
GstCheck — Common code for GStreamer unit tests


#include <gst/check/gstcheck.h>

#define             GST_START_TEST                      (__testname)
#define             GST_END_TEST
#define             ASSERT_BUFFER_REFCOUNT              (buffer,
#define             ASSERT_CAPS_REFCOUNT                (caps,
#define             ASSERT_CRITICAL                     (code)
#define             ASSERT_WARNING                      (code)
#define             ASSERT_MINI_OBJECT_REFCOUNT         (miniobj,
#define             ASSERT_OBJECT_REFCOUNT              (object,
#define             ASSERT_OBJECT_REFCOUNT_BETWEEN      (object,
#define             ASSERT_SET_STATE                    (element,
#define             fail_unless_equals_int              (a,
#define             fail_unless_equals_float            (a,
#define             fail_unless_equals_string           (a,
#define             fail_unless_equals_uint64           (a,
#define             fail_unless_equals_int64            (a,
#define             fail_unless_message_error           (msg,
#define             assert_equals_int                   (a,
#define             assert_equals_float                 (a,
#define             assert_equals_string                (a,
#define             assert_equals_uint64                (a,
#define             assert_equals_int64                 (a,
#define             assert_message_error                (m,
void                gst_check_init                      (int *argc,
                                                         char **argv[]);
void                gst_check_message_error             (GstMessage *message,
                                                         GstMessageType type,
                                                         GQuark domain,
                                                         gint code);
GstElement *        gst_check_setup_element             (const gchar *factory);
GstPad *            gst_check_setup_sink_pad            (GstElement *element,
                                                         GstStaticPadTemplate *tmpl);
GstPad *            gst_check_setup_src_pad             (GstElement *element,
                                                         GstStaticPadTemplate *tmpl);
GstPad *            gst_check_setup_sink_pad_by_name    (GstElement *element,
                                                         GstStaticPadTemplate *tmpl,
                                                         const gchar *name);
GstPad *            gst_check_setup_src_pad_by_name     (GstElement *element,
                                                         GstStaticPadTemplate *tmpl,
                                                         const gchar *name);
void                gst_check_teardown_pad_by_name      (GstElement *element,
                                                         const gchar *name);
void                gst_check_teardown_element          (GstElement *element);
void                gst_check_teardown_sink_pad         (GstElement *element);
void                gst_check_teardown_src_pad          (GstElement *element);
void                gst_check_drop_buffers              (void);
void                gst_check_buffer_data               (GstBuffer *buffer,
                                                         gconstpointer data,
                                                         gsize size);
void                gst_check_caps_equal                (GstCaps *caps1,
                                                         GstCaps *caps2);
void                gst_check_element_push_buffer_list  (const gchar *element_name,
                                                         GList *buffer_in,
                                                         GstCaps *caps_in,
                                                         GList *buffer_out,
                                                         GstCaps *caps_out,
                                                         GstFlowReturn last_flow_return);
void                gst_check_element_push_buffer       (const gchar *element_name,
                                                         GstBuffer *buffer_in,
                                                         GstCaps *caps_in,
                                                         GstBuffer *buffer_out,
                                                         GstCaps *caps_out);
gint                gst_check_run_suite                 (Suite *suite,
                                                         const gchar *name,
                                                         const gchar *fname);


These macros and functions are for internal use of the unit tests found inside the 'check' directories of various GStreamer packages.



#define             GST_START_TEST(__testname)

wrapper for checks START_TEST

__testname :

test function name


#define             GST_END_TEST

wrapper for checks END_TEST


#define             ASSERT_BUFFER_REFCOUNT(buffer, name, value)


#define             ASSERT_CAPS_REFCOUNT(caps, name, value)


#define             ASSERT_CRITICAL(code)


#define             ASSERT_WARNING(code)


#define             ASSERT_MINI_OBJECT_REFCOUNT(miniobj, name, value)


#define             ASSERT_OBJECT_REFCOUNT(object, name, value)


#define             ASSERT_OBJECT_REFCOUNT_BETWEEN(object, name, lower, upper)


#define             ASSERT_SET_STATE(element, state, ret)


#define             fail_unless_equals_int(a, b)

This macro checks that a and b are equal and aborts if this is not the case, printing both expressions and the values they evaluated to. This macro is for use in unit tests.

a :

a gint value or expression

b :

a gint value or expression


#define             fail_unless_equals_float(a, b)

This macro checks that a and b are (almost) equal and aborts if this is not the case, printing both expressions and the values they evaluated to. This macro is for use in unit tests.

a :

a gdouble or gfloat value or expression

b :

a gdouble or gfloat value or expression


#define             fail_unless_equals_string(a, b)

This macro checks that a and b are equal (as per strcmp) and aborts if this is not the case, printing both expressions and the values they evaluated to. This macro is for use in unit tests.

a :

a string literal or expression

b :

a string literal or expression


#define             fail_unless_equals_uint64(a, b)

This macro checks that a and b are equal and aborts if this is not the case, printing both expressions and the values they evaluated to. This macro is for use in unit tests.

a :

a guint64 value or expression

b :

a guint64 value or expression


#define             fail_unless_equals_int64(a, b)

This macro checks that a and b are equal and aborts if this is not the case, printing both expressions and the values they evaluated to. This macro is for use in unit tests.

a :

a gint64 value or expression

b :

a gint64 value or expression


#define             fail_unless_message_error(msg, domain, code)


#define assert_equals_int(a, b) fail_unless_equals_int(a, b)

This macro checks that a and b are equal and aborts if this is not the case, printing both expressions and the values they evaluated to. This macro is for use in unit tests.

a :

a gint value or expression

b :

a gint value or expression


#define assert_equals_float(a, b) fail_unless_equals_float(a, b)

This macro checks that a and b are (almost) equal and aborts if this is not the case, printing both expressions and the values they evaluated to. This macro is for use in unit tests.

a :

a gdouble or gfloat value or expression

b :

a gdouble or gfloat value or expression


#define assert_equals_string(a, b) fail_unless_equals_string(a, b)

This macro checks that a and b are equal (as per strcmp) and aborts if this is not the case, printing both expressions and the values they evaluated to. This macro is for use in unit tests.

a :

a string literal or expression

b :

a string literal or expression


#define assert_equals_uint64(a, b) fail_unless_equals_uint64(a, b)

This macro checks that a and b are equal and aborts if this is not the case, printing both expressions and the values they evaluated to. This macro is for use in unit tests.

a :

a guint64 value or expression

b :

a guint64 value or expression


#define assert_equals_int64(a, b) fail_unless_equals_int64(a, b)

This macro checks that a and b are equal and aborts if this is not the case, printing both expressions and the values they evaluated to. This macro is for use in unit tests.

a :

a gint64 value or expression

b :

a gint64 value or expression


#define assert_message_error(m, d, c) fail_unless_message_error(m, d, c)

gst_check_init ()

void                gst_check_init                      (int *argc,
                                                         char **argv[]);

gst_check_message_error ()

void                gst_check_message_error             (GstMessage *message,
                                                         GstMessageType type,
                                                         GQuark domain,
                                                         gint code);

gst_check_setup_element ()

GstElement *        gst_check_setup_element             (const gchar *factory);

setup an element for a filter test with mysrcpad and mysinkpad

factory :


Returns :

a new element. [transfer full]

gst_check_setup_sink_pad ()

GstPad *            gst_check_setup_sink_pad            (GstElement *element,
                                                         GstStaticPadTemplate *tmpl);

element :

element to setup pad on

tmpl :

pad template

Returns :

a new pad. [transfer full]

gst_check_setup_src_pad ()

GstPad *            gst_check_setup_src_pad             (GstElement *element,
                                                         GstStaticPadTemplate *tmpl);

element :

element to setup pad on

tmpl :

pad template

Returns :

a new pad. [transfer full]

gst_check_setup_sink_pad_by_name ()

GstPad *            gst_check_setup_sink_pad_by_name    (GstElement *element,
                                                         GstStaticPadTemplate *tmpl,
                                                         const gchar *name);

element :

element to setup pad on

tmpl :

pad template

name :


Returns :

a new pad. [transfer full]

gst_check_setup_src_pad_by_name ()

GstPad *            gst_check_setup_src_pad_by_name     (GstElement *element,
                                                         GstStaticPadTemplate *tmpl,
                                                         const gchar *name);

element :

element to setup pad on

tmpl :

pad template

name :


Returns :

a new pad. [transfer full]

gst_check_teardown_pad_by_name ()

void                gst_check_teardown_pad_by_name      (GstElement *element,
                                                         const gchar *name);

gst_check_teardown_element ()

void                gst_check_teardown_element          (GstElement *element);

gst_check_teardown_sink_pad ()

void                gst_check_teardown_sink_pad         (GstElement *element);

gst_check_teardown_src_pad ()

void                gst_check_teardown_src_pad          (GstElement *element);

gst_check_drop_buffers ()

void                gst_check_drop_buffers              (void);

Unref and remove all buffers that are in the global buffers GList, emptying the list.

gst_check_buffer_data ()

void                gst_check_buffer_data               (GstBuffer *buffer,
                                                         gconstpointer data,
                                                         gsize size);

Compare the buffer contents with data and size.

buffer :

buffer to compare

data :

data to compare to

size :

size of data to compare

gst_check_caps_equal ()

void                gst_check_caps_equal                (GstCaps *caps1,
                                                         GstCaps *caps2);

Compare two caps with gst_caps_is_equal and fail unless they are equal.

caps1 :

first caps to compare

caps2 :

second caps to compare

gst_check_element_push_buffer_list ()

void                gst_check_element_push_buffer_list  (const gchar *element_name,
                                                         GList *buffer_in,
                                                         GstCaps *caps_in,
                                                         GList *buffer_out,
                                                         GstCaps *caps_out,
                                                         GstFlowReturn last_flow_return);

Create an element with the factory with the name and push the buffers in buffer_in to this element. The element should create the buffers equal to the buffers in buffer_out. We only check the caps, size and the data of the buffers. This function unrefs the buffers in the two lists. The last_flow_return parameter indicates the expected flow return value from pushing the final buffer in the list. This can be used to set up a test which pushes some buffers and then an invalid buffer, when the final buffer is expected to fail, for example.

element_name :

name of the element that needs to be created

buffer_in :

a list of buffers that needs to be puched to the element. [element-type GstBuffer][transfer full]

buffer_out :

a list of buffers that we expect from the element. [element-type GstBuffer][transfer full]

last_flow_return :

the last buffer push needs to give this GstFlowReturn

gst_check_element_push_buffer ()

void                gst_check_element_push_buffer       (const gchar *element_name,
                                                         GstBuffer *buffer_in,
                                                         GstCaps *caps_in,
                                                         GstBuffer *buffer_out,
                                                         GstCaps *caps_out);

Create an element with the factory with the name and push the buffer_in to this element. The element should create one buffer and this will be compared with buffer_out. We only check the caps and the data of the buffers. This function unrefs the buffers.

element_name :

name of the element that needs to be created

buffer_in :

push this buffer to the element

buffer_out :

compare the result with this buffer

gst_check_run_suite ()

gint                gst_check_run_suite                 (Suite *suite,
                                                         const gchar *name,
                                                         const gchar *fname);