# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # pylint: disable=too-many-lines from __future__ import unicode_literals import jinja2 import logging import os import re import uuid import simplejson import smtplib import socket import sys import yaml from django.db.models import Q from django.conf import settings from django.contrib.auth.models import User, Group from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType from django.contrib.admin.models import LogEntry, ADDITION, CHANGE from django.contrib.postgres.fields import ArrayField from django.contrib.sites.models import Site from django.core.cache import cache from django.core.exceptions import ( ImproperlyConfigured, ValidationError, ObjectDoesNotExist, MultipleObjectsReturned, ) from django.core.mail import send_mail from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse from django.core.validators import validate_email from django.db import models, IntegrityError from django.db.models.signals import pre_save from django.dispatch import receiver from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404 from django.template.loader import render_to_string from django.utils import timezone from django.utils.encoding import python_2_unicode_compatible from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe from django_restricted_resource.models import ( RestrictedResource, RestrictedResourceManager ) from lava_scheduler_app.managers import RestrictedTestJobQuerySet from lava_scheduler_app.schema import ( validate_submission, handle_include_option, SubmissionException ) from lava_scheduler_app import utils from linaro_django_xmlrpc.models import AuthToken from lava_scheduler_app.schema import validate_device if sys.version_info[0] == 2: # Python 2.x from urllib2 import urlopen, Request from urllib import urlencode elif sys.version_info[0] == 3: # For Python 3.0 and later from urllib.request import urlopen, Request from urllib.parse import urlencode # pylint: disable=invalid-name,no-self-use,too-many-public-methods,too-few-public-methods # pylint: disable=too-many-branches,too-many-return-statements,too-many-instance-attributes # Make the open function accept encodings in python < 3.x if sys.version_info[0] < 3: import codecs open = codecs.open # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin class JSONDataError(ValueError): """Error raised when JSON is syntactically valid but ill-formed.""" class DevicesUnavailableException(UserWarning): """Error raised when required number of devices are unavailable.""" @python_2_unicode_compatible class ExtendedUser(models.Model): user = models.OneToOneField(User) irc_handle = models.CharField( max_length=40, default=None, null=True, blank=True, verbose_name='IRC handle' ) irc_server = models.CharField( max_length=40, default=None, null=True, blank=True, verbose_name='IRC server' ) def __str__(self): return "%s: %s@%s" % (self.user, self.irc_handle, self.irc_server) @python_2_unicode_compatible class Tag(models.Model): name = models.SlugField(unique=True) description = models.TextField(null=True, blank=True) def __str__(self): return self.name.lower() def validate_job(data): try: yaml_data = yaml.load(data) except yaml.YAMLError as exc: raise SubmissionException("Loading job submission failed: %s." % exc) # validate against the submission schema. validate_submission(yaml_data) # raises SubmissionException if invalid. validate_yaml(yaml_data) # raises SubmissionException if invalid. def validate_yaml(yaml_data): if "notify" in yaml_data: if "recipients" in yaml_data["notify"]: for recipient in yaml_data["notify"]["recipients"]: if recipient["to"]["method"] == \ NotificationRecipient.EMAIL_STR: if "email" not in recipient["to"] and \ "user" not in recipient["to"]: raise SubmissionException("No valid user or email address specified.") else: if "handle" not in recipient["to"] and \ "user" not in recipient["to"]: raise SubmissionException("No valid user or IRC handle specified.") if "user" in recipient["to"]: try: User.objects.get(username=recipient["to"]["user"]) except User.DoesNotExist: raise SubmissionException("%r is not an existing user in LAVA." % recipient["to"]["user"]) elif "email" in recipient["to"]: try: validate_email(recipient["to"]["email"]) except ValidationError: raise SubmissionException("%r is not a valid email address." % recipient["to"]["email"]) if "compare" in yaml_data["notify"] and \ "query" in yaml_data["notify"]["compare"]: from lava_results_app.models import Query query_yaml_data = yaml_data["notify"]["compare"]["query"] if "username" in query_yaml_data: try: query = Query.objects.get( owner__username=query_yaml_data["username"], name=query_yaml_data["name"]) if query.content_type.model_class() != TestJob: raise SubmissionException( "Only TestJob queries allowed.") except Query.DoesNotExist: raise SubmissionException( "Query ~%s/%s does not exist" % ( query_yaml_data["username"], query_yaml_data["name"])) else: # Custom query. if query_yaml_data["entity"] != "testjob": raise SubmissionException( "Only TestJob queries allowed.") try: conditions = None if "conditions" in query_yaml_data: conditions = query_yaml_data["conditions"] Query.validate_custom_query( query_yaml_data["entity"], conditions ) except Exception as e: raise SubmissionException(e) @python_2_unicode_compatible class Architecture(models.Model): name = models.CharField( primary_key=True, verbose_name='Architecture version', help_text='e.g. ARMv7', max_length=100, editable=True, ) def __str__(self): return self.pk @python_2_unicode_compatible class ProcessorFamily(models.Model): name = models.CharField( primary_key=True, verbose_name='Processor Family', help_text='e.g. OMAP4, Exynos', max_length=100, editable=True, ) def __str__(self): return self.pk @python_2_unicode_compatible class Alias(models.Model): name = models.CharField( primary_key=True, verbose_name='Alias for this device-type', help_text='e.g. the device tree name(s)', max_length=200, editable=True, ) def __str__(self): return self.pk @python_2_unicode_compatible class BitWidth(models.Model): width = models.PositiveSmallIntegerField( primary_key=True, verbose_name='Processor bit width', help_text='integer: e.g. 32 or 64', editable=True, ) def __str__(self): return "%d" % self.pk @python_2_unicode_compatible class Core(models.Model): name = models.CharField( primary_key=True, verbose_name='CPU core', help_text='Name of a specific CPU core, e.g. Cortex-A9', editable=True, max_length=100, ) def __str__(self): return self.pk @python_2_unicode_compatible class DeviceType(models.Model): """ A class of device, for example a pandaboard or a snowball. """ name = models.SlugField(primary_key=True) architecture = models.ForeignKey( Architecture, related_name='device_types', blank=True, null=True, on_delete=models.SET_NULL, ) processor = models.ForeignKey( ProcessorFamily, related_name='device_types', blank=True, null=True, on_delete=models.SET_NULL, ) cpu_model = models.CharField( verbose_name='CPU model', help_text='e.g. a list of CPU model descriptive strings: OMAP4430 / OMAP4460', max_length=100, blank=True, null=True, editable=True, ) aliases = models.ManyToManyField( Alias, related_name='device_types', blank=True, ) bits = models.ForeignKey( BitWidth, related_name='device_types', blank=True, null=True, on_delete=models.SET_NULL, ) cores = models.ManyToManyField( Core, related_name='device_types', blank=True, ) core_count = models.PositiveSmallIntegerField( verbose_name='Total number of cores', help_text='Must be an equal number of each type(s) of core(s).', blank=True, null=True, ) def __str__(self): return self.name description = models.TextField( verbose_name=_("Device Type Description"), max_length=200, null=True, blank=True, default=None ) health_frequency = models.IntegerField( verbose_name="How often to run health checks", default=24 ) disable_health_check = models.BooleanField( default=False, verbose_name="Disable health check for devices of this type") HEALTH_PER_HOUR = 0 HEALTH_PER_JOB = 1 HEALTH_DENOMINATOR = ( (HEALTH_PER_HOUR, 'hours'), (HEALTH_PER_JOB, 'jobs'), ) health_denominator = models.IntegerField( choices=HEALTH_DENOMINATOR, default=HEALTH_PER_HOUR, verbose_name="Initiate health checks by hours or by jobs.", help_text=("Choose to submit a health check every N hours " "or every N jobs. Balance against the duration of " "a health check job and the average job duration.")) display = models.BooleanField(default=True, help_text=("Should this be displayed in the GUI or not. This can be " "useful if you are removing all devices of this type but don't " "want to loose the test results generated by the devices.")) owners_only = models.BooleanField(default=False, help_text="Hide this device type for all users except owners of " "devices of this type.") @models.permalink def get_absolute_url(self): return ("lava.scheduler.device_type.detail", [self.pk]) def num_devices_visible_to(self, user): """ Prepare a list of devices of this DeviceType which this user can see. If the DeviceType is not hidden, returns all devices of this type. :param user: User to check :return: the number of devices of this DeviceType which the user can see. This may be 0 if the type is hidden and the user owns none of the devices of this type. """ devices = Device.objects.filter(device_type=self) \ .only('user', 'group') \ .select_related('user', 'group') if self.owners_only: return len([d for d in devices if d.is_owned_by(user)]) else: return devices.count() def some_devices_visible_to(self, user): """ :param user: User to check :return: True if some devices of this DeviceType are visible """ # Grab the key from the cache if available version = user.id if user.id is not None else -1 cached_value = cache.get(self.name, version=version) if cached_value is not None: return cached_value devices = Device.objects.filter(device_type=self) \ .only('state', 'health', 'user', 'group') \ .select_related('user', 'group') if self.owners_only: result = False for d in devices: if d.is_owned_by(user): result = True break else: result = devices.exists() # Cache the value for 30 seconds cache.set(self.name, result, 30, version=version) return result @python_2_unicode_compatible class DefaultDeviceOwner(models.Model): """ Used to override the django User model to allow one individual user to be specified as the default device owner. """ user = models.OneToOneField(User) default_owner = models.BooleanField( verbose_name="Default owner of unrestricted devices", unique=True, default=False ) def __str__(self): if self.user: return self.user.username return '' @python_2_unicode_compatible class Worker(models.Model): """ A worker node to which devices are attached. """ hostname = models.CharField( verbose_name=_("Hostname"), max_length=200, primary_key=True, default=None, editable=True ) STATE_ONLINE, STATE_OFFLINE = range(2) STATE_CHOICES = ( (STATE_ONLINE, "Online"), (STATE_OFFLINE, "Offline"), ) state = models.IntegerField(choices=STATE_CHOICES, default=STATE_OFFLINE, editable=False) HEALTH_ACTIVE, HEALTH_MAINTENANCE, HEALTH_RETIRED = range(3) HEALTH_CHOICES = ( (HEALTH_ACTIVE, "Active"), (HEALTH_MAINTENANCE, "Maintenance"), (HEALTH_RETIRED, "Retired"), ) health = models.IntegerField(choices=HEALTH_CHOICES, default=HEALTH_ACTIVE) description = models.TextField( verbose_name=_("Worker Description"), max_length=200, null=True, blank=True, default=None, editable=True ) last_ping = models.DateTimeField(verbose_name=_("Last ping"), default=timezone.now) def __str__(self): return self.hostname def can_admin(self, user): return user.has_perm('lava_scheduler_app.change_worker') def can_update(self, user): if user.has_perm('lava_scheduler_app.change_worker'): return True elif user.username == "lava-health": return True else: return False @models.permalink def get_absolute_url(self): return ("lava.scheduler.worker.detail", [self.pk]) def get_description(self): return mark_safe(self.description) if self.description else None def update_description(self, description): self.description = description self.save() def retired_devices_count(self): return self.device_set.filter(health=Device.HEALTH_RETIRED).count() def go_health_active(self, user, reason=None): if reason: self.log_admin_entry(user, "%s → Active (%s)" % (self.get_health_display(), reason)) else: self.log_admin_entry(user, "%s → Active" % self.get_health_display()) for device in self.device_set.all().select_for_update(): device.worker_signal("go_health_active", user, self.state, self.health) device.save() self.health = Worker.HEALTH_ACTIVE def go_health_maintenance(self, user, reason=None): if reason: self.log_admin_entry(user, "%s → Maintenance (%s)" % (self.get_health_display(), reason)) else: self.log_admin_entry(user, "%s → Maintenance" % self.get_health_display()) for device in self.device_set.all().select_for_update(): device.worker_signal("go_health_maintenance", user, self.state, self.health) device.save() self.health = Worker.HEALTH_MAINTENANCE def go_health_retired(self, user, reason=None): if reason: self.log_admin_entry(user, "%s → Retired (%s)" % (self.get_health_display(), reason)) else: self.log_admin_entry(user, "%s → Retired" % self.get_health_display()) for device in self.device_set.all().select_for_update(): device.worker_signal("go_health_retired", user, self.state, self.health) device.save() self.health = Worker.HEALTH_RETIRED def go_state_offline(self): self.state = Worker.STATE_OFFLINE def go_state_online(self): self.state = Worker.STATE_ONLINE def log_admin_entry(self, user, reason, addition=False): if user is None: user = User.objects.get(username="lava-health") worker_ct = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(Worker) LogEntry.objects.log_action( user_id=user.id, content_type_id=worker_ct.pk, object_id=self.pk, object_repr=self.hostname, action_flag=ADDITION if addition else CHANGE, change_message=reason ) @python_2_unicode_compatible class Device(RestrictedResource): """ A device that we can run tests on. """ CONFIG_PATH = "/etc/lava-server/dispatcher-config/devices" HEALTH_CHECK_PATH = "/etc/lava-server/dispatcher-config/health-checks" hostname = models.CharField( verbose_name=_("Hostname"), max_length=200, primary_key=True, ) device_type = models.ForeignKey( DeviceType, verbose_name=_("Device type")) device_version = models.CharField( verbose_name=_("Device Version"), max_length=200, null=True, default=None, blank=True, ) physical_owner = models.ForeignKey( User, related_name='physicalowner', null=True, blank=True, default=None, verbose_name=_("User with physical access"), on_delete=models.SET_NULL, ) physical_group = models.ForeignKey( Group, related_name='physicalgroup', null=True, blank=True, default=None, verbose_name=_("Group with physical access") ) description = models.TextField( verbose_name=_("Device Description"), max_length=200, null=True, blank=True, default=None ) tags = models.ManyToManyField(Tag, blank=True) # This state is a cache computed from the device health and jobs. So keep # it read only to the admins STATE_IDLE, STATE_RESERVED, STATE_RUNNING = range(3) STATE_CHOICES = ( (STATE_IDLE, 'Idle'), (STATE_RESERVED, 'Reserved'), (STATE_RUNNING, 'Running'), ) state = models.IntegerField(choices=STATE_CHOICES, default=STATE_IDLE, editable=False) # The device health helps to decide what to do next with the device HEALTH_GOOD, HEALTH_UNKNOWN, HEALTH_LOOPING, HEALTH_BAD, HEALTH_MAINTENANCE, HEALTH_RETIRED = range(6) HEALTH_CHOICES = ( (HEALTH_GOOD, 'Good'), (HEALTH_UNKNOWN, 'Unknown'), (HEALTH_LOOPING, 'Looping'), (HEALTH_BAD, 'Bad'), (HEALTH_MAINTENANCE, 'Maintenance'), (HEALTH_RETIRED, 'Retired') ) HEALTH_REVERSE = { "GOOD": HEALTH_GOOD, "UNKNOWN": HEALTH_UNKNOWN, "LOOPING": HEALTH_LOOPING, "BAD": HEALTH_BAD, "MAINTENANCE": HEALTH_MAINTENANCE, "RETIRED": HEALTH_RETIRED, } health = models.IntegerField(choices=HEALTH_CHOICES, default=HEALTH_UNKNOWN) last_health_report_job = models.OneToOneField( "TestJob", blank=True, unique=True, null=True, related_name='+', on_delete=models.SET_NULL) # TODO: make this mandatory worker_host = models.ForeignKey( Worker, verbose_name=_("Worker Host"), null=True, blank=True, default=None, on_delete=models.SET_NULL, ) def clean(self): """ Complies with the RestrictedResource constraints by specifying the default device owner as the superuser upon save if none was set. Devices become public if no User or Group is specified First superuser by id is the default user if default user is None Devices move to that superuser if default user is None. """ default_user_list = DefaultDeviceOwner.objects.all()[:1] if not default_user_list or len(default_user_list) == 0: superusers = User.objects.filter(is_superuser=True).order_by('id')[:1] if len(superusers) > 0: first_super_user = superusers[0] if self.group is None: self.user = User.objects.filter(username=first_super_user.username)[0] default_owner = DefaultDeviceOwner() default_owner.user = User.objects.filter(username=first_super_user.username)[0] default_owner.save() first_super_user.defaultdeviceowner.user = first_super_user first_super_user.save() if self.device_type.owners_only: self.is_public = False return default_user = default_user_list[0] if self.user is None and self.group is None: if self.device_type.owners_only: self.is_public = False if default_user: self.user = User.objects.filter(id=default_user.user_id)[0] if self.user is not None and self.group is not None: raise ValidationError( 'Cannot be owned by a user and a group at the same time') def __str__(self): return "%s (%s, health %s)" % (self.hostname, self.get_state_display(), self.get_health_display()) def current_job(self): try: return self.testjobs.get(~Q(state=TestJob.STATE_FINISHED)) except TestJob.DoesNotExist: return None @models.permalink def get_absolute_url(self): return ("lava.scheduler.device.detail", [self.pk]) def get_simple_state_display(self): if self.state == Device.STATE_IDLE: if self.health in [Device.HEALTH_MAINTENANCE, Device.HEALTH_RETIRED]: return self.get_health_display() return self.get_state_display() def get_description(self): return mark_safe(self.description) if self.description else None def is_visible_to(self, user): """ Checks if this device is visible to the specified user. Retired devices are deemed to be visible - filter these out explicitly where necessary. :param user: If empty, restricted or hidden devices always return False :return: True if the user can see this device """ if self.device_type.owners_only: if not user: return False if not self.device_type.some_devices_visible_to(user): return False if not self.is_public: if not user: return False if not self.can_submit(user): return False return True def can_admin(self, user): if self.is_owned_by(user): return True if user.has_perm('lava_scheduler_app.change_device'): return True return False def can_submit(self, user): if self.health == Device.HEALTH_RETIRED: return False if self.is_public: return True if user.username == "lava-health": return True return self.is_owned_by(user) def is_valid(self, system=True): rendered = self.load_configuration() try: validate_device(rendered) except SubmissionException: return False return True def log_admin_entry(self, user, reason): if user is None: user = User.objects.get(username="lava-health") device_ct = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(Device) LogEntry.objects.log_action( user_id=user.id, content_type_id=device_ct.pk, object_id=self.pk, object_repr=self.hostname, action_flag=CHANGE, change_message=reason ) def testjob_signal(self, signal, job, infrastructure_error=False): if signal == "go_state_scheduling": self.state = Device.STATE_RESERVED elif signal == "go_state_scheduled": self.state = Device.STATE_RESERVED elif signal == "go_state_running": self.state = Device.STATE_RUNNING elif signal == "go_state_canceling": pass elif signal == "go_state_finished": self.state = Device.STATE_IDLE prev_health_display = self.get_health_display() if job.health_check: self.last_health_report_job = job if self.health in [Device.HEALTH_GOOD, Device.HEALTH_UNKNOWN, Device.HEALTH_BAD]: if job.health == TestJob.HEALTH_COMPLETE: self.health = Device.HEALTH_GOOD elif job.health == TestJob.HEALTH_INCOMPLETE: self.health = Device.HEALTH_BAD elif job.health == TestJob.HEALTH_CANCELED: self.health = Device.HEALTH_UNKNOWN else: raise NotImplementedError("Unexpected TestJob health") self.log_admin_entry(None, "%s → %s" % (prev_health_display, self.get_health_display())) elif infrastructure_error: self.health = Device.HEALTH_UNKNOWN self.log_admin_entry(None, "%s → %s (Infrastructure error after %s)" % (prev_health_display, self.get_health_display(), job.display_id)) else: raise NotImplementedError("Unknown signal %s" % signal) def worker_signal(self, signal, user, prev_state, prev_health): # HEALTH_BAD and HEALTH_RETIRED are permanent states that are not # changed by worker signals if signal == "go_health_active": # When leaving retirement, don't cascade the change if prev_health == Worker.HEALTH_RETIRED: return # Only update health of devices in maintenance if self.health != Device.HEALTH_MAINTENANCE: return self.log_admin_entry(user, "%s → Unknown (worker going active)" % self.get_health_display()) self.health = Device.HEALTH_UNKNOWN elif signal == "go_health_maintenance": if self.health in [Device.HEALTH_BAD, Device.HEALTH_MAINTENANCE, Device.HEALTH_RETIRED]: return self.log_admin_entry(user, "%s → Maintenance (worker going maintenance)" % self.get_health_display()) self.health = Device.HEALTH_MAINTENANCE elif signal == "go_health_retired": if self.health in [Device.HEALTH_BAD, Device.HEALTH_RETIRED]: return self.log_admin_entry(user, "%s → Retired (worker going retired)" % self.get_health_display()) self.health = Device.HEALTH_RETIRED else: raise NotImplementedError("Unknown signal %s" % signal) def load_configuration(self, job_ctx=None, output_format="dict"): """ Maps the device dictionary to the static templates in /etc/. raise: this function can raise IOError, jinja2.TemplateError or yaml.YAMLError - handling these exceptions may be context-dependent, users will need useful messages based on these exceptions. """ # The job_ctx should not be None while an empty dict is ok if job_ctx is None: job_ctx = {} if output_format == "raw": try: with open(os.path.join(Device.CONFIG_PATH, "%s.jinja2" % self.hostname), "r") as f_in: return f_in.read() except IOError: return None # Create the environment env = jinja2.Environment( loader=jinja2.FileSystemLoader( [Device.CONFIG_PATH, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(Device.CONFIG_PATH), "device-types")]), trim_blocks=True) try: template = env.get_template("%s.jinja2" % self.hostname) device_template = template.render(**job_ctx) except jinja2.TemplateError: return None if output_format == "yaml": return device_template else: return yaml.load(device_template) def minimise_configuration(self, data): """ Support for dynamic connections which only require critical elements of device configuration. Principally drop top level parameters and commands like power. """ data['constants']['kernel-start-message'] = '' device_configuration = { 'hostname': self.hostname, 'constants': data['constants'], 'timeouts': data['timeouts'], 'actions': { 'deploy': { 'methods': data['actions']['deploy']['methods'] }, 'boot': { 'methods': data['actions']['boot']['methods'] } } } return device_configuration def save_configuration(self, data): try: with open(os.path.join(self.CONFIG_PATH, "%s.jinja2" % self.hostname), "w") as f_out: f_out.write(data) return True except IOError as exc: logger = logging.getLogger("lava_scheduler_app") logger.error("Error saving device configuration for %s: %s", self.hostname, str(exc)) return False def get_extends(self): jinja_config = self.load_configuration(output_format="raw") if not jinja_config: return None env = jinja2.Environment() ast = env.parse(jinja_config) extends = list(ast.find_all(jinja2.nodes.Extends)) if len(extends) != 1: logger = logging.getLogger('lava_scheduler_app') logger.error("Found %d extends for %s", len(extends), self.hostname) return None else: return os.path.splitext(extends[0].template.value)[0] @property def is_exclusive(self): jinja_config = self.load_configuration(output_format="raw") if not jinja_config: return False env = jinja2.Environment() ast = env.parse(jinja_config) for assign in ast.find_all(jinja2.nodes.Assign): if assign.target.name == "exclusive": return bool(assign.node.value) return False def get_health_check(self): # Get the device dictionary extends = self.get_extends() if not extends: return None filename = os.path.join(Device.HEALTH_CHECK_PATH, "%s.yaml" % extends) # Try if health check file is having a .yml extension if not os.path.exists(filename): filename = os.path.join(Device.HEALTH_CHECK_PATH, "%s.yml" % extends) try: with open(filename, "r") as f_in: return f_in.read() except IOError: return None @python_2_unicode_compatible class JobFailureTag(models.Model): """ Allows us to maintain a set of common ways jobs fail. These can then be associated with a TestJob so we can do easy data mining """ name = models.CharField(unique=True, max_length=256) description = models.TextField(null=True, blank=True) def __str__(self): return self.name def _get_tag_list(tags, pipeline=False): """ Creates a list of Tag objects for the specified device tags for singlenode and multinode jobs. :param tags: a list of strings from the JSON :return: a list of tags which match the strings :raise: JSONDataError if a tag cannot be found in the database. """ taglist = [] if not isinstance(tags, list): msg = "'device_tags' needs to be a list - received %s" % type(tags) raise yaml.YAMLError(msg) if pipeline else JSONDataError(msg) for tag_name in tags: try: taglist.append(Tag.objects.get(name=tag_name)) except Tag.DoesNotExist: msg = "Device tag '%s' does not exist in the database." % tag_name raise yaml.YAMLError(msg) if pipeline else JSONDataError(msg) return taglist def _check_tags(taglist, device_type=None, hostname=None): """ Checks each available device against required tags :param taglist: list of Tag objects (not strings) for this job :param device_type: which types of device need to satisfy the tags - called during submission. :param hostname: check if this device can satisfy the tags - called from the daemon when scheduling from the queue. :return: a list of devices suitable for all the specified tags :raise: DevicesUnavailableException if no devices can satisfy the combination of tags. """ if not device_type and not hostname: # programming error return [] if len(taglist) == 0: # no tags specified in the job, any device can be used. return [] q = models.Q() if device_type: q = q.__and__(models.Q(device_type=device_type)) if hostname: q = q.__and__(models.Q(hostname=hostname)) q = q.__and__(~models.Q(health=Device.HEALTH_RETIRED)) tag_devices = set(Device.objects.filter(q)) matched_devices = [] for device in tag_devices: if set(device.tags.all()) & set(taglist) == set(taglist): matched_devices.append(device) if len(matched_devices) == 0 and device_type: raise DevicesUnavailableException( "No devices of type %s are available which have all of the tags '%s'." % (device_type, ", ".join([x.name for x in taglist]))) if len(matched_devices) == 0 and hostname: raise DevicesUnavailableException( "Device %s does not support all of the tags '%s'." % (hostname, ", ".join([x.name for x in taglist]))) return list(set(matched_devices)) def _check_submit_to_device(device_list, user): """ Handles the affects of Device Ownership on job submission :param device_list: A list of device objects to check :param user: The user submitting the job :return: a subset of the device_list to which the user is allowed to submit a TestJob. :raise: DevicesUnavailableException if none of the devices in device_list are available for submission by this user. """ allow = [] # ensure device_list is or can be converted to a list # DB queries result in a RestrictedResourceQuerySet if not isinstance(list(device_list), list) or len(device_list) == 0: # logic error return allow device_type = None for device in device_list: device_type = device.device_type if device.health != Device.HEALTH_RETIRED and device.can_submit(user): allow.append(device) if len(allow) == 0: raise DevicesUnavailableException( "No devices of type %s are currently available to user %s" % (device_type, user)) return allow def _check_tags_support(tag_devices, device_list): """ Combines the Device Ownership list with the requested tag list and returns any devices which meet both criteria. If neither the job nor the device have any tags, tag_devices will be empty, so the check will pass. :param tag_devices: A list of devices which meet the tag requirements :param device_list: A list of devices to which the user is able to submit a TestJob :raise: DevicesUnavailableException if there is no overlap between the two sets. """ if len(tag_devices) == 0: # no tags requested in the job: proceed. return if len(set(tag_devices) & set(device_list)) == 0: raise DevicesUnavailableException( "Not enough devices available matching the requested tags.") def _get_device_type(user, name): """ Gets the device type for the supplied name and ensures the user is an owner of at least one of those devices. :param user: the user submitting the TestJob """ logger = logging.getLogger('lava_scheduler_app') try: device_type = DeviceType.objects.get(name=name) except (ObjectDoesNotExist, MultipleObjectsReturned) as e: msg = "Device type '%s' is unavailable. %s" % (name, e) logger.error(msg) raise DevicesUnavailableException(msg) if not device_type.some_devices_visible_to(user): msg = "Device type '%s' is unavailable to user '%s'" % (name, user.username) logger.error(msg) raise DevicesUnavailableException(msg) return device_type # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments,too-many-locals def _create_pipeline_job(job_data, user, taglist, device=None, device_type=None, target_group=None, orig=None): if not isinstance(job_data, dict): # programming error raise RuntimeError("Invalid job data %s" % job_data) if 'connection' in job_data: device_type = None elif not device and not device_type: # programming error return None if not taglist: taglist = [] priorities = dict([(j.upper(), i) for i, j in TestJob.PRIORITY_CHOICES]) priority = TestJob.MEDIUM if 'priority' in job_data: priority_key = job_data['priority'].upper() if priority_key not in priorities: raise SubmissionException("Invalid job priority: %r" % priority_key) priority = priorities[priority_key] public_state = True visibility = TestJob.VISIBLE_PUBLIC viewing_groups = [] param = job_data['visibility'] if isinstance(param, str): if param == 'personal': public_state = False visibility = TestJob.VISIBLE_PERSONAL elif isinstance(param, dict): public_state = False if 'group' in param: visibility = TestJob.VISIBLE_GROUP known_groups = list(Group.objects.filter(name__in=param['group'])) if not known_groups: raise SubmissionException( "No known groups were found in the visibility list.") viewing_groups.extend(known_groups) if not orig: orig = yaml.dump(job_data) job = TestJob(definition=yaml.dump(job_data), original_definition=orig, submitter=user, requested_device_type=device_type, target_group=target_group, description=job_data['job_name'], health_check=False, user=user, is_public=public_state, visibility=visibility, priority=priority) job.save() # need a valid job before the tags can be assigned, then it needs to be saved again. for tag in Tag.objects.filter(name__in=taglist): job.tags.add(tag) for grp in viewing_groups: job.viewing_groups.add(grp) return job def _pipeline_protocols(job_data, user, yaml_data=None): # pylint: disable=too-many-locals,too-many-branches """ Handle supported pipeline protocols Check supplied parameters and change the device selection if necessary. This function has two stages - calculate the device_list, create the TestJobs. Other protocols can affect the device_list before the jobs are created. role_dictionary = { # map of the multinode group role: { 'devices': [], 'jobs': [], 'tags': [] } } Note: this function does *not* deal with the device state - this is a submission check to add the job(s) to the queue. It is not a problem if devices for this job are currently busy, only that there are enough devices which are not retired. So despite doing the tag checks here, the job is created with just the device_type and the checks are done again before the job starts. Actual device assignment happens in lava_scheduler_daemon:dbjobsource.py until this migrates into lava-master. params: job_data - dictionary of the submission YAML user: the user submitting the job returns: list of all jobs created using the specified type(s) which meet the protocol criteria, specified device tags and which the user is able to submit. (This is not a QuerySet, it is explicitly a list object.) exceptions: DevicesUnavailableException if all criteria cannot be met. """ device_list = [] if isinstance(job_data, dict) and 'protocols' not in job_data: return device_list if not yaml_data: yaml_data = yaml.dump(job_data) role_dictionary = {} # map of the multinode group if 'lava-multinode' in job_data['protocols']: # create target_group uuid, just a label for the coordinator. target_group = str(uuid.uuid4()) # Handle the requirements of the Multinode protocol # FIXME: needs a schema check # FIXME: the vland protocol will affect the device_list if 'roles' in job_data['protocols']['lava-multinode']: for role in job_data['protocols']['lava-multinode']['roles']: role_dictionary[role] = { 'devices': [], 'tags': [] } params = job_data['protocols']['lava-multinode']['roles'][role] if 'device_type' in params and 'connection' in params: raise SubmissionException( "lava-multinode protocol cannot support device_type and connection for a single role.") if 'device_type' not in params and 'connection' in params: # always allow support for dynamic connections which have no devices. if 'host_role' not in params: raise SubmissionException("connection specified without a host_role") continue device_type = _get_device_type(user, params['device_type']) role_dictionary[role]['device_type'] = device_type allowed_devices = [] device_list = Device.objects.filter( Q(device_type=device_type), ~Q(health=Device.HEALTH_RETIRED)) allowed_devices.extend(_check_submit_to_device(list(device_list), user)) if len(allowed_devices) < params['count']: raise DevicesUnavailableException("Not enough devices of type %s are currently " "available to user %s" % (device_type, user)) role_dictionary[role]['tags'] = _get_tag_list(params.get('tags', []), True) if role_dictionary[role]['tags']: supported = _check_tags(role_dictionary[role]['tags'], device_type=device_type) _check_tags_support(supported, allowed_devices) # FIXME: other protocols could need to remove devices from 'supported' here # the device_roles cannot be set here - only once the final group has been reserved job_object_list = [] # so far, just checked availability, now create the data. # Tags and device_type are tied to the role. The actual device is # a combination of the device_type and the count. Devices from the # supported list are allocated to jobs for the specified role. # split the YAML - needs the full device group information # returns a dict indexed by role, containing a list of jobs job_dictionary = utils.split_multinode_yaml(job_data, target_group) if not job_dictionary: raise SubmissionException("Unable to split multinode job submission.") # structural changes done, now create the testjob. parent = None # track the zero id job as the parent of the group in the sub_id text field for role, role_dict in role_dictionary.items(): for node_data in job_dictionary[role]: job = _create_pipeline_job( node_data, user, target_group=target_group, taglist=role_dict['tags'], device_type=role_dict.get('device_type', None), orig=None # store the dump of the split yaml as the job definition ) if not job: raise SubmissionException("Unable to create job for %s" % node_data) if not parent: parent = job.id job.sub_id = "%d.%d" % (parent, node_data['protocols']['lava-multinode']['sub_id']) job.multinode_definition = yaml_data # store complete submisison, inc. comments job.save() job_object_list.append(job) return job_object_list @python_2_unicode_compatible class TestJob(RestrictedResource): """ A test job is a test process that will be run on a Device. """ class Meta: index_together = ["health", "state", "requested_device_type"] objects = RestrictedResourceManager.from_queryset( RestrictedTestJobQuerySet)() # VISIBILITY levels are subject to any device restrictions and hidden device type rules VISIBLE_PUBLIC = 0 # anyone can view, submit or resubmit VISIBLE_PERSONAL = 1 # only the submitter can view, submit or resubmit VISIBLE_GROUP = 2 # A single group is specified, all users in that group (and that group only) can view. VISIBLE_CHOICES = ( (VISIBLE_PUBLIC, 'Publicly visible'), # publicly and publically are equivalent meaning (VISIBLE_PERSONAL, 'Personal only'), (VISIBLE_GROUP, 'Group only'), ) NOTIFY_EMAIL_METHOD = 'email' NOTIFY_IRC_METHOD = 'irc' id = models.AutoField(primary_key=True) sub_id = models.CharField( verbose_name=_("Sub ID"), blank=True, max_length=200 ) target_group = models.CharField( verbose_name=_("Target Group"), blank=True, max_length=64, null=True, default=None ) submitter = models.ForeignKey( User, verbose_name=_("Submitter"), related_name='+', ) visibility = models.IntegerField( verbose_name=_('Visibility type'), help_text=_('Visibility affects the TestJob and all results arising from that job, ' 'including Queries and Reports.'), choices=VISIBLE_CHOICES, default=VISIBLE_PUBLIC, editable=True ) viewing_groups = models.ManyToManyField( # functionally, may be restricted to only one group at a time # depending on implementation complexity Group, verbose_name=_('Viewing groups'), help_text=_('Adding groups to an intersection of groups reduces visibility.' 'Adding groups to a union of groups expands visibility.'), related_name='viewing_groups', blank=True, default=None, editable=True ) description = models.CharField( verbose_name=_("Description"), max_length=200, null=True, blank=True, default=None ) health_check = models.BooleanField(default=False) # Only one of requested_device_type or dynamic_connection should be # non-null. Dynamic connections have no device. requested_device_type = models.ForeignKey( DeviceType, null=True, default=None, related_name='+', blank=True) @property def dynamic_connection(self): """ Secondary connection detection - pipeline & multinode only. (Enhanced version of vmgroups.) A Primary connection needs a real device (persistence). """ if not self.is_multinode or not self.definition: return False job_data = yaml.load(self.definition) return 'connection' in job_data tags = models.ManyToManyField(Tag, blank=True) # This is set once the job starts or is reserved. actual_device = models.ForeignKey( Device, null=True, default=None, related_name='testjobs', blank=True) submit_time = models.DateTimeField( verbose_name=_("Submit time"), auto_now=False, auto_now_add=True, db_index=True ) start_time = models.DateTimeField( verbose_name=_("Start time"), auto_now=False, auto_now_add=False, null=True, blank=True, editable=False ) end_time = models.DateTimeField( verbose_name=_("End time"), auto_now=False, auto_now_add=False, null=True, blank=True, editable=False ) @property def duration(self): if self.end_time is None or self.start_time is None: return None return self.end_time - self.start_time STATE_SUBMITTED, STATE_SCHEDULING, STATE_SCHEDULED, STATE_RUNNING, STATE_CANCELING, STATE_FINISHED = range(6) STATE_CHOICES = ( (STATE_SUBMITTED, "Submitted"), (STATE_SCHEDULING, "Scheduling"), (STATE_SCHEDULED, "Scheduled"), (STATE_RUNNING, "Running"), (STATE_CANCELING, "Canceling"), (STATE_FINISHED, "Finished"), ) STATE_REVERSE = { "Submitted": STATE_SUBMITTED, "Scheduling": STATE_SCHEDULING, "Scheduled": STATE_SCHEDULED, "Running": STATE_RUNNING, "Canceling": STATE_CANCELING, "Finished": STATE_FINISHED } state = models.IntegerField(choices=STATE_CHOICES, default=STATE_SUBMITTED, editable=False) HEALTH_UNKNOWN, HEALTH_COMPLETE, HEALTH_INCOMPLETE, HEALTH_CANCELED = range(4) HEALTH_CHOICES = ( (HEALTH_UNKNOWN, "Unknown"), (HEALTH_COMPLETE, "Complete"), (HEALTH_INCOMPLETE, "Incomplete"), (HEALTH_CANCELED, "Canceled"), ) HEALTH_REVERSE = { "Unknown": HEALTH_UNKNOWN, "Complete": HEALTH_COMPLETE, "Incomplete": HEALTH_INCOMPLETE, "Canceled": HEALTH_CANCELED } health = models.IntegerField(choices=HEALTH_CHOICES, default=HEALTH_UNKNOWN) def go_state_scheduling(self, device): """ Used for multinode jobs when all jobs are not scheduled yet. When each sub jobs are scheduled, the state is change to STATE_SCHEDULED Jobs that are not multinode will directly use STATE_SCHEDULED """ if device.state != Device.STATE_IDLE: raise Exception("device is not IDLE") if self.state >= TestJob.STATE_SCHEDULING: return self.state = TestJob.STATE_SCHEDULING # TODO: check that device is locked self.actual_device = device self.actual_device.testjob_signal("go_state_scheduling", self) self.actual_device.save() def go_state_scheduled(self, device=None): """ The jobs has been scheduled or the given device. lava-master will send a START to the right lava-slave. """ dynamic_connection = self.dynamic_connection if device is None: # dynamic connection does not have any device if not dynamic_connection: if self.actual_device is None: raise Exception("actual_device is not set") device = self.actual_device else: if device.state != Device.STATE_IDLE: raise Exception("device is not IDLE") if self.state >= TestJob.STATE_SCHEDULED: return self.state = TestJob.STATE_SCHEDULED # dynamic connection does not have any device if not dynamic_connection: # TODO: check that device is locked self.actual_device = device self.actual_device.testjob_signal("go_state_scheduled", self) self.actual_device.save() def go_state_running(self): """ lava-master received a START_OK for this job which is now running. """ if self.state >= TestJob.STATE_RUNNING: return self.state = TestJob.STATE_RUNNING self.start_time = timezone.now() # TODO: check that self.actual_device is locked by the # select_for_update on the TestJob if not self.dynamic_connection: self.actual_device.testjob_signal("go_state_running", self) self.actual_device.save() def go_state_canceling(self, sub_cancel=False): """ The job was canceled by a user. lava-master will send a CANCEL to the right lava-slave. """ if self.state >= TestJob.STATE_CANCELING: return # If the job was not scheduled, go directly to STATE_FINISHED if self.state == TestJob.STATE_SUBMITTED: self.go_state_finished(TestJob.HEALTH_CANCELED) return self.state = TestJob.STATE_CANCELING # TODO: check that self.actual_device is locked by the # select_for_update on the TestJob if not self.dynamic_connection: self.actual_device.testjob_signal("go_state_canceling", self) self.actual_device.save() # For multinode, cancel all sub jobs if the current job is essential if not sub_cancel and self.essential_role: for sub_job in self.sub_jobs_list: if sub_job != self: sub_job.go_state_canceling(sub_cancel=True) sub_job.save() def go_state_finished(self, health, infrastructure_error=False): """ The job has been terminated by either lava-master or lava-logs. The job health can be set. """ if self.state == TestJob.STATE_FINISHED: return if health == TestJob.HEALTH_UNKNOWN: raise Exception("Cannot give HEALTH_UNKNOWN") # If the job was in STATE_CANCELING, then override health self.health = health if self.state == TestJob.STATE_CANCELING: self.health = TestJob.HEALTH_CANCELED self.state = TestJob.STATE_FINISHED self.end_time = timezone.now() # TODO: check that self.actual_device is locked by the # select_for_update on the TestJob # Skip non-scheduled jobs and dynamic_connections if self.actual_device is not None: self.actual_device.testjob_signal("go_state_finished", self, infrastructure_error) self.actual_device.save() # For multinode, cancel all sub jobs if the current job is essential # and it was a failure. if health == TestJob.HEALTH_INCOMPLETE and self.essential_role: for sub_job in self.sub_jobs_list: if sub_job != self: sub_job.go_state_canceling(sub_cancel=True) sub_job.save() def get_legacy_status(self): if self.state in [TestJob.STATE_SUBMITTED, TestJob.STATE_SCHEDULING, TestJob.STATE_SCHEDULED]: return 0 elif self.state == TestJob.STATE_RUNNING: return 1 elif self.state == TestJob.STATE_CANCELING: return 5 elif self.health == TestJob.HEALTH_COMPLETE: return 2 elif self.health in [TestJob.HEALTH_UNKNOWN, TestJob.HEALTH_INCOMPLETE]: return 3 else: return 4 def get_legacy_status_display(self): if self.state in [TestJob.STATE_SUBMITTED, TestJob.STATE_SCHEDULING, TestJob.STATE_SCHEDULED]: return "Submitted" elif self.state == TestJob.STATE_RUNNING: return "Running" elif self.state == TestJob.STATE_CANCELING: return "Canceling" elif self.health == TestJob.HEALTH_COMPLETE: return "Complete" elif self.health in [TestJob.HEALTH_UNKNOWN, TestJob.HEALTH_INCOMPLETE]: return "Incomplete" else: return "Canceled" LOW, MEDIUM, HIGH = (0, 50, 100) PRIORITY_CHOICES = ( (LOW, 'Low'), (MEDIUM, 'Medium'), (HIGH, 'High'), ) priority = models.IntegerField( choices=PRIORITY_CHOICES, default=MEDIUM, verbose_name=_("Priority"), ) definition = models.TextField( editable=False, ) original_definition = models.TextField( editable=False, blank=True ) multinode_definition = models.TextField( editable=False, blank=True ) # calculated by the master validation process. pipeline_compatibility = models.IntegerField( default=0, editable=False ) # only one value can be set as there is only one opportunity # to transition a device from Running to Offlining. admin_notifications = models.TextField( editable=False, blank=True ) @property def size_limit(self): return settings.LOG_SIZE_LIMIT * 1024 * 1024 @property def output_dir(self): # Fallback to the old path if it does exist old_path = os.path.join(settings.MEDIA_ROOT, 'job-output', 'job-%s' % self.id) if os.path.exists(old_path): return old_path return os.path.join(settings.MEDIA_ROOT, 'job-output', "%02d" % self.submit_time.year, "%02d" % self.submit_time.month, "%02d" % self.submit_time.day, str(self.id)) def output_file(self): output_path = os.path.join(self.output_dir, "output.yaml") if os.path.exists(output_path): return open(output_path, encoding='utf-8', errors='replace') else: return None def archived_job_file(self): """Checks if the current job's log output file was archived. """ last_info = os.path.join(settings.ARCHIVE_ROOT, 'job-output', 'last.info') if not os.path.exists(last_info): return False with open(last_info, 'r') as last: last_archived_job = int(last.read()) return self.id <= last_archived_job failure_tags = models.ManyToManyField( JobFailureTag, blank=True, related_name='failure_tags') failure_comment = models.TextField(null=True, blank=True) @property def results_link(self): return reverse("lava.results.testjob", args=[self.id]) @property def essential_role(self): # pylint: disable=too-many-return-statements if not self.is_multinode: return False data = yaml.load(self.definition) # would be nice to use reduce here but raising and catching TypeError is slower # than checking 'if .. in ' - most jobs will return False. if 'protocols' not in data: return False if 'lava-multinode' not in data['protocols']: return False if 'role' not in data['protocols']['lava-multinode']: return False if 'essential' not in data['protocols']['lava-multinode']: return False return data['protocols']['lava-multinode']['essential'] @property def device_role(self): # pylint: disable=too-many-return-statements if not self.is_multinode: return "Error" data = yaml.load(self.definition) if 'protocols' not in data: return 'Error' if 'lava-multinode' not in data['protocols']: return 'Error' if 'role' not in data['protocols']['lava-multinode']: return 'Error' return data['protocols']['lava-multinode']['role'] def __str__(self): job_type = 'health_check' if self.health_check else 'test' r = "%s (%s) %s job" % (self.get_state_display(), self.get_health_display(), job_type) if self.actual_device: r += " on %s" % (self.actual_device.hostname) else: if self.requested_device_type: r += " for %s" % (self.requested_device_type.name) r += " (%d)" % (self.id) return r @models.permalink def get_absolute_url(self): return ("lava.scheduler.job.detail", [self.display_id]) @classmethod def from_yaml_and_user(cls, yaml_data, user, original_job=None): """ Runs the submission checks on incoming pipeline jobs. Either rejects the job with a DevicesUnavailableException (which the caller is expected to handle), or creates a TestJob object for the submission and saves that testjob into the database. This function must *never* be involved in setting the state of this job or the state of any associated device. Retains yaml_data as the original definition to retain comments. :return: a single TestJob object or a list (explicitly, a list, not a QuerySet) of evaluated TestJob objects """ job_data = yaml.load(yaml_data) # Unpack include value if present. job_data = handle_include_option(job_data) # visibility checks if 'visibility' not in job_data: raise SubmissionException("Job visibility must be specified.") # handle view and admin users and groups # pipeline protocol handling, e.g. lava-multinode job_list = _pipeline_protocols(job_data, user, yaml_data) if job_list: # explicitly a list, not a QuerySet. return job_list # singlenode only device_type = _get_device_type(user, job_data['device_type']) allow = _check_submit_to_device(list(Device.objects.filter( device_type=device_type)), user) if not allow: raise DevicesUnavailableException("No devices of type %s have pipeline support." % device_type) taglist = _get_tag_list(job_data.get('tags', []), True) if taglist: supported = _check_tags(taglist, device_type=device_type) _check_tags_support(supported, allow) if original_job: # Add old job absolute url to metadata for pipeline jobs. job_url = str(original_job.get_absolute_url()) try: site = Site.objects.get_current() except (Site.DoesNotExist, ImproperlyConfigured): pass else: job_url = "http://%s%s" % (site.domain, job_url) job_data.setdefault("metadata", {}).setdefault("job.original", job_url) return _create_pipeline_job(job_data, user, taglist, device=None, device_type=device_type, orig=yaml_data) def clean(self): """ Implement the schema constraints for visibility for pipeline jobs so that admins cannot set a job into a logically inconsistent state. """ # public settings must match if self.is_public and self.visibility != TestJob.VISIBLE_PUBLIC: raise ValidationError("is_public is set but visibility is not public.") elif not self.is_public and self.visibility == TestJob.VISIBLE_PUBLIC: raise ValidationError("is_public is not set but visibility is public.") return super(TestJob, self).clean() def can_view(self, user): """ Take over the checks behind RestrictedIDLinkColumn, for pipeline jobs which support a view user list or view group. For speed, the lookups on the user/group tables are only by id Any elements which would need admin access must be checked separately using can_admin instead. :param user: the user making the request :return: True or False """ if self._can_admin(user, resubmit=False): return True device_type = self.requested_device_type if device_type and device_type.owners_only: if not device_type.some_devices_visible_to(user): return False if self.is_public: return True logger = logging.getLogger('lava_scheduler_app') if self.visibility == self.VISIBLE_PUBLIC: # logical error logger.exception("job [%s] visibility is public but job is not public.", self.id) elif self.visibility == self.VISIBLE_PERSONAL: return user == self.submitter elif self.visibility == self.VISIBLE_GROUP: # The user should be member of every groups user_groups = user.groups.all() return all([g in user_groups for g in self.viewing_groups.all()]) return False def _can_admin(self, user, resubmit=True): """ used to check for things like if the user can cancel or annotate a job failure. Failure to allow admin access returns HIDE_ACCESS or DENY_ACCESS For speed, the lookups on the user/group tables are only by id :param user: the user making the request :param resubmit: if this check should also consider resumbit/cancel permission :return: access level, up to a maximum of FULL_ACCESS """ # FIXME: move resubmit permission check to a separate function & rationalise. owner = False if self.actual_device is not None: owner = self.actual_device.can_admin(user) perm = user.is_superuser or user == self.submitter or owner if resubmit: perm = user.is_superuser or user == self.submitter or owner or\ user.has_perm('lava_scheduler_app.cancel_resubmit_testjob') return perm def can_change_priority(self, user): """ Permission and state required to change job priority. Multinode jobs cannot have their priority changed. """ return (user.is_superuser or user == self.submitter or user.has_perm('lava_scheduler_app.cancel_resubmit_testjob')) def can_annotate(self, user): """ Permission required for user to add failure information to a job """ return self._can_admin(user) and self.state == TestJob.STATE_FINISHED def can_cancel(self, user): states = [ TestJob.STATE_SUBMITTED, TestJob.STATE_SCHEDULING, TestJob.STATE_SCHEDULED, TestJob.STATE_RUNNING] return self._can_admin(user) and self.state in states def can_resubmit(self, user): return (user.is_superuser or user.has_perm('lava_scheduler_app.cancel_resubmit_testjob')) def _generate_summary_mail(self): domain = '???' try: site = Site.objects.get_current() except (Site.DoesNotExist, ImproperlyConfigured): pass else: domain = site.domain url_prefix = 'http://%s' % domain return render_to_string( 'lava_scheduler_app/job_summary_mail.txt', {'job': self, 'url_prefix': url_prefix}) def _generate_cancellation_mail(self, user): domain = '???' try: site = Site.objects.get_current() except (Site.DoesNotExist, ImproperlyConfigured): pass else: domain = site.domain url_prefix = 'http://%s' % domain return render_to_string( 'lava_scheduler_app/job_cancelled_mail.txt', {'job': self, 'url_prefix': url_prefix, 'user': user}) def _send_cancellation_mail(self, user): if user == self.submitter: return recipient = get_object_or_404(User.objects.select_related(), id=self.submitter.id) if not recipient.email: return mail = self._generate_cancellation_mail(user) description = self.description.splitlines()[0] if len(description) > 200: description = description[197:] + '...' logger = logging.getLogger('lava_scheduler_app') logger.info("sending mail to %s", recipient.email) try: send_mail( "LAVA job notification: " + description, mail, settings.SERVER_EMAIL, [recipient.email]) except (smtplib.SMTPRecipientsRefused, smtplib.SMTPSenderRefused, socket.error): logger.info("unable to send email to recipient") def _get_notification_recipients(self): job_data = simplejson.loads(self.definition) recipients = job_data.get('notify', []) recipients.extend([self.admin_notifications]) # Bug 170 recipients = filter(None, recipients) if self.health != self.HEALTH_COMPLETE: recipients.extend(job_data.get('notify_on_incomplete', [])) return recipients def send_summary_mails(self): recipients = self._get_notification_recipients() if not recipients: return mail = self._generate_summary_mail() description = self.description.splitlines()[0] if len(description) > 200: description = description[197:] + '...' logger = logging.getLogger('lava_scheduler_app') logger.info("sending mail to %s", recipients) try: send_mail( "LAVA job notification: " + description, mail, settings.SERVER_EMAIL, recipients) except (smtplib.SMTPRecipientsRefused, smtplib.SMTPSenderRefused, socket.error): logger.info("unable to send email - recipient refused") def set_failure_comment(self, message): if not self.failure_comment: self.failure_comment = message elif message not in self.failure_comment: self.failure_comment += message else: return self.save(update_fields=['failure_comment']) @property def sub_jobs_list(self): if self.is_multinode: jobs = TestJob.objects.filter( target_group=self.target_group).order_by('id') return jobs else: return [] @property def is_multinode(self): return bool(self.target_group) @property def lookup_worker(self): if not self.is_multinode: return None try: data = yaml.load(self.definition) except yaml.YAMLError: return None if 'host_role' not in data: return None parent = None # the protocol requires a count of 1 for any role specified as a host_role for worker_job in self.sub_jobs_list: if worker_job.device_role == data['host_role']: parent = worker_job break if not parent or not parent.actual_device: return None return parent.actual_device.worker_host @property def display_id(self): if self.sub_id: return self.sub_id else: return self.id @classmethod def get_by_job_number(cls, job_id, for_update=False): """If JOB_ID is of the form x.y ie., a multinode job notation, then query the database with sub_id and get the JOB object else use the given id as the primary key value. Returns JOB object. """ query = TestJob.objects if for_update: query = query.select_for_update() if '.' in str(job_id): job = query.get(sub_id=job_id) else: job = query.get(pk=job_id) return job @property def display_definition(self): """If ORIGINAL_DEFINITION is stored in the database return it, for jobs which do not have ORIGINAL_DEFINITION ie., jobs that were submitted before this attribute was introduced, return the DEFINITION. """ if self.original_definition and not self.is_multinode: return self.original_definition else: return self.definition def get_passfail_results(self): # Get pass fail results per lava_results_app.testsuite. results = {} from lava_results_app.models import TestCase for suite in self.testsuite_set.all(): results[suite.name] = { 'pass': suite.testcase_set.filter( result=TestCase.RESULT_MAP['pass']).count(), 'fail': suite.testcase_set.filter( result=TestCase.RESULT_MAP['fail']).count(), 'skip': suite.testcase_set.filter( result=TestCase.RESULT_MAP['skip']).count(), 'unknown': suite.testcase_set.filter( result=TestCase.RESULT_MAP['unknown']).count() } return results def get_measurement_results(self): # Get measurement values per lava_results_app.testcase. # TODO: add min, max from lava_results_app.models import TestSuite, TestCase results = {} for suite in TestSuite.objects.filter(job=self).prefetch_related( 'testcase_set').annotate( test_case_avg=models.Avg('testcase__measurement')): if suite.name not in results: results[suite.name] = {} results[suite.name]['measurement'] = suite.test_case_avg results[suite.name]['fail'] = suite.testcase_set.filter( result=TestCase.RESULT_MAP['fail']).count() return results def get_attribute_results(self, attributes): # Get attribute values per lava_scheduler_app.testjob. results = {} attributes = [x.strip() for x in attributes.split(',')] from lava_results_app.models import TestData testdata = TestData.objects.filter(testjob=self).first() if testdata: for attr in testdata.attributes.all(): if attr.name in attributes: results[attr.name] = {} results[attr.name]['fail'] = self.health != self.HEALTH_COMPLETE try: results[attr.name]['value'] = float(attr.value) except ValueError: # Ignore non-float metadata. del results[attr.name] return results def get_end_datetime(self): return self.end_time def get_xaxis_attribute(self, xaxis_attribute=None): from lava_results_app.models import NamedTestAttribute, TestData attribute = None if xaxis_attribute: try: testdata = TestData.objects.filter(testjob=self).first() if testdata: attribute = NamedTestAttribute.objects.filter( content_type=ContentType.objects.get_for_model( TestData), object_id=testdata.id, name=xaxis_attribute).values_list('value', flat=True)[0] # FIXME: bare except except: # There's no attribute, skip this result. pass return attribute def get_metadata_dict(self): from lava_results_app.models import TestData retval = [] data = TestData.objects.filter(testjob=self) for datum in data: for attribute in datum.attributes.all(): retval.append({attribute.name: attribute.value}) return retval def get_token_from_description(self, description): from linaro_django_xmlrpc.models import AuthToken tokens = AuthToken.objects.filter(user=self.submitter, description=description) if tokens: return tokens.first().secret return description def create_notification(self, notify_data): # Create notification object. notification = Notification() if "verbosity" in notify_data: notification.verbosity = Notification.VERBOSITY_MAP[ notify_data["verbosity"]] if "callback" in notify_data: notification.callback_url = self.substitute_callback_url_variables( notify_data["callback"]["url"]) if notify_data["callback"].get("token", None): notification.callback_token = self.get_token_from_description(notify_data["callback"]['token']) notification.callback_method = Notification.METHOD_MAP[ notify_data["callback"].get("method", "GET")] notification.callback_dataset = Notification.DATASET_MAP[ notify_data["callback"].get("dataset", "minimal")] notification.callback_content_type = Notification.CONTENT_TYPE_MAP[ notify_data['callback'].get('content-type', 'urlencoded')] if "type" in notify_data["criteria"]: notification.type = Notification.TYPE_MAP[ notify_data["criteria"]["type"]] if "compare" in notify_data: if "blacklist" in notify_data["compare"]: notification.blacklist = notify_data["compare"]["blacklist"] if "query" in notify_data["compare"]: from lava_results_app.models import Query query_data = notify_data["compare"]["query"] if "username" in query_data: # DoesNotExist scenario already verified in validate notification.query_owner = User.objects.get( username=query_data["username"]) notification.query_name = query_data["name"] else: # Custom query. notification.entity = Query.get_content_type( query_data["entity"]) if "conditions" in query_data: # Save conditions as a string. notification.conditions = Query.CONDITIONS_SEPARATOR.join(['%s%s%s' % (key, Query.CONDITION_DIVIDER, value) for (key, value) in query_data["conditions"].items()]) notification.test_job = self notification.template = Notification.DEFAULT_TEMPLATE notification.save() if "recipients" in notify_data: for recipient in notify_data["recipients"]: notification_recipient = NotificationRecipient( notification=notification) notification_recipient.method = NotificationRecipient.METHOD_MAP[recipient["to"]["method"]] if "user" in recipient["to"]: user = User.objects.get( username=recipient["to"]["user"]) notification_recipient.user = user if "email" in recipient["to"]: notification_recipient.email = recipient["to"]["email"] if "handle" in recipient["to"]: notification_recipient.irc_handle = recipient["to"][ "handle"] if "server" in recipient["to"]: notification_recipient.irc_server = recipient["to"][ "server"] try: notification_recipient.save() except IntegrityError: # Ignore unique constraint violation. pass else: if "callback" not in notify_data: try: notification_recipient = NotificationRecipient.objects.create( user=self.submitter, notification=notification) except IntegrityError: # Ignore unique constraint violation. pass def send_notifications(self): logger = logging.getLogger('lava_scheduler_app') notification = self.notification # Prep template args. kwargs = self.get_notification_args() # Process notification callback. notification.invoke_callback() for recipient in notification.notificationrecipient_set.all(): if recipient.method == NotificationRecipient.EMAIL: if recipient.status == NotificationRecipient.NOT_SENT: try: logger.info("[%d] sending email notification to %s", self.id, recipient.email_address) title = "LAVA notification for Test Job %s %s" % ( self.id, self.description[:200]) kwargs["user"] = self.get_recipient_args(recipient) body = self.create_notification_body( notification.template, **kwargs) result = send_mail( title, body, settings.SERVER_EMAIL, [recipient.email_address]) if result: recipient.status = NotificationRecipient.SENT recipient.save() except (smtplib.SMTPRecipientsRefused, jinja2.exceptions.TemplateError, smtplib.SMTPSenderRefused, socket.error) as exc: logger.exception(exc) logger.warning("[%d] failed to send email notification to %s", self.id, recipient.email_address) else: # IRC method if recipient.status == NotificationRecipient.NOT_SENT: if recipient.irc_server_name: logger.info("[%d] sending IRC notification to %s on %s", self.id, recipient.irc_handle_name, recipient.irc_server_name) try: irc_message = self.create_irc_notification() utils.send_irc_notification( Notification.DEFAULT_IRC_HANDLE, recipient=recipient.irc_handle_name, message=irc_message, server=recipient.irc_server_name) recipient.status = NotificationRecipient.SENT recipient.save() logger.info("[%d] IRC notification sent to %s", self.id, recipient.irc_handle_name) # FIXME: this bare except should be constrained except Exception as e: logger.warning( "[%d] IRC notification not sent. Reason: %s - %s", self.id, e.__class__.__name__, str(e)) def create_irc_notification(self): kwargs = {} kwargs["job"] = self kwargs["url_prefix"] = "http://%s" % utils.get_domain() return self.create_notification_body( Notification.DEFAULT_IRC_TEMPLATE, **kwargs) def get_notification_args(self): kwargs = {} kwargs["job"] = self kwargs["url_prefix"] = "http://%s" % utils.get_domain() kwargs["query"] = {} if self.notification.query_name or self.notification.entity: kwargs["query"]["results"] = self.notification.get_query_results() kwargs["query"]["link"] = self.notification.get_query_link() # Find the first job which has health HEALTH_COMPLETE and is not the # current job (this can happen with custom queries) for comparison. compare_index = None for index, result in enumerate(kwargs["query"]["results"]): if result.health == TestJob.HEALTH_COMPLETE and \ self != result: compare_index = index break kwargs["query"]["compare_index"] = compare_index if compare_index is not None and self.notification.blacklist: # Get testsuites diffs between current job and latest complete # job from query. new_suites = self.testsuite_set.all().exclude( name__in=self.notification.blacklist) old_suites = kwargs["query"]["results"][ compare_index].testsuite_set.all().exclude( name__in=self.notification.blacklist) left_suites_diff = new_suites.exclude( name__in=old_suites.values_list( 'name', flat=True)) right_suites_diff = old_suites.exclude( name__in=new_suites.values_list('name', flat=True)) kwargs["query"]["left_suites_diff"] = left_suites_diff kwargs["query"]["right_suites_diff"] = right_suites_diff # Get testcases diffs between current job and latest complete # job from query. from lava_results_app.models import TestCase, TestSuite new_cases = TestCase.objects.filter(suite__job=self).exclude( name__in=self.notification.blacklist).exclude( suite__name__in=self.notification.blacklist) old_cases = TestCase.objects.filter(suite__job=kwargs["query"]["results"][compare_index]).exclude( name__in=self.notification.blacklist).exclude( suite__name__in=self.notification.blacklist) left_cases_diff = new_cases.exclude( name__in=old_cases.values_list( 'name', flat=True)) right_cases_diff = old_cases.exclude( name__in=new_cases.values_list('name', flat=True)) kwargs["query"]["left_cases_diff"] = left_cases_diff kwargs["query"]["right_cases_diff"] = right_cases_diff left_suites_intersection = new_suites.filter( name__in=old_suites.values_list( 'name', flat=True)) # Format results. left_suites_count = {} for suite in left_suites_intersection: left_suites_count[suite.name] = ( suite.testcase_set.filter( result=TestCase.RESULT_PASS).count(), suite.testcase_set.filter( result=TestCase.RESULT_FAIL).count(), suite.testcase_set.filter( result=TestCase.RESULT_SKIP).count() ) right_suites_intersection = old_suites.filter( name__in=new_suites.values_list( 'name', flat=True)) # Format results. right_suites_count = {} for suite in right_suites_intersection: right_suites_count[suite.name] = ( suite.testcase_set.filter( result=TestCase.RESULT_PASS).count(), suite.testcase_set.filter( result=TestCase.RESULT_FAIL).count(), suite.testcase_set.filter( result=TestCase.RESULT_SKIP).count() ) kwargs["query"]["left_suites_count"] = left_suites_count kwargs["query"]["right_suites_count"] = right_suites_count # Format {: old_result, ...} testcases_changed = {} for suite in left_suites_intersection: try: old_suite = TestSuite.objects.get( name=suite.name, job=kwargs["query"]["results"][compare_index]) except TestSuite.DoesNotExist: continue # No matching suite, move on. for testcase in suite.testcase_set.all(): try: old_testcase = TestCase.objects.get( suite=old_suite, name=testcase.name) if old_testcase and \ testcase.result != old_testcase.result: testcases_changed[testcase] = old_testcase.get_result_display() except TestCase.DoesNotExist: continue # No matching TestCase, move on. except TestCase.MultipleObjectsReturned: logging.info("Multiple Test Cases with the equal name in TestSuite %s, could not compare", old_suite) kwargs["query"]["testcases_changed"] = testcases_changed return kwargs def get_recipient_args(self, recipient): user_data = {} if recipient.user: user_data["username"] = recipient.user.username user_data["first_name"] = recipient.user.first_name user_data["last_name"] = recipient.user.last_name return user_data def create_notification_body(self, template_name, **kwargs): txt_body = Notification.TEMPLATES_ENV.get_template( template_name).render(**kwargs) return txt_body def notification_criteria(self, criteria, old_job): # support special status of finished, otherwise skip to normal if criteria["status"] == "finished": return self.state == TestJob.STATE_FINISHED if criteria["status"] == "running": return self.state == TestJob.STATE_RUNNING if criteria["status"] == "complete": const = TestJob.HEALTH_COMPLETE elif criteria["status"] == "incomplete": const = TestJob.HEALTH_INCOMPLETE else: const = TestJob.HEALTH_CANCELED # use normal notification support if self.health == const: if "type" in criteria: if criteria["type"] == "regression": if old_job.health == TestJob.HEALTH_COMPLETE and \ self.health == TestJob.HEALTH_INCOMPLETE: return True if criteria["type"] == "progression": if old_job.health == TestJob.HEALTH_INCOMPLETE and \ self.health == TestJob.HEALTH_COMPLETE: return True else: return True return False def substitute_callback_url_variables(self, callback_url): # Substitute variables in callback_url with field values from self. # Format: { FIELD_NAME } # If field name is non-existing, return None. logger = logging.getLogger('lava_scheduler_app') substitutes = re.findall(r'{\s*[A-Z_-]*\s*}', callback_url) for sub in substitutes: attribute_name = sub.replace('{', '').replace('}', '').strip().lower() # FIXME: Keep legacy behavior. Should be removed. if attribute_name == "status": attr = self.get_legacy_status() elif attribute_name == "status_string": attr = self.get_legacy_status_display().lower() else: try: attr = getattr(self, attribute_name) except AttributeError: logger.error("Attribute '%s' does not exist in TestJob." % attribute_name) continue callback_url = callback_url.replace(str(sub), str(attr)) return callback_url @python_2_unicode_compatible class Notification(models.Model): TEMPLATES_DIR = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), "templates/", TestJob._meta.app_label) TEMPLATES_ENV = jinja2.Environment( loader=jinja2.FileSystemLoader(TEMPLATES_DIR), extensions=["jinja2.ext.i18n"]) DEFAULT_TEMPLATE = "testjob_notification.txt" DEFAULT_IRC_TEMPLATE = "testjob_irc_notification.txt" DEFAULT_IRC_HANDLE = "lava-bot" QUERY_LIMIT = 5 test_job = models.OneToOneField( TestJob, null=False, on_delete=models.CASCADE) REGRESSION = 0 PROGRESSION = 1 TYPE_CHOICES = ( (REGRESSION, 'regression'), (PROGRESSION, 'progression'), ) TYPE_MAP = { 'regression': REGRESSION, 'progression': PROGRESSION, } type = models.IntegerField( choices=TYPE_CHOICES, default=None, null=True, blank=True, verbose_name=_("Type"), ) VERBOSE = 0 QUIET = 1 STATUS_ONLY = 2 VERBOSITY_CHOICES = ( (VERBOSE, 'verbose'), (QUIET, 'quiet'), (STATUS_ONLY, 'status-only'), ) VERBOSITY_MAP = { 'verbose': VERBOSE, 'quiet': QUIET, 'status-only': STATUS_ONLY, } verbosity = models.IntegerField( choices=VERBOSITY_CHOICES, default=QUIET, ) template = models.CharField( max_length=50, default=None, null=True, blank=True, verbose_name='Template name' ) callback_url = models.CharField( max_length=200, default=None, null=True, blank=True, verbose_name='Callback URL' ) GET = 0 POST = 1 METHOD_CHOICES = ( (GET, 'GET'), (POST, 'POST'), ) METHOD_MAP = { 'GET': GET, 'POST': POST, } callback_method = models.IntegerField( choices=METHOD_CHOICES, default=None, null=True, blank=True, verbose_name=_("Callback method"), ) callback_token = models.CharField( max_length=200, default=None, null=True, blank=True, verbose_name='Callback token' ) MINIMAL = 0 LOGS = 1 RESULTS = 2 ALL = 3 DATASET_CHOICES = ( (MINIMAL, 'minimal'), (LOGS, 'logs'), (RESULTS, 'results'), (ALL, 'all') ) DATASET_MAP = { 'minimal': MINIMAL, 'logs': LOGS, 'results': RESULTS, 'all': ALL, } callback_dataset = models.IntegerField( choices=DATASET_CHOICES, default=None, null=True, blank=True, verbose_name=_("Callback dataset"), ) URLENCODED = 0 JSON = 1 CONTENT_TYPE_CHOICES = ( (URLENCODED, 'urlencoded'), (JSON, 'json') ) CONTENT_TYPE_MAP = { 'urlencoded': URLENCODED, 'json': JSON } callback_content_type = models.IntegerField( choices=CONTENT_TYPE_CHOICES, default=None, null=True, blank=True, verbose_name=_("Callback content-type"), ) blacklist = ArrayField( models.CharField(max_length=100, blank=True), null=True, blank=True ) time_sent = models.DateTimeField( verbose_name=_("Time sent"), auto_now=False, auto_now_add=True, editable=False ) query_owner = models.ForeignKey( User, null=True, blank=True, on_delete=models.SET_NULL, verbose_name='Query owner' ) query_name = models.CharField( max_length=1024, default=None, null=True, blank=True, verbose_name='Query name', ) entity = models.ForeignKey( ContentType, null=True, blank=True ) conditions = models.CharField( max_length=400, default=None, null=True, blank=True, verbose_name='Conditions' ) def __str__(self): return str(self.test_job) def get_query_results(self): from lava_results_app.models import Query if self.query_name: query = Query.objects.get(name=self.query_name, owner=self.query_owner) # We use query_owner as user here since we show only status. return query.get_results(self.query_owner)[:self.QUERY_LIMIT] else: return Query.get_queryset( self.entity, Query.parse_conditions(self.entity, self.conditions), self.QUERY_LIMIT) def get_query_link(self): from lava_results_app.models import Query if self.query_name: query = Query.objects.get(name=self.query_name, owner=self.query_owner) return query.get_absolute_url() else: # Make absolute URL manually. return "%s?entity=%s&conditions=%s" % ( reverse("lava.results.query_custom"), self.entity.model, self.conditions) def invoke_callback(self): logger = logging.getLogger('lava_scheduler_app') callback_data = self.get_callback_data() headers = {} if callback_data: headers['Authorization'] = callback_data['token'] if self.callback_content_type == Notification.JSON: callback_data = simplejson.dumps(callback_data) headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' else: callback_data = urlencode(callback_data) headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' if self.callback_url: try: logger.info("Sending request to callback_url %s" % self.callback_url) request = Request(self.callback_url, callback_data, headers) urlopen(request) except Exception as ex: logger.warning("Problem sending request to %s: %s" % ( self.callback_url, ex)) def get_callback_data(self): from lava_results_app.dbutils import export_testcase if self.callback_method == Notification.GET: return None else: data = { "id": self.test_job.pk, "status": self.test_job.get_legacy_status(), "status_string": self.test_job.get_legacy_status_display().lower(), "state": self.test_job.state, "state_string": self.test_job.get_state_display(), "health": self.test_job.health, "health_string": self.test_job.get_health_display(), "submit_time": str(self.test_job.submit_time), "start_time": str(self.test_job.start_time), "end_time": str(self.test_job.end_time), "submitter_username": self.test_job.submitter.username, "failure_comment": self.test_job.failure_comment, "priority": self.test_job.priority, "description": self.test_job.description, "actual_device_id": self.test_job.actual_device_id, "definition": self.test_job.definition, "metadata": self.test_job.get_metadata_dict(), "token": self.callback_token } # Logs. output_file = self.test_job.output_file() if output_file and self.callback_dataset in [Notification.LOGS, Notification.ALL]: data["log"] = self.test_job.output_file().read().encode( 'UTF-8') # Results. if self.callback_dataset in [Notification.RESULTS, Notification.ALL]: data["results"] = {} for test_suite in self.test_job.testsuite_set.all(): yaml_list = [] for test_case in test_suite.testcase_set.all(): yaml_list.append(export_testcase(test_case)) data["results"][test_suite.name] = yaml.dump(yaml_list) return data @python_2_unicode_compatible class NotificationRecipient(models.Model): class Meta: unique_together = ("user", "notification", "method") user = models.ForeignKey( User, default=None, null=True, blank=True, on_delete=models.CASCADE, verbose_name='Notification user recipient' ) email = models.CharField( max_length=100, default=None, null=True, blank=True, verbose_name='recipient email' ) irc_handle = models.CharField( max_length=40, default=None, null=True, blank=True, verbose_name='IRC handle' ) irc_server = models.CharField( max_length=40, default=None, null=True, blank=True, verbose_name='IRC server' ) notification = models.ForeignKey( Notification, null=False, on_delete=models.CASCADE, verbose_name='Notification' ) SENT = 0 NOT_SENT = 1 STATUS_CHOICES = ( (SENT, 'sent'), (NOT_SENT, 'not sent'), ) STATUS_MAP = { 'sent': SENT, 'not sent': NOT_SENT, } status = models.IntegerField( choices=STATUS_CHOICES, default=NOT_SENT, verbose_name=_("Status"), ) EMAIL = 0 EMAIL_STR = 'email' IRC = 1 IRC_STR = 'irc' METHOD_CHOICES = ( (EMAIL, EMAIL_STR), (IRC, IRC_STR), ) METHOD_MAP = { EMAIL_STR: EMAIL, IRC_STR: IRC, } method = models.IntegerField( choices=METHOD_CHOICES, default=EMAIL, verbose_name=_("Method"), ) def __str__(self): if self.method == self.EMAIL: return "[email] %s (%s)" % (self.email_address, self.get_status_display()) else: return "[irc] %s@%s (%s)" % (self.irc_handle_name, self.irc_server_name, self.get_status_display()) @property def email_address(self): if self.email: return self.email else: return self.user.email @property def irc_handle_name(self): if self.irc_handle: return self.irc_handle else: try: return self.user.extendeduser.irc_handle except: return None @property def irc_server_name(self): if self.irc_server: return self.irc_server else: try: return self.user.extendeduser.irc_server except: return None @receiver(pre_save, sender=TestJob, dispatch_uid="process_notifications") def process_notifications(sender, **kwargs): new_job = kwargs["instance"] notification_state = [TestJob.STATE_RUNNING, TestJob.STATE_FINISHED] # Send only for pipeline jobs. # If it's a new TestJob, no need to send notifications. if new_job.id: old_job = TestJob.objects.get(pk=new_job.id) if new_job.state in notification_state and \ old_job.state != new_job.state: job_def = yaml.load(new_job.definition) if "notify" in job_def: if new_job.notification_criteria(job_def["notify"]["criteria"], old_job): try: old_job.notification except ObjectDoesNotExist: new_job.create_notification(job_def["notify"]) new_job.send_notifications() @python_2_unicode_compatible class TestJobUser(models.Model): class Meta: unique_together = ("test_job", "user") permissions = ( ('cancel_resubmit_testjob', 'Can cancel or resubmit test jobs'), ) user = models.ForeignKey( User, null=False, on_delete=models.CASCADE) test_job = models.ForeignKey( TestJob, null=False, on_delete=models.CASCADE) is_favorite = models.BooleanField( default=False, verbose_name='Favorite job') def __str__(self): if self.user: return self.user.username return ''