#!/usr/bin/python import os import sys import json import xmlrpclib import re tests_timeout = { 'bluetooth-enablement': 7200, 'bootchart': 800, 'busybox': 800, 'cyclictest': 90000, 'device-tree': 800, 'e2eaudiotest': 7200, 'ethernet': 800, 'gatortests': 1200, 'kernel-version': 800, 'leb-basic-graphics': 7200, 'ltp': 7200, 'mysql': 800, 'network-tests-basic': 1200, 'perf': 800, 'phpinfo': 800, 'phpmysql': 800, 'pwrmgmt': 1200, 'sdkhelloc': 800, 'sdkhellocxx': 800, 'smoke-tests-basic': 1200, 'toolchain': 800, 'wifi-enablement': 7200, } tests_nano = [ 'device-tree', 'gatortests', 'network-tests-basic', 'perf', 'pwrmgmt', 'smoke-tests-basic', ] tests_alip = [ 'bootchart', ] tests_desktop = [ 'e2eaudiotest', 'bluetooth-enablement', 'wifi-enablement', 'leb-basic-graphics', ] tests_openembedded_minimal = [ 'busybox', 'device-tree', 'ethernet', 'kernel-version', 'perf', 'toolchain', ] tests_openembedded_lamp = [ 'mysql', 'phpinfo', 'phpmysql', 'sdkhelloc', 'sdkhellocxx', ] tests_openembedded_leg_java = [ 'openjdk8-sanity', 'mauve-setup', 'mauve-BinaryCompatibility', 'mauve-BinaryCompatibility-altered', 'mauve-gnu-java', 'mauve-gnu-javax', 'mauve-java-awt', 'mauve-java-beans', 'mauve-java-io', 'mauve-java-lang', 'mauve-java-math', 'mauve-java-net', 'mauve-java-nio', 'mauve-java-rmi', 'mauve-java-security', 'mauve-java-sql', 'mauve-java-text', 'mauve-java-util', 'mauve-javax-accessibility', 'mauve-javax-crypto', 'mauve-javax-imageio', 'mauve-javax-management', 'mauve-javax-naming', 'mauve-javax-net', 'mauve-javax-print', 'mauve-javax-rmi', 'mauve-javax-security', 'mauve-javax-sound', 'mauve-javax-swing', 'mauve-javax-xml', 'mauve-locales', 'mauve-org-omg', 'mauve-org-w3c', ] # Mapping device type - bundle stream DEVICE_STREAM = { 'arndale': 'arndale', 'arndale-octa': 'arndale-octa', 'beaglebone-black': 'beaglebone', 'beaglexm': 'beaglexm', 'highbank': 'highbank', 'midway': 'midway', 'origen': 'leb-origen', 'panda': 'leb-panda-4430', 'panda-es': 'leb-panda-es', 'rtsm_foundation-armv8': 'vexpress64', 'rtsm_fvp_base-aemv8a': 'vexpress64', 'rtsm_fvp_base_cortex-a57x1-a53x1': 'vexpress64', 'rtsm_fvp_base_cortex-a57x4-a53x4': 'vexpress64', 'rtsm_ve-a15x1-a7x1': 'vexpress', 'rtsm_ve-a15x4-a7x4': 'vexpress', 'rtsm_ve-armv8': 'vexpress64', 'snowball_sd': 'leb-snowball', 'vexpress-a5': 'vexpress', 'vexpress-a9': 'vexpress', 'vexpress-tc2': 'vexpress', } def obfuscate_credentials(s): return re.sub(r'([^ ]:).+?(@)', r'\1xxx\2', s) def main(): """Script entry point: return some JSON based on calling args. We should be called from Jenkins and expect the following to be defined: $HWPACK_BUILD_NUMBER $HWPACK_JOB_NAME HWPACK_FILE_NAME $DEVICE_TYPE """ # CI base URL ci_base_url = 'https://ci.linaro.org/jenkins/job/' # Snapshots base URL snapshots_url = 'http://snapshots.linaro.org' # Name of the hardware pack project hwpack_job_name = os.environ.get('HWPACK_JOB_NAME') # The hardware pack build number hwpack_build_number = os.environ.get('HWPACK_BUILD_NUMBER') # Hardware pack file name hwpack_file_name = os.environ.get('HWPACK_FILE_NAME', 'Undefined') if hwpack_file_name == 'Undefined': sys.exit('Hardware pack is not defined.') # Device type device_type = os.environ.get('DEVICE_TYPE', 'Undefined') if device_type == 'Undefined': sys.exit('Device type is not defined.') # Distribution, architecture and hardware pack type ret_split = hwpack_job_name.split('-', 2) (distribution, architecture, hwpack_type) = \ ret_split[0], ret_split[1], ret_split[2] if hwpack_type.startswith('pre-built-images-'): hwpack_type = hwpack_type[(len('pre-built-images-')):] if '=' in hwpack_type: hwpack_type = hwpack_type[(len('pre-built-images/')):] ret_split = dict( token.split('=') for token in hwpack_type.split(',')) hwpack_type = ret_split['hwpack'] # Rootfs type, default is developer rootfs_type = os.getenv('ROOTFS_TYPE', 'developer') # Bundle stream name bundle_stream_name = os.environ.get( 'BUNDLE_STREAM_NAME', '/private/team/linaro/pre-built-%s/' % DEVICE_STREAM[device_type]) # LAVA user lava_user = os.environ.get('LAVA_USER') if lava_user is None: f = open('/var/run/lava/lava-user') lava_user = f.read().strip() f.close() # LAVA token lava_token = os.environ.get('LAVA_TOKEN') if lava_token is None: f = open('/var/run/lava/lava-token') lava_token = f.read().strip() f.close() # LAVA server URL lava_server = os.environ.get('LAVA_SERVER', 'validation.linaro.org/RPC2/') # LAVA server base URL lava_server_root = lava_server.rstrip('/') if lava_server_root.endswith('/RPC2'): lava_server_root = lava_server_root[:-len('/RPC2')] image_url = '%s/%s/pre-built/%s/%s/%s' % \ (snapshots_url, distribution, hwpack_type, hwpack_build_number, hwpack_file_name) git_repo = 'git://git.linaro.org/qa/test-definitions.git' lava_test_plan = os.environ.get('LAVA_TEST_PLAN') if lava_test_plan is None: # tests set specific to an image if distribution == 'openembedded': tests = tests_openembedded_minimal if 'lamp' in rootfs_type: tests += tests_openembedded_lamp if 'leg-java' in rootfs_type: tests += tests_openembedded_leg_java elif distribution == 'ubuntu' or distribution == 'quantal' or distribution == 'raring': tests = tests_nano # if ubuntu-desktop, cover more test cases (LEB) if rootfs_type == 'ubuntu-desktop': tests += tests_desktop # if alip, specific tests like bootchart (which should be first) if rootfs_type == 'alip': tests = tests_alip + tests else: lava_test_plan = lava_test_plan.strip("'") tests = lava_test_plan.split() # removing bluetooth and wifi for devices that don't support it if device_type in ['beaglexm', 'vexpress-a9', 'mx53loco']: try: tests.remove('bluetooth-enablement') tests.remove('wifi-enablement') except ValueError: pass # vexpress doesn't support PM, so disable pwrmgmt if device_type in ['vexpress-a9']: try: tests.remove('pwrmgmt') except ValueError: pass if distribution == 'openembedded': actions = [{ 'command': 'deploy_linaro_image', 'parameters': { 'image': '%s' % image_url, }, 'metadata': { 'hwpack.type': '%s' % hwpack_type, 'hwpack.build': '%s' % hwpack_build_number, 'rootfs.type': '%s' % rootfs_type, 'distribution': '%s' % distribution, } }, { 'command': 'boot_linaro_image' }] bootloader = os.environ.get('BOOTLOADER') if bootloader is not None: actions[0]['parameters'].update(json.loads('{"bootloadertype": "%s"}' % bootloader)) elif distribution == 'ubuntu' or distribution == 'quantal' or distribution == 'raring': actions = [{ 'command': 'deploy_linaro_image', 'parameters': { 'image': '%s' % image_url, }, 'metadata': { 'ubuntu.name': '%s' % hwpack_type, 'ubuntu.build': '%s' % hwpack_build_number, 'rootfs.type': '%s' % rootfs_type, 'ubuntu.distribution': '%s' % distribution, } }] if len(tests) > 0: if distribution == 'quantal' or distribution == 'raring': distribution = 'ubuntu' for test in tests: test_list = [( {'git-repo': git_repo, 'testdef': '{distribution:>s}/{test:>s}.yaml'.format( distribution=distribution, test=test)})] actions.append({ 'command': 'lava_test_shell', 'parameters': { 'timeout': tests_timeout.get(test, 18000), 'testdef_repos': test_list } }) actions.append({ 'command': 'submit_results', 'parameters': { 'stream': bundle_stream_name, 'server': '%s%s' % ('http://', lava_server) } }) # XXX Global timeout in LAVA is hardcoded to 24h (24 * 60 60) # https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1226017 # Set to 172800s (48h) to workaround the limitation # A sane default is 900s (15m) config = json.dumps({'timeout': 172800, 'actions': actions, 'job_name': '%s%s/%s/' % (ci_base_url, hwpack_job_name, hwpack_build_number), 'device_type': device_type, }, indent=2) print config skip_lava = os.environ.get('SKIP_LAVA') if skip_lava is None: try: server_url = \ 'https://{lava_user:>s}:{lava_token:>s}@{lava_server:>s}' server = \ xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(server_url.format( lava_user=lava_user, lava_token=lava_token, lava_server=lava_server)) lava_job_id = server.scheduler.submit_job(config) except xmlrpclib.ProtocolError, e: print 'Error making a LAVA request:', obfuscate_credentials(str(e)) sys.exit(1) print 'LAVA Job Id: %s, URL: http://%s/scheduler/job/%s' % \ (lava_job_id, lava_server_root, lava_job_id) json.dump({'lava_url': 'http://' + lava_server_root, 'job_id': lava_job_id}, open('lava-job-info', 'w')) lava_job_info_orig = hwpack_file_name.replace('.img.gz', '.html') top_dir = os.environ.get('WORKSPACE', '.') for root, dirs, files in os.walk(top_dir): for file in files: if file == lava_job_info_orig: lava_job_info_orig = os.path.join(root, file) with open(lava_job_info_orig) as f: buffer = f.read() buffer = buffer.replace( 'var lavaJobId = 0', 'var lavaJobId = ' + str(lava_job_id), 1) lava_job_info = lava_job_info_orig.replace( '.html', '-' + device_type + '.html') with open(lava_job_info, 'w') as f: f.write(buffer) os.remove(lava_job_info_orig) else: print 'LAVA job submission skipped.' if __name__ == '__main__': main()