
GstNetTimeProvider — Special object that exposed the time of a clock on the network.


#include <gst/net/gstnet.h>

struct              GstNetTimeProvider;
GstNetTimeProvider * gst_net_time_provider_new          (GstClock *clock,
                                                         const gchar *address,
                                                         gint port);

Object Hierarchy



  "active"                   gboolean              : Read / Write
  "address"                  gchar*                : Read / Write
  "clock"                    GstClock*             : Read / Write
  "port"                     gint                  : Read / Write


This object exposes the time of a GstClock on the network.

A GstNetTimeProvider is created with gst_net_time_provider_new() which takes a GstClock, an address and a port number as arguments.

After creating the object, a client clock such as GstNetClientClock can query the exposed clock over the network for its values.

The GstNetTimeProvider typically wraps the clock used by a GstPipeline.

Last reviewed on 2005-11-23 (0.9.5)


struct GstNetTimeProvider

struct GstNetTimeProvider;

Opaque GstNetTimeProvider structure.

gst_net_time_provider_new ()

GstNetTimeProvider * gst_net_time_provider_new          (GstClock *clock,
                                                         const gchar *address,
                                                         gint port);

Allows network clients to get the current time of clock.

clock :

a GstClock to export over the network

address :

an address to bind on as a dotted quad (, or NULL to bind to all addresses

port :

a port to bind on, or 0 to let the kernel choose

Returns :

the new GstNetTimeProvider, or NULL on error

Property Details

The "active" property

  "active"                   gboolean              : Read / Write

TRUE if the clock will respond to queries over the network.

Default value: TRUE

The "address" property

  "address"                  gchar*                : Read / Write

The address to bind on, as a dotted quad (x.x.x.x).

Default value: ""

The "clock" property

  "clock"                    GstClock*             : Read / Write

The clock to export over the network.

The "port" property

  "port"                     gint                  : Read / Write

The port to receive the packets from, 0=allocate.

Allowed values: [0,65535]

Default value: 5637

See Also

GstClock, GstNetClientClock, GstPipeline