path: root/roles/ssh-ldap/tasks/main.yml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'roles/ssh-ldap/tasks/main.yml')
1 files changed, 49 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/roles/ssh-ldap/tasks/main.yml b/roles/ssh-ldap/tasks/main.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cc1ba17f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roles/ssh-ldap/tasks/main.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+- name: Install packages
+ apt: pkg={{item}} state=installed
+ with_items:
+ - libnss-db
+ - libnss-ldap
+ - libpam-ccreds
+ - nss-updatedb
+ - python-ldap
+- name: Copy linaro_ldap script
+ copy: dest=/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages mode=555 owner=root
+- name: Copy script
+ copy: dest=/etc/ssh/ mode=555 owner=root
+ register: ssh_keys
+- name: Configure ldap.conf
+ template: src=ldap.conf dest=/etc/
+- name: See if offline LDAP cache exists
+ stat: path=/var/lib/misc/group.db
+ register: cache
+- name: Generate offline LDAP cache
+ when: cache.stat.exists == False or ssh_keys.changed
+ command: /etc/ssh/ --sync {{ldap_cache_url}}
+- name: Configure nsswitch.conf
+ copy: src=nsswitch.conf dest=/etc/
+- name: Configure sudoers
+ template: src=ansible_sudoers dest=/etc/sudoers.d/
+ mode=0400 owner=root
+- name: Enable home directory creation
+ copy: src=mkhomedir dest=/usr/share/pam-configs/
+ register: mkhomedir
+- name: Update pam-auth-update
+ when: mkhomedir is defined and mkhomedir.changed
+ command: pam-auth-update --force --package
+- name: Configure sshd (authorized keys and allowgroups)
+ template: src=sshd_config dest=/etc/ssh/
+ notify:
+ - restart-sshd
+- name: Add cron job for syncing with LDAP
+ template: src=cron.d dest=/etc/cron.d/ldap-sync