metadata: name: TB1 format: "Manual Test Definition 1.0" description: "TB1: assign IP address" maintainer: - os: - openembedded scope: - functional devices: - lces2 - soca9 environment: - manual-test run: steps: - "For SoCA9" - "targetip=" - "For LCES2" - "targetip=" - " " - "LCES2 ports: J17=eth1, J21=eth1, J22=lan0, J23=lan1, J24=lan2" - "SoCA9 ports: J17=eth1, J21=eth2, J22=lan0, J23=lan1, J24=lan2" - " " - "Set 'eth' variable for the port being tested" - "eth=eth1" - "eth=eth2 # soca9 only" - "eth=lan0" - "eth=lan1" - "eth=lan2" - " " - "# For tb11 only" - "ifconfig $eth mtu 1508" - " " - "Once the variables are assigned, these are the test steps:" - " " - "If testing lan0, lan1 or lan2" - "ifconfig eth0 up" - " " - "ifconfig $eth ${targetip} up" - "ifconfig $eth" - "dhclient -r $eth" - "ifconfig $eth" - "dhclient $eth" - "ifconfig $eth" - "ethtool ${eth}" - "ethtool -s ${eth} speed 100 duplex full autoneg off" - "ethtool ${eth} ; ifconfig ${eth}" - "dhclient -r $eth" - "ifconfig $eth ${targetip} up" - "ifconfig $eth" expected: - "IP addresses are assigned correctly"