(function() { var $ = jQuery; // Handle namespaced jQuery // The search box is responsible for managing the many facet views and input views. VS.ui.SearchBox = Backbone.View.extend({ id : 'search', events : { 'click .VS-cancel-search-box' : 'clearSearch', 'mousedown .VS-search-box' : 'maybeFocusSearch', 'dblclick .VS-search-box' : 'highlightSearch', 'click .VS-search-box' : 'maybeTripleClick' }, // Creating a new SearchBox registers handlers for re-rendering facets when necessary, // as well as handling typing when a facet is selected. initialize : function(options) { this.options = _.extend({}, this.options, options); this.app = this.options.app; this.flags = { allSelected : false }; this.facetViews = []; this.inputViews = []; _.bindAll(this, 'renderFacets', '_maybeDisableFacets', 'disableFacets', 'deselectAllFacets', 'addedFacet', 'removedFacet', 'changedFacet'); this.app.searchQuery .bind('reset', this.renderFacets) .bind('add', this.addedFacet) .bind('remove', this.removedFacet) .bind('change', this.changedFacet); $(document).bind('keydown', this._maybeDisableFacets); }, // Renders the search box, but requires placement on the page through `this.el`. render : function() { $(this.el).append(JST['search_box']({ readOnly: this.app.options.readOnly })); $(document.body).setMode('no', 'search'); return this; }, // # Querying Facets # // Either gets a serialized query string or sets the faceted query from a query string. value : function(query) { if (query == null) return this.serialize(); return this.setQuery(query); }, // Uses the VS.app.searchQuery collection to serialize the current query from the various // facets that are in the search box. serialize : function() { var query = []; var inputViewsCount = this.inputViews.length; this.app.searchQuery.each(_.bind(function(facet, i) { query.push(this.inputViews[i].value()); query.push(facet.serialize()); }, this)); if (inputViewsCount) { query.push(this.inputViews[inputViewsCount-1].value()); } return _.compact(query).join(' '); }, // Returns any facet views that are currently selected. Useful for changing the value // callbacks based on what else is in the search box and which facet is being edited. selected: function() { return _.select(this.facetViews, function(view) { return view.modes.editing == 'is' || view.modes.selected == 'is'; }); }, // Similar to `this.selected`, returns any facet models that are currently selected. selectedModels: function() { return _.pluck(this.selected(), 'model'); }, // Takes a query string and uses the SearchParser to parse and render it. Note that // `VS.app.SearchParser` refreshes the `VS.app.searchQuery` collection, which is bound // here to call `this.renderFacets`. setQuery : function(query) { this.currentQuery = query; VS.app.SearchParser.parse(this.app, query); }, // Returns the position of a facet/input view. Useful when moving between facets. viewPosition : function(view) { var views = view.type == 'facet' ? this.facetViews : this.inputViews; var position = _.indexOf(views, view); if (position == -1) position = 0; return position; }, // Used to launch a search. Hitting enter or clicking the search button. searchEvent : function(e) { var query = this.value(); this.focusSearch(e); this.value(query); this.app.options.callbacks.search(query, this.app.searchQuery); }, // # Rendering Facets # // Add a new facet. Facet will be focused and ready to accept a value. Can also // specify position, in the case of adding facets from an inbetween input. addFacet : function(category, initialQuery, position) { category = VS.utils.inflector.trim(category); initialQuery = VS.utils.inflector.trim(initialQuery || ''); if (!category) return; var model = new VS.model.SearchFacet({ category : category, value : initialQuery || '', app : this.app }); this.app.searchQuery.add(model, {at: position}); }, // Renders a newly added facet, and selects it. addedFacet : function (model) { this.renderFacets(); var facetView = _.detect(this.facetViews, function(view) { if (view.model == model) return true; }); _.defer(function() { facetView.enableEdit(); }); }, // Changing a facet programmatically re-renders it. changedFacet: function () { this.renderFacets(); }, // When removing a facet, potentially do something. For now, the adjacent // remaining facet is selected, but this is handled by the facet's view, // since its position is unknown by the time the collection triggers this // remove callback. removedFacet : function (facet, query, options) { this.app.options.callbacks.removedFacet(facet, query, options); }, // Renders each facet as a searchFacet view. renderFacets : function() { this.facetViews = []; this.inputViews = []; this.$('.VS-search-inner').empty(); this.app.searchQuery.each(_.bind(this.renderFacet, this)); // Add on an n+1 empty search input on the very end. this.renderSearchInput(); this.renderPlaceholder(); }, // Render a single facet, using its category and query value. renderFacet : function(facet, position) { var view = new VS.ui.SearchFacet({ app : this.app, model : facet, order : position }); // Input first, facet second. this.renderSearchInput(); this.facetViews.push(view); this.$('.VS-search-inner').children().eq(position*2).after(view.render().el); view.calculateSize(); _.defer(_.bind(view.calculateSize, view)); return view; }, // Render a single input, used to create and autocomplete facets renderSearchInput : function() { var input = new VS.ui.SearchInput({ position: this.inputViews.length, app: this.app, showFacets: this.options.showFacets }); this.$('.VS-search-inner').append(input.render().el); this.inputViews.push(input); }, // Handles showing/hiding the placeholder text renderPlaceholder : function() { var $placeholder = this.$('.VS-placeholder'); if (this.app.searchQuery.length) { $placeholder.addClass("VS-hidden"); } else { $placeholder.removeClass("VS-hidden") .text(this.app.options.placeholder); } }, // # Modifying Facets # // Clears out the search box. Command+A + delete can trigger this, as can a cancel button. // // If a `clearSearch` callback was provided, the callback is invoked and // provided with a function performs the actual removal of the data. This // allows third-party developers to either clear data asynchronously, or // prior to performing their custom "clear" logic. clearSearch : function(e) { if (this.app.options.readOnly) return; var actualClearSearch = _.bind(function() { this.disableFacets(); this.value(''); this.flags.allSelected = false; this.searchEvent(e); this.focusSearch(e); }, this); if (this.app.options.callbacks.clearSearch != $.noop) { this.app.options.callbacks.clearSearch(actualClearSearch); } else { actualClearSearch(); } }, // Command+A selects all facets. selectAllFacets : function() { this.flags.allSelected = true; $(document).one('click.selectAllFacets', this.deselectAllFacets); _.each(this.facetViews, function(facetView, i) { facetView.selectFacet(); }); _.each(this.inputViews, function(inputView, i) { inputView.selectText(); }); }, // Used by facets and input to see if all facets are currently selected. allSelected : function(deselect) { if (deselect) this.flags.allSelected = false; return this.flags.allSelected; }, // After `selectAllFacets` is engaged, this method is bound to the entire document. // This immediate disables and deselects all facets, but it also checks if the user // has clicked on either a facet or an input, and properly selects the view. deselectAllFacets : function(e) { this.disableFacets(); if (this.$(e.target).is('.category,input')) { var el = $(e.target).closest('.search_facet,.search_input'); var view = _.detect(this.facetViews.concat(this.inputViews), function(v) { return v.el == el[0]; }); if (view.type == 'facet') { view.selectFacet(); } else if (view.type == 'input') { _.defer(function() { view.enableEdit(true); }); } } }, // Disables all facets except for the passed in view. Used when switching between // facets, so as not to have to keep state of active facets. disableFacets : function(keepView) { _.each(this.inputViews, function(view) { if (view && view != keepView && (view.modes.editing == 'is' || view.modes.selected == 'is')) { view.disableEdit(); } }); _.each(this.facetViews, function(view) { if (view && view != keepView && (view.modes.editing == 'is' || view.modes.selected == 'is')) { view.disableEdit(); view.deselectFacet(); } }); this.flags.allSelected = false; this.removeFocus(); $(document).unbind('click.selectAllFacets'); }, // Resize all inputs to account for extra keystrokes which may be changing the facet // width incorrectly. This is a safety check to ensure inputs are correctly sized. resizeFacets : function(view) { _.each(this.facetViews, function(facetView, i) { if (!view || facetView == view) { facetView.resize(); } }); }, // Handles keydown events on the document. Used to complete the Cmd+A deletion, and // blurring focus. _maybeDisableFacets : function(e) { if (this.flags.allSelected && VS.app.hotkeys.key(e) == 'backspace') { e.preventDefault(); this.clearSearch(e); return false; } else if (this.flags.allSelected && VS.app.hotkeys.printable(e)) { this.clearSearch(e); } }, // # Focusing Facets # // Move focus between facets and inputs. Takes a direction as well as many options // for skipping over inputs and only to facets, placement of cursor position in facet // (i.e. at the end), and selecting the text in the input/facet. focusNextFacet : function(currentView, direction, options) { options = options || {}; var viewCount = this.facetViews.length; var viewPosition = options.viewPosition || this.viewPosition(currentView); if (!options.skipToFacet) { // Correct for bouncing between matching text and facet arrays. if (currentView.type == 'text' && direction > 0) direction -= 1; if (currentView.type == 'facet' && direction < 0) direction += 1; } else if (options.skipToFacet && currentView.type == 'text' && viewCount == viewPosition && direction >= 0) { // Special case of looping around to a facet from the last search input box. return false; } var view, next = Math.min(viewCount, viewPosition + direction); if (currentView.type == 'text') { if (next >= 0 && next < viewCount) { view = this.facetViews[next]; } else if (next == viewCount) { view = this.inputViews[this.inputViews.length-1]; } if (view && options.selectFacet && view.type == 'facet') { view.selectFacet(); } else if (view) { view.enableEdit(); view.setCursorAtEnd(direction || options.startAtEnd); } } else if (currentView.type == 'facet') { if (options.skipToFacet) { if (next >= viewCount || next < 0) { view = _.last(this.inputViews); view.enableEdit(); } else { view = this.facetViews[next]; view.enableEdit(); view.setCursorAtEnd(direction || options.startAtEnd); } } else { view = this.inputViews[next]; view.enableEdit(); } } if (options.selectText) view.selectText(); this.resizeFacets(); return true; }, maybeFocusSearch : function(e) { if (this.app.options.readOnly) return; if ($(e.target).is('.VS-search-box') || $(e.target).is('.VS-search-inner') || e.type == 'keydown') { this.focusSearch(e); } }, // Bring focus to last input field. focusSearch : function(e, selectText) { if (this.app.options.readOnly) return; var view = this.inputViews[this.inputViews.length-1]; view.enableEdit(selectText); if (!selectText) view.setCursorAtEnd(-1); if (e.type == 'keydown') { view.keydown(e); view.box.trigger('keydown'); } _.defer(_.bind(function() { if (!this.$('input:focus').length) { view.enableEdit(selectText); } }, this)); }, // Double-clicking on the search wrapper should select the existing text in // the last search input. Also start the triple-click timer. highlightSearch : function(e) { if (this.app.options.readOnly) return; if ($(e.target).is('.VS-search-box') || $(e.target).is('.VS-search-inner') || e.type == 'keydown') { var lastinput = this.inputViews[this.inputViews.length-1]; lastinput.startTripleClickTimer(); this.focusSearch(e, true); } }, maybeTripleClick : function(e) { var lastinput = this.inputViews[this.inputViews.length-1]; return lastinput.maybeTripleClick(e); }, // Used to show the user is focused on some input inside the search box. addFocus : function() { if (this.app.options.readOnly) return; this.app.options.callbacks.focus(); this.$('.VS-search-box').addClass('VS-focus'); }, // User is no longer focused on anything in the search box. removeFocus : function() { this.app.options.callbacks.blur(); var focus = _.any(this.facetViews.concat(this.inputViews), function(view) { return view.isFocused(); }); if (!focus) this.$('.VS-search-box').removeClass('VS-focus'); }, // Show a menu which adds pre-defined facets to the search box. This is unused for now. showFacetCategoryMenu : function(e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); if (this.facetCategoryMenu && this.facetCategoryMenu.modes.open == 'is') { return this.facetCategoryMenu.close(); } var items = [ {title: 'Account', onClick: _.bind(this.addFacet, this, 'account', '')}, {title: 'Project', onClick: _.bind(this.addFacet, this, 'project', '')}, {title: 'Filter', onClick: _.bind(this.addFacet, this, 'filter', '')}, {title: 'Access', onClick: _.bind(this.addFacet, this, 'access', '')} ]; var menu = this.facetCategoryMenu || (this.facetCategoryMenu = new dc.ui.Menu({ items : items, standalone : true })); this.$('.VS-icon-search').after(menu.render().open().content); return false; } }); })();