Kernel CI Backend ================= Backend engine, Tornado powerd, for the Kernel CI reporting dashboard. Requirements ============ Non exhaustive list of requirements is in the 'requirements.txt' file: those need to be installed via pip. For the rest of the necessary packages, see the ansible playbook. Tests ===== From the 'app/' folder, run: python -m unittest discover or python -m unittest tests.test_suite Run the server ============== From the 'app/' folder, run: python The Celery worker ----------------- To run external tasks, Celery is used. It will start automatically at boot time. In the ansible playbook, there is the upstart configuration file to be used. It is possible to pass an external configuration file (key=value) using an environment variable: CELERY_CONFIG_MODULE. To manually run it, from the 'app/' folder, run: celery worker --autoscale=10,0 --app=taskqueue --loglevel=INFO At the moment the Celery worker is based on it needs to be installed as well to make it work. There is support for MongoDB, but is still experimental and has not been tested yet with this application. Basic interactions ================== All operations now need a token or they will not be valid: the server will reply with a 403 error. In order to create the first token, use the master key set in the application and create an admin token. Admin tokens can perform all actions: GET, POST, DELETE and create new token as well. For other application usage, you should create a superuser token. Create Token ------------ To create a token at the beginning: curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: $MASTER_KEY" -d "{"email": "", "admin": 1}" localhost:8888/token The command will return the token created. Use it to create new tokens. The master key should be used only the first time. GET --- curl localhost:8888/job curl localhost:8888/defconfig curl localhost:8888/boot curl localhost:8888/count curl localhost:8888/job/$JOB_ID curl localhost:8888/defconfig/$DEFCONF_ID curl localhost:8888/job?limit=40 curl localhost:8888/job?limit=40&skip=20 POST ---- POST requests work for: /job /boot This command will tell the application to parse the directory located at 'stable/v3.12.14' and import everything there. curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: foo" -d '{"job": "stable", "kernel": "v3.12.14"}' localhost:8888/job The content of the `Authorization` is not important at the moment. All requests without that header will be discarded though. DELETE ------ curl -X DELETE -H "Authorization: foo" localhost:8888/job/job-id Manul import of all data ------------------------ From the 'app/' directory run: python -m utils.docimport (it will import all builds) python -m utils.bootimport (it will import all boot reports) The boot import feature might be broken for old boot reports: the file format changed, and only the latest one is supported. In the future, boot reports should be available in JSON format and only that will be supported.