List Tasks ===== [Back to Resources]( **Summary** Returns a collection of all tasks for the request identified by ":requestId" and the cluster identified by ":clusterName". GET /clusters/:clusterName/requests/:requestId/tasks **Response**
HTTP CODE Description
200 OK
400 Bad Request
401 Unauthorized
403 Forbidden
404 Not Found
500 Internal Server Error
**Example** Get the collection of the tasks for the request 2 and the cluster named "c1". GET /clusters/c1/requests/2/tasks?fields=Tasks/status 200 OK { "href" : "http://your.ambari.server/api/v1/clusters/c1/requests/2/tasks?fields=Tasks/status", "items" : [ { "href" : "http://your.ambari.server/api/v1/clusters/c1/requests/2/tasks/12", "Tasks" : { "cluster_name" : "c1", "id" : 12, "request_id" : 2, "status" : "COMPLETED" } }, { "href" : "http://your.ambari.server/api/v1/clusters/c1/requests/2/tasks/13", "Tasks" : { "cluster_name" : "c1", "id" : 13, "request_id" : 2, "status" : "IN_PROGRESS" } } ] }