# Copyright (C) 2010, 2011 Linaro Limited # # Author: Zygmunt Krynicki # Author: Michael Hudson-Doyle # # This file is part of LAVA Server. # # LAVA Server is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 # as published by the Free Software Foundation # # LAVA Server is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with LAVA Server. If not, see . import os import subprocess import yaml import xmlrpclib from django.http import Http404 from django.core.exceptions import PermissionDenied from lava_scheduler_app.views import get_restricted_job from lava_scheduler_app.models import Device, DeviceType from linaro_django_xmlrpc.models import errors, Mapper, SystemAPI class LavaSystemAPI(SystemAPI): """ Extend the default SystemAPI with a 'whoami' method. """ def whoami(self): """ Name ---- `whoami` () Description ----------- Find the authenticated user, if any, or None. Arguments --------- None Return value ------------ Name of the authenticated user, if any, or None. """ if self.user: return self.user.username else: return None def version(self): """ Name ---- `system.version` () Description ----------- Return the lava-server version string Arguments --------- None Return value ------------ lava-server version string """ changelog = '/usr/share/doc/lava-server/changelog.Debian.gz' if os.path.exists(changelog): deb_version = subprocess.check_output(( 'dpkg-query', '-W', "-f=${Version}\n", "lava-server")).strip().decode('utf-8') return deb_version return '' # Update the integer return value when adding arguments to # existing functions anywhere in the XML-RPC API or # deleting functions. def api_version(self): """ Name ---- `system.api_version` () Description ----------- Return the lava-server XML-RPC API version string. Clients can check this string to know whether to use particular arguments to available functions. Note: For older instances which do not support this call in the first place, check for this call in the output of system.listMethods() if 'system.api_version' in connection.system.listMethods(): api_version = int(connection.system.api_version()) if api_version >= 2: # safe to run the new API here. else: # use the old API Arguments --------- None Return value ------------ lava-server XML-RPC API version integer """ return 2 def user_can_view_jobs(self, job_list, username=None): """ Name ---- user_can_view_jobs (`job_list`) Administrators only: user_can_view_jobs (`job_list`, `username`) Description ----------- Check the access permissions on a list of jobs. Admins can specify a username as the second argument to run the query on behalf of that user. Arguments --------- job_list: list list of job ids to query username: string username of the user to query (admins only) Return value ------------ Returns a dictionary where the key is a string of the job_id from the job_list, if it exists in the queried instance. The value is a boolean for whether the user can access that job. { '1234': True, '1543': False } If the job number does not exist, that job will be omitted from the returned dictionary. This function requires authentication with a username and token. Example ------- server.system.user_can_view_jobs([1, 2, 3, 4, 99999, 4000]) {'1': True, '4000': True, '3': True, '2': True, '4': True} # if using the username and token of an admin, a different user can be queried: server.system.user_can_view_jobs([1, 2, 3, 4, 99999, 4000], 'firstname.lastname') {'1': True, '4000': False, '3': True, '2': True, '4': False} """ self._authenticate() if not isinstance(job_list, list): raise xmlrpclib.Fault( errors.BAD_REQUEST, "job list argument must be a list") username = self._switch_user(username) retval = {} for job_id in job_list: try: get_restricted_job(username, job_id) except Http404: continue except PermissionDenied: retval[str(job_id)] = False continue retval[str(job_id)] = True return retval def user_can_view_bundles(self, bundle_list, username=None): """ Name ---- user_can_view_bundles (`bundle_list`) Removal of V1 support -------------------- This function has been disabled. It is retained as a stub for older versions of clients. Please update your tool to use LAVA V2. """ return False def user_can_view_devices(self, device_list, username=None): """ Name ---- user_can_view_devices (`device_list`) Administrators only: user_can_view_devices (`device_list`, `username`) Description ----------- Check the access permissions on a list of devices. Admins can specify a username as the second argument to run the query on behalf of that user. Arguments --------- device_list: list list of device hostnames to query username: string username of the user to query (admins only) Return value ------------ Returns a nested dictionary where the top level key is the device type, the value is a list of dictionaries. The key of the second dictionary is a hostname from the device_list which exists in the queried instance. The value is a boolean for whether the user can access that device. If the device is visible, also includes a boolean denoting whether the specified device is a pipeline device which can run jobs designed in the dispatcher refactoring. If a pipeline device, also includes a boolean denoting whether the specified pipeline device exclusively accepts YAML submissions - JSON submissions are rejected if this device is marked as exclusive. { 'mustang': [ { 'mustang01': { 'visible': True } } ], 'panda': [ { 'panda05': { 'visible': True } } ] } If the device type is hidden, that type and the nested dictionary for that type will be omitted. Retired devices will be omitted. If the device does not exist, that device will be omitted from the returned dictionary. This function requires authentication with a username and token. Example ------- server.system.user_can_view_devices(['kvm014', 'kvm02']) {'qemu': [ {'kvm014': { 'exclusive': False, 'visible': True, 'is_pipeline': True } }, {'kvm02': { 'exclusive': True, 'visible': True, 'is_pipeline': True} } ] } # if using the username and token of an admin, a different user can be queried: server.system.user_can_view_devices( ['mustang01', 'wandboard07', 'imx53-01', 'cubietruck02', 'black01'], 'firstname.lastname' ) """ self._authenticate() if not isinstance(device_list, list): raise xmlrpclib.Fault( errors.BAD_REQUEST, "device list argument must be a list") username = self._switch_user(username) retval = {} for hostname in device_list: try: device = Device.objects.get(hostname=hostname) except Device.DoesNotExist: continue device_type = device.device_type if device_type.owners_only and not device.is_owned_by(username): continue retval.setdefault(device_type.name, []) visible = device.is_visible_to(username) if visible: retval[device_type.name].append({ hostname: { 'is_pipeline': device.is_pipeline, 'visible': visible, 'exclusive': device.is_exclusive } }) else: retval[device_type.name].append({ hostname: {'visible': visible} }) return retval def user_can_submit_to_types(self, type_list, username=None): """ Name ---- user_can_submit_to_types (`type_list`) Administrators only: user_can_submit_to_types (`type_list`, `username`) Description ----------- Check the access permissions on a list of device types. Admins can specify a username as the second argument to run the query on behalf of that user. Arguments --------- type_list: list list of device types to query username: string username of the user to query (admins only) Return value ------------ Returns a dictionary where the key is a string of the device_type from the type_list, if it exists in the queried instance. The value is a boolean for whether the user can submit to any devices of the specified type. { 'panda': True, 'mustang': False } If the device type number does not exist, that type will be omitted from the returned dictionary. This function requires authentication with a username and token. Example ------- server.system.user_can_submit_to_types( ['mustang', 'panda', 'qemu', 'kvm', 'cubie2'] ) {'cubie2': True, 'mustang': False, 'kvm': True, 'qemu': True, 'panda': True} # if using the username and token of an admin, a different user can be queried: server.system.user_can_submit_to_types( ['mustang', 'panda', 'qemu', 'kvm', 'cubie2'], 'firstname.lastname' ) """ self._authenticate() if not isinstance(type_list, list): raise xmlrpclib.Fault( errors.BAD_REQUEST, "type list argument must be a list") username = self._switch_user(username) if not username.has_perm('lava_scheduler_app.add_testjob'): raise xmlrpclib.Fault( errors.FORBIDDEN, "User '%s' does not have permissiont to submit jobs." % username ) retval = {} for type_name in type_list: try: device_type = DeviceType.objects.get(name=type_name) except DeviceType.DoesNotExist: continue devices = Device.objects.filter(device_type=device_type) access = [] for device in devices: access.append(device.can_submit(username)) retval[device_type.name] = any(access) return retval def pipeline_network_map(self, switch=None): """ Name ---- pipeline_network_map(switch=None): Description ----------- Collate all the vland information from pipeline devices to create a complete map, then return YAML data for all switches or a specified switch. This function requires authentication with a username and token. Arguments --------- switch: string hostname or IP of the switch to map. If None, data is returned for all switches. Return value ------------ Returns a YAML file of the form: switches: '': - port: 5 device: interface: eth0 sysfs: "/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:19.0/net/eth0" mac: "f0:de:f1:46:8c:21" hostname: bbb1 """ self._authenticate() # get all device dictionaries, build the entire map. dictionaries = [ (device.hostname, device.load_configuration()) for device in Device.objects.filter(is_pipeline=True) ] network_map = {'switches': {}} for (hostname, params) in dictionaries: if 'interfaces' not in params: continue for interface in params['interfaces']: for map_switch, port in params['map'][interface].iteritems(): port_list = [] device = { 'interface': interface, 'mac': params['mac_addr'][interface], 'sysfs': params['sysfs'][interface], 'hostname': hostname } port_list.append({'port': port, 'device': device}) switch_port = network_map['switches'].setdefault(map_switch, []) # Any switch can only have one entry for one port if port not in switch_port: switch_port.extend(port_list) if switch: if switch in network_map['switches']: return yaml.dump(network_map['switches'][switch]) else: return xmlrpclib.Fault( 404, "No switch '%s' was found in the network map of supported devices." % switch) return yaml.dump(network_map) class LavaMapper(Mapper): def register_introspection_methods(self): """ Register LavaSystemAPI as 'system' object. LavaSystemAPI adds a 'whoami' system method above what the default has. """ self.register(LavaSystemAPI, 'system')