diff options
4 files changed, 207 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/readme.txt b/readme.txt
index fac2e91..0d4c46c 100644
--- a/readme.txt
+++ b/readme.txt
@@ -2,15 +2,16 @@ There are 3 ways of running tests using the file.
1. ./ <Fast Model executable path>
- This will run the Corstone700 fast model and will allow user
+ This will run the Corstone700/CA5-DS fast model and will allow user
to interact and run the tests manually.Once you get the linux
prompt by entering user as "root" you can run test-app manually.
+ For Corstone700
Currently two test cases are supported
- a. Test Boot Processor and Host MHU communication.
+ a. Test Boot Processor and Host MHU communication.
This test sends message from non secure channel MHU1
from linux userspace using rpmsg framework.
- b. Test REFCLK timer
+ b. Test REFCLK timer
This test tests host peripheral access and routing its
interrupt to boot processor using interrupt router and
then sending it to Boot Processor NVIC using interrupt
@@ -21,6 +22,9 @@ There are 3 ways of running tests using the file.
1 for MHU test
2 for Timer test
+ For CA5-DS
+ Curently Linux boot till prompt is supported.
2. ./ <Fast Model executable path> -u
With model windows and logs visible
This will pop up an interactive menu to run the automated
diff --git a/ b/
index 27e3dab..9dfed62 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -12,7 +12,6 @@
pushd $(dirname "$0")
help() {
echo "usage: \${FVP executable path} [ -u ]"
@@ -27,18 +26,39 @@ then
+if [[ $1 =~ $cs700 ]]; then
+ OUTDIR=${BASEDIR}/../build-iota-tiny/tmp-iota_tiny/deploy/images/corstone700
+ DIRNAME=corstone700
+ OUTDIR=${BASEDIR}/../build-iota-tiny/tmp-iota_tiny/deploy/images/a5ds
+ DIRNAME=a5ds
if [ -z "$2" ]
+ if [[ $1 =~ $cs700 ]]; then
echo "================== Launching Corstone700 Model ==============================="
$1 \
-C se.trustedBootROMloader.fname="${OUTDIR}/se_romfw.bin" \
-C board.flashloader0.fname="${OUTDIR}/iota-tiny-image-corstone700.wic"
+ elif [[ $1 =~ $a5ds ]]; then
+ echo "================== Launching CA5-DS Model ==============================="
+ $1 \
+ -C board.flashloader0.fname="${OUTDIR}/bl1.bin" \
+ -C board.flashloader1.fname="${OUTDIR}/iota-tiny-image-a5ds.wic" \
+ $2
+ else
+ help
+ fi
elif [ "$2" == "-u" ]
# We assume that the FVP library model is identically named to the FVP executable.
python ${BASEDIR}/scripts/test/ \
- --corstone700 "--image_dir ${OUTDIR} --fvp ${1}.so"
+ --${DIRNAME} "--image_dir ${OUTDIR} --fvp ${1}.so"
diff --git a/scripts/platforms/a5ds/ b/scripts/platforms/a5ds/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6f6fbab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/platforms/a5ds/
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python2.7
+# Python 2.7 is <required> for fm.debug
+__copyright__ = """
+Copyright (c) 2019, Arm Limited and Contributors. All rights reserved.
+SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+import sys
+import os
+a5ds_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
+sys.path.append(os.path.join((a5ds_dir),'..','..', 'test'))
+from fvp_wrapper import FVPWrapper, TelnetWatcher
+This file contains the a5ds FVP subclass of the generic FVP wrapper class.
+Upon instantiation, telnet watchers are created for each UART exposed by the
+FVP, and - using the provided test specification - watchers are set up with their
+respective stop and verification conditions.
+default a5ds configuration parameters.
+Note that these are fully platform dependant, and are only specified in the
+following map to provide a clear overview of what the configuration constants
+of this script are.
+a5dsDefaultConfig = {
+ # =============== FVP Parameters ===============
+ # Stop condition
+ "stop_cnd" : "/OSCI/SystemC: Simulation stopped by user",
+ # Flash loaders
+ "board_flashloader" : "board.flashloader1.fname",
+ "board_ROMloader" : "board.flashloader0.fname",
+ # UART logs
+ "host_uart0" : "css.uart_0.out_file",
+ # Telnet parameters
+ "telnet_host" : 'localhost',
+ "host_telnet_port0" : 5000,
+ # =============== Test parameters ==============
+ "linux_login_prompt" : "a5ds login:",
+ "linux_user" : "root",
+ "linux_shstring" : "root@a5ds:~# "
+""" a5dsDefaultTestspec
+Test-specification parameters for a5ds.
+Note that this is fully platform-dependant, and only used during the
+initialization of a5dsFVP.
+a5dsDefaultTestspec = {
+ "name" : None, # Test name
+ "commands" : [], # Commands to execute on Host
+ "board_flash" : None, # Board flash image
+ "host_stop_str" : None, # Stop condition string for Host
+ "host_ver_strs" : [], # Verification strings for Host
+class A5dsFVP(FVPWrapper):
+ def __init__(self, testspec, fvp_path, image_dir, usermode, fvp_timeout, stdin):
+ FVPWrapper.__init__(
+ self,
+ fvp_path=fvp_path,
+ fvp_name="A5ds",
+ usermode=usermode,
+ work_dir=a5ds_dir,
+ fvp_timeout=fvp_timeout,
+ testname=testspec['name'],
+ stdin=stdin
+ )
+ self.config = a5dsDefaultConfig
+ self.testspec = self.parseTestspec(testspec)
+ self.image_dir = image_dir
+ # Define watchers for each terminal
+ # Host terminal 0 watcher
+ host0_watcher = TelnetWatcher(
+ name="host0",
+ termfile=os.path.join(self.work_dir, self.log_dir, self.testspec['name'] + "_host0.txt"),
+ stop_str=self.testspec['host_stop_str'],
+ fvp_uart=self.config['host_uart0'],
+ port=self.config['host_telnet_port0'],
+ sys_stop_str=self.config['stop_cnd'],
+ verification_strs=self.testspec['host_ver_strs']
+ )
+ # We define an initial command sequence for host0 which will login
+ # and await until a user can enter commands
+ host0_watcher.addCommand('r', self.config['linux_login_prompt'])
+ host0_watcher.addCommand('w', self.config['linux_user'])
+ host0_watcher.addCommand('r', self.config['linux_shstring'])
+ # Once the host is logged in, we add the user-provided test commands
+ for commandtype, command in self.testspec['commands']:
+ host0_watcher.addCommand(commandtype, command)
+ self.watchers.append(host0_watcher)
+ def getModelParameters(self):
+ # Assign images to FVP flashloaders
+ fvp_params = {}
+ fvp_params[self.config['board_flashloader']] = os.path.join(self.image_dir, "iota-tiny-image-a5ds.wic")
+ fvp_params[self.config['board_ROMloader']] = os.path.join(self.image_dir, "bl1.bin")
+ print(fvp_params)
+ return fvp_params
+ def parseTestspec(self, testspec):
+ """ Function for parsing a test-specification in line with the arguments
+ made available by a5dsDefaultTestspec
+ """
+ if 'name' not in testspec or 'commands' not in testspec:
+ sys.exit(1)
+ # Merge user-specified arguments with default test specification
+ defaultTestspec = a5dsDefaultTestspec
+ defaultTestspec.update(testspec)
+ return defaultTestspec
diff --git a/scripts/platforms/a5ds/ b/scripts/platforms/a5ds/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d728ebc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/platforms/a5ds/
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python2.7
+__copyright__ = """
+Copyright (c) 2019, Arm Limited and Contributors. All rights reserved.
+SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+import sys
+import os
+from testrunner import TestRunner
+from a5ds_fvp import A5dsFVP
+class A5dsTestRunner(TestRunner):
+ def __init__(self):
+ TestRunner.__init__(
+ self, A5dsFVP
+ )
+ def setSpecializationArguments(self):
+ # a5ds_fvp requires an image_dir argument for its constructor
+ # to be able to locate various binaries. Add this as a command-line
+ # argument
+ self.parser.add_argument("--image_dir", type=str,
+ help="Directory containing the a5ds images")
+ def parseSpecializationArguments(self, args):
+ def tryParseStringArg(arg, argstring):
+ if arg is None:
+ print("Argument {0} was not specified, but required. exiting...".format(argstring))
+ sys.exit(1)
+ return arg
+ # Set the arguments required for constructing an a5dsFVP object
+ # NOTE: the 'key' in FVPWrapperArgs is identical to the named argument
+ # 'image_dir' in the a5dsFVP constructor. This is important, given that
+ # the FVP Subclass is instantiated by the named arguments present in
+ # FVPWrapperArgs via kwargs expansion.
+ self.FVPWrapperArgs['image_dir'] = tryParseStringArg(args.image_dir, "--image_dir")
+ # The remainder of the arguments for a5dsFVP construction will be
+ # provided by the TestRunner base class
+ def registerTestSpecifications(self):
+ self.registerTest({
+ 'name' : "boot_test",
+ 'description' : "Test A5 Boot",
+ 'commands' : [
+ ('w', "uname -srmn"),
+ ],
+ 'host_ver_strs' : ["Linux a5ds 5.2.0 armv7l"],
+ 'host_stop_str' : "Linux a5ds 5.2.0 armv7l"
+ })
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ A5dsTestRunner()