path: root/CHANGES.txt
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2012-12-13Merging AMBARI-666 to trunk.Mahadev Konar
2012-12-12Merged from AMBARI-666 branch.Jitendra Nath Pandey
2012-10-08AMBARI-782. Make RPM package builds honor Ruby's sitelibdir (Jos Backus via m...Mahadev Konar
2012-09-24AMBARI-766. Add privacy policy in web site. (Olivier Lamy via yusaku)Yusaku Sako
2012-09-24AMBARI-765. Update project site documentation to point to the 0.9 release. Al...Yusaku Sako
2012-09-07AMBARI-701. Ambari does not handle a pre-setup user-supplied Hive Metastore. ...Hitesh Shah
2012-09-05AMBARI-700. Add a link to the Confluence Wiki in the upper-right nav on the A...Yusaku Sako
2012-08-30AMBARI-690. Monitoring Dashboard - update the RPM version and documentation (...Yusaku Sako
2012-08-29AMBARI-689. Fix ambari agent init.d scripts and the bootstrapping. (mahadev)Mahadev Konar
2012-08-27AMBARI-688. Documentation typo: needs to be uploaded to Amba...Yusaku Sako
2012-08-27AMBARI-687. Monitoring Dashboard is not showing alerts for Templeton (Contrib...Yusaku Sako
2012-08-25AMBARI-686. Update documentation for RHEL/CentOS 6 install steps and a more s...Yusaku Sako
2012-08-24AMBARI-683. In oozie-3.2.0 should be invoked after setup.Jitendra Nath Pandey
2012-08-24AMBARI-682. Fix log location for gc logs. Jitendra Nath Pandey
2012-08-24AMBARI-681. Stopping of hive server fails. Jitendra Nath Pandey
2012-08-23AMBARI-679. Have Monitoring Dashboard display Puppet Agent related alerts (Co...Yusaku Sako
2012-08-23AMBARI-678. Enable nagios add-on to send back information for puppet agents b...Hitesh Shah
2012-08-22AMBARI-677. Delete old directories (hitesh)Hitesh Shah
2012-08-22AMBARI-675. Make puppet generate more logs on command failures (Contributed b...Hitesh Shah
2012-08-21AMBARI-674. Nagios uninstall should cleanup temporary directories.Jitendra Nath Pandey
2012-08-21AMBARI-673. Going back to step 3 from step 5 in UI breaks DB (Contributed by ...Yusaku Sako
2012-08-18AMBARI-672. Hardcoded -Xmn value for hbase causes region servers to fail to s...Hitesh Shah
2012-08-16AMBARI-667. After reboots, namenode start fails as it thinks dfs is not forma...Hitesh Shah
2012-08-16AMBARI-668. Ambari should install yum priorities plugin on all nodes to ensur...Hitesh Shah
2012-08-16AMBARI-671. Mapred child java opts set to a too large of a value for heapsize.Jitendra Nath Pandey
2012-08-13AMBARI-664. Fix mapred io sort mb and heap size for map/reduce. (mahadev)Mahadev Konar
2012-07-30AMBARI-661. Deploy cluster fails during Hive/HCatalog test (Contributed by ma...Yusaku Sako
2012-07-23AMBARI-656. Separate keytab for HTTP principal.Jitendra Nath Pandey
2012-07-20AMBARI-655. Move hbase directory creation in hdfs to namenode puppet module.Jitendra Nath Pandey
2012-07-19AMBARI-654. Enter the value of the service properties that are not meant to b...Yusaku Sako
2012-07-19AMBARI-602. Fix install docs for 64-bit only support and how to pre-setup clu...Hitesh Shah
2012-07-19AMBARI-653. Log txn-id when reporting completion of nodes for puppet kicks in...Hitesh Shah
2012-07-19AMBARI-652. Large number of spurious logs due to undefined variables (Contrib...Yusaku Sako
2012-07-19AMBARI-651. Fix issues with the footer overlapping page content due to unclea...Yusaku Sako
2012-07-19AMBARI-650. Issues with Reconfigure ServiceYusaku Sako
2012-07-19AMBARI-648. Keytab generation for hbase, hive.Jitendra Nath Pandey
2012-07-18AMBARI-647. Change back log level to INFO from DEBUG (Contributed by hitesh)Hitesh Shah
2012-07-18AMBARI-644. Fix various markup issues (Contributed by yusaku)Yusaku Sako
2012-07-18AMBARI-642. Require jce policy file.Jitendra Nath Pandey
2012-07-17Reverting AMBARI-642.Jitendra Nath Pandey
2012-07-17AMBARI-641. Change the nagios file location according to platform...Suhas
2012-07-17AMBARI-642. Add jce policy file.Jitendra Nath Pandey
2012-07-17AMBARI-579. Support secure hadoop installation.Jitendra Nath Pandey
2012-07-17AMBARI-640Varun Kapoor
2012-07-17AMBARI-639. Monitoring Dashboard does not show the Help Link in the top nav a...Yusaku Sako
2012-07-17AMBARI-638. Weirdness with Custom Config page when the user goes back to prev...Yusaku Sako
2012-07-16AMBARI-616. Enable support for configuration of heapsize for TaskTracker (Con...Hitesh Shah
2012-07-16AMBARI-637. Cluster Install Wizard: the 7-step nav goes out of sync if the us...Yusaku Sako
2012-07-16AMBARI-586. Add validation checks for the HBase config services value (Contri...Yusaku Sako
2012-07-14AMBARI-636. Support for Hadoop Security (front-end changes) (Contributed by J...Yusaku Sako