/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* * mmcli -- Control bearer status & access information from the command line * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * * Copyright (C) 2011-2018 Aleksander Morgado */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #define _LIBMM_INSIDE_MMCLI #include #include "mmcli.h" #include "mmcli-common.h" #include "mmcli-output.h" /* Context */ typedef struct { MMManager *manager; MMObject *object; GCancellable *cancellable; MMBearer *bearer; } Context; static Context *ctx; /* Options */ static gboolean info_flag; /* set when no action found */ static gboolean connect_flag; static gboolean disconnect_flag; static GOptionEntry entries[] = { { "connect", 'c', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &connect_flag, "Connect a given bearer.", NULL }, { "disconnect", 'x', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &disconnect_flag, "Disconnect a given bearer.", NULL }, { NULL } }; GOptionGroup * mmcli_bearer_get_option_group (void) { GOptionGroup *group; /* Status options */ group = g_option_group_new ("bearer", "Bearer options", "Show bearer options", NULL, NULL); g_option_group_add_entries (group, entries); return group; } gboolean mmcli_bearer_options_enabled (void) { static guint n_actions = 0; static gboolean checked = FALSE; if (checked) return !!n_actions; n_actions = (connect_flag + disconnect_flag); if (n_actions == 0 && mmcli_get_common_bearer_string ()) { /* default to info */ info_flag = TRUE; n_actions++; } if (n_actions > 1) { g_printerr ("error: too many bearer actions requested\n"); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } if (info_flag) mmcli_force_sync_operation (); checked = TRUE; return !!n_actions; } static void context_free (Context *ctx) { if (!ctx) return; if (ctx->cancellable) g_object_unref (ctx->cancellable); if (ctx->bearer) g_object_unref (ctx->bearer); if (ctx->object) g_object_unref (ctx->object); if (ctx->manager) g_object_unref (ctx->manager); g_free (ctx); } void mmcli_bearer_shutdown (void) { context_free (ctx); } static void print_bearer_info (MMBearer *bearer) { MMBearerIpConfig *ipv4_config; MMBearerIpConfig *ipv6_config; MMBearerProperties *properties; MMBearerStats *stats; ipv4_config = mm_bearer_get_ipv4_config (bearer); ipv6_config = mm_bearer_get_ipv6_config (bearer); properties = mm_bearer_get_properties (bearer); stats = mm_bearer_get_stats (bearer); mmcli_output_string (MMC_F_BEARER_GENERAL_DBUS_PATH, mm_bearer_get_path (bearer)); mmcli_output_string (MMC_F_BEARER_GENERAL_TYPE, mm_bearer_type_get_string (mm_bearer_get_bearer_type (bearer))); mmcli_output_string (MMC_F_BEARER_STATUS_CONNECTED, mm_bearer_get_connected (bearer) ? "yes" : "no"); mmcli_output_string (MMC_F_BEARER_STATUS_SUSPENDED, mm_bearer_get_suspended (bearer) ? "yes" : "no"); mmcli_output_string (MMC_F_BEARER_STATUS_INTERFACE, mm_bearer_get_interface (bearer)); mmcli_output_string_take (MMC_F_BEARER_STATUS_IP_TIMEOUT, g_strdup_printf ("%u", mm_bearer_get_ip_timeout (bearer))); /* Properties */ { const gchar *apn = NULL; const gchar *roaming = NULL; gchar *ip_family_str = NULL; const gchar *user = NULL; const gchar *password = NULL; const gchar *rm_protocol = NULL; if (properties) { apn = mm_bearer_properties_get_apn (properties); ip_family_str = (properties ? mm_bearer_ip_family_build_string_from_mask (mm_bearer_properties_get_ip_type (properties)) : NULL); user = mm_bearer_properties_get_user (properties); password = mm_bearer_properties_get_password (properties); if (mm_bearer_get_bearer_type (bearer) != MM_BEARER_TYPE_DEFAULT_ATTACH) { roaming = mm_bearer_properties_get_allow_roaming (properties) ? "allowed" : "forbidden"; rm_protocol = mm_modem_cdma_rm_protocol_get_string (mm_bearer_properties_get_rm_protocol (properties)); } } mmcli_output_string (MMC_F_BEARER_PROPERTIES_APN, apn); mmcli_output_string (MMC_F_BEARER_PROPERTIES_ROAMING, roaming); mmcli_output_string_take (MMC_F_BEARER_PROPERTIES_IP_TYPE, ip_family_str); mmcli_output_string (MMC_F_BEARER_PROPERTIES_USER, user); mmcli_output_string (MMC_F_BEARER_PROPERTIES_PASSWORD, password); mmcli_output_string (MMC_F_BEARER_PROPERTIES_RM_PROTOCOL, rm_protocol); } /* IPv4 config */ { const gchar *method = NULL; const gchar *address = NULL; gchar *prefix = NULL; const gchar *gateway = NULL; const gchar **dns = NULL; gchar *mtu = NULL; if (ipv4_config) { method = mm_bearer_ip_method_get_string (mm_bearer_ip_config_get_method (ipv4_config)); if (mm_bearer_ip_config_get_method (ipv4_config) != MM_BEARER_IP_METHOD_UNKNOWN) { guint mtu_n; address = mm_bearer_ip_config_get_address (ipv4_config); prefix = g_strdup_printf ("%u", mm_bearer_ip_config_get_prefix (ipv4_config)); gateway = mm_bearer_ip_config_get_gateway (ipv4_config); dns = mm_bearer_ip_config_get_dns (ipv4_config); mtu_n = mm_bearer_ip_config_get_mtu (ipv4_config); if (mtu_n) mtu = g_strdup_printf ("%u", mtu_n); } } mmcli_output_string (MMC_F_BEARER_IPV4_CONFIG_METHOD, method); mmcli_output_string (MMC_F_BEARER_IPV4_CONFIG_ADDRESS, address); mmcli_output_string_take (MMC_F_BEARER_IPV4_CONFIG_PREFIX, prefix); mmcli_output_string (MMC_F_BEARER_IPV4_CONFIG_GATEWAY, gateway); mmcli_output_string_array (MMC_F_BEARER_IPV4_CONFIG_DNS, dns, FALSE); mmcli_output_string_take (MMC_F_BEARER_IPV4_CONFIG_MTU, mtu); } /* IPv6 config */ { const gchar *method = NULL; const gchar *address = NULL; gchar *prefix = NULL; const gchar *gateway = NULL; const gchar **dns = NULL; gchar *mtu = NULL; if (ipv6_config) { method = mm_bearer_ip_method_get_string (mm_bearer_ip_config_get_method (ipv6_config)); if (mm_bearer_ip_config_get_method (ipv6_config) != MM_BEARER_IP_METHOD_UNKNOWN) { guint mtu_n; address = mm_bearer_ip_config_get_address (ipv6_config); prefix = g_strdup_printf ("%u", mm_bearer_ip_config_get_prefix (ipv6_config)); gateway = mm_bearer_ip_config_get_gateway (ipv6_config); dns = mm_bearer_ip_config_get_dns (ipv6_config); mtu_n = mm_bearer_ip_config_get_mtu (ipv6_config); if (mtu_n) mtu = g_strdup_printf ("%u", mtu_n); } } mmcli_output_string (MMC_F_BEARER_IPV6_CONFIG_METHOD, method); mmcli_output_string (MMC_F_BEARER_IPV6_CONFIG_ADDRESS, address); mmcli_output_string_take (MMC_F_BEARER_IPV6_CONFIG_PREFIX, prefix); mmcli_output_string (MMC_F_BEARER_IPV6_CONFIG_GATEWAY, gateway); mmcli_output_string_array (MMC_F_BEARER_IPV6_CONFIG_DNS, dns, FALSE); mmcli_output_string_take (MMC_F_BEARER_IPV6_CONFIG_MTU, mtu); } /* Stats */ { gchar *duration = NULL; gchar *bytes_rx = NULL; gchar *bytes_tx = NULL; if (stats) { guint64 val; val = mm_bearer_stats_get_duration (stats); if (val) duration = g_strdup_printf ("%" G_GUINT64_FORMAT, val); val = mm_bearer_stats_get_rx_bytes (stats); if (val) bytes_rx = g_strdup_printf ("%" G_GUINT64_FORMAT, val); val = mm_bearer_stats_get_tx_bytes (stats); if (val) bytes_tx = g_strdup_printf ("%" G_GUINT64_FORMAT, val); } mmcli_output_string_take (MMC_F_BEARER_STATS_DURATION, duration); mmcli_output_string_take (MMC_F_BEARER_STATS_BYTES_RX, bytes_rx); mmcli_output_string_take (MMC_F_BEARER_STATS_BYTES_TX, bytes_tx); } mmcli_output_dump (); g_clear_object (&stats); g_clear_object (&properties); g_clear_object (&ipv4_config); g_clear_object (&ipv6_config); } static void connect_process_reply (gboolean result, const GError *error) { if (!result) { g_printerr ("error: couldn't connect the bearer: '%s'\n", error ? error->message : "unknown error"); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } g_print ("successfully connected the bearer\n"); } static void connect_ready (MMBearer *bearer, GAsyncResult *result, gpointer nothing) { gboolean operation_result; GError *error = NULL; operation_result = mm_bearer_connect_finish (bearer, result, &error); connect_process_reply (operation_result, error); mmcli_async_operation_done (); } static void disconnect_process_reply (gboolean result, const GError *error) { if (!result) { g_printerr ("error: couldn't disconnect the bearer: '%s'\n", error ? error->message : "unknown error"); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } g_print ("successfully disconnected the bearer\n"); } static void disconnect_ready (MMBearer *bearer, GAsyncResult *result, gpointer nothing) { gboolean operation_result; GError *error = NULL; operation_result = mm_bearer_disconnect_finish (bearer, result, &error); disconnect_process_reply (operation_result, error); mmcli_async_operation_done (); } static void get_bearer_ready (GObject *source, GAsyncResult *result, gpointer none) { ctx->bearer = mmcli_get_bearer_finish (result, &ctx->manager, &ctx->object); if (info_flag) g_assert_not_reached (); /* Request to connect the bearer? */ if (connect_flag) { g_debug ("Asynchronously connecting bearer..."); mm_bearer_connect (ctx->bearer, ctx->cancellable, (GAsyncReadyCallback)connect_ready, NULL); return; } /* Request to disconnect the bearer? */ if (disconnect_flag) { g_debug ("Asynchronously disconnecting bearer..."); mm_bearer_disconnect (ctx->bearer, ctx->cancellable, (GAsyncReadyCallback)disconnect_ready, NULL); return; } g_warn_if_reached (); } void mmcli_bearer_run_asynchronous (GDBusConnection *connection, GCancellable *cancellable) { /* Initialize context */ ctx = g_new0 (Context, 1); if (cancellable) ctx->cancellable = g_object_ref (cancellable); /* Get proper bearer */ mmcli_get_bearer (connection, mmcli_get_common_bearer_string (), cancellable, (GAsyncReadyCallback)get_bearer_ready, NULL); } void mmcli_bearer_run_synchronous (GDBusConnection *connection) { GError *error = NULL; /* Initialize context */ ctx = g_new0 (Context, 1); ctx->bearer = mmcli_get_bearer_sync (connection, mmcli_get_common_bearer_string (), &ctx->manager, &ctx->object); /* Request to get info from bearer? */ if (info_flag) { g_debug ("Printing bearer info..."); print_bearer_info (ctx->bearer); return; } /* Request to connect the bearer? */ if (connect_flag) { gboolean result; g_debug ("Synchronously connecting bearer..."); result = mm_bearer_connect_sync (ctx->bearer, NULL, &error); connect_process_reply (result, error); return; } /* Request to disconnect the bearer? */ if (disconnect_flag) { gboolean result; g_debug ("Synchronously disconnecting bearer..."); result = mm_bearer_disconnect_sync (ctx->bearer, NULL, &error); disconnect_process_reply (result, error); return; } g_warn_if_reached (); }