import datetime from django.conf import settings from django.db.models.signals import post_init, post_save import json import threading import uuid import zmq from zmq.utils.strtypes import b from lava_scheduler_app.models import Device, TestJob # Thread local storage for zmq socket and context thread_local = threading.local() def send_event(topic, user, data): # Get back the thread local storage try: context = thread_local.context socket = thread_local.socket except AttributeError: # Create the context and socket thread_local.context = context = zmq.Context.instance() thread_local.socket = socket = context.socket(zmq.PUSH) socket.connect(settings.INTERNAL_EVENT_SOCKET) try: # The format is [topic, uuid, datetime, username, data as json] msg = [ b(settings.EVENT_TOPIC + topic), str(uuid.uuid1()), datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat(), user, json.dumps(data) ] # Send the message in the non-blockng mode. # If the consumer (lava-publisher) is not active, the message will be lost. socket.send_multipart(msg, zmq.DONTWAIT) except (TypeError, ValueError, zmq.ZMQError): # The event can't be send, just skip it print("Unable to send the zmq event %s" % (settings.EVENT_TOPIC + topic)) def device_init_handler(sender, **kwargs): # This function is called for every Device object created # Save the old status instance = kwargs["instance"] instance._old_status = instance.status def device_post_handler(sender, **kwargs): # Called only when a Device is saved into the database instance = kwargs["instance"] # Send a signal if the status changed if instance.status != instance._old_status: # Update the status as some objects are save many times. # Even if an object is saved many time, we will send messages only when # the status change. instance._old_status = instance.status # Create the message data = { "status": instance.STATUS_CHOICES[instance.status][1], "health_status": instance.HEALTH_CHOICES[instance.health_status][1], "device": instance.hostname, "device_type":, "pipeline": instance.is_pipeline, } if instance.current_job: data["job"] = instance.current_job.display_id # Send the event send_event(".device", "lavaserver", data) def testjob_init_handler(sender, **kwargs): # This function is called for every testJob object created # Save the old status instance = kwargs["instance"] instance._old_status = instance.status def testjob_post_handler(sender, **kwargs): # Called only when a Device is saved into the database instance = kwargs["instance"] # Send a signal if the status changed or this is a new TestJob if instance.status != instance._old_status or kwargs["created"]: # Update the status as some objects are save many times. # Even if an object is saved many time, we will send messages only when # the status change. instance._old_status = instance.status # Create the message data = { "status": instance.STATUS_CHOICES[instance.status][1], "job":, "description": instance.description, "priority": instance.priority, "submit_time": instance.submit_time.isoformat(), "submitter": str(instance.submitter), "visibility": instance.VISIBLE_CHOICES[instance.visibility][1], "pipeline": instance.is_pipeline, } if instance.is_multinode: data['sub_id'] = instance.sub_id if instance.health_check: data['health_check'] = True if instance.requested_device: data['device'] = instance.requested_device.hostname elif instance.requested_device_type: data['device_type'] = if instance.start_time: data["start_time"] = instance.start_time.isoformat() if instance.end_time: data["end_time"] = instance.end_time.isoformat() if instance.actual_device: data["device"] = instance.actual_device.hostname # Send the event send_event(".testjob", str(instance.submitter), data) post_init.connect(device_init_handler, sender=Device, weak=False, dispatch_uid="device_init_handler") post_save.connect(device_post_handler, sender=Device, weak=False, dispatch_uid="device_post_handler") post_init.connect(testjob_init_handler, sender=TestJob, weak=False, dispatch_uid="testjob_init_handler") post_save.connect(testjob_post_handler, sender=TestJob, weak=False, dispatch_uid="testjob_post_handler")