GStreamer Core Library

Gst — Media library supporting arbitrary formats and filter graphs.
GstAllocator — allocate memory blocks
GstAtomicQueue — An atomic queue implementation
GstBin — Base class and element that can contain other elements
GstBuffer — Data-passing buffer type
GstBufferList — Lists of buffers for data-passing
GstBufferPool — Pool for buffers
GstBus — Asynchronous message bus subsystem
GstCaps — Structure describing sets of media formats
GstCapsFeatures — A set of features in caps
GstSample — A media sample
GstChildProxy — Interface for multi child elements.
GstClock — Abstract class for global clocks
gstconfig — Build configuration options
GstContext — Lightweight objects to represent element contexts
GstControlBinding — attachment for control source sources
GstControlSource — base class for control source sources
GstDateTime — A date, time and timezone structure
GstElement — Abstract base class for all pipeline elements
GstElementFactory — Create GstElements from a factory
GstGError — Categorized error messages
GstEvent — Structure describing events that are passed up and down a pipeline
GstFormat — Dynamically register new data formats
GstGhostPad — Pseudo link pads
GstIterator — Object to retrieve multiple elements in a threadsafe way.
GstMemory — refcounted wrapper for memory blocks
GstMessage — Lightweight objects to signal the application of pipeline events
GstMeta — Buffer metadata
GstMiniObject — Lightweight base class for the GStreamer object hierarchy
GstObject — Base class for the GStreamer object hierarchy
GstPad — Object contained by elements that allows links to other elements
GstPadTemplate — Describe the media type of a pad.
GstParamSpec — GParamSpec implementations specific to GStreamer
GstParse — Get a pipeline from a text pipeline description
GstPipeline — Top-level bin with clocking and bus management functionality.
GstPlugin — Container for features loaded from a shared object module
GstPluginFeature — Base class for contents of a GstPlugin
GstPoll — Keep track of file descriptors and make it possible to wait on them in a cancellable way
GstPreset — helper interface for element presets
GstQuery — Provide functions to create queries, and to set and parse values in them.
GstRegistryAbstract base class for management of GstPlugin objects
GstSegment — Structure describing the configured region of interest in a media file.
GstStructure — Generic structure containing fields of names and values
GstSystemClock — Default clock that uses the current system time
GstTagList — List of tags and values used to describe media metadata
GstTagSetter — Element interface that allows setting and retrieval of media metadata
GstTask — Abstraction of GStreamer streaming threads.
GstTaskPool — Pool of GStreamer streaming threads
GstToc — Generic table of contents support
GstTocSetter — Element interface that allows setting and retrieval of the TOC
GstTypeFind — Stream type detection
GstTypeFindFactory — Information about registered typefind functions
GstUriHandler — Interface to ease URI handling in plugins.
GstUtils — Various utility functions
GstValue — GValue implementations specific to GStreamer
GstVersion — GStreamer version macros. provides all the core GStreamer services, including initialization, plugin management and types, as well as the object hierarchy that defines elements and bins, along with some more specialized elements.