/** @file Abstract device driver for the UEFI Console. Manipulates abstractions for stdin, stdout, stderr. Copyright (c) 2010 - 2012, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License that accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php. THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. **/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static const CHAR16* const stdioNames[NUM_SPECIAL] = { L"stdin:", L"stdout:", L"stderr:" }; static const int stdioFlags[NUM_SPECIAL] = { O_RDONLY, // stdin O_WRONLY, // stdout O_WRONLY // stderr }; static DeviceNode *ConNode[NUM_SPECIAL]; static ConInstance *ConInstanceList; static wchar_t *ConReadBuf; /* Flags settable by Ioctl */ static BOOLEAN TtyCooked; static BOOLEAN TtyEcho; /** Convert string from MBCS to WCS and translate \n to \r\n. It is the caller's responsibility to ensure that dest is large enough to hold the converted results. It is guaranteed that there will be fewer than n characters placed in dest. @param dest WCS buffer to receive the converted string. @param buf MBCS string to convert to WCS. @param n Number of BYTES contained in buf. @param Cs Pointer to the character state object for this stream @return The number of BYTES consumed from buf. **/ ssize_t WideTtyCvt( CHAR16 *dest, const char *buf, ssize_t n, mbstate_t *Cs) { ssize_t i = 0; int numB = 0; wchar_t wc[2]; while(n > 0) { numB = (int)mbrtowc(wc, buf, MIN(MB_LEN_MAX,n), Cs); if( numB == 0) { break; }; if(numB < 0) { wc[0] = BLOCKELEMENT_LIGHT_SHADE; } if(wc[0] == L'\n') { *dest++ = L'\r'; ++i; } *dest++ = (CHAR16)wc[0]; i += numB; n -= numB; buf += numB; } *dest = 0; return i; } static int EFIAPI da_ConClose( IN struct __filedes *filp ) { ConInstance *Stream; Stream = BASE_CR(filp->f_ops, ConInstance, Abstraction); // Quick check to see if Stream looks reasonable if(Stream->Cookie != CON_COOKIE) { // Cookie == 'IoAb' EFIerrno = RETURN_INVALID_PARAMETER; return -1; // Looks like a bad File Descriptor pointer } gMD->StdIo[Stream->InstanceNum] = NULL; // Mark the stream as closed return RETURN_SUCCESS; } static off_t EFIAPI da_ConSeek( struct __filedes *filp, off_t Position, int whence ///< Ignored by Console ) { ConInstance *Stream; EFI_SIMPLE_TEXT_OUTPUT_PROTOCOL *Proto; XY_OFFSET CursorPos; Stream = BASE_CR(filp->f_ops, ConInstance, Abstraction); // Quick check to see if Stream looks reasonable if(Stream->Cookie != CON_COOKIE) { // Cookie == 'IoAb' EFIerrno = RETURN_INVALID_PARAMETER; return -1; // Looks like a bad This pointer } if(Stream->InstanceNum == STDIN_FILENO) { // Seek is not valid for stdin EFIerrno = RETURN_UNSUPPORTED; return -1; } // Everything is OK to do the final verification and "seek". Proto = (EFI_SIMPLE_TEXT_OUTPUT_PROTOCOL *)Stream->Dev; CursorPos.Offset = Position; EFIerrno = Proto->SetCursorPosition(Proto, (INTN)CursorPos.XYpos.Column, (INTN)CursorPos.XYpos.Row); if(RETURN_ERROR(EFIerrno)) { return -1; } else { return Position; } } /* Write a NULL terminated WCS to the EFI console. @param[in,out] BufferSize Number of bytes in Buffer. Set to zero if the string couldn't be displayed. @param[in] Buffer The WCS string to be displayed @return The number of BYTES written. Because of MBCS, this may be more than number of characters. */ static ssize_t EFIAPI da_ConWrite( IN struct __filedes *filp, IN off_t *Position, IN size_t BufferSize, IN const void *Buffer ) { EFI_STATUS Status; EFI_SIMPLE_TEXT_OUTPUT_PROTOCOL *Proto; ConInstance *Stream; ssize_t NumBytes; Stream = BASE_CR(filp->f_ops, ConInstance, Abstraction); // Quick check to see if Stream looks reasonable if(Stream->Cookie != CON_COOKIE) { // Cookie == 'IoAb' EFIerrno = RETURN_INVALID_PARAMETER; return -1; // Looks like a bad This pointer } if(Stream->InstanceNum == STDIN_FILENO) { // Write is not valid for stdin EFIerrno = RETURN_UNSUPPORTED; return -1; } // Everything is OK to do the write. Proto = (EFI_SIMPLE_TEXT_OUTPUT_PROTOCOL *)Stream->Dev; // Convert string from MBCS to WCS and translate \n to \r\n. NumBytes = WideTtyCvt(gMD->UString, (const char *)Buffer, (ssize_t)BufferSize, &Stream->CharState); BufferSize = NumBytes; // Send the Unicode buffer to the console Status = Proto->OutputString( Proto, gMD->UString); // Depending on status, update BufferSize and return if(RETURN_ERROR(Status)) { BufferSize = 0; // We don't really know how many characters made it out } else { //BufferSize = NumBytes; Stream->NumWritten += NumBytes; } EFIerrno = Status; // Make error reason available to caller return BufferSize; } /** Read characters from the console input device. @param[in,out] filp Pointer to file descriptor for this file. @param[in,out] offset Ignored. @param[in] BufferSize Buffer size, in bytes. @param[out] Buffer Buffer in which to place the read characters. @return Number of bytes actually placed into Buffer. @todo Handle encodings other than ASCII-7 and UEFI. **/ static ssize_t EFIAPI da_ConRead( IN OUT struct __filedes *filp, IN OUT off_t *offset, // Console ignores this IN size_t BufferSize, OUT VOID *Buffer ) { EFI_SIMPLE_TEXT_INPUT_PROTOCOL *Proto; ConInstance *Stream; wchar_t *OutPtr; EFI_INPUT_KEY Key; UINTN NumChar; UINTN Edex; EFI_STATUS Status = RETURN_SUCCESS; UINTN i; char EchoBuff[MB_CUR_MAX + 1]; int NumEcho; Stream = BASE_CR(filp->f_ops, ConInstance, Abstraction); // Quick check to see if Stream looks reasonable if(Stream->Cookie != CON_COOKIE) { // Cookie == 'IoAb' EFIerrno = RETURN_INVALID_PARAMETER; return -1; // Looks like a bad This pointer } if(Stream->InstanceNum != STDIN_FILENO) { // Read only valid for stdin EFIerrno = RETURN_UNSUPPORTED; return -1; } // It looks like things are OK for trying to read // We will accumulate *BufferSize characters or until we encounter // an "activation" character. Currently any control character. Proto = (EFI_SIMPLE_TEXT_INPUT_PROTOCOL *)Stream->Dev; OutPtr = ConReadBuf; NumChar = (BufferSize > MAX_INPUT)? MAX_INPUT : BufferSize; i = 0; do { if((Stream->UnGetKey.UnicodeChar == CHAR_NULL) && (Stream->UnGetKey.ScanCode == SCAN_NULL)) { Status = gBS->WaitForEvent( 1, &Proto->WaitForKey, &Edex); if(Status != RETURN_SUCCESS) { break; } Status = Proto->ReadKeyStroke(Proto, &Key); if(Status != RETURN_SUCCESS) { break; } } else { Key.ScanCode = Stream->UnGetKey.ScanCode; Key.UnicodeChar = Stream->UnGetKey.UnicodeChar; Stream->UnGetKey.ScanCode = SCAN_NULL; Stream->UnGetKey.UnicodeChar = CHAR_NULL; } if(Key.ScanCode == SCAN_NULL) { NumEcho = 0; if(TtyCooked && (Key.UnicodeChar == CHAR_CARRIAGE_RETURN)) { *OutPtr++ = CHAR_LINEFEED; NumEcho = wctomb(EchoBuff, CHAR_LINEFEED); } else { *OutPtr++ = Key.UnicodeChar; NumEcho = wctomb(EchoBuff, Key.UnicodeChar); } ++i; EchoBuff[NumEcho] = 0; /* Terminate the Echo buffer */ if(TtyEcho) { /* Echo the character just input */ da_ConWrite(&gMD->fdarray[STDOUT_FILENO], NULL, 2, EchoBuff); } } if(iswcntrl(Key.UnicodeChar)) { // If a control character, or a scan code break; } } while(i < NumChar); *OutPtr = L'\0'; // Terminate the input buffer /* Convert the input buffer and place in Buffer. If the fully converted input buffer won't fit, write what will and leave the rest in ConReadBuf with ConReadLeft indicating how many unconverted characters remain in ConReadBuf. */ NumEcho = (int)wcstombs(Buffer, ConReadBuf, BufferSize); /* Re-use NumEcho to hold number of bytes in Buffer */ /* More work needs to be done before locales other than C can be supported. */ EFIerrno = Status; return (ssize_t)NumEcho; // Will be 0 if we didn't get a key } /** Console-specific helper function for the fstat() function. st_size Set to number of characters read for stdin and number written for stdout and stderr. st_physsize 1 for stdin, 0 if QueryMode error, else max X and Y coordinates for the current mode. st_curpos 0 for stdin, current X & Y coordinates for stdout and stderr st_blksize Set to 1 since this is a character device All other members of the stat structure are left unchanged. **/ static int EFIAPI da_ConStat( struct __filedes *filp, struct stat *Buffer, void *Something ) { ConInstance *Stream; EFI_SIMPLE_TEXT_OUTPUT_PROTOCOL *Proto; XYoffset CursorPos; INT32 OutMode; UINTN ModeCol; UINTN ModeRow; // ConGetInfo Stream = BASE_CR(filp->f_ops, ConInstance, Abstraction); // Quick check to see if Stream looks reasonable if ((Stream->Cookie != CON_COOKIE) || // Cookie == 'IoAb' (Buffer == NULL)) { EFIerrno = RETURN_INVALID_PARAMETER; return -1; } // All of our parameters are correct, so fill in the information. Buffer->st_blksize = 0; // Character device, not a block device Buffer->st_mode = filp->f_iflags; // ConGetPosition if(Stream->InstanceNum == STDIN_FILENO) { // This is stdin Buffer->st_curpos = 0; Buffer->st_size = (off_t)Stream->NumRead; Buffer->st_physsize = 1; } else { Proto = (EFI_SIMPLE_TEXT_OUTPUT_PROTOCOL *)Stream->Dev; CursorPos.XYpos.Column = (UINT32)Proto->Mode->CursorColumn; CursorPos.XYpos.Row = (UINT32)Proto->Mode->CursorRow; Buffer->st_curpos = (off_t)CursorPos.Offset; Buffer->st_size = (off_t)Stream->NumWritten; OutMode = Proto->Mode->Mode; EFIerrno = Proto->QueryMode(Proto, (UINTN)OutMode, &ModeCol, &ModeRow); if(RETURN_ERROR(EFIerrno)) { Buffer->st_physsize = 0; } else { CursorPos.XYpos.Column = (UINT32)ModeCol; CursorPos.XYpos.Row = (UINT32)ModeRow; Buffer->st_physsize = (off_t)CursorPos.Offset; } } return 0; } static int EFIAPI da_ConIoctl( struct __filedes *filp, ULONGN cmd, va_list argp ) { return -EPERM; } /** Open an abstract Console Device. **/ int EFIAPI da_ConOpen( DeviceNode *DevNode, struct __filedes *filp, int DevInstance, // Not used for console devices wchar_t *Path, // Not used for console devices wchar_t *MPath // Not used for console devices ) { ConInstance *Stream; if((filp == NULL) || (DevNode == NULL)) { EFIerrno = RETURN_INVALID_PARAMETER; errno = EINVAL; return -1; } Stream = (ConInstance *)DevNode->InstanceList; // Quick check to see if Stream looks reasonable if(Stream->Cookie != CON_COOKIE) { // Cookie == 'IoAb' EFIerrno = RETURN_INVALID_PARAMETER; errno = EINVAL; return -1; // Looks like a bad This pointer } gMD->StdIo[Stream->InstanceNum] = Stream; filp->f_iflags |= (S_IFREG | _S_IFCHR | _S_ICONSOLE); filp->f_offset = 0; filp->f_ops = &Stream->Abstraction; return 0; } #include /* Returns a bit mask describing which operations could be completed immediately. (POLLIN | POLLRDNORM) A Unicode character is available to read (POLLIN) A ScanCode is ready. (POLLOUT) The device is ready for output - always set on stdout and stderr. */ static short EFIAPI da_ConPoll( struct __filedes *filp, short events ) { EFI_SIMPLE_TEXT_INPUT_PROTOCOL *Proto; ConInstance *Stream; EFI_STATUS Status = RETURN_SUCCESS; short RdyMask = 0; Stream = BASE_CR(filp->f_ops, ConInstance, Abstraction); // Quick check to see if Stream looks reasonable if(Stream->Cookie != CON_COOKIE) { // Cookie == 'IoAb' EFIerrno = RETURN_INVALID_PARAMETER; return POLLNVAL; // Looks like a bad filp pointer } if(Stream->InstanceNum == 0) { // Only input is supported for this device Proto = (EFI_SIMPLE_TEXT_INPUT_PROTOCOL *)Stream->Dev; if((Stream->UnGetKey.UnicodeChar == CHAR_NULL) && (Stream->UnGetKey.ScanCode == SCAN_NULL)) { Status = Proto->ReadKeyStroke(Proto, &Stream->UnGetKey); if(Status == RETURN_SUCCESS) { RdyMask = POLLIN; if(Stream->UnGetKey.UnicodeChar != CHAR_NULL) { RdyMask |= POLLRDNORM; } } else { Stream->UnGetKey.ScanCode = SCAN_NULL; Stream->UnGetKey.UnicodeChar = CHAR_NULL; } } } else if(Stream->InstanceNum < NUM_SPECIAL) { // Not 0, is it 1 or 2? // Only output is supported for this device RdyMask = POLLOUT; } else { RdyMask = POLLERR; // Not one of the standard streams } EFIerrno = Status; return (RdyMask & (events | POLL_RETONLY)); } /** Construct the Console stream devices: stdin, stdout, stderr. Allocate the instance structure and populate it with the information for each stream device. **/ RETURN_STATUS EFIAPI __Cons_construct( IN EFI_HANDLE ImageHandle, IN EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE *SystemTable ) { ConInstance *Stream; RETURN_STATUS Status = RETURN_SUCCESS; int i; ConInstanceList = (ConInstance *)AllocateZeroPool(NUM_SPECIAL * sizeof(ConInstance)); ConReadBuf = (wchar_t *)AllocateZeroPool((MAX_INPUT + 1) * sizeof(wchar_t)); if((ConInstanceList == NULL) || (ConReadBuf == NULL)) { return RETURN_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; } for( i = 0; i < NUM_SPECIAL; ++i) { // Get pointer to instance. Stream = &ConInstanceList[i]; Stream->Cookie = CON_COOKIE; Stream->InstanceNum = i; Stream->CharState.A = 0; // Start in the initial state switch(i) { case STDIN_FILENO: Stream->Dev = SystemTable->ConIn; break; case STDOUT_FILENO: Stream->Dev = SystemTable->ConOut; break; case STDERR_FILENO: if(SystemTable->StdErr == NULL) { Stream->Dev = SystemTable->ConOut; } else { Stream->Dev = SystemTable->StdErr; } break; default: return RETURN_VOLUME_CORRUPTED; // This is a "should never happen" case. } Stream->Abstraction.fo_close = &da_ConClose; Stream->Abstraction.fo_read = &da_ConRead; Stream->Abstraction.fo_write = &da_ConWrite; Stream->Abstraction.fo_stat = &da_ConStat; Stream->Abstraction.fo_lseek = &da_ConSeek; Stream->Abstraction.fo_fcntl = &fnullop_fcntl; Stream->Abstraction.fo_ioctl = &da_ConIoctl; Stream->Abstraction.fo_poll = &da_ConPoll; Stream->Abstraction.fo_flush = &fnullop_flush; Stream->Abstraction.fo_delete = &fbadop_delete; Stream->Abstraction.fo_mkdir = &fbadop_mkdir; Stream->Abstraction.fo_rmdir = &fbadop_rmdir; Stream->Abstraction.fo_rename = &fbadop_rename; Stream->NumRead = 0; Stream->NumWritten = 0; Stream->UnGetKey.ScanCode = SCAN_NULL; Stream->UnGetKey.UnicodeChar = CHAR_NULL; if(Stream->Dev == NULL) { continue; // No device for this stream. } ConNode[i] = __DevRegister(stdioNames[i], NULL, &da_ConOpen, Stream, 1, sizeof(ConInstance), stdioFlags[i]); if(ConNode[i] == NULL) { Status = EFIerrno; break; } Stream->Parent = ConNode[i]; } /* Initialize Ioctl flags until Ioctl is really implemented. */ TtyCooked = TRUE; TtyEcho = TRUE; return Status; } RETURN_STATUS EFIAPI __Cons_deconstruct( IN EFI_HANDLE ImageHandle, IN EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE *SystemTable ) { int i; for(i = 0; i < NUM_SPECIAL; ++i) { if(ConNode[i] != NULL) { FreePool(ConNode[i]); } } if(ConInstanceList != NULL) { FreePool(ConInstanceList); } if(ConReadBuf != NULL) { FreePool(ConReadBuf); } return RETURN_SUCCESS; } /* ######################################################################### */ #if 0 /* Not implemented for Console */ static int EFIAPI da_ConCntl( struct __filedes *filp, UINT32, void *, void * ) { } static int EFIAPI da_ConFlush( struct __filedes *filp ) { return 0; } #endif /* Not implemented for Console */