import logging from django.conf import settings from django.shortcuts import redirect from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup import requests from group_auth_common import GroupAuthError log = logging.getLogger("llp.group_auth.crowd") def upgrade_requests(): """Ubuntu 12.04 comes with pretty old requests version. Add convenience methods of newer versions straight to it, to avoid client-side workarounds.""" if "json" not in dir(requests.models.Response): def patchy_json(self): import json return json.loads(self.content) requests.models.Response.json = patchy_json # We monkey-patch requests module on first load upgrade_requests() def strip_html(html): "Convert HTML into plain text." soup = BeautifulSoup(html, convertEntities=BeautifulSoup.HTML_ENTITIES) if not soup.body: return html t = ' '.join(soup.body.findAll(text=True)) return t def process_group_auth(request, required_groups): if not required_groups: return True if not request.user.is_authenticated(): # Force OpenID login return redirect(settings.LOGIN_URL + "?next=" + request.path) log.warn("Authenticating using Crowd API: %s", request.user.username) auth = (settings.ATLASSIAN_CROWD_API_USERNAME, settings.ATLASSIAN_CROWD_API_PASSWORD) params = {"username": request.user.username} r = requests.get(settings.ATLASSIAN_CROWD_API_URL + "/user/group/nested.json", params=params, auth=auth) if r.status_code != 200: msg = str(r.status_code) + " " + strip_html(r.content) raise GroupAuthError(msg) data = r.json() user_groups = set([x["name"] for x in data["groups"]])"User groups are: %s", user_groups) # If groups don't intersect, access denied return not user_groups.isdisjoint(required_groups)