Readme ====== Prerequisites (Tools) --------------------- To properly build boot firmware for a target product, the following tools are required: - Git - [GNU Arm Embedded Toolchain ("6-2017-q2-update" or later)]( - GNU Make - Python 3 (3.5.0 or later) In addition, the following tools are recommended: - Doxygen (1.8.0 or later): Required to build supporting documentation - GCC (6.0 or later): Required to build framework tests that run on the build host Prerequisites (CMSIS Libraries) ------------------------------- Secure enclave firmware requires the use of components from the Cortex Microcontroller System Interface Standard (CMSIS) Software Pack, specifically the CMSIS Core and CMSIS Real-Time Operating System (RTOS) components. The CMSIS Software pack is included as a Git submodule. To retrieve the CMSIS Software pack, just initialize and update the submodule of the repository. $> git submodule update --init The required CMSIS components are now present and the correct version has been selected. Building Products ----------------- To build a product the basic command format for invoking 'make' is: $> make [TARGET] > [OPTIONS] It is not necessary to provide a target since the default target for the product will build all the firmware contained within the product. The 'help' target provides further information on the arguments that can be given: $> make help The framework includes a suite of tests that validate its core functionality. These can be run on the build host using: $> make test For more guidance on the build system, refer to the full set of documentation that includes the 'Build System' chapter.