metadata: name: TC45 format: "Manual Test Definition 1.0" description: "TC45: SSH" maintainer: - os: - openembedded scope: - functional devices: - lces2 - soca9 environment: - manual-test run: steps: - 'Assign an IP address if networking configured' - 'udhcpc -i eth1' - ' ' - "make sure dropbear isn't running" - 'systemctl stop dropbear.socket; systemctl status dropbear.socket' - ' ' - '# Attempt to SSH into the board' - '# This should fail.' - ' ' - '# In file /etc/default/dropbear' - '# Replace `DROPBEAR_EXTRA_ARGS="-w"` with `DROPBEAR_EXTRA_ARGS=`' - "sed -i 's/\"-w\"/\"\"/g' /etc/default/dropbear" - ' ' - '# Start dropbear' - 'systemctl start dropbear.socket; systemctl status dropbear.socket' - ' ' - '# Attempt to SSH into the board' - '# This should pass.' - '# Check who is connected' - 'systemctl status dropbear.socket' expected: - "remote users are able to SSH into the board" - "systemctl shows users connecting and disconnecting"