diff options
authorMilo Casagrande <milo.casagrande@linaro.org>2015-03-09 17:12:55 +0100
committerMilo Casagrande <milo.casagrande@linaro.org>2015-03-09 17:12:55 +0100
commit22cc0b62882c5147fc0ed47e1bedc1bcd2c9aeee (patch)
parent66a8ee0375f945fb14c8fcc7025f2dcac9cc977c (diff)
doc: Add first draft of test suite resource API.
3 files changed, 204 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc/collection-test-suite.rst b/doc/collection-test-suite.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..73449c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/collection-test-suite.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
+.. _collection_test_suite:
+More info about the test suite schema can be found :ref:`here <schema_test_suite>`.
+.. note::
+ This resource can also be accessed using the plural form ``suites``.
+.. http:get:: /test/suite/(string:test_suite_id)
+ Get all the available test suites or a single one if ``test_suite_id`` is provided.
+ :param test_suite_id: The ID of the job to retrieve.
+ :type test_suite_id: string
+ :reqheader Authorization: The token necessary to authorize the request.
+ :reqheader Accept-Encoding: Accept the ``gzip`` coding.
+ :resheader Content-Type: Will be ``application/json; charset=UTF-8``.
+ :query int limit: Number of results to return. Default 0 (all results).
+ :query int skip: Number of results to skip. Default 0 (none).
+ :query string sort: Field to sort the results on. Can be repeated multiple times.
+ :query int sort_order: The sort order of the results: -1 (descending), 1
+ (ascending). This will be applied only to the first ``sort``
+ parameter passed. Default -1.
+ :query int date_range: Number of days to consider, starting from today
+ (:ref:`more info <intro_schema_time_date>`). By default consider all results.
+ :query string field: The field that should be returned in the response. Can be
+ repeated multiple times.
+ :query string nfield: The field that should *not* be returned in the response. Can be repeated multiple times.
+ :query string _id: The internal ID of the test suite report.
+ :query string arch: The platform architecture.
+ :query string board: The board where the test suite has been run.
+ :query string board_instance: The board instance where the test suite has been run.
+ :query string boot_id: The ID of the boot report used by the test suite.
+ :query string created_on: The creation date: accepted formats are ``YYYY-MM-DD`` and ``YYYYMMDD``.
+ :query string defconfig_full: A value of the ``defconfig_full`` used for the build.
+ :query string defconfig: A value of the ``defconfig`` used for the build.
+ :query string job: A job name.
+ :query string job_id: The ID of the job.
+ :query string kernel: A kernel name.
+ :query string name: A name of the test suite.
+ :status 200: Results found.
+ :status 403: Not authorized to perform the operation.
+ :status 404: The provided resource has not been found.
+ :status 500: Internal database error.
+ **Example Requests**
+ .. sourcecode:: http
+ GET /test/suite HTTP/1.1
+ Host: api.kernelci.org
+ Accept: */*
+ Authorization: token
+ .. sourcecode:: http
+ GET /tests/suites HTTP/1.1
+ Host: api.kernelci.org
+ Accept: */*
+ Authorization: token
+ **Example Responses**
+ .. note::
+ Results shown here do not include the full JSON response.
+.. http:post:: /test/suite
+ Create a new test suite as defined in the JSON data. The request will be accepted and, if test sets and/or test cases have been specified in the JSON data, it will begin to parse the data.
+ If saving the test suite has success, it will return the associated ID value.
+ For more info on all the required JSON request fields, see the :ref:`test suite schema for POST requests <schema_test_suite_post>`.
+ :reqjson string name: The name of the test suite.
+ :reqjson string defconfig_id: The ID of the build report used for testing.
+ :reqjson string version: The version of the JSON schema format.
+ :reqheader Authorization: The token necessary to authorize the request.
+ :reqheader Content-Type: Content type of the transmitted data, must be ``application/json``.
+ :reqheader Accept-Encoding: Accept the ``gzip`` coding.
+ :resheader Content-Type: Will be ``application/json; charset=UTF-8``.
+ :status 202: The request has been accepted and is going to be created.
+ :status 400: JSON data not valid.
+ :status 403: Not authorized to perform the operation.
+ :status 415: Wrong content type.
+ :status 422: No real JSON data provided.
+ **Example Requests**
+ .. sourcecode:: http
+ POST /test/suite HTTP/1.1
+ Host: api.kernelci.org
+ Content-Type: application/json
+ Accept: */*
+ Authorization: token
+ {
+ "name": "LSK test suite",
+ "defconfig_id": "1234567890",
+ "version": "1.0"
+ }
+.. http:put:: /test/suite/(string:test_suite_id)
+ Update an existing test suite identified by its ``test_suite_id`` with values defined in the JSON data.
+ :reqheader Authorization: The token necessary to authorize the request.
+ :reqheader Content-Type: Content type of the transmitted data, must be ``application/json``.
+ :reqheader Accept-Encoding: Accept the ``gzip`` coding.
+ :resheader Content-Type: Will be ``application/json; charset=UTF-8``.
+ :status 202: The request has been accepted and is going to be created.
+ :status 400: JSON data not valid.
+ :status 403: Not authorized to perform the operation.
+ :status 415: Wrong content type.
+ :status 422: No real JSON data provided.
+ **Example Requests**
+ .. sourcecode:: http
+ POST /test/suite/123456789 HTTP/1.1
+ Host: api.kernelci.org
+ Content-Type: application/json
+ Accept: */*
+ Authorization: token
+ {
+ "name": "LSK test suite - NEW",
+ "defconfig_id": "1234567891"
+ }
+.. http:delete:: /test/suite/(string:test_suite_id)
+ Delete the test suite identified by ``test_suite_id``.
+ :param test_suite_id: The test suite ID.
+ :type job_id: string
+ :reqheader Authorization: The token necessary to authorize the request.
+ :reqheader Accept-Encoding: Accept the ``gzip`` coding.
+ :resheader Content-Type: Will be ``application/json; charset=UTF-8``.
+ :status 200: Resource deleted.
+ :status 403: Not authorized to perform the operation.
+ :status 404: The provided resource has not been found.
+ :status 500: Internal database error.
+ **Example Requests**
+ .. sourcecode:: http
+ DELETE /test/suite/1234567890 HTTP/1.1
+ Host: api.kernelci.org
+ Accept: */*
+ Content-Type: application/json
+ Authorization: token
+More Info
+* :ref:`Test suite schema <schema_test_suite>`
+* :ref:`Test schemas <schema_test>`
+* :ref:`API results <intro_schema_results>`
+* :ref:`Schema time and date <intro_schema_time_date>`
diff --git a/doc/collection-test.rst b/doc/collection-test.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fb02a28
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/collection-test.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+.. _collection_test:
+The ``test`` resource is a collection of multiple resources.
+.. note:: All the resources listed here can be accessed using either the singular form (``test``) or the plural form (``tests``).
+.. toctree::
+ :maxdepth: 2
+ collection-test-suite
diff --git a/doc/collections.rst b/doc/collections.rst
index 3faf064..8460c1f 100644
--- a/doc/collections.rst
+++ b/doc/collections.rst
@@ -21,3 +21,4 @@ Resources
+ collection-test