diff options
5 files changed, 449 insertions, 610 deletions
diff --git a/bigtop.bom b/bigtop.bom
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ddc1894c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bigtop.bom
@@ -0,0 +1,368 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+/** DSL documentation
+ The structure of this configuration DSL is pretty self-explanatory. The main
+ section is 'components' that contains the description of all things included
+ into the stack. The following words are considered terminals and shouldn't be
+ modified as it will affect the parsing behavior:
+ - bigtop
+ - version
+ - stack
+ - version_base
+ - apache
+ - pkg
+ - tarball, source, destinations
+ - url, download_path, site, archive
+ Also, the following are base constants and if renamed will affect the some of
+ the stack's definitions
+ bigtop { // *the name should be change: the parsing code depends on it*
+ version = "STACK-VERSION" // *required*
+ stack { // *required* Fundamental properties of the Stack: JDK, SDK, GDK, etc
+ 'jdk' { version = '1.7'; version_base = version }
+ 'scala' { version = '2.10.3'; version_base = version }
+ }
+ apache { // *required* These shoudn't be modified unless ASF Infra demands changes
+ APACHE_MIRROR = "http://apache.osuosl.org"
+ APACHE_ARCHIVE = "http://archive.apache.org/dist"
+ }
+ components { *required; preserve the name* if empty, nothing will be built
+ 'label' { // label could be anything; it's a good practice to make it same as the name
+ name = 'component1' // *required* the name of the component
+ // 'pkg' value is optional and will be set to that of 'name' i.e. [pkg := name]
+ pkg = name // *optional* and will be set to the 'name' value
+ // 'base' is required; [pkg := base ]; [release := 1 ]
+ version { base = 'x.y.z'; pkg = base; release = 1 }
+ tarball {
+ source = "apache-component1-${version.base}.tar.gz" // *optional*
+ destination = source
+ }
+ url { // *optional*
+ download_path = "/component1/component1-${version.base}"
+ site = "${apache.APACHE_MIRROR}/${download_path}"
+ archive = "${apache.APACHE_ARCHIVE}/${download_path}"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ End of DSL Documentation */
+bigtop {
+/** Base Configuration of the mirror and archives */
+ version = "1.1.0-SNAPSHOT"
+ stack {
+ 'jdk' { version = '1.7'; version_base = version }
+ 'scala' { version = '2.10.3'; version_base = version }
+ }
+ apache {
+ APACHE_MIRROR = "http://apache.osuosl.org"
+ APACHE_ARCHIVE = "http://archive.apache.org/dist"
+ }
+/** End of Base Configuration */
+ components {
+ 'zookeeper' {
+ name = 'zookeeper'
+ pkg = name
+ version {
+ base = '3.4.6'
+ pkg = base
+ release = 1
+ }
+ tarball {
+ source = "zookeeper-${version.base}.tar.gz"
+ destination = source
+ }
+ url {
+ download_path = "/zookeeper/zookeeper-${version.base}"
+ site = "${apache.APACHE_MIRROR}/${download_path}"
+ archive = "${apache.APACHE_ARCHIVE}/${download_path}"
+ }
+ }
+ 'hadoop' {
+ name = 'hadoop'
+ relNotes = 'Apache Hadoop'
+ version { base = '2.7.1'; pkg = base; release = 1 }
+ tarball { destination = "${name}-${version.base}.tar.gz"
+ source = "${name}-${version.base}-src.tar.gz" }
+ url { download_path = "/$name/common/$name-${version.base}"
+ site = "${apache.APACHE_MIRROR}/${download_path}"
+ archive = "${apache.APACHE_ARCHIVE}/${download_path}" }
+ }
+ 'ignite' {
+ name = 'ignite-hadoop'
+ relNotes = 'Apache Ignite in-memory data fabric'
+ version { base = '1.3.0'; pkg = base; release = 1 }
+ tarball { destination = "${name}-${version.base}.tar.gz"
+ source = "apache-ignite-${version.base}-incubating-src.zip" }
+ url { download_path = "/incubator/ignite/${version.base}/"
+ site = "${apache.APACHE_MIRROR}/${download_path}"
+ archive = "${apache.APACHE_ARCHIVE}/${download_path}" }
+ }
+ 'hbase' {
+ name = 'hbase'
+ relNotes = 'Apache HBase'
+ version { base = '0.98.12'; pkg = base; release = 1 }
+ tarball { destination = "${name}-${version.base}.tar.gz"
+ source = "${name}-${version.base}-src.tar.gz" }
+ url { download_path = "/$name/$name-${version.base}/"
+ site = "${apache.APACHE_MIRROR}/${download_path}"
+ archive = "${apache.APACHE_ARCHIVE}/${download_path}" }
+ }
+ 'pig' {
+ name = 'pig'
+ pkg = 'pig'
+ relNotes = 'Apache Pig'
+ version { base = '0.14.0'; pkg = base; release = 1 }
+ tarball { destination = "${name}-${version.base}.tar.gz"
+ source = "${name}-${version.base}-src.tar.gz" }
+ url { download_path = "/$name/$name-${version.base}/"
+ site = "${apache.APACHE_MIRROR}/${download_path}"
+ archive = "${apache.APACHE_ARCHIVE}/${download_path}" }
+ }
+ 'hive' {
+ name = 'hive'
+ relNotes = 'Apache Hive'
+ version { base = '1.0.0'; pkg = base; release = 1 }
+ tarball { destination = "apache-${name}-${version.base}-src.tar.gz"
+ source = destination }
+ url { download_path = "/$name/$name-${version.base}/"
+ site = "${apache.APACHE_MIRROR}/${download_path}"
+ archive = "${apache.APACHE_ARCHIVE}/${download_path}" }
+ }
+ 'tez' {
+ name = 'tez'
+ relNotes = 'Apache TEZ'
+ version { base = '0.6.2'; pkg = base; release = 1 }
+ tarball { destination = "apache-${name}-${version.base}-src.tar.gz"
+ source = destination }
+ url { download_path = "/$name/${version.base}/"
+ site = "${apache.APACHE_MIRROR}/${download_path}"
+ archive = "${apache.APACHE_ARCHIVE}/${download_path}" }
+ }
+ 'sqoop' {
+ name = 'sqoop'
+ relNotes = 'Apache Sqoop v1'
+ version { base = '1.4.5'; pkg = base; release = 1 }
+ tarball { destination = "${name}-${version.base}.tar.gz"
+ source = destination }
+ url { download_path = "/$name/${version.base}/"
+ site = "${apache.APACHE_MIRROR}/${download_path}"
+ archive = "${apache.APACHE_ARCHIVE}/${download_path}" }
+ }
+ 'sqoop2' {
+ name = 'sqoop2'
+ relNotes = 'Apache Sqoop v2'
+ version { base = '1.99.4'; pkg = base; release = 1 }
+ tarball { destination = "${sqoop.name}-${version.base}.tar.gz"
+ source = destination }
+ url { download_path = "/${sqoop.name}/${version.base}/"
+ site = "${apache.APACHE_MIRROR}/${download_path}"
+ archive = "${apache.APACHE_ARCHIVE}/${download_path}" }
+ }
+ 'oozie' {
+ name = 'oozie'
+ relNotes = 'Apache Oozie'
+ version { base = '4.0.1'; pkg = base; release = 1 }
+ tarball { destination = "$name-${version.base}.tar.gz"
+ source = destination }
+ url { download_path = "/$name/${version.base}/"
+ site = "${apache.APACHE_MIRROR}/${download_path}"
+ archive = "${apache.APACHE_ARCHIVE}/${download_path}" }
+ }
+ 'mahout' {
+ name = 'mahout'
+ relNotes = 'Apache Mahout'
+ version { base = '0.11.0'; pkg = base; release = 1 }
+ tarball { destination = "apache-$name-distribution-${version.base}-src.tar.gz"
+ source = destination }
+ url { download_path = "/$name/${version.base}/"
+ site = "${apache.APACHE_MIRROR}/${download_path}"
+ archive = "${apache.APACHE_ARCHIVE}/${download_path}" }
+ }
+ 'flume' {
+ name = 'flume'
+ relNotes = 'Apache Flume'
+ version { base = '1.6.0'; pkg = base; release = 1 }
+ tarball { destination = "apache-$name-${version.base}-src.tar.gz"
+ source = destination }
+ url { download_path = "/$name/${version.base}/"
+ site = "${apache.APACHE_MIRROR}/${download_path}"
+ archive = "${apache.APACHE_ARCHIVE}/${download_path}" }
+ }
+ 'giraph' {
+ name = 'giraph'
+ relNotes = 'Apache Giraph'
+ version { base = '1.1.0'; pkg = base; release = 1 }
+ tarball { destination = "$name-${version.base}.tar.gz"
+ source = "$name-dist-${version.base}-src.tar.gz" }
+ url { download_path = "/$name/$name-${version.base}/"
+ site = "${apache.APACHE_MIRROR}/${download_path}"
+ archive = "${apache.APACHE_ARCHIVE}/${download_path}" }
+ }
+ 'hue' {
+ name = 'hue'
+ relNotes = 'Hadoop User Interface'
+ version { base = '3.8.1'; pkg = base; release = 1 }
+ tarball { destination = "$name-${version.base}.tar.gz"
+ source = "release-${version.base}.tar.gz" }
+ url { site = "https://github.com/cloudera/hue/archive"
+ archive = site }
+ }
+ 'datafu' {
+ name = 'datafu'
+ pkg = 'pig-udf-datafu'
+ relNotes = 'Pig UDF Datafu'
+ version { base = '1.0.0'; pkg = base; release = 1 }
+ tarball { destination = "$name-${version.base}.tar.gz"
+ source = "${version.base}.tar.gz" }
+ url { site = "https://github.com/linkedin/datafu/archive"
+ archive = site }
+ }
+ 'solr' {
+ name = 'solr'
+ relNotes = 'Apache Solr'
+ version { base = '4.9.0'; pkg = base; release = 1 }
+ tarball { destination = "$name-${version.base}-src.tar.gz"
+ source = destination }
+ url { download_path = "/lucene/$name/${version.base}/"
+ site = "${apache.APACHE_MIRROR}/${download_path}"
+ archive = "${apache.APACHE_ARCHIVE}/${download_path}" }
+ }
+ 'crunch' {
+ name = 'crunch'
+ relNotes = 'Apache Crunch'
+ version { base = '0.12.0'; pkg = base; release = 1 }
+ tarball { destination = "apache-$name-${version.base}-src.tar.gz"
+ source = destination }
+ url { download_path = "/$name/$name-${version.base}/"
+ site = "${apache.APACHE_MIRROR}/${download_path}"
+ archive = "${apache.APACHE_ARCHIVE}/${download_path}" }
+ }
+ 'spark' {
+ name = 'spark'
+ relNotes = 'Apache Spark'
+ version { base = '1.3.1'; pkg = base; release = 1 }
+ tarball { destination = "$name-${version.base}.tar.gz"
+ source = "$name-${version.base}.tgz" }
+ url { download_path = "/$name/$name-${version.base}"
+ site = "${apache.APACHE_MIRROR}/${download_path}"
+ archive = "${apache.APACHE_ARCHIVE}/${download_path}" }
+ }
+ 'phoenix' {
+ name = 'phoenix'
+ relNotes = 'Apache Phoenix: A SQL skin over HBase'
+ version { base = '4.4.0'; pkg = base; release = 1 }
+ phoenix.hbase ='HBase-0.98'
+ tarball { destination = "$name-${version.base}-${phoenix.hbase}-src.tar.gz"
+ source = destination }
+ url { download_path = "/$name/$name-${version.base}-${phoenix.hbase}/src"
+ site = "${apache.APACHE_MIRROR}/${download_path}"
+ archive = "${apache.APACHE_ARCHIVE}/${download_path}" }
+ }
+ 'bigtop-groovy' {
+ name = 'bigtop-groovy'
+ version { base = '2.4.4'; pkg = '2.4.4'; release = 1}
+ relNotes = "Groovy: a dynamic language for the Java platform"
+ tarball { destination = "$name-${version.base}.tar.gz";
+ source = "apache-groovy-binary-${version.base}.zip"}
+ url { site = "http://dl.bintray.com/groovy/maven/"; archive = site }
+ // Optional, as only null values are specified
+ git { repo = null; ref = null; dir = null}
+ }
+ 'bigtop-utils' {
+ name = "bigtop-utils"
+ relNotes = "Service package for Apache Bigtop runtime"
+ version { base = bigtop.version; pkg = base-"-SNAPSHOT"; release = 1 }
+ tarball { destination = "bigtop-utils-${version.base}.tar.gz" }
+ }
+ 'bigtop-jsvc' {
+ name = "bigtop-jsvc"
+ relNotes = "Apache Common Daemon (jsvc) service package"
+ version { base = '1.0.15'; pkg = base; release = 1 }
+ tarball { source = "commons-daemon-${version.base}-native-src.tar.gz"
+ destination = "commons-daemon-${version.base}.tar.gz" }
+ url { download_path = "/commons/daemon/source"
+ site = "${apache.APACHE_MIRROR}/${download_path}"
+ archive = "${apache.APACHE_ARCHIVE}/${download_path}" }
+ }
+ 'bigtop-tomcat' {
+ name = "bigtop-tomcat"
+ relNotes = "Apache Tomcat"
+ version { base = '6.0.36'; pkg = base; release = 1 }
+ tarball { source = "apache-tomcat-${version.base}-src.tar.gz"
+ destination = "apache-tomcat-${version.base}.tar.gz" }
+ url { download_path = "/tomcat/tomcat-6/v${version.base}/src"
+ site = "${apache.APACHE_MIRROR}/${download_path}"
+ archive = "${apache.APACHE_ARCHIVE}/${download_path}" }
+ }
+ 'tachyon' {
+ name = "tachyon"
+ name = "tachyon-tfs"
+ relNotes = "Tachyon: a memory-centric distributed file system"
+ version { base = '0.6.0'; pkg = base; release = 1 }
+ tarball { destination = "$name-${version.base}.tar.gz"
+ source = "v${version.base}.tar.gz" }
+ url { site = "https://github.com/amplab/tachyon/archive"
+ archive = site }
+ }
+ 'kafka' {
+ name = 'kafka'
+ relNotes = 'Apache Kafka'
+ version { base = ''; pkg = base; release = 1 }
+ tarball { destination = "$name-${version.base}.tar.gz"
+ source = "$name-${version.base}-src.tar.gz" }
+ url { download_path = "/$name/${version.base}/"
+ site = "${apache.APACHE_MIRROR}/${download_path}"
+ archive = "${apache.APACHE_ARCHIVE}/${download_path}" }
+ }
+ 'ycsb' {
+ name = 'ycsb'
+ relNotes = 'Yahoo! Cloud Serving Benchmark'
+ version { base = '0.1.4'; pkg = base; release = 1 }
+ tarball { destination = "$name-${version.base}.tar.gz"
+ source = "${version.base}.tar.gz" }
+ url { site = "https://github.com/brianfrankcooper/YCSB/archive"
+ archive = site }
+ }
+ 'kite' {
+ name = 'kite'
+ relNotes = 'Kite Software Development Kit'
+ version { base = '1.1.0'; pkg = base; release = 1 }
+ tarball { destination = "$name-${version.base}.tar.gz"
+ source = "release-${version.base}.tar.gz" }
+ url { site = "https://github.com/kite-sdk/kite/archive"
+ archive = site }
+ }
+ 'hama' {
+ name = 'hama'
+ relNotes = 'Apache Hama'
+ version { base = '0.7.0'; pkg = base; release = 1 }
+ tarball { destination = "$name-dist-${version.base}.tar.gz"
+ source = "$name-dist-${version.base}-src.tar.gz" }
+ url { download_path = "/$name/$name-${version.base}/"
+ site = "${apache.APACHE_MIRROR}/${download_path}"
+ archive = "${apache.APACHE_ARCHIVE}/${download_path}" }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/bigtop.mk b/bigtop.mk
deleted file mode 100644
index 19eb2f6e..00000000
--- a/bigtop.mk
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,404 +0,0 @@
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
-# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
-# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
-# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
-# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-# JDK Version
-# Scala Version
-# ZooKeeper
-$(eval $(call PACKAGE,zookeeper,ZOOKEEPER))
-# Hadoop 0.20.0-based hadoop package
-$(eval $(call PACKAGE,hadoop,HADOOP))
-# Apache Ignite
-$(eval $(call PACKAGE,ignite-hadoop,IGNITE_HADOOP))
-# HBase
-$(eval $(call PACKAGE,hbase,HBASE))
-# Pig
-$(eval $(call PACKAGE,pig,PIG))
-# Hive
-$(eval $(call PACKAGE,hive,HIVE))
-# TEZ
-$(eval $(call PACKAGE,tez,TEZ))
-# Sqoop
-$(eval $(call PACKAGE,sqoop,SQOOP))
-# Sqoop 2
-$(eval $(call PACKAGE,sqoop2,SQOOP2))
-# Oozie
-$(eval $(call PACKAGE,oozie,OOZIE))
-# Mahout
-$(eval $(call PACKAGE,mahout,MAHOUT))
-# Flume
-$(eval $(call PACKAGE,flume,FLUME))
-# Giraph
-$(eval $(call PACKAGE,giraph,GIRAPH))
-# Hue
-HUE_RELNOTES_NAME=Hadoop User Experience
-$(eval $(call PACKAGE,hue,HUE))
-# DataFu
-DATAFU_RELNOTES_NAME=Collection of user-defined functions
-$(eval $(call PACKAGE,datafu,DATAFU))
-# Solr
-SOLR_RELNOTES_NAME=Search engine server
-$(eval $(call PACKAGE,solr,SOLR))
-# Crunch
-CRUNCH_RELNOTES_NAME=Java library for MapReduce pipelines
-$(eval $(call PACKAGE,crunch,CRUNCH))
-# Spark
-$(eval $(call PACKAGE,spark,SPARK))
-# Phoenix
-PHOENIX_RELNOTES_NAME=Phoenix: A SQL skin over HBase
-$(eval $(call PACKAGE,phoenix,PHOENIX))
-# Groovy
-BIGTOP_GROOVY_RELNOTES_NAME=Grovvy: a dynamic language for the Java platform
-$(eval $(call PACKAGE,bigtop-groovy,BIGTOP_GROOVY))
-# Bigtop-utils
-$(eval $(call PACKAGE,bigtop-utils,BIGTOP_UTILS))
-# Bigtop-jsvc
-BIGTOP_JSVC_RELNOTES_NAME=Apache Commons Daemon (jsvc)
-$(eval $(call PACKAGE,bigtop-jsvc,BIGTOP_JSVC))
-# Bigtop-tomcat
-$(eval $(call PACKAGE,bigtop-tomcat,BIGTOP_TOMCAT))
-# Tachyon
-TACHYON_RELNOTES_NAME=Tachyon: a memory-centric distributed file system
-$(eval $(call PACKAGE,tachyon,TACHYON))
-# Kafka
-$(eval $(call PACKAGE,kafka,KAFKA))
-YCSB_RELNOTES_NAME=Yahoo! Cloud Serving Benchmark
-$(eval $(call PACKAGE,ycsb,YCSB))
-# Kite
-KITE_RELNOTES_NAME=Kite Software Development Kit
-$(eval $(call PACKAGE,kite,KITE))
-# Hama
-$(eval $(call PACKAGE,hama,HAMA))
diff --git a/buildSrc/src/main/groovy/org/apache/bigtop/BuildUtils.groovy b/buildSrc/src/main/groovy/org/apache/bigtop/BuildUtils.groovy
deleted file mode 100644
index 11c6a48b..00000000
--- a/buildSrc/src/main/groovy/org/apache/bigtop/BuildUtils.groovy
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-package org.apache.bigtop
-class BuildUtils {
- def evaluateBOM = { map, eval ->
- if (eval.contains("\$(")) {
- // Crazy case of using make's subst
- if (eval.contains("\$(subst")) {
- // Extracting name of the var from something like
- // $(subst -,.,$(BIGTOP_VERSION))
- def pattern = ~ /.*\$\(subst (.*),(.*),\$\((\w+[-]?\w+?)\)\)/
- def m = eval =~ pattern
- def token = ""
- if (m.matches()) {
- token = m[0][3]
- }
- eval = map.get(token).replaceAll(m[0][1], m[0][2])
- return eval
- }
- // Extracting all variable names that might or not be separated by dash
- def pattern = ~/\$\((\w+[-]?\w+?)\)/
- def m = eval =~ pattern
- def counter = 0
- // Moving forward while matches are found
- while (m.find()) {
- eval = eval.replaceAll(/\$\(/, "").replaceAll(/\)/,"")
- (1..m.groupCount()).each { i ->
- def token = m[counter++][i]
- assert map.get(token) != null
- eval = eval.replaceAll(token, map.get(token))
- }
- }
- }
- eval
- }
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/buildSrc/src/test/groovy/org/apache/bigtop/TestBuildUtils.groovy b/buildSrc/src/test/groovy/org/apache/bigtop/TestBuildUtils.groovy
deleted file mode 100644
index 8d98c057..00000000
--- a/buildSrc/src/test/groovy/org/apache/bigtop/TestBuildUtils.groovy
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-package org.apache.bigtop
-import org.junit.Assert
-import org.junit.Test
-class TestBuildUtils {
- def final PREFIX = "BIGTOP_UTILS"
- def input = [
- 'BIGTOP_VERSION=0.9.0-3',
- 'BIGTOP_UTILS_NAME=bigtop-utils',
- 'BIGTOP_UTILS_PKG_NAME=bigtop-utils',
- 'HADOOP_SITE=$(APACHE_MIRROR)/$(BIGTOP_UTILS_RELEASE_VERSION)/hadoop-2.0.6-alpha-src.tar.gz',
- ]
- Map map = [
- APACHE_MIRROR: "http://apache.osuosl.org",
- APACHE_ARCHIVE: "http://archive.apache.org/dist",
- ]
- @Test
- void testEvaluateBOM () {
- BuildUtils buildUtils = new BuildUtils()
- def envs = []
- input.each { line ->
- envs = line?.split("=")
- map.put(envs[0], buildUtils.evaluateBOM(map, envs[1]))
- }
- Assert.assertEquals("2.4", map.get("BIGTOP_GROOVY_BASE_VERSION"))
- Assert.assertEquals("", map.get("BIGTOP_UTILS_BASE_VERSION"))
- Assert.assertEquals("", map.get("BIGTOP_UTILS_PKG_VERSION"))
- Assert.assertEquals("http://apache.osuosl.org/1/hadoop-2.0.6-alpha-src.tar.gz", map.get("HADOOP_SITE"))
- }
- @Test
- void testOverrideBOM () {
- System.setProperty("BIGTOP_UTILS_BASE_VERSION", "10.1.0")
- System.setProperty("BIGTOP_BUILD_STAMP", "12")
- System.setProperty("HADOOP_SITE", "http://www.apache.org")
- BuildUtils buildUtils = new BuildUtils()
- def envs = []
- input.each { line ->
- envs = line?.split("=")
- def value = buildUtils.evaluateBOM(map, envs[1])
- value = System.getProperty(envs[0]) ?: value
- map.put(envs[0], value)
- }
- Assert.assertEquals("10.1.0", map.get("BIGTOP_UTILS_BASE_VERSION"))
- Assert.assertEquals("12", map.get("BIGTOP_BUILD_STAMP"))
- Assert.assertEquals("http://www.apache.org", map.get("HADOOP_SITE"))
- System.clearProperty("HADOOP_SITE")
- System.clearProperty("BIGTOP_BUILD_STAMP")
- System.clearProperty("BIGTOP_UTILS_BASE_VERSION")
- }
diff --git a/packages.gradle b/packages.gradle
index 74b84d91..ce5e1102 100644
--- a/packages.gradle
+++ b/packages.gradle
@@ -36,12 +36,11 @@ apply plugin: 'groovy'
def PACKAGES_GROUP = 'package'
final String VERBOSE = "verbose"
-final String BOM = "$rootDir/bigtop.mk"
+final String BOM = "$rootDir/bigtop.bom"
+def final config
//HashMap <String, String>
def BOM_map = [
- APACHE_MIRROR: "http://apache.osuosl.org",
- APACHE_ARCHIVE: "http://archive.apache.org/dist",
BASE_DIR: projectDir.absolutePath,
BUILD_DIR: projectDir.absolutePath + "/build",
OUTPUT_DIR: projectDir.absolutePath + "/output",
@@ -51,7 +50,8 @@ def BOM_map = [
-def final BIGTOP_BOM = 'BIGTOP_BOM'
def final BASE_DIR = BOM_map['BASE_DIR']
def final REPO_DIR = "${BOM_map['BASE_DIR']}/bigtop-repos"
@@ -105,21 +105,21 @@ task "bom-json" (description: "List the components of the stack in json format")
name: [
project: BOM_map[it + '_NAME'],
- pkg: BOM_map[it + '_PKG_NAME'],
- relNotes: BOM_map[it + '_RELNOTES_NAME'],
+ pkg: BOM_map[it + '_PKG'],
+ relNotes: BOM_map[it + '_RELNOTES'],
tarball: [
- destination: BOM_map[it + '_TARBALL_DST'],
- source: BOM_map[it + '_TARBALL_SRC'],
+ destination: BOM_map[it + '_TARBALL_DESTINATION'],
+ source: BOM_map[it + '_TARBALL_SOURCE'],
url: [
- site: BOM_map[it + '_SITE'],
- archive: BOM_map[it + '_ARCHIVE'],
+ site: BOM_map[it + '_URL_SITE'],
+ archive: BOM_map[it + '_URL_ARCHIVE'],
version: [
- base: BOM_map[it + '_BASE_VERSION'],
- pkg: BOM_map[it + '_PKG_VERSION'],
- release: BOM_map[it + '_RELEASE_VERSION'],
+ base: BOM_map[it + '_VERSION_BASE'],
+ pkg: BOM_map[it + '_VERSION_PKG'],
+ release: BOM_map[it + '_VERSION_RELEASE'],
git: [
repo: BOM_map[it + '_GIT_REPO'],
@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ task "bom-json" (description: "List the components of the stack in json format")
def fullDefinition = [
- version: BOM_map['BIGTOP_VERSION'],
+ version: BOM_map[BIGTOP_VERSION],
components: componentObjects
def json = JsonOutput.toJson(fullDefinition)
@@ -137,9 +137,9 @@ task "bom-json" (description: "List the components of the stack in json format")
task "all-components" (description: "List the components of the stack") << {
- println "${project.name} ${BOM_map['BIGTOP_VERSION']} stack includes the following components"
+ println "${project.name} ${BOM_map[BIGTOP_VERSION]} stack includes the following components"
components.sort().each { comp ->
- println sprintf ('\t%1$s %2$s', comp.toLowerCase().padRight(20), BOM_map[comp + "_BASE_VERSION"].padLeft(10))
+ println sprintf ('\t%1$s %2$s', comp.toLowerCase().padRight(20), BOM_map[comp + "_VERSION_BASE"].padLeft(15))
@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ def genTasks = { target, variable ->
description: "Download $target artifacts",
group: PACKAGES_GROUP) << {
- def final TARBALL_SRC = BOM_map[variable + '_TARBALL_SRC']
+ def final TARBALL_SRC = BOM_map[variable + '_TARBALL_SOURCE']
def final DOWNLOAD_DST = BOM_map[variable + '_DOWNLOAD_DST']
def final DOWNLOAD_URL = BOM_map[variable + '_DOWNLOAD_URL']
@@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ def genTasks = { target, variable ->
def final TAR_DIR = BOM_map[variable + '_TAR_DIR']
- def final TARBALL_SRC = BOM_map[variable + '_TARBALL_SRC'] ?: ""
+ def final TARBALL_SRC = BOM_map[variable + '_TARBALL_SOURCE'] ?: ""
def final DOWNLOAD_DST = BOM_map[variable + '_DOWNLOAD_DST'] ?: ""
def final SEED_TAR = BOM_map[variable + '_SEED_TAR']
@@ -253,11 +253,11 @@ def genTasks = { target, variable ->
println "\tNothing to do. Exiting..."
- def final PKG_NAME = BOM_map[variable + '_PKG_NAME']
+ def final PKG_NAME = BOM_map[variable + '_PKG']
def final PKG_RELEASE = BOM_map[variable + '_PKG_RELEASE']
- def final PKG_VERSION = BOM_map[variable + '_PKG_VERSION']
+ def final PKG_VERSION = BOM_map[variable + '_VERSION_PKG']
def final PKG_OUTPUT_DIR = BOM_map[variable + '_OUTPUT_DIR']
- def final BASE_VERSION = BOM_map[variable + '_BASE_VERSION']
+ def final BASE_VERSION = BOM_map[variable + '_VERSION_BASE']
exec {
@@ -302,18 +302,20 @@ def genTasks = { target, variable ->
def final PKG_BUILD_DIR = BOM_map[variable + '_BUILD_DIR']
def final NAME = BOM_map[variable + '_NAME']
- def final PKG_NAME = BOM_map[variable + '_PKG_NAME']
+ def final PKG_NAME = BOM_map[variable + '_PKG']
def final SEED_TAR = BOM_map[variable + '_SEED_TAR']
- def final PKG_VERSION = BOM_map[variable + '_PKG_VERSION']
+ def final PKG_VERSION = BOM_map[variable + '_VERSION_PKG']
def final PKG_OUTPUT_DIR = BOM_map[variable + '_OUTPUT_DIR']
delete ("$PKG_BUILD_DIR/deb")
mkdir (DEB_BLD_DIR)
- copy {
+ println BOM_map[variable + '_TARBALL_DESTINATION'] + " " + "${PKG_NAME}_${PKG_VERSION}.orig.tar.gz"
+ copy {
into "$PKG_BUILD_DIR/deb/"
- rename BOM_map[variable + '_TARBALL_DST'], "${PKG_NAME}_${PKG_VERSION}.orig.tar.gz"
+ rename BOM_map[variable + '_TARBALL_DESTINATION'], "${PKG_NAME}_${PKG_VERSION}.orig.tar.gz"
exec {
workingDir DEB_BLD_DIR
@@ -331,7 +333,7 @@ def genTasks = { target, variable ->
}.copy { into "$DEB_BLD_DIR/debian" }
// Prepeare bom file with all the versions
def bomWriter = new File("$DEB_BLD_DIR/debian/bigtop.bom").newWriter()
- BOM_map[BIGTOP_BOM].split(" ").each { bomWriter << "$it\n"}
+ BOM_map[BIGTOP_BOM_VERSIONS].split(" ").each { bomWriter << "$it\n"}
// Create changelog
def changelog = new File("$DEB_BLD_DIR/debian/changelog").newWriter()
@@ -375,10 +377,10 @@ def genTasks = { target, variable ->
def final PKG_BUILD_DIR = BOM_map[variable + '_BUILD_DIR']
def final NAME = BOM_map[variable + '_NAME']
- def final PKG_NAME = BOM_map[variable + '_PKG_NAME']
+ def final PKG_NAME = BOM_map[variable + '_PKG']
def final PKG_OUTPUT_DIR = BOM_map[variable + '_OUTPUT_DIR']
- def final PKG_VERSION = BOM_map[variable + '_PKG_VERSION']
- def final BASE_VERSION = BOM_map[variable + '_BASE_VERSION']
+ def final PKG_VERSION = BOM_map[variable + '_VERSION_PKG']
+ def final BASE_VERSION = BOM_map[variable + '_VERSION_BASE']
def RELEASE_DIST = "rpmbuild --eval '%{?dist}' 2>/dev/null".execute().text.trim().replaceAll("'",'')
@@ -410,12 +412,12 @@ def genTasks = { target, variable ->
def final NAME = BOM_map[variable + '_NAME']
- def final PKG_NAME = BOM_map[variable + '_PKG_NAME']
+ def final PKG_NAME = BOM_map[variable + '_PKG']
def final PKG_NAME_FOR_PKG = BOM_map[variable + '_NAME'].replaceAll("-", "_")
def final PKG_BUILD_DIR = BOM_map[variable + '_BUILD_DIR']
def final SEED_TAR = BOM_map[variable + '_SEED_TAR']
- def final PKG_VERSION = BOM_map[variable + '_PKG_VERSION']
- def final BASE_VERSION = BOM_map[variable + '_BASE_VERSION']
+ def final PKG_VERSION = BOM_map[variable + '_VERSION_PKG']
+ def final BASE_VERSION = BOM_map[variable + '_VERSION_BASE']
def final PKG_OUTPUT_DIR = BOM_map[variable + '_OUTPUT_DIR']
delete ("$PKG_BUILD_DIR/rpm")
['INSTALL','SOURCES','BUILD','SRPMS','RPMS'].each { rpmdir ->
@@ -437,7 +439,7 @@ def genTasks = { target, variable ->
}.copy { into "$PKG_BUILD_DIR/rpm/SOURCES" }
// Writing bigtop.bom files with all the versions
def bomWriter = new File("$PKG_BUILD_DIR/rpm/SOURCES/bigtop.bom").newWriter()
- BOM_map[BIGTOP_BOM].split(" ").each { bomWriter << "$it\n"}
+ BOM_map[BIGTOP_BOM_VERSIONS].split(" ").each { bomWriter << "$it\n"}
def specFileName = "${PKG_BUILD_DIR}/rpm/SPECS/${NAME}.spec"
@@ -500,30 +502,33 @@ def genTasks = { target, variable ->
task "$target-version" (description: "Show version of $target component", group: PACKAGES_GROUP) << {
- println "Base: ${BOM_map[variable + '_BASE_VERSION']}"
+ println "Base: ${BOM_map[variable + '_VERSION_BASE']}"
task "${target}_vardefines" << {
BOM_map[variable + '_NAME'] = target
- if (!BOM_map[variable + '_PKG_NAME']) {
- BOM_map[variable + '_PKG_NAME'] = BOM_map[variable + '_NAME']
+ if (!BOM_map[variable + '_PKG']) {
+ BOM_map[variable + '_PKG'] = BOM_map[variable + '_NAME']
+ }
+ if (!BOM_map[variable + '_VERSION_PKG']) {
+ BOM_map[variable + '_VERSION_PKG'] = BOM_map[variable + '_VERSION_BASE']
BOM_map[variable + '_PKG_RELEASE'] = '1'
BOM_map[variable + '_BUILD_DIR'] = BOM_map['BUILD_DIR'] + "/$target"
BOM_map[variable + '_OUTPUT_DIR'] = BOM_map['OUTPUT_DIR'] + "/$target"
BOM_map[variable + '_SOURCE_DIR'] = BOM_map['BUILD_DIR'] + "/source"
- BOM_map[variable + '_TAR_DIR'] = BOM_map['BUILD_DIR'] + "/$target/tar/${target}-${BOM_map[variable + '_BASE_VERSION']}"
- BOM_map[variable + '_SEED_TAR'] = BOM_map['BUILD_DIR'] + "/$target/tar/" + BOM_map[variable + '_TARBALL_DST']
+ BOM_map[variable + '_TAR_DIR'] = BOM_map['BUILD_DIR'] + "/$target/tar/${target}-${BOM_map[variable + '_VERSION_BASE']}"
+ BOM_map[variable + '_SEED_TAR'] = BOM_map['BUILD_DIR'] + "/$target/tar/" + BOM_map[variable + '_TARBALL_DESTINATION']
BOM_map[variable + '_DOWNLOAD_URL'] =
- (BOM_map[variable + '_SITE'] != null && BOM_map[variable + '_TARBALL_SRC'] != null) ?
- BOM_map[variable + '_SITE'] + '/' + BOM_map[variable + '_TARBALL_SRC'] : null
- BOM_map[variable + '_DOWNLOAD_DST'] = (BOM_map[variable + '_TARBALL_SRC'] != null) ?
- DL_DIR + '/' + BOM_map[variable + '_TARBALL_SRC'] : null
+ (BOM_map[variable + '_URL_SITE'] != null && BOM_map[variable + '_TARBALL_SOURCE'] != null) ?
+ BOM_map[variable + '_URL_SITE'] + '/' + BOM_map[variable + '_TARBALL_SOURCE'] : null
+ BOM_map[variable + '_DOWNLOAD_DST'] = (BOM_map[variable + '_TARBALL_SOURCE'] != null) ?
+ DL_DIR + '/' + BOM_map[variable + '_TARBALL_SOURCE'] : null
// test that the download url will return http 200. If it does not, use the ARCHIVE url instead of the MIRROR SITE url
if (!ifExists(BOM_map[variable + '_DOWNLOAD_URL'])) {
- BOM_map[variable + '_DOWNLOAD_URL'] = BOM_map[variable + '_ARCHIVE'] + '/' + BOM_map[variable + '_TARBALL_SRC']
+ BOM_map[variable + '_DOWNLOAD_URL'] = BOM_map[variable + '_URL_ARCHIVE'] + '/' + BOM_map[variable + '_TARBALL_SOURCE']
BOM_map[variable + '_TARGET_DL'] = BOM_map[variable + '_BUILD_DIR'] + '/.download'
@@ -550,7 +555,7 @@ def genTasks = { target, variable ->
println " Then unpack into ${BOM_map[variable + '_SOURCE_DIR']}"
println " And create a seed tarball ${BOM_map[variable + '_SEED_TAR']}"
- println "Version: " + BOM_map[variable + '_BASE_VERSION']
+ println "Version: " + BOM_map[variable + '_VERSION_BASE']
//TODO more about stamping
task "$target-relnotes" (description: "Preparing release notes for $target. No yet implemented!!!", group: PACKAGES_GROUP)<< {
@@ -567,32 +572,35 @@ def genTasks = { target, variable ->
def readBOM = {
- def buildUtils = new org.apache.bigtop.BuildUtils()
- def bomfile = new File(BOM)
- def envs = []
- bomfile.eachLine {
- if (!it.startsWith("#") && !it.isEmpty()) {
- if (it.startsWith("\$(eval")) {
- def pattern = ~/.*call PACKAGE,(\w+[-\w+]*),(\w+)/
- def m = it =~ pattern
- assert m.size() == 1
- def target = m[0][1]
- def variable = m[0][2]
- genTasks(target, variable)
- targets.add(target)
- // Store the component name in the list
- // TODO - we might not need them components anymore: version are calculated differently now
- components.add(variable)
- return
- }
- envs = it?.split("=")
- def value = buildUtils.evaluateBOM(BOM_map, envs[1])
- value = System.getProperty(envs[0]) ?: value
- BOM_map.put(envs[0], value)
+ config = new ConfigSlurper().parse(new URL("file:$BOM"))
+ doValidateBOM(config)
+ BOM_map[BIGTOP_VERSION] = config.bigtop.version
+ config.bigtop.apache.each { name, value ->
+ BOM_map[name] = value
+ }
+ config.bigtop.stack.each { name, comp ->
+ comp.toProperties(name).each {k, v ->
+ BOM_map[(k.replaceAll("\\.", "_").toUpperCase())] = v
+ config.bigtop.components.each { label, comp ->
+ // while closure name in the component's config could include '-'; the prefix in the BOM_map shouldn't
+ def prefix = comp.name.replaceAll("\\-", "_").toUpperCase()
+// TODO?: To avoid changing every bit of the builds logic, let's stick to the old naming format
+ comp.toProperties(prefix).each {comp_config_key, comp_config_value ->
+ BOM_map[(comp_config_key.replaceAll("\\.", "_").toUpperCase())] = comp_config_value
+ }
+ genTasks(comp.name, prefix)
+ components.add(prefix)
+ }
+// Let's enforce some of the configuration requirements
+private void doValidateBOM(config) {
+ assert config.bigtop.version
+ assert config.bigtop.stack.jdk
+ assert config.bigtop.stack.scala
+ assert config.bigtop.apache.size() != 0
// We need to make sure that all dynamic tasks are available for invocation
@@ -602,11 +610,12 @@ project.afterEvaluate {
// Versions need to be preserved for more than just component:
// - there are JDK version requirement
// - possibly more in the future
- BOM_map.keySet().findAll { it ==~ /.*_BASE_VERSION/ }.each { base_version ->
- bomVersions += "${base_version.replaceAll('_BASE', '')}=${BOM_map[base_version]} "
+ BOM_map.keySet().findAll { it ==~ /.*VERSION_BASE/ }.each { version_base ->
+ bomVersions += "${version_base.replaceAll('_BASE', '')}=${BOM_map[version_base]} "
- BOM_map[BIGTOP_BOM] = bomVersions
- if (System.getProperty(VERBOSE))println "BIGTOP_BOM:\n${BOM_map[BIGTOP_BOM]}"
+ BOM_map[BIGTOP_BOM_VERSIONS] = bomVersions
+ if (System.getProperty(VERBOSE))println "BIGTOP_BOM_VERSIONS:\n${BOM_map[BIGTOP_BOM_VERSIONS]}"
+ if (System.getProperty(VERBOSE))println "Full content:\n${BOM_map}"
// Putting all targets of different types into one common target
task "srpm" (dependsOn: tasks.findAll { alltask -> alltask.name.endsWith("-srpm")}*.name,
description: "Build all SRPM packages for the stack components",