Sqoop to 1.4.2 - [BIGTOP-753] - Bump Flume to 1.3.0 - [BIGTOP-765] - Create deployment code for Solr - [BIGTOP-791] - Bump Oozie to 3.3.0 - BUG - [BIGTOP-51] - Layout of Bigtop repository can be optimized - [BIGTOP-79] - Audit RPM package dependencies for programs invoked from install/uninstall scripts - [BIGTOP-98] - Ability to force ivy/maven version inter-dependency needs to be implemented - [BIGTOP-105] - hadoop services can not be started with the default configs in place - [BIGTOP-106] - review and cleanup install/unistall/upgrade time dependencies - [BIGTOP-107] - make Bigtop packaging work in kick-start environment - [BIGTOP-135] - make jsvc use detection more robust on SLES - [BIGTOP-168] - all of the packages that link to hadoop-core need to also link commons-configuration-1.6.jar - [BIGTOP-172] - Hadoop init.d scripts are flaky on stop - [BIGTOP-177] - Remove or fix versioned dependencies between packages of Bigtop - [BIGTOP-187] - some packages ship log files - [BIGTOP-200] - /var/lib/hadoop is set to 777 on installation it should just be group writable - [BIGTOP-213] - We should use another group than hadoop for system groups - [BIGTOP-218] - we need to figure out which compressors/codecs need to be pulled into Bigtop - [BIGTOP-219] - Pig/HBase integration is not working - [BIGTOP-222] - some man pages in /usr/share/doc/flume - [BIGTOP-223] - install/ initscripts fixes - [BIGTOP-224] - Some configuration files have their permissions set to 755 - [BIGTOP-226] - everything in /usr/lib/pig is set to 755. Non executable files should just be 644 - [BIGTOP-227] - whirr has all its files (except its man page) set as 755 - [BIGTOP-228] - Whirr should have a symlink to the hadoop's jars it needs - [BIGTOP-229] - pig package install an alternative with an inconsitent name - [BIGTOP-230] - removing packages displays the following extraneous messages - [BIGTOP-256] - Lintian Errors/Warnings - Hadoop Package - [BIGTOP-275] - scoping of variable in puppet code is incorrect - [BIGTOP-279] - we shouldn't be using properties that have been deprecated in config/puppet - [BIGTOP-282] - the licensing status of the MovieLens data files needs to be cleared up - [BIGTOP-292] - BIgtop SRPMs can not be rebuilt - [BIGTOP-307] - README documentation is inaccurate - [BIGTOP-311] - hadoop does not build in off-line mode - [BIGTOP-326] - puppet modules need to be renamed to align with renaming that happens on the package front - [BIGTOP-330] - hadoop 0.23 pseudo conf needs to set more properties to avoid using /tmp as its datadir - [BIGTOP-335] - sqoop-metastore service fails to start because it ends up using /usr/lib/hadoop/bin/hadoop - [BIGTOP-340] - wrapper scripts would benefit from being explicit - [BIGTOP-347] - we need to get rid of workaround for HDFS-1943 in hadoop init.d scripts - [BIGTOP-358] - now that hadoop packages have been split we have to update the dependencies on the downstream packages - [BIGTOP-368] - /usr/bin/hadoop sources /etc/default/yarn unconditionally - [BIGTOP-377] - Clean up packages - [BIGTOP-379] - Package testing for Bigtop 0.5.0 release - [BIGTOP-385] - new artifacts in Hadoop 0.23 need to be properly packaged - [BIGTOP-395] - flume-ng init.d scripts seem to be unhappy on Debian - [BIGTOP-425] - HMaster dies from RemoteException: Server IPC version 5 cannot communicate with client version 4 - [BIGTOP-436] - flume-node stop seems to mistarget some other java process on lucid - [BIGTOP-445] - yarn default file has the wrong name - [BIGTOP-463] - should we reconsider /usr/lib vs. /usr/libexec decision? - [BIGTOP-471] - hive server setup after installation fails on creating /var/lock/subsys directory - [BIGTOP-483] - Smoke test of Hadoop fails with clitest missing testConf.xml file - [BIGTOP-486] - separate principals from keytabs in our kerberos module - [BIGTOP-489] - TestCLI with two test cases fails ID - 146 and 147 related to refreshServiceAcl - [BIGTOP-490] - SmokeTest-Mahout test failures - [BIGTOP-492] - make our launcher scripts recognize cascading defaults - [BIGTOP-504] - provide a functionality for detecting libjvm.so in bigtop-utils - [BIGTOP-511] - Add debian repo to bigtop puppet - [BIGTOP-520] - HBase Debian builds run do-component-build twice - [BIGTOP-525] - make sure yarn.dispatcher.exit-on-error is set to true - [BIGTOP-531] - package metadata check error: when description is empty, the summary will append text "description" at the end of summary - [BIGTOP-542] - Issue when installing the new zkfc - [BIGTOP-545] - package testing manifest in trunk needs to be updated - [BIGTOP-549] - update puppet code for the latest state of HA in Hadoop - [BIGTOP-553] - Metadata for packages needs to be harmonized between RPM and Debain - [BIGTOP-566] - Flume NG pkg init script should allow user to customize the location of the conf dir - [BIGTOP-581] - Need to move iTest website to a correct location - [BIGTOP-584] - Fix hive smoke test failures in trunk - [BIGTOP-591] - libhdfs0-dev is missing files - [BIGTOP-615] - Add support for Ambrose Pig job visualization - [BIGTOP-624] - running start on a service already running should return success - [BIGTOP-634] - Weird output when doing an init action on oozie when it is already running - [BIGTOP-637] - Update boxgrinder appliance for the coming release - [BIGTOP-644] - fix the runlevels for a few packages in yum/apt/zypper - [BIGTOP-648] - hbase-thrift cannot be started properly - [BIGTOP-654] - Set nproc for HDFS user - [BIGTOP-658] - Move hbase dependency in hive out of the main package - [BIGTOP-662] - cannot start hue-server - [BIGTOP-663] - cannot start sqoop-metastore in Ubuntu precise - [BIGTOP-664] - hive-metastore script has error when execute 'service hive-metastore status' in Ubuntu precise - [BIGTOP-667] - start hadoop-httpfs in SLES return 3 instead of 0 - [BIGTOP-669] - Add DataFu to Bigtop distribution - [BIGTOP-676] - Update HBase version to 0.94.1-rc0 - [BIGTOP-679] - fuse_dfs binary has moved due to HDFS-3537 - [BIGTOP-684] - copyright header in bigtop-packages/src/common/hadoop/conf.secure/core-site.xml is in wrong place - [BIGTOP-686] - Apache Flume 1.2.0 went out so we should upgrade to it - [BIGTOP-689] - Oozie use of /var/tmp in some CentOS versions create issues - [BIGTOP-691] - flume gets killed too fast when the service is asked to stop - [BIGTOP-694] - Some HBase Scripts Need To Be Excluded From Packaging - [BIGTOP-699] - hadoop-fuse-dfs fails to find libjvm.so when JAVA_HOME happens to be a symlink - [BIGTOP-701] - Bigtop Hadoop package does not include bash tab completion - [BIGTOP-708] - modify Hive integration test to depends on the correct jar file - [BIGTOP-721] - improve the package daemon status check, check twice by some delay if status doesn't match expected value - [BIGTOP-725] - package service test TestServices should only do config once for a group of services - [BIGTOP-729] - zookeeper initd script status doesn't work - [BIGTOP-734] - Proposed fixes to Hive logging configuration - [BIGTOP-740] - improve the package file content tests to ignore platform specific file names - [BIGTOP-745] - fix incorrect javadocs in test framework - [BIGTOP-754] - libhdfs0-dev package is empty - [BIGTOP-755] - YARN_HOME is now HADOOP_YARN_HOME - [BIGTOP-758] - [Pig] Override hadoop-core and hadoop-test artifact versions only if Hadoop < 2.x - [BIGTOP-759] - Flume do-component-build should set hbase.version according to BOM - [BIGTOP-762] - Updates for building Flume versions >= 1.2 - [BIGTOP-766] - Make it possible to override Apache URLs for the builds that require them - [BIGTOP-768] - Bump the version of Groovy to 1.8 - [BIGTOP-774] - solr build fails on Debian - [BIGTOP-775] - In Groovy 1.8 the behavior of a getters of static fields changed slightly - [BIGTOP-776] - A few updates to Oozie related packaging code to accomodate Oozie's TLP status - [BIGTOP-778] - move Solr app to under /solr in Tomcat deployment and provide more knobs - [BIGTOP-780] - cannot install hive-server in SLES - [BIGTOP-781] - Bigtop packages seem to have a bunch of parasitic provides - [BIGTOP-782] - 'service hue status' still show 'failed' after hue is started in SLES - [BIGTOP-783] - 'service hue stop' cannot stop the hue service in SLES - [BIGTOP-785] - clean up build-time dependencies in our packages - [BIGTOP-788] - Oozie RPM build error due to lack of usr/lib/oozie/{libserver,oozie-server,libext} - [BIGTOP-789] - remove shadow-utils dependency from zookeeper - [BIGTOP-793] - add crunch integration tests - [BIGTOP-794] - puppet code around hadoop_head_node breaks on newer puppets - [BIGTOP-795] - need to abstract away the notion of Bigtop puppet repo - [BIGTOP-796] - hive install tries to tickle HDFS and it shouldn't - [BIGTOP-797] - provide a way to 'rsync' files into HDFS during puppet deployment - [BIGTOP-798] - introduce a fatjar collection of all the Bigtop integration tests and all their dependencies - [BIGTOP-800] - BIGTOP_JSVC is lacking ARCHIVE designation - [BIGTOP-801] - prioritize jdk over jre in bigtop-utils javadetection - [BIGTOP-803] - somehow puppet gets confused by the hadoop fs output - IMPROVEMENT - [BIGTOP-12] - Add HCatalog to Bigtop - [BIGTOP-22] - Unify init scripts - [BIGTOP-58] - Add man page for Mahout - [BIGTOP-60] - Add normal rpmbuild options for make rpm - [BIGTOP-78] - Misc improvments - [BIGTOP-117] - Document incompatible API changes between releases - [BIGTOP-153] - Build should detect invalid archives in the dl directory - [BIGTOP-204] - Add information about supported projects and criteria for support to Apache Bigtop website - [BIGTOP-233] - Ubuntu integration: ufw application profiles - [BIGTOP-245] - Improve Bigtop layout - [BIGTOP-263] - we need a way to provide supervision for long running daemon applications - [BIGTOP-284] - It would be nice to integrate Nutch crawling as one of the MR (and perhaps HBase) tests for Bigtop - [BIGTOP-304] - document test creation and test execution steps in Bigtop - [BIGTOP-351] - Make HBASE_HEAPSIZE manageable via puppet - [BIGTOP-375] - Publish a table of component dependency versions - [BIGTOP-410] - Build secure version of HBase - [BIGTOP-433] - Make variables used in build/install scripts consistent - [BIGTOP-451] - ooziedb.sh script should run as the unix user that runs oozie server - [BIGTOP-452] - oozie installation should offer to run ooziedb.sh - [BIGTOP-456] - Consider splitting homedir between mapred and hdfs users? - [BIGTOP-476] - Improvement of BigTop iTest framework - [BIGTOP-497] - add bash tab completion to our hadoop packages - [BIGTOP-517] - Flume packaging should use the term "agent" instead of "node". - [BIGTOP-536] - provide suitable title in the tag of the main home page for bigtop-incubating - [BIGTOP-547] - create an HDFS setup helper script - [BIGTOP-550] - Add ability to have multiple zookeeper servers to puppet - [BIGTOP-571] - we might need to guard against direct use of the upstream launcher scripts - [BIGTOP-575] - [Pseudo-dist config] Should yarn.nodemanager.remote-app-log-dir really be set? - [BIGTOP-576] - Minor discrepancy in naming of logs/users vs. base log directories - [BIGTOP-640] - Sync up dependency library versions automatically - [BIGTOP-670] - provide a link to our Jenkins server from the Bigtop's project page - [BIGTOP-680] - Write util function to capture test input parameters - [BIGTOP-688] - improve hue packaging via making virtual env relocatable and moving DB files into /var/lib/hue - [BIGTOP-710] - Create a higher level orchestration deployment framework - [BIGTOP-712] - Bigtop 0.5.0 release - [BIGTOP-713] - use newer debhelper and source format 3.0 (quilt) for Debian and Ubuntu packaging - [BIGTOP-716] - standardize on bash as a shell of choice - [BIGTOP-718] - Update wiki for component requirements - [BIGTOP-726] - make it possible to run HiveBulkScriptExecutor scripts selectively - [BIGTOP-731] - Reorganize Hadoop tests - [BIGTOP-742] - tighten permissions on hadoop services home directories - [BIGTOP-756] - Provide the thrift API interface file in the HBase packages - [BIGTOP-757] - Install ZooKeeper jars into the local Maven cache - [BIGTOP-769] - Create a generic shell executor iTest driver - [BIGTOP-772] - Remove all references to the incubation from the trunk of Bigtop - [BIGTOP-777] - separate the Package Tests into service tests, file content tests, and dependency tests - [BIGTOP-779] - create a config management utility for SolrCloud - [BIGTOP-784] - test deployment code on all of the supported platforms (using OpenJDK7 where available) - [BIGTOP-787] - Surface all possible options in /etc/default/flume-node - [BIGTOP-792] - org.apache.bigtop.itest.posix.Service needs to be updated to accomodate upstart/systemd - [BIGTOP-799] - create an itest method for unpacking all the resources into the HDFS or local filesystem - [BIGTOP-802] - Add rollback option to DataNode service script - [BIGTOP-806] - now that MAPREDUCE-3916 is fixed we should enable webproxy - NEW FEATURE - [BIGTOP-42] - Start doing testpatch-like patch validation - [BIGTOP-64] - Package Apache tools used in Bigtop builds - [BIGTOP-101] - Need to come up with a strategy for dealing with soft dependencies between packages - [BIGTOP-103] - add support for upstart service management facility - [BIGTOP-116] - Add support for systemd - [BIGTOP-220] - Add mrunit to Bigtop - [BIGTOP-246] - Provide more verbose output at artifact build time - [BIGTOP-276] - Standardize how clients create classpaths and java.library.paths - [BIGTOP-350] - Some sort of system expert would be useful for manifests reviews - [BIGTOP-399] - Provide a one-click install package for seamless deployment of Bigtop from the release/nightly repos - [BIGTOP-458] - Create some builds/tests jobs for openJDK 6 and 7 on bigtop01 jenkins - [BIGTOP-460] - Add support for daemontools-encore - [BIGTOP-524] - Add tests to verify that our init scripts conform to the LSB specification - [BIGTOP-594] - Introduce git-style bigtop command line and BIGTOP_HOME environment variable - [BIGTOP-601] - introduce bigtop-build packages for packaging build-time dependencies - [BIGTOP-635] - Implement a cluster-abstraction, discovery and manipulation framework for iTest - [BIGTOP-685] - provide a way to specify the parameters expected by a test - [BIGTOP-687] - Support YARN as a subproject of Hadoop - [BIGTOP-730] - add tarball driver into Bigtop - TASK - [BIGTOP-236] - The user installed by hbase gets an incorrect home directory - [BIGTOP-314] - add ZooKeeper systest to Bigtop testing regime - [BIGTOP-406] - Enable openSuse VM on bigtop01 - [BIGTOP-439] - we need to review package test manifest for the Bigtop 0.4.0 release - [BIGTOP-681] - Package tests needed for new DataFu package - [BIGTOP-715] - Add Spark packaging - [BIGTOP-720] - Build environment automation - [BIGTOP-760] - Push artifacts from non-Maven projects into local Maven cache - TEST - [BIGTOP-614] - Add HDFS HA tests - [BIGTOP-621] - Add test for distcp - intra cluster - [BIGTOP-625] - Add HDFS Append Test - [BIGTOP-629] - Adding Automated HA Tests - [BIGTOP-693] - Add hadoop-fuse-dfs test - [BIGTOP-719] - Add TestTextSnappy to test hadoop fs -text with snappy compressed files - [BIGTOP-728] - add datafu integration test - WISH - [BIGTOP-67] - Resize bigtop logo in header of website * Release 0.4.0 (2012-06-25) - SUB-TASK - [BIGTOP-249] - Fix namenode webapp - [BIGTOP-250] - Build contrib modules - [BIGTOP-251] - Making sure security works with the new packages for hadoop 0.23 - [BIGTOP-254] - Write init scripts for the new yarn services - [BIGTOP-268] - Examples do not run - [BIGTOP-270] - Need to create versionless jars for integration point with other projects - [BIGTOP-271] - Kill the sbin package for hadoop 0.23 - [BIGTOP-299] - Recording the fact that Java needs to be installed *before* installing Bigtop (at least on Ubuntu) - [BIGTOP-300] - Record the information on slow mirrors - [BIGTOP-387] - Zookeeper version needs to be updated to 3.4.3 - [BIGTOP-424] - Bump version of Oozie to 3.1.3 - [BIGTOP-527] - Integrate Hue 2.0.0 into Bigtop - [BIGTOP-538] - update puppet code for BIGTOP-535 - [BIGTOP-539] - update puppet code for BIGTOP-534 - [BIGTOP-603] - Bump version of Pig to 0.10.0 - [BIGTOP-604] - Bump version of Hive to 0.9.0 - [BIGTOP-605] - Create How To Release document - [BIGTOP-606] - Bump version of HBase to 0.94.0 - [BIGTOP-617] - Bump version of Oozie to 3.2.0 - [BIGTOP-628] - bump version of Mahout to 0.7.0 - BUG FIXES - [BIGTOP-96] - Mahout examples try to write to /usr/lib/mahout/examples/bin/work - [BIGTOP-162] - downstream components need to be patched to be compatible with MR2 - [BIGTOP-186] - whirr package ships source code and needs some permissions fixes - [BIGTOP-264] - Hadoop 23 upstream tarball put some of its hadoop jars in the same directory as some of the dependencies - [BIGTOP-269] - in .23 HBase need to link to a much wider set of hadoop jars - [BIGTOP-272] - small cleanup for hadoop 0.23 - [BIGTOP-274] - yarn-site.xml needs to be addedd to the Hadoop client classpath - [BIGTOP-277] - hive package in hadoop-0.23 branch is hopelessly broken - [BIGTOP-283] - in hadoop-0.23 the sha for Hadoop needs to be bumped to the 23.1-SNAPSHOT cut off point - [BIGTOP-285] - Remove source jars from hadoop-0.23 - [BIGTOP-286] - hadoop-0.23: hadoop-mapreduce-examples.jar is empty - [BIGTOP-288] - hadoop-0.23: pig contrib should have jars - [BIGTOP-289] - hadoop-0.23: need to package native libraries for compression - [BIGTOP-291] - __id_u RPM macro seems to be disabled in newer versions of RPMs - [BIGTOP-294] - brp-repack-jars chokes on guice-2.0.jar because of the directories without any read permission - [BIGTOP-308] - hadoop-0.23 branch doesn't provide .so links to hadoop native libraries - [BIGTOP-309] - hadoop-0.23 puppet code needs to deploy history server - [BIGTOP-312] - Puppet resource dependency syntax used in hadoop/manifests/init.pp doesn't always work - [BIGTOP-316] - split up hadoop packages into common, hdfs, mapreduce (and yarn) - [BIGTOP-325] - bump version of Zookeeper to 3.4.2 - [BIGTOP-331] - our init scripts fail to detect a failed history server in hadoop 0.23 - [BIGTOP-333] - heed to start properly packaging httpfs - [BIGTOP-338] - hadoop 0.23 doc package does not contain generated documentation - [BIGTOP-339] - zookeeper init.d script has a typo in PID file location - [BIGTOP-341] - hadoop streaming is not available in hadoop-0.23 branch - [BIGTOP-344] - puppet code needs to be updated to be able to deploy Hadoop 0.23 YARN in a secure fashion - [BIGTOP-345] - container-executor.conf.dir needs to be set to /etc/hadoop/conf - [BIGTOP-346] - container-executor needs to be owned by root:yarn and have permissions of 6050 - [BIGTOP-348] - jsvc location needs to be updated in init.d datanode script - [BIGTOP-349] - jsvc from hadoop build fails on some of the Linux systems that Bigtop has to support - [BIGTOP-355] - missed yarn.nodemanager.local-dirs, yarn.nodemanager.log-dirs and yarn.nodemanager.remote-app-log-dir in our puppet code - [BIGTOP-357] - libjvm.so dependency on CentOS can only be satisfied by libgcj in some cases - [BIGTOP-359] - documentation build is picked from the wrong place - [BIGTOP-367] - Upgrade sequencing issue - [BIGTOP-369] - pig package has license files in the wrong location - [BIGTOP-372] - hive can't be started without setting HADOOP_HOME - [BIGTOP-373] - bigtop-detect-javahome not customizable - [BIGTOP-376] - Remove unused obsolete statement in hadoop packaging - [BIGTOP-378] - history server security configs are missing - [BIGTOP-381] - need to catch up with the HEAD of hadoop-common in hadoop-0.23 - [BIGTOP-383] - bigtop-detect-javahome installed at location unexpected by scripts on SLES - [BIGTOP-389] - need to start packaging apache commons daemon jsvc - [BIGTOP-392] - zookeeper package needs to be updated for 3.4 series - [BIGTOP-393] - hadoop packages don't set nproc - [BIGTOP-396] - Missing resource dependencies in puppet for secure clusters - [BIGTOP-397] - hbase, sqoop and oozie don't use alternatives for managing configuration - [BIGTOP-402] - manifests for package testing contain way too many duplicate data - [BIGTOP-407] - hadoop package can't be installed on debian - [BIGTOP-408] - HBase build needs to be worked around in hadoop-0.23 branch - [BIGTOP-409] - sqoop build fails on SLES - [BIGTOP-415] - need to workaround MAPREDUCE-3890 - [BIGTOP-416] - run levels for init.d scripts need to be harmonized - [BIGTOP-417] - webapps shipped by bigtop components should be using a system-provided Tomcat - [BIGTOP-418] - Package MAPREDUCE-2858 (MRv2 WebApp Security) - [BIGTOP-420] - bigtop-detect-javahome installed at location unexpected by scripts on SLES - [BIGTOP-421] - Sign every single file from the convenience artefact in the releases - [BIGTOP-422] - need to start packaging fuse for Hadoop 0.23 - [BIGTOP-423] - hadoop package needs to be split into hadoop-client and hadoop-server packages - [BIGTOP-426] - build failures in hadoop-0.23 branch - [BIGTOP-428] - sqoop build needs to be forced to depend on HBase 0.92.0 artifacts - [BIGTOP-429] - CATALINA_PID needs to be updated in hadoop-httpfs.default to correspond to the calculated value - [BIGTOP-430] - oozie examples are missing - [BIGTOP-434] - Potential issue in the way Bigtop test infrastructure deal with arch in packages - [BIGTOP-435] - need to split hadoop subpackages even further for hadoop-0.23 - [BIGTOP-438] - need to bump the version of hadoop .23 to hadoop-0.23.3-SNAPSHOT - [BIGTOP-443] - deb/oozie/oozie-client.postinst installs an alternative for a path that isn't there - [BIGTOP-448] - Cannot install flume-ng-node pkg - [BIGTOP-449] - hadoop package cleanup for hadoop-0.23 - [BIGTOP-450] - repackage Oozie as a true webapp - [BIGTOP-453] - hadoop needs to depend on Zookeeper - [BIGTOP-455] - we still need at HADOOP_LIBEXEC_DIR=/usr/lib/hadoop/libexec to be present in our launcher scrtips - [BIGTOP-461] - hadoop-httpfs unconditionally removes the alternative - [BIGTOP-462] - JSVC_HOME location can be both /usr/lib/bigtop-utils and /usr/libexec/bigtop-utils - [BIGTOP-464] - There's currently a commented block in puppet/modules/hadoop/templates/yarn-site.xml that fails to render in some cases - [BIGTOP-467] - [puppet] yarn historyserver currently doesn't depend on the mapreduce keytab as it should - [BIGTOP-468] - [puppet] Fix httpfs dependencies and give it its own keytab - [BIGTOP-469] - [puppet] web authentication principal missing from hdfs-site.xml - [BIGTOP-472] - make deb fails when building Whirr - OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space - [BIGTOP-473] - zookeeper man page needs to be updated - [BIGTOP-474] - improve Oozie integration with Hadoop 0.23 - [BIGTOP-477] - launcher script for pig, hive, sqoop and mahout should not source /etc/default/hadoop anymore - [BIGTOP-478] - perhaps we should go back to mapred as a user name for mapreduce daemons in Hadoop 0.23 - [BIGTOP-479] - init.d scripts should provide an option for initializing persistent state of the services that require it - [BIGTOP-480] - log aggregation knob is now yarn.log-aggregation-enable and needs to be enabled - [BIGTOP-481] - fix the way to handle repo key for Debian like system - [BIGTOP-482] - HTTPFS puppet code needs to be updated - [BIGTOP-484] - Fix typo error ('alredy' -> 'already') - [BIGTOP-485] - transition package dependencies to hadoop-client package - [BIGTOP-487] - oozie security configuration needs to be updated - [BIGTOP-488] - TestCLI missing dependency - [BIGTOP-493] - [puppet] core-site.xml and httpfs-site.xml end up changing every few times puppet is run - [BIGTOP-496] - Hive ships some source code in the package. - [BIGTOP-498] - Oozie's home dir is currently set to /var/run/oozie but should be /var/lib/oozie - [BIGTOP-500] - Oozie hive workflows are broken because of the HADOOP_HOME being deprecated - [BIGTOP-501] - it would help to have libext point to /var/lib/oozie in Oozie packaging - [BIGTOP-502] - Flume NG init script should pass --name "agent" instead of --name "<hostname>" - [BIGTOP-503] - remove unsupported upstream launcher scripts from packaging - [BIGTOP-505] - Flume should exit 0 when trying to stop a non-running service - [BIGTOP-506] - Flume should exit 0 when trying to start an already running service - [BIGTOP-507] - sqoop deb package is empty - [BIGTOP-509] - make all is failing because flume-1.0.0-incubating.tar.gz does not exist in APACHE_MIRROR - [BIGTOP-510] - log4j property must be set with property in for Flume NG pkg - [BIGTOP-512] - oozie can't be installed on debian - [BIGTOP-513] - Pig Packaging Cleanup - [BIGTOP-516] - it would be cleaner to get rid of mapreduce entries in limits.d/mapreduce.conf now that we consolidated the user back to mapred - [BIGTOP-519] - /etc/default files are not marked as configs by various hadoop packages - [BIGTOP-521] - Hadoop Pseudo-conf files have wrong permissions - [BIGTOP-526] - it could be useful to have dfs.permissions.enabled set to true in our configs - [BIGTOP-528] - A small patch to give better return codes which can be understood by chef and pupper among others. - [BIGTOP-529] - [puppet] We don't currently format zookeeper nodes on first run - [BIGTOP-530] - [puppet] We currently xst the HTTP principal multiple times, each time invalidating the previous one - [BIGTOP-537] - provide a workaround for non-LSB compliant catalina.sh handling of a stop action - [BIGTOP-540] - hadoop package on debian is missing JSVC_HOME specification - [BIGTOP-541] - Build issue for hadoop RPM - [BIGTOP-543] - fuse_dfs_wrapper.sh should not be provided - [BIGTOP-544] - zookeeper-server init doesn't work - [BIGTOP-546] - Hadoop rpm is missing fuse default file - [BIGTOP-548] - we should consider moving the creation of the hive user into the hive package - [BIGTOP-552] - Enable HDFS durable sync - [BIGTOP-554] - rat is complaining again - [BIGTOP-556] - hbase, yarn and hdfs users are getting incorrect home directories on Debian - [BIGTOP-557] - /etc/oozie/conf and oozie-conf alternative should belong to oozie instead of oozie-client - [BIGTOP-558] - debian description can't have the following set of characters ${VAR} - [BIGTOP-559] - HttpFS fails to load Hadoop configuration after installation. - [BIGTOP-560] - Flume-ng does not depend on ant or xml-commons anymore - [BIGTOP-561] - HBase packaging has dangling symlinks - [BIGTOP-562] - fix Mahout smoke test in trunk branch - [BIGTOP-563] - Build behind proxy fails - [BIGTOP-564] - Build failure for big-top trunk for pig, oozie, and whirr - [BIGTOP-565] - catalina-based services should be really careful with catalina stop - [BIGTOP-568] - Move the configuration directory for hadoop to /etc/hadoop - [BIGTOP-574] - Add netcat and fuser as dependencies for some of the Bigtop stack. - [BIGTOP-579] - hadoop-yarn creates log files with inconsistent ownership on Debian/Ubuntu - [BIGTOP-580] - a wrapper for the ZooKeeper cleanup script is missing - [BIGTOP-582] - when running Hadoop daemons pidofproc is mistakenly looking for 'su' instead of 'java' - [BIGTOP-583] - "Class path contains multiple SLF4J bindings" warnings - [BIGTOP-585] - hbase package has dangling symlinks - [BIGTOP-586] - HBase package should provide a versionless symlink to a jar for other projects to depend upon - [BIGTOP-587] - Hive package needs to depend on Zookeper and HBase - [BIGTOP-588] - Oozie puppet code needs to take care of initializing the DB - [BIGTOP-589] - TestLoadAndVerify's HBase scanner caching setting too high - [BIGTOP-590] - hadoop man page needs to be updated - [BIGTOP-592] - clean up content of conf.empty and conf.pseudo config files - [BIGTOP-593] - improve the package test to handle [arch=xx] in the repo file - [BIGTOP-595] - flume-ng agent should honor /etc/default settings - [BIGTOP-596] - move service configuration from groovy code to package xml manifest file - [BIGTOP-597] - Flume init scripts should not create the log and lock directories. - [BIGTOP-598] - missing zookeeper init on debian - [BIGTOP-599] - /var/lock/subsys may not exist on some distributions and this create some issues in Apache Hadoop - [BIGTOP-600] - hbase init script should not source hbase-config - [BIGTOP-607] - remove python build dependency from Hive package - [BIGTOP-608] - remove source/build artifacts from the Pig package - [BIGTOP-609] - add support for openjdk 1.7 - [BIGTOP-616] - Fix TestHadoopSmoke and TestHadoopExamples: tests look for streaming and examples jar in wrong directory - [BIGTOP-626] - small misc. issues with the newly introduced Giraph package - [BIGTOP-630] - Fix services priorities - [BIGTOP-633] - bigtop-utils packages should depend on 'which' - [BIGTOP-636] - a few minor tweaks to the Hue deployment code - [BIGTOP-638] - move <services> block from common package_date.xml to each platform's (yum, apt, zypper) package_data.xml - [BIGTOP-639] - sqoop-metastore cannot stop because "Could not load db driver class: org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver" - [BIGTOP-642] - Suse does not have a package named which - [BIGTOP-643] - Fix package statement in TestHDFSQuota - [BIGTOP-646] - update metadata for Hue in the package testing manifest - [BIGTOP-647] - service flume-node fail to start - [BIGTOP-648] - hbase-thrift cannot be started properly - [BIGTOP-649] - PackageTestCommon.checkRemoval() is broken - [BIGTOP-650] - Override libexecdir for bigtop-utils on mageia - IMPROVEMENT - [BIGTOP-266] - Need to override default yarn task classpath - [BIGTOP-273] - Need to update puppet recipies for Hadoop 0.23 deployment - [BIGTOP-313] - Move puppet configuration out of manifest and into extlookup() CSV - [BIGTOP-322] - update .gitignore to ignore backup files and eclipse generated files. - [BIGTOP-332] - it would be nice to bump hadoop version to 0.23.1-SNAPSHOT across the stack - [BIGTOP-366] - Set some minimum versions for ZK + Flume - [BIGTOP-371] - Update bigtop repository url for the applance - [BIGTOP-454] - update oozie man page - [BIGTOP-465] - webhdfs isn't in the puppeted hadoop configuration - [BIGTOP-466] - Secure zookeeper support missing from puppet - [BIGTOP-470] - [puppet] Improve secure configuration for zk and hbase - [BIGTOP-475] - Provides initscript for the REST HBase gateway - [BIGTOP-522] - Minor Hive Packaging Cleanup - [BIGTOP-534] - Need init.d script for zkfc - [BIGTOP-535] - add httpfs config property pointing to hadoop conf dir - [BIGTOP-555] - Bump version of HBase to 0.92.1 - [BIGTOP-567] - Make sure we can detect the JAVA_HOME for java-package built JDK package - [BIGTOP-572] - Fix HDFS directory values in pseudo-conf hdfs-site.xml for 0.23+ NN/DN/SNN - [BIGTOP-573] - we no longer have to override container-executor.conf.dir - [BIGTOP-577] - [base conf] There's no hadoop-metrics2.properties present in the configs that are shipped. - NEW FEATURE - [BIGTOP-248] - Update packages for Hadoop 0.23 - [BIGTOP-267] - Need to implement implement makefiles logic for tarball builds - [BIGTOP-306] - Make a boxgrinder appliance - [BIGTOP-405] - Create a bootable ISO - [BIGTOP-495] - [puppet] Add support for HA namenodes - [BIGTOP-570] - Build package for Apache Giraph - [BIGTOP-578] - Integrate Hue 2.0.0 into Bigtop - [BIGTOP-602] - Bigtop 0.4.0 release - TASK - [BIGTOP-298] - Upgrade to ZooKeeper 3.4.1 - [BIGTOP-319] - update to Mahout 0.6 - [BIGTOP-494] - Create Flume 1.1.0 packages in Bigtop - TEST - [BIGTOP-321] - Make TestLoadAndVerify parameterizable and runnable from command line - [BIGTOP-444] - Add sqoop smoke tests - [BIGTOP-569] - fix for TestCLI failures due to change in behavior of hadoop fs -put - [BIGTOP-610] - Add basic hdfs fsck test and move logError helper to bigtop-test-framework - [BIGTOP-611] - Add HBase TestImportTsv - [BIGTOP-618] - Add HBase hbck test - [BIGTOP-619] - Add HBase CopyTable test - [BIGTOP-620] - Add test for dfsadmin commands - [BIGTOP-622] - Add test for HDFS Balancer - [BIGTOP-623] - Add test for HDFS Quota Testing - [BIGTOP-627] - Add HBase balancer test - [BIGTOP-631] - Add HBase Import/Export test - [BIGTOP-641] - Add hdfs fsck options in TestFsck * Release 0.3.0 (2012-03-20) - SUB-TASK - BIGTOP-53: Bump version of flume to 0.9.4 - BIGTOP-253: Update the debs for hadoop 0.23 - BIGTOP-317: rename hadoop-zookeeper package into zookeeper - BIGTOP-327: rename hadoop-hbase package into hbase - BIGTOP-328: rename hadoop-pig package into pig - BIGTOP-329: rename hadoop-hive package into hive - BIGTOP-353: Bump version of Hadoop to 1.0.1 - BIGTOP-354: Bump version of HBase to 0.92 - BIGTOP-360: Bump version of Hive to 0.8.1 - BIGTOP-361: Bump version of Pig to 0.9.2 - BIGTOP-362: Bump version of Whirr to 0.7.0 - BIGTOP-363: Bump version of sqoop to sqoop-1.4.1 - BIGTOP-387: Zookeeper version needs to be updated to 3.4.3 - BIGTOP-388: Let's add Mahout 0.6 to trunk - BIGTOP-424: Bump version of Oozie to 3.1.3 - BUG - BIGTOP-89: mahout examples in package using mahout from /usr/lib/mahout/bin/mahout rather than /usr/bin/mahout - BIGTOP-191: refactor hadoop::create_hdfs_dirs - BIGTOP-209: on debian hadoop launcher script has exec debian/tmp/usr/lib/hadoop/bin/hadoop - BIGTOP-241: hadoop .21+ requires /jobtracker to be available in HDFS - BIGTOP-247: Typo in error msgs - BIGTOP-257: HBase test source files are in wrong dir, cause compiler errors within Eclipse - BIGTOP-258: Compilation Error in sqoop-integration project when using Eclipse - BIGTOP-259: Most of the mahout tests can't be executed out-of-the box - BIGTOP-262: Compilation Error in project hadoop-smoke when using Eclipse - BIGTOP-265: HBase smoke test execution needs to have extra class-path elements to pick up HBase configs - BIGTOP-278: bigtop-packages/src/common/hadoop/do-component-build contains bash syntax but is executed by dash on Debian/Ubuntu - BIGTOP-296: puppet code for sqoop module lacks require for sqoop package - BIGTOP-312: Puppet resource dependency syntax used in hadoop/manifests/init.pp doesn't always work - BIGTOP-315: Cut-n-paste remains of @HADOOP_DAEMON@ in non-hadoop init.d scripts - BIGTOP-318: Appliance VM should not have an ephemeral Apache Bigtop (incubating) repository - BIGTOP-320: hive RPM spec uses missing __rmdir macros - BIGTOP-325: bump version of Zookeeper to 3.4.2 - BIGTOP-334: Boxgrinder does not support space in repo names - BIGTOP-339: zookeeper init.d script has a typo in PID file location - BIGTOP-342: Flume build and install scripts should be executable - BIGTOP-343: BIGTOP-109 was not applied to debs - BIGTOP-352: bump versions of the components required for the next quarterly release of Bigtop - BIGTOP-356: hbase pacakge should not ship jar files provided by zookeeper and hadoop - BIGTOP-365: Hive metastore hangs on startup on Centos5 - BIGTOP-367: Upgrade sequencing issue - BIGTOP-370: Hive metastore does not initialize with permissions failure - BIGTOP-373: bigtop-detect-javahome not customizable - BIGTOP-374: bigtop-detect-javahome does not pickup new multiarch locations in Debian/Ubuntu - BIGTOP-376: Remove unused obsolete statement in hadoop packaging - BIGTOP-379: Package testing for Bigtop 0.3.0 release - BIGTOP-382: hadoop-conf-pseudo packages contains subversion metada - BIGTOP-383: bigtop-detect-javahome installed at location unexpected by scripts on SLES - BIGTOP-384: HBase bundle 2 different versions of hadoop as well as a zookeeper version - BIGTOP-386: HBase execution script should exclude ZOOKEEPER_CONF - BIGTOP-390: add Fedora to the list of platforms recongnized by iTest - BIGTOP-391: update package test manifest - BIGTOP-392: zookeeper package needs to be updated for 3.4 series - BIGTOP-393: hadoop packages don't set nproc - BIGTOP-394: hbase postinst script needs to be renamed - BIGTOP-396: Missing resource dependencies in puppet for secure clusters - BIGTOP-397: hbase, sqoop and oozie don't use alternatives for managing configuration - BIGTOP-401: unable to run hadoop-mapreduce-historyserver - BIGTOP-402: manifests for package testing contain way too many duplicate data - BIGTOP-404: flume-ng does not start - BIGTOP-420: bigtop-detect-javahome installed at location unexpected by scripts on SLES - BIGTOP-427: Add support to itest-common for Oracle Linux - BIGTOP-428: sqoop build needs to be forced to depend on HBase 0.92.0 artifacts - BIGTOP-430: oozie examples are missing - BIGTOP-431: Last bump to Hadoop 1.0.1 has broken Mageia's build of Apache Hadoop - BIGTOP-432: BIGTOP-424 broke oozie build - BIGTOP-437: hadoop 1.0.1 complains about HADOOP_HOME being deprecated - BIGTOP-440: need to cleanup pom files in bigtop-tests/test-execution - BIGTOP-442: add Apache license to the puppet code - BIGTOP-443: deb/oozie/oozie-client.postinst installs an alternative for a path that isn't there - BIGTOP-446: Typo in hadoop module for puppet - BIGTOP-459: remove references to cloudera from the packaging files - IMPROVEMENT - BIGTOP-17: HBase has no "alternatives" whereas Hadoop and ZK do - BIGTOP-210: Organize yum repo by architecture - BIGTOP-221: Remove hadoop prefix from non-hadoop packages - BIGTOP-261: pseudo distributed config would benefit from dfs.safemode.extension set to 0 and dfs.safemode.min.datanodes set to 1 - BIGTOP-281: Ivy home for Debian builds should be set to $HOME/.ivy2 - BIGTOP-313: Move puppet configuration out of manifest and into extlookup() CSV - BIGTOP-322: update .gitignore to ignore backup files and eclipse generated files. - BIGTOP-371: Update bigtop repository url for the applance - NEW FEATURE - BIGTOP-255: add tests for Mahout - BIGTOP-260: Mahout puppet module needs to be implemented - BIGTOP-303: Rename Bigtop packages to reflect TLP status of packaged projects - BIGTOP-306: Make a boxgrinder appliance - BIGTOP-323: Start integrating Flume NG - BIGTOP-403: RPM Packages should display the GNU/Linux distribution they are supposed to be installed on - BIGTOP-405: Create a bootable ISO - TASK - BIGTOP-157: add support for ZooKeeper version 3.4.0 - BIGTOP-298: Upgrade to ZooKeeper 3.4.1 - BIGTOP-439: we need to review package test manifest for the Bigtop 0.3.0 release - TEST - BIGTOP-287: Integrating test for HBASE-4570 - BIGTOP-321: Make TestLoadAndVerify parameterizable and runnable from command line - BIGTOP-411: Add TestRegionMover to HBase system tests - BIGTOP-412: Add TestMoveRootMetaRegions to HBase system tests - BIGTOP-414: enable hadoop tests in hadoop-0.23 branch to build and to run * Release 0.2.0 (2011-11-07) - INCOMPATIBLE CHANGES - IMPROVEMENTS - BIGTOP-11: Adds Apache Mahout (0.5) to Bigtop. (rvs) - BIGTOP-25: Add a new bigtop-utils package which provides some java home autodetection (bmahe) - BIGTOP-34: Add Hive server package (rvs) - BIGTOP-54: Bump version of oozie to 2.3.2 (rvs) - BIGTOP-55: Bump version of sqoop to sqoop-1.3.0 (rvs) - BIGTOP-56: Bump version of hive to hive-0.7.1 (rvs) - BIGTOP-90: Bump version of Hadoop to (rvs) - BIGTOP-95: Puppet-based deployment infrastructure needs to be added to bigtop (rvs) - BIGTOP-120: Bump version of pig to 0.9.1 (rvs) - BIGTOP-121: Bump version of HBase to 0.90.4 (rvs) - BUG FIXES - BIGTOP-27: Add disclaimer to website. (edwardyoon) - BIGTOP-4: Tweaks POMs to use Apache POM as parent, get rid of obsolete infrastructure info. (abayer) - BIGTOP-15: Adds build dependency on libssl-dev on Debian. (plinnell) - BIGTOP-20: hard-coded pid location in Hadoop init.d scripts (rvs) - BIGTOP-26: Fixing svn properties. (abayer) - BIGTOP-29: Remove java dependency from all os types (rvs) - BIGTOP-30: Fixes ownership of /usr/lib/flume/bin/flume-daemon.sh. (abayer) - BIGTOP-31: Remove /usr/lib/whirr/cli/whirr.log from packaging. (abayer) - BIGTOP-32: Hadoop fuse package should include a file with defaults (rvs) - BIGTOP-38: Add link to the mailing list archives to the Bigtop website (rvs) - BIGTOP-40: iTest package names/groupIds need to be moved to org.apache rather than com.cloudera (rvs) - BIGTOP-43: HBase and Whirr should now rebuild for Debian packages. (abayer) - BIGTOP-45: Fix build issue for Mageia and openSUSE (bmahe) - BIGTOP-46: Switches to libzip1 and libzip-dev for Hadoop Debian dependencies. (abayer) - BIGTOP-47: Switch Whirr to download from archive.apache.org. (abayer) - BIGTOP-48: Fix pig build on Mageia (bmahe) - BIGTOP-50: Flume init script's dependency on syslog needs to be removed (rvs) - BIGTOP-51: Reorganizes source repository. (abayer) - BIGTOP-52: Fold integration/sqoop tests into smokes (rvs) - BIGTOP-57: Apt repo creation fails due to invalid distributions file (rvs) - BIGTOP-61: HBase fails to add HADOOP_CONF_DIR to its classpath (rvs) - BIGTOP-62: /usr/lib/hbase and everything within is owned by hbase:hbase (rvs) - BIGTOP-63: Hbase leaves some unnecessary directories and symlinks when being uninstalled (rvs) - BIGTOP-68: Moves test-artifacts/(module)/src/test to .../src/main. (abayer) - BIGTOP-69: Certain tests in iTest common require extraneous dependencies and should be @Ignored for now (rvs) - BIGTOP-70: Need to stub Hadoop 0.21+ dependencies for now in test artifacts (rvs) - BIGTOP-71: If explicit Ant dependency was not specified, unit tests would fail. (abayer) - BIGTOP-72: Gmaven plugin needs to be explicitly bound to compilation goals (rvs) - BIGTOP-73: oozie-client can't be safely removed on Debian (rvs) - BIGTOP-74: Add Mahout to package readiness tests (rvs) - BIGTOP-75: Mahout package is broken (rvs) - BIGTOP-76: Package tests need to be refactored in order to provide accurate reporting (rvs) - BIGTOP-77: All of our config files should be marked %config and (noreplace) (rvs) - BIGTOP-80: Add package dependencies to Zookeeper RPM for programs invoked from install/uninstall scripts (rvs) - BIGTOP-81: oozie-setup.sh script fails if Oozie has not been started once (rvs) - BIGTOP-82: Package testing manifest needs to be updated now that we've enabled more tests (rvs) - BIGTOP-83: Advanced checks in checkRemoval need to be moved out (rvs) - BIGTOP-84: Package removal fails in case alternatives are deleted or damaged (rvs) - BIGTOP-85: hadoop package ships native files (rvs) - BIGTOP-86: Misc. issues with Oozie package (rvs) - BIGTOP-87: The following packages don't remove alternatives: flume, hadoop-pig, hadoop-hive, hadoop-hbase (rvs) - BIGTOP-88: Use Hadoop package's hadoop jar in classpath. (abayer) - BIGTOP-91: Docs should be in %{_docdir}/<PACKAGE_NAME>-<PACKAGE_VERSION> (rvs) - BIGTOP-92: Flume's dependency on ZK needs to be the same for DEB as it is for RPM (rvs) - BIGTOP-93: ZK dependencies can not be satisfied on SUSE (rvs) - BIGTOP-94: chkconfig startup priorities need to be normalized (rvs) - BIGTOP-97: default files need to be normalized and moved to common (rvs) - BIGTOP-99: Fix sqoop build for Mageia (bmahe) - BIGTOP-100: Whirr packaging build fails if we're not running the tests. (abayer) - BIGTOP-102: daemons need to be taken care of when packages are installed/upgraded/uninstalled (rvs) - BIGTOP-104: hadoop daemons can not be started because hadoop-config.sh resets HADOOP_HOME (rvs) - BIGTOP-105: hadoop services can not be started with the default configs in place (rvs) - BIGTOP-108: oozie docs are installed at the incorrect location (rvs) - BIGTOP-109: Hadoop should not format the namenode on installation (bmahe) - BIGTOP-110: DN can't be started in secure configuration on SLES (rvs) - BIGTOP-111: Add urpmi support in test framework for Mageia (bmahe) - BIGTOP-112: Fixes for Mageia * Fix zlib dependency for Mageia * Replace textutils dependency by coreutils (bmahe) - BIGTOP-113: Fix dependency for mageia on lsb init scripts helpers for flume, hadoop, sqoop, zookeeper and hbase (bmahe) - BIGTOP-119: Create version-less symlinks of hadoop jars (bmahe) - BIGTOP-122: enable hadoop-sbin package (rvs) - BIGTOP-123: enable hadoop-fuse package (rvs) - BIGTOP-124: documentation on SLES is not supposed to have package version embedded in the directory name (rvs) - BIGTOP-125: whir package is full of build artifacts (rvs) - BIGTOP-126: zookeeper rpm should require groupadd/useradd (rvs) - BIGTOP-127: BIGTO-120 broke build on at least Fedora (and Mageia) (rvs) - BIGTOP-128: Need to call create-c++-configure target so autoreconf is called for native projects (bmahe) - BIGTOP-129: oozie init.d scripts should transition to using oozied.sh from upstream (rvs) - BIGTOP-130: Mahout package has an unneeded dependency on chkconfig (rvs) - BIGTOP-131: RPM dependencies for flume need to be optimized (rvs) - BIGTOP-132: hadoop datanode on SLES returns an incorrect code on stop/start (rvs) - BIGTOP-133: hadoop packages should set up nofile limits automatically (rvs) - BIGTOP-134: hbase packages should set up nofile limits automatically (rvs) - BIGTOP-136: hadoop package still leaves binary files in /usr/lib/hadoop/lib (rvs) - BIGTOP-137: task-controller needs to be rebuilt (rvs) - BIGTOP-138: task-controller binary needs to be root:mapred with 4750 permissions (rvs) - BIGTOP-139: links to jsvc and task-controller need to be provided in order to make hard-coded values work (rvs) - BIGTOP-140: need to workaround HDFS-1943 (rvs) - BIGTOP-141: hadoop now requires an explicit declaration of a HADOOP_SECURE_DN_USER in order to run a secure datanode (rvs) - BIGTOP-142: need to update zookeeper manifest to the state of packages (rvs) - BIGTOP-143: need to update hadoop manifest to the state of packages (rvs) - BIGTOP-144: kerberos deployment needs to be made compatible with default JRE crypto setup (rvs) - BIGTOP-145: make cluster.pp be able to handle secure and unsecure deployments (rvs) - BIGTOP-148: Hadoop fuse man page does not have the right permission and RPMs should not specify its extension (bmahe) - BIGTOP-149: HBase now requires commons-configuration jar to be in its classpath (rvs) - BIGTOP-150: hadoop puppet deployment needs to install hadoop-sbin on datanodes when security is turned on (rvs) - BIGTOP-151: need to provide more test coverage for HBase testing (rvs) - BIGTOP-152: TestHadoopExamples needs refactoring into a parameterized test (rvs) - BIGTOP-155: need to implement a uniform way of versioning dependencies for test artifacts (rvs) - BIGTOP-156: Only run autoreconf when autotools >= 2.61 is installed (patch by Bruno Mahe) (rvs) - BIGTOP-158: oozie build pulls into oozie.war incorrect version of hadoop-core jar file (rvs) - BIGTOP-159: oozie init.d script is not executable (plinnell) - BIGTOP-160: hadoop has deprecated HADOOP_HOME (rvs) - BIGTOP-161: the new layout that Pig script adopted needs to be worked around (rvs) - BIGTOP-163: stock hadoop doesn't support wildcards in proxy users (rvs) - BIGTOP-164: lzo codecs need to be disabled everywhere in Bigtop (rvs) - BIGTOP-165: oozie manifest includes functionality (sqoop and hive actions) that is not in oozie (rvs) - BIGTOP-166: Add the missing examples. (plinnell) - BIGTOP-167: All of Hadoop wrapper scripts and init.d scripts need to start include find-java code from bigtop-utils (bmahe) - BIGTOP-169: Hadoop should buildrequire openssl-devel for centos builds (plinnell) - BIGTOP-170: Add some known openJDK locations (bmahe) - BIGTOP-171: All of Pig wrapper scripts and init.d scripts need to start include find-java code from bigtop-utils (bmahe) - BIGTOP-173: we still have references to hadoop-0.20 in our puppet code (rvs) - BIGTOP-174: Does pig really requires git to build? (plinnell) - BIGTOP-175: All of HBase wrapper scripts and init.d scripts need to start include find-java code from bigtop-utils (bmahe) - BIGTOP-176: Cleanup mainteners as well as mentions to Cloudera (bmahe) - BIGTOP-178: All of Flume wrapper scripts and init.d scripts need to start include find-java code from bigtop-utils (bmahe) - BIGTOP-179: All of Hive wrapper scripts and init.d scripts need to start include find-java code from bigtop-utils (bmahe) - BIGTOP-180: All of Mahout wrapper scripts and init.d scripts need to start include find-java code from bigtop-utils (bmahe) - BIGTOP-181: puppeted hadoop doesn't place PID files into /var/run/hadoop (rvs) - BIGTOP-182: All of Oozie wrapper scripts and init.d scripts need to start include find-java code from bigtop-utils (bmahe) - BIGTOP-184: All of Sqoop wrapper scripts and init.d scripts need to start include find-java code from bigtop-utils (bmahe) - BIGTOP-188: All of Whirr wrapper scripts and init.d scripts need to start include find-java code from bigtop-utils (bmahe) - BIGTOP-189: hadoop daemons do not run under the dedicated users (hdfs, mapred) (rvs) - BIGTOP-190: All of Zookeeper wrapper scripts and init.d scripts need to start include find-java code from bigtop-utils (bmahe) - BIGTOP-191: refactor hadoop::create_hdfs_dirs (rvs) - BIGTOP-192: oozie package needs to depend on unzip (rvs) - BIGTOP-192: oozie package needs to depend on zip (rvs) - BIGTOP-193: zookeeper doesn't generate any logs (rvs) - BIGTOP-194: source is not a sh(1) command (bmahe) - BIGTOP-195: Document build requirements for openSUSE 11.4 (plinnell) - BIGTOP-197: Package testing artifact needs to be refactored (rvs) - BIGTOP-198: remove hadoop-daemon.sh is included in too many packages (plinnell) - BIGTOP-199: whirr docs are installed in the incorrect location (rvs) - BIGTOP-201: bigtop package has an incorrect dependency on libhdfs.so (rvs) - BIGTOP-202: zookeeper package is missing zoo.cfg (rvs) - BIGTOP-203: sqoop needs to have access to hadoop .jars in its lib (rvs) - BIGTOP-205: zookeeper-server doesn't do nohup before launching a damon (rvs) - BIGTOP-206: during deployment time hdfs/mapred dir creation should be managed by hadoop module (rvs) - BIGTOP-207: zookeeper doesn't allow for overriding the location of the PID file (rvs) - BIGTOP-208: Zookeeper does not depend on git or subversion (bmahe) - BIGTOP-209: on debian hadoop launcher script has exec debian/tmp/usr/lib/hadoop/bin/hadoop (rvs) - BIGTOP-212: need to disable tests for features missing from Bigtop 0.2.0 (rvs) - BIGTOP-214: sequencing in puppet module for Hadoop needs to be imporved (rvs) - BIGTOP-215: make site.pp a bit more friendly to how we start up cluster in Bigtop jenkins (rvs) - BIGTOP-216: make oozie tests more robust in finding oozie-examples.tar.gz (rvs) - BIGTOP-217: workaround Hive SQL parser in headers for our tests (rvs) * Release 0.1.0 (2011-08-19) - INCOMPATIBLE CHANGES - IMPROVEMENTS - BIGTOP-21: Add support for Mageia. (bmahe) - BIGTOP-14: Add CHANGES.txt file. (abayer) - BIGTOP-9: Add Bigtop podling website. (edwardyoon) - BIGTOP-6: Adding tarball generation to top-level makefile. (abayer) - BUG FIXES - BIGTOP-13: Fix Hive compilation issue. (bmahe) - BIGTOP-10: Fixing NOTICE file. (abayer) - BIGTOP-8: Debian copyright files needed to be reformatted. (bmahe from James Page) - BIGTOP-3: Add top-level, real .gitignore file for git-svn. (abayer) - BIGTOP-2: Adding/updating license headers for ASF. (abayer) - BIGTOP-1: Initial code import. (abayer)