metadata: name: local-run format: "Lava-Test-Shell Test Definition 1.0" description: "Run tests from with docker. Test runs on test target." maintainer: - os: - ubuntu - debian - centos - fedora - openembedded devices: - d03 - d05 - juno - beaglebone-black - hi6220-hikey - apq8016-sbc - mustang - moonshot - thunderX - x15 scope: - functional - performance params: # Relative path to test definition file # Example: automated/linux/linpack/linpack.yaml TEST: "automated/linux/smoke/smoke.yaml" # Usage: KEY1=VALUE1 KEY2=VALUE2 # Example for smoke test: 'TESTS="pwd, lsb_release -a, uname -a, ip a, lscpu, vmstat, lsblk"' TESTDEF_PARAMS: "" # Dockerfile example: DOCKER_IMG: "linaro/testdef-arm64-debian-stretch:922033e" run: steps: - cd automated/linux/dockerized-tests - if [ -z "${TESTDEF_PARAMS}" ]; then - ./ -t "${TEST}" -d "${DOCKER_IMG}" - else - ./ -t "${TEST}" -d "${DOCKER_IMG}" -r "${TESTDEF_PARAMS}" - fi - ../../utils/ ./output/result.txt