path: root/docs/n1sdp/user-guide.rst
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+User Guide
+.. section-numbering::
+ :suffix: .
+.. contents::
+The Neoverse N1 System Development Platform (N1SDP) is an enterprise class reference board based on
+the Neoverse N1 core.
+This document is a guide on how to fetch, build from source, and run an Arm Reference Platforms
+software stack on N1SDP, including a Linux distribution based on either the `Yocto project`_'s Poky
+Linux, or on Ubuntu Server.
+The synced workspace includes:
+ * Scripts to build the board firmware, Linux kernel, and Ubuntu Server distro image
+ * Yocto `Bitbake`_ layers for building the Board Support Package (BSP) and Poky Linux distro
+ * Other supporting board files and prebuilt binaries.
+These instructions assume that:
+ * Your host PC is running Ubuntu Linux 18.04 LTS and should have at least 50GB free storage space
+ * You are running the provided scripts in a ``bash`` shell environment.
+The following utilities must be available on your host PC:
+ * chrpath
+ * compression library
+ * diffstat
+ * gawk
+ * makeinfo
+ * openssl headers
+ * pip
+ * repo
+ * yocto
+To ensure that all the required packages are installed, run:
+ sudo apt-get update
+ sudo apt-get install chrpath gawk texinfo libssl-dev diffstat wget git-core unzip gcc-multilib \
+ build-essential socat cpio python python3 python3-pip python3-pexpect xz-utils debianutils \
+ iputils-ping python3-git python3-jinja2 libgl1-mesa-dev libsdl1.2-dev pylint3 xterm git-lfs \
+ openssl curl libncurses-dev libz-dev python-pip
+**Install repo tool**
+Follow the instructions provided in the `repo README file`_ to install the ``repo tool``.
+NOTE: The repo tool which gets installed using apt-get command sometimes return errors, in such a case its recommended to install repo using the ``curl`` method.
+Syncing and building the source code
+The N1SDP software stack supports two software distributions:
+ * Poky Linux, a minimal BusyBox-like environment
+ * Ubuntu Server.
+The instructions below provide the necessary steps to sync and build these distributions.
+First, create a new folder that will be your workspace and will henceforth be referred to as
+``<n1sdp_workspace>`` in these instructions:
+ mkdir <n1sdp_workspace>
+ cd <n1sdp_workspace>
+ export N1SDP_RELEASE=refs/tags/N1SDP-2020.12.15
+NOTE: Sometimes new features and additional bug fixes will be made available in the git repositories
+and will not yet have been tagged as part of a release. To pickup these latest changes you can drop
+the ``-b <release tag>`` option from the ``repo init`` commands below, however please be aware that
+such untagged changes have not yet been formally verified and should be considered unstable until
+they are tagged in an official release.
+To sync BSP without Ubuntu
+Choose this option if you intend to run the provided Poky Linux distro, or your own alternative
+software solution.
+To sync a specific tagged release::
+ repo init -u https://git.linaro.org/landing-teams/working/arm/arm-reference-platforms-manifest.git -m n1sdp-v2.xml -g bsp -b ${N1SDP_RELEASE}
+ repo sync -j$(nproc)
+Or to sync the latest untagged features and bug fixes::
+ repo init -u https://git.linaro.org/landing-teams/working/arm/arm-reference-platforms-manifest.git -m n1sdp-v2.xml -g bsp
+ repo sync -j$(nproc)
+To sync both the BSP and Ubuntu
+Choose this option if you intend to run the provided Ubuntu Server distro.
+To sync a specific tagged release::
+ repo init -u https://git.linaro.org/landing-teams/working/arm/arm-reference-platforms-manifest.git -m n1sdp-v2.xml -g ubuntu -b ${N1SDP_RELEASE}
+ repo sync -j$(nproc)
+Or to sync the latest untagged features and bug fixes::
+ repo init -u https://git.linaro.org/landing-teams/working/arm/arm-reference-platforms-manifest.git -m n1sdp-v2.xml -g ubuntu
+ repo sync -j$(nproc)
+To build the BSP and Poky Linux distro
+Mandatory for *all* users.
+ cd <n1sdp_workspace>/bsp
+ export DISTRO="poky"
+ export MACHINE="n1sdp"
+ source setup-environment
+ bitbake core-image-base
+The initial clean build is expected to take a long time, as all host tools and utilities are built
+from source before the target images. This includes host executables (python, cmake, etc.) and the
+required toolchain(s).
+Once the build is successful, all images will be placed in the
+``<n1sdp_workspace>/bsp/build-poky/tmp-poky/deploy/images/n1sdp`` directory.
+To build the Ubuntu Server distro
+Only required if intending to run the provided Ubuntu Server distro.
+The Ubuntu Server distro image is built using the script provided in
+ cd <n1sdp_workspace>/ubuntu
+ ./build-scripts/build-ubuntu.sh
+ Options that can be passed to script are:
+ <path to build-ubuntu.sh> [OPTIONS]
+ cleanall remove all the sources fetched during previous build, removing all binaries from sub folders.
+ clean remove all binaries from sub folders generated in previous build.
+ build build linux, linux-firmware, busybox, grub binaries and Ubuntu distribution image
+ package package all the above listed components into one single Ubuntu grub image
+ NOTE: If no option specified then script will execute cleanall, build and package.
+ The final image grub-ubuntu.image can be located in ubuntu/output/n1sdp
+Provided components
+Within the Yocto project, each component included in the N1SDP software stack is specified as
+a `Bitbake`_ recipe. The N1SDP recipes are located at ``<n1sdp_workspace>/bsp/layers/meta-arm/``.
+**Steps for baking Images from unstaged source code**
+Yocto allows modifying the fetched source code of each recipe component in the
+workspace, by applying patches. This is however not a convenient approach for
+developers, since creating patches and updating recipes is time-consuming.
+To make that easier, Yocto provides the devtool utility. devtool creates a
+new workspace, in which you can edit the fetched source code and bake images
+with the modifications
+ cd <n1sdp_workspace>/bsp
+ MACHINE=n1sdp DISTRO=poky . ./conf/setup-environment-n1sdp
+ # create a workspace for a given recipe component
+ # recipe-component-name can be of:
+ # trusted-firmware-a / scp-firmware / edk2-firmware / grub-efi / linux-linaro-arm
+ devtool modify <recipe-component-name>
+ # This creates a new workspace for recipe-component-name and fetches source code
+ # into "build-poky/workspace/sources/{trusted-firmware-a,scp-firmware,edk2-firmware,grub-efi,linux-linaro-arm}"
+ # edit the source code in the newly created workspace
+ # build images with changes on workspace
+ # recipe-component-name can be of: scp-firmware / edk2-firmware / grub-efi / linux-yocto
+ bitbake <recipe-component-name>
+Software Components
+Trusted Firmware-A
+Based on `Trusted Firmware-A`_.
+| Recipe | <n1sdp_workspace>/bsp/layers/meta-arm/meta-arm-bsp/recipes-bsp/trusted-firmware-a/trusted-firmware-a-n1sdp.inc |
+| Files | * <n1sdp_workspace>/bsp/build-poky/tmp-poky/deploy/images/n1sdp/bl31-n1sdp.bin |
+System Control Processor (SCP)
+Based on `SCP Firmware`_.
+| Recipe | <n1sdp_workspace>/bsp/layers/meta-arm/meta-arm-bsp/recipes-bsp/scp-firmware/scp-firmware-n1sdp.inc |
+| Files | * <n1sdp_workspace>/bsp/build-poky/tmp-poky/deploy/images/n1sdp/scp_ramfw.bin |
+| | * <n1sdp_workspace>/bsp/build-poky/tmp-poky/deploy/images/n1sdp/scp_romfw.bin |
+| | * <n1sdp_workspace>/bsp/build-poky/tmp-poky/deploy/images/n1sdp/mcp_ramfw.bin |
+| | * <n1sdp_workspace>/bsp/build-poky/tmp-poky/deploy/images/n1sdp/mcp_romfw.bin |
+uefi edk2
+Based on `UEFI edk2`_.
+| Recipe | <n1sdp_workspace>/bsp/layers/meta-arm/meta-arm-bsp/recipes-bsp/uefi/edk2-firmware-n1sdp.inc |
+| Files | * <n1sdp_workspace>/bsp/build-poky/tmp-poky/deploy/images/n1sdp/uefi.bin |
+Based on `Linux 5.4 for N1SDP`_.
+| Recipe | <n1sdp_workspace>/bsp/layers/meta-arm/meta-arm-bsp/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-linaro-arm_5.4.bb |
+| Files | * <n1sdp_workspace>/bsp/build-poky/tmp-poky/deploy/images/n1sdp/Image |
+Poky Linux distribution
+The layer is based on the `Poky`_ Linux distro, which is itself based on BusyBox and built using
+| Recipe | <tc0_workspace>/bsp/layers/openembedded-core/meta/recipes-core/images/core-image-base.bb |
+| Files | * <tc0_workspace>/bsp/build-poky/tmp-poky/deploy/images/n1sdp/core-image-base-n1sdp.wic |
+Ubuntu Linux distribution
+Ubuntu is built as a separate project using the ``build-scripts/``, then booted using the BSP built
+by Yocto. The generated distro image is placed at ``output/n1sdp/grub-ubuntu.img``.
+Running the software distribution on N1SDP
+This section provides steps for:
+ * Setting up the N1SDP with the required board firmware
+ * Preparing a bootable disk
+ * Boot the supported software distributions (Poky Linux or Ubuntu Server).
+Setting up the N1SDP
+After powering up or rebooting the board, any firmware images placed on the board's microSD will be
+flashed into either on-board QSPI flash copied into DDR3 memory via the IOFPGA.
+**Configure COM Ports**
+Connect a USB-B cable between your host PC and N1SDP's DBG USB port, then power ON the board. The
+DBG USB connection will enumerate as four virtual COM ports assigned to the following processing
+entities, in order
+ ::
+ COM<n> - Motherboard Configuration Controller (MCC)
+ COM<n+1> - Application Processor (AP)
+ COM<n+2> - System Control Processor (SCP)
+ COM<n+3> - Manageability Control Processor (MCP)
+Please check Device Manager in Windows or ``ls /dev/ttyUSB*`` in Linux to identify <n>.
+Use a serial port application such as *PuTTy* or *minicom* to connect to all virtual COM ports with
+the following settings:
+ ::
+ 115200 baud
+ 8-bit word length
+ No parity
+ 1 stop bit
+ No flow control
+Note: Some serial port applications refer to this as "115200 8N1" or similar.
+Before running the deliverables on N1SDP, ensure both BOOT CONF switches are in the OFF position,
+then issue the following command in the MCC console:
+ Cmd> USB_ON
+This will mount the on-board microSD card as a USB Mass Storage Device on the host PC with the name
+Enter the following command on the MCC console window to ensure time is correctly set. This is
+required in order for the first distro boot to succeed:
+ ::
+ Cmd> debug
+ Debug> time
+ Debug> date
+ Debug> exit
+Update firmware on microSD card
+The board firmware files are located in ``<n1sdp_workspace/bsp/build-poky/tmp-poky/deploy/images/n1sdp/>``
+after the BSP source build.
+Single chip mode::
+ n1sdp-board-firmware_primary.tar.gz : firmware to be copied to microSD of N1SDP board in single chip mode.
+Multi chip mode::
+ n1sdp-board-firmware_primary.tar.gz : firmware to be copied to microSD of primary board.
+ n1sdp-board-firmware_secondary.tar.gz : firmware to be copied to microSD of secondary board.
+There are two methods for populating the microSD card:
+ 1. The microSD card from the N1SDP can be removed from N1SDP and can be mounted on a host machine
+ using a card reader,
+ 2. The USB debug cable when connected to host machine will show the microSD partition on host
+ machine which can be mounted.
+ ::
+ $> sudo mount /dev/sdx1 /mnt
+ $> sudo rm -rf /mnt/*
+ $> sudo tar --no-same-owner -xzf n1sdp-board-firmware_primary.tar.gz -C /mnt/
+ $> sudo umount /mnt```
+NOTE: replace ``sdx1`` with the device and partition of the SD card.
+Option (2) above is typically preferred, as removing the microSD card requires physical access to
+the motherboard inside the N1SDP's tower case.
+Firmware tarball contains iofpga configuration files, SCP, TF-A, and UEFI binaries.
+Please ensure to use the recommended PMIC binary. Refer to page `potential-damage`_ for more info.
+If a PMIC binary mismatch is detected, a warning message is printed in the MCC console recommending
+the user to switch to appropriate PMIC image. On MCC recommendation *ONLY*, please update the
+``MB/HBI0316A/io_v123f.txt`` file on the microSD using the below commands.
+Example command to switch to 300k_8c2.bin from the host PC::
+ ::
+ $> sudo mount /dev/sdx1 /mnt
+ $> sudo sed -i '/^MBPMIC: pms_0V85.bin/s/^/;/g' /mnt/MB/HBI0316A/io_v123f.txt
+ $> sudo sed -i '/^;MBPMIC: 300k_8c2.bin/s/^;//g' /mnt/MB/HBI0316A/io_v123f.txt
+ $> sudo umount /mnt
+Boot Poky on N1SDP
+**Preparing a bootable Poky disk**
+A bootable disk (USB stick or SATA drive) can be prepared by flashing the image generated from the
+source build. The image will be available at the location
+This is a bootable GRUB wic image comprising Linux kernel and Poky distro. The partitioning and
+packaging is performed during the build based on the wks file located at
+Use the following commands to burn the GRUB image to a USB stick or SATA drive:
+ ::
+ $ lsblk
+ $ sudo dd if=core-image-base-n1sdp.wic of=/dev/sdx conv=fsync bs=1M
+ $ sync
+Note: Replace ``/dev/sdx`` with the handle corresponding to your USB stick or SATA drive, as
+identified by the ``lsblk`` command.
+**Booting the board with Poky image**
+Insert the bootable disk created earlier. Shutdown and reboot the board by issuing the following
+commands to the MCC console:
+ ::
+Enter the UEFI menu by pressing Esc on the AP console as the edk2 logs start appearing; from here,
+enter the UEFI Boot Manager menu and then select the burned disk.
+By default the Linux kernel will boot with ACPI, though Device Tree can also be specified::
+ *ARM reference image boot on N1SDP (ACPI)
+ ARM reference image boot on Single-Chip N1SDP (Device Tree)
+ ARM reference image boot on Multi-Chip N1SDP (Device Tree)
+The system will boot into a base image environment of Poky Linux.
+The N1SDP login password is *root*
+Boot Ubuntu on N1SDP
+**Preparing a bootable Ubuntu disk**
+A bootable disk (USB stick or SATA drive) can be prepared by formatting it with the distro image
+created during source build. The image will be available at the location location
+This is a bootable GRUB image comprising Linux kernel and an Ubuntu Server 18.04 file system. The
+partitioning and packaging is performed during the build.
+Use the following commands to burn the GRUB image to a USB stick or SATA drive:
+ ::
+ $ lsblk
+ $ sudo dd if=grub-ubuntu.img of=/dev/sdX bs=1M
+ $ sync
+Note: Replace ``/dev/sdX`` with the handle corresponding to your USB stick or SATA drive, as
+identified by the ``lsblk`` command.
+**Booting the board with Ubuntu image**
+Insert the bootable disk created earlier and connect the ethernet cable to a working internet
+connection. This is *REQUIRED* on first boot in order to successfully download and install necessary
+Ubuntu packages. Installation will fail if an internet connection is not available.
+Shutdown and reboot the board by issuing the following commands to the MCC console:
+ ::
+Enter the UEFI menu by pressing Esc on the AP console as the edk2 logs start appearing; from here,
+enter the UEFI Boot Manager menu and then select the burned disk.
+Ubuntu 18.04 will boot in two stages; the first boot is an installation pass, after which a second
+boot is required to actually enter the Ubuntu Server environment.
+To reboot the board after the first boot installation pass has completed, from MCC console:
+ ::
+The system will boot into a minimal Ubuntu 18.04 environment.
+Login as user ``root`` with password *root*, and install any desired packages from the console::
+ # apt-get install <package-name>
+Building Kernel Modules Natively
+Native building of kernel modules typically requires kernel headers to be installed on the platform.
+However, a bug in deb-pkg currently causes host executables to be packed rather than the target
+This can be worked around by building and installing the kernel natively on the platform.
+Boot the N1SDP board with Ubuntu filesystem and login as root.
+ ::
+ apt-get install -y git build-essential bc bison flex libssl-dev
+ git clone -b n1sdp http://git.linaro.org/landing-teams/working/arm/kernel-release.git
+ git clone http://git.linaro.org/landing-teams/working/arm/n1sdp-pcie-quirk.git
+ cd kernel-release/
+ git am ../n1sdp-pcie-quirk/linux/\*.patch
+ mkdir out
+ cp -v /boot/config-5.4.0+ out/.config
+ make O=out -j4
+ make O=out modules_install
+ make O=out install
+ update-grub
+ sync
+Reboot the board and when Grub menu appears, select the Advanced Boot Options -> 5.4.0 kernel for
+.. _potential-damage: https://community.arm.com/developer/tools-software/oss-platforms/w/docs/604/notice-potential-damage-to-n1sdp-boards-if-using-latest-firmware-release
+.. _Yocto project: https://www.yoctoproject.org
+.. _Bitbake: https://www.yoctoproject.org/docs/1.6/bitbake-user-manual/bitbake-user-manual.html
+.. _Trusted Firmware-A: https://trustedfirmware-a.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
+.. _SCP Firmware: https://github.com/ARM-software/SCP-firmware
+.. _UEFI edk2: https://github.com/tianocore/edk2
+.. _Linux 5.4 for N1SDP: https://git.linaro.org/landing-teams/working/arm/kernel-release.git
+.. _Poky: https://www.yoctoproject.org/software-item/poky
+.. _repo README file: https://gerrit.googlesource.com/git-repo/+/refs/heads/master/README.md
+*Copyright (c) 2020, Arm Limited. All rights reserved.*