from contextlib import contextmanager import hashlib import logging import os import shutil import subprocess import tempfile from StringIO import StringIO import tarfile import time from debian.deb822 import Packages from testtools import TestCase from testtools.matchers import Annotate, Equals, Matcher, Mismatch from hwpack.better_tarfile import writeable_tarfile from hwpack.tarfile_matchers import TarfileHasFile from hwpack.packages import get_packages_file, FetchedPackage @contextmanager def test_tarfile(contents=[], **kwargs): """Create a tarfile with the given contents, then re-open it for reading. This context manager creates a tarfile with the given contents, then reopens it for reading and yields it for use in a with block. When the block ends the tarfile will be closed. The contents can be specified as a list of tuples of (path, contents), where if the path ends with '/' it is considered to be a directory and the contents ignored. :param contents: the contents to put in the tarball, defaults to the empty list. :type contents: a list of tuples of (str, str) :param kwargs: keyword arguments for the better_tarfile.TarFile constructor. """ backing_file = StringIO() with writeable_tarfile(backing_file, **kwargs) as tf: for path, content in contents: if path[-1] == "/": tf.create_dir(path) else: tf.create_file_from_string(path, content) if contents: tf ="r", fileobj=backing_file) try: yield tf finally: tf.close() class DummyFetchedPackage(FetchedPackage): """A FetchedPackage with dummy information. See FetchedPackage for the instance variables. """ def __init__(self, name, version, architecture="all", depends=None, pre_depends=None, conflicts=None, recommends=None, provides=None, replaces=None, breaks=None, no_content=False, content=None): = name self.version = version self.architecture = architecture self.depends = depends self.pre_depends = pre_depends self.conflicts = conflicts self.recommends = recommends self.provides = provides self.replaces = replaces self.breaks = breaks self._no_content = no_content self._content = content self._file_path = None @property def filename(self): return "%s_%s_all.deb" % (, self.version) def _content_str(self): return "Content of %s" % self.filename @property def content(self): if self._no_content: return None elif self._content is not None: return StringIO(self._content) return StringIO(self._content_str()) @property def size(self): return len( @property def md5(self): md5sum = hashlib.md5() md5sum.update( return md5sum.hexdigest() class AptSourceFixture(object): """A fixture that provides an apt source, with packages and indices. An apt source provides a set of package files, and a Packages file that allows apt to determine the contents of the source. :ivar sources_entry: the URI and suite to give to apt to view the source (i.e. a sources.list line without the "deb" prefix :type sources_entry: str """ def __init__(self, packages, label=None): """Create an AptSourceFixture. :param packages: a list of packages to add to the source and index. :type packages: an iterable of FetchedPackages """ self.packages = packages self.label = label def setUp(self): self.rootdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="hwpack-apt-source-") for package in self.packages: with open( os.path.join(self.rootdir, package.filename), 'wb') as f: f.write( with open(os.path.join(self.rootdir, "Packages"), 'wb') as f: f.write(get_packages_file(self.packages)) if self.label is not None: subprocess.check_call( ['apt-ftparchive', '-oAPT::FTPArchive::Release::Label=%s' % self.label, 'release', self.rootdir], stdout=open(os.path.join(self.rootdir, 'Release'), 'w')) def tearDown(self): if os.path.exists(self.rootdir): shutil.rmtree(self.rootdir) @property def sources_entry(self): return "file:" + os.path.abspath(self.rootdir) +" ./" class TestCaseWithFixtures(TestCase): """A TestCase with the ability to easily add 'fixtures'. A fixture is an object which can be created and cleaned up, and this test case knows how to manage them to ensure that they will always be cleaned up at the end of the test. """ def useFixture(self, fixture): """Make use of a fixture, ensuring that it will be cleaned up. Given a fixture, this method will run the `setUp` method of the fixture, and ensure that its `tearDown` method will be called at the end of the test, regardless of success or failure. :param fixture: the fixture to use. :type fixture: an object with setUp and tearDown methods. :return: the fixture that was passed in. """ self.addCleanup(fixture.tearDown) fixture.setUp() return fixture def createTempFileAsFixture(self, prefix='tmp', dir=None): """Create a temp file and make sure it is removed on tearDown. :return: The filename of the file created. """ _, filename = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix=prefix, dir=dir) self.addCleanup(os.unlink, filename) return filename class ConfigFileFixture(object): def __init__(self, contents): self.contents = contents self.filename = None def setUp(self): fh, self.filename = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix="hwpack-test-config-") with os.fdopen(fh, 'w') as f: f.write(self.contents) def tearDown(self): if self.filename is not None and os.path.exists(self.filename): os.unlink(self.filename) class ContextManagerFixture(object): """Adapt a context manager to be a usable with `useFixture`.""" def __init__(self, context_manager): self.manager = context_manager def setUp(self): self.manager.__enter__() def tearDown(self): # It might be nice to pass exc_type, exc_value, traceback in here in # the failure case, if that's possible. self.manager.__exit__(None, None, None) class ChdirToTempdirFixture(object): def __init__(self): self._orig_dir = None self.tempdir = None def setUp(self): self.tearDown() self._orig_dir = os.getcwd() self.tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="hwpack-tests-") os.chdir(self.tempdir) def tearDown(self): if self._orig_dir is not None: os.chdir(self._orig_dir) self._orig_dir = None if self.tempdir is not None and os.path.exists(self.tempdir): shutil.rmtree(self.tempdir) self.tempdir = None class MismatchesAll(Mismatch): """A mismatch with many child mismatches.""" def __init__(self, mismatches): self.mismatches = mismatches def describe(self): descriptions = ["Differences: ["] for mismatch in self.mismatches: descriptions.append(mismatch.describe()) descriptions.append("]\n") return '\n'.join(descriptions) class MatchesAll(object): def __init__(self, *matchers): self.matchers = matchers def __str__(self): return 'MatchesAll(%s)' % ', '.join(map(str, self.matchers)) def match(self, matchee): results = [] for matcher in self.matchers: mismatch = matcher.match(matchee) if mismatch is not None: results.append(mismatch) if results: return MismatchesAll(results) else: return None class Not: """Inverts a matcher.""" def __init__(self, matcher): self.matcher = matcher def __str__(self): return 'Not(%s)' % (self.matcher,) def match(self, other): mismatch = self.matcher.match(other) if mismatch is None: return MatchedUnexpectedly(self.matcher, other) else: return None class MatchedUnexpectedly: """A thing matched when it wasn't supposed to.""" def __init__(self, matcher, other): self.matcher = matcher self.other = other def describe(self): return "%r matches %s" % (self.other, self.matcher) class HardwarePackHasFile(TarfileHasFile): """A subclass of TarfileHasFile specific to hardware packs. We default to a set of attributes expected for files in a hardware pack. """ def __init__(self, path, **kwargs): """Create a HardwarePackHasFile matcher. The kwargs are the keyword arguments taken by TarfileHasFile. If they are not given then defaults will be checked: - The type should be a regular file - If the content is given then the size will be checked to ensure it indicates the length of the content correctly. - the mode is appropriate for the type. If the type is regular file this is 0644, otherwise if it is a directory then it is 0755. - the linkname should be the empty string. - the uid and gid should be 1000 - the uname and gname should be "user" and "group" respectively. :param path: the path that should be present. :type path: str """ kwargs.setdefault("type", tarfile.REGTYPE) if "content" in kwargs and kwargs['type'] != tarfile.DIRTYPE: kwargs.setdefault("size", len(kwargs["content"])) if kwargs["type"] == tarfile.DIRTYPE: kwargs.setdefault("mode", 0755) else: kwargs.setdefault("mode", 0644) kwargs.setdefault("linkname", "") kwargs.setdefault("uid", 1000) kwargs.setdefault("gid", 1000) kwargs.setdefault("uname", "user") kwargs.setdefault("gname", "group") kwargs.setdefault("mtime", time.time()) # Enough that it won't fail if the test is slow to execute, but # not enough that we can have a wildly wrong timestamp. kwargs.setdefault("mtime_skew", 100) super(HardwarePackHasFile, self).__init__(path, **kwargs) class IsHardwarePack(Matcher): def __init__(self, metadata, packages, sources, packages_without_content=None, package_spec=None): self.metadata = metadata self.packages = packages self.sources = sources self.packages_without_content = packages_without_content or [] self.package_spec = package_spec def match(self, path): tf =, mode="r:gz") try: matchers = [] matchers.append(HardwarePackHasFile("FORMAT", content="1.0\n")) matchers.append(HardwarePackHasFile( "metadata", content=str(self.metadata))) manifest_lines = [] for package in self.packages: manifest_lines.append( "%s=%s" % (, package.version)) manifest_lines.append( "%s=%s" % ( 'hwpack-' +, self.metadata.version)) matchers.append( HardwarePackHasFile( "manifest", content_matcher=AfterPreproccessing( str.splitlines, MatchesSetwise(*map(Equals, manifest_lines))))) matchers.append(HardwarePackHasFile("pkgs", type=tarfile.DIRTYPE)) packages_with_content = [p for p in self.packages if p not in self.packages_without_content] for package in packages_with_content: matchers.append(HardwarePackHasFile( "pkgs/%s" % package.filename, package_matchers = [ MatchesPackage(p) for p in packages_with_content] dep_package_matcher = MatchesStructure( name=Equals('hwpack-' +, version=Equals(self.metadata.version), architecture=Equals(self.metadata.architecture), filename=Equals('hwpack-%s_%s_%s.deb' % (, self.metadata.version, self.metadata.architecture))) if self.package_spec: dep_package_matcher = dep_package_matcher.update( depends=MatchesPackageRelationshipList( [Equals(p.strip()) for p in self.package_spec.split(',')])) package_matchers.append(dep_package_matcher) matchers.append(HardwarePackHasFile( "pkgs/Packages", content_matcher=MatchesAsPackagesFile( *package_matchers))) matchers.append(HardwarePackHasFile( "sources.list.d", type=tarfile.DIRTYPE)) for source_id, sources_entry in self.sources.items(): matchers.append(HardwarePackHasFile( "sources.list.d/%s.list" % source_id, content="deb " + sources_entry + "\n")) matchers.append(HardwarePackHasFile( "sources.list.d.gpg", type=tarfile.DIRTYPE)) return MatchesAll(*matchers).match(tf) finally: tf.close() def __str__(self): return "Is a valid hardware pack." class EachOf(object): """Matches if each matcher matches the corresponding value. More easily explained by example than in words: >>> EachOf([Equals(1)]).match([1]) >>> EachOf([Equals(1), Equals(2)]).match([1, 2]) >>> EachOf([Equals(1), Equals(2)]).match([2, 1]) #doctest: +ELLIPSIS <...Mismatch...> """ def __init__(self, matchers): self.matchers = matchers def match(self, values): mismatches = [] length_mismatch = Annotate( "Length mismatch", Equals(len(self.matchers))).match(len(values)) if length_mismatch: mismatches.append(length_mismatch) for matcher, value in zip(self.matchers, values): mismatch = matcher.match(value) if mismatch: mismatches.append(mismatch) if mismatches: return MismatchesAll(mismatches) class MatchesStructure(object): """Matcher that matches an object structurally. 'Structurally' here means that attributes of the object being matched are compared against given matchers. `fromExample` allows the creation of a matcher from a prototype object and then modified versions can be created with `update`. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.kws = kwargs @classmethod def fromExample(cls, example, *attributes): kwargs = {} for attr in attributes: kwargs[attr] = Equals(getattr(example, attr)) return cls(**kwargs) def update(self, **kws): new_kws = self.kws.copy() for attr, matcher in kws.iteritems(): if matcher is None: new_kws.pop(attr, None) else: new_kws[attr] = matcher return type(self)(**new_kws) def match(self, value): matchers = [] values = [] for attr, matcher in self.kws.iteritems(): matchers.append(Annotate(attr, matcher)) values.append(getattr(value, attr)) return EachOf(matchers).match(values) def MatchesPackage(example): """Create a `MatchesStructure` object from a `FetchedPackage`.""" return MatchesStructure.fromExample( example, *example._equality_attributes) class MatchesSetwise(object): """Matches if all the matchers match elements of the value being matched. The difference compared to `EachOf` is that the order of the matchings does not matter. """ def __init__(self, *matchers): self.matchers = matchers def match(self, observed): remaining_matchers = set(self.matchers) not_matched = [] for value in observed: for matcher in remaining_matchers: if matcher.match(value) is None: remaining_matchers.remove(matcher) break else: not_matched.append(value) if not_matched or remaining_matchers: remaining_matchers = list(remaining_matchers) # There are various cases that all should be reported somewhat # differently. # There are two trivial cases: # 1) There are just some matchers left over. # 2) There are just some values left over. # Then there are three more interesting cases: # 3) There are the same number of matchers and values left over. # 4) There are more matchers left over than values. # 5) There are more values left over than matchers. if len(not_matched) == 0: if len(remaining_matchers) > 1: msg = "There were %s matchers left over: " % ( len(remaining_matchers),) else: msg = "There was 1 matcher left over: " msg += ', '.join(map(str, remaining_matchers)) return Mismatch(msg) elif len(remaining_matchers) == 0: if len(not_matched) > 1: return Mismatch( "There were %s values left over: %s" % ( len(not_matched), not_matched)) else: return Mismatch( "There was 1 value left over: %s" % ( not_matched, )) else: common_length = min(len(remaining_matchers), len(not_matched)) if common_length == 0: raise AssertionError("common_length can't be 0 here") if common_length > 1: msg = "There were %s mismatches" % (common_length,) else: msg = "There was 1 mismatch" if len(remaining_matchers) > len(not_matched): extra_matchers = remaining_matchers[common_length:] msg += " and %s extra matcher" % (len(extra_matchers), ) if len(extra_matchers) > 1: msg += "s" msg += ': ' + ', '.join(map(str, extra_matchers)) elif len(not_matched) > len(remaining_matchers): extra_values = not_matched[common_length:] msg += " and %s extra value" % (len(extra_values), ) if len(extra_values) > 1: msg += "s" msg += ': ' + str(extra_values) return Annotate( msg, EachOf(remaining_matchers[:common_length]) ).match(not_matched[:common_length]) def parse_packages_file_content(file_content): packages = [] for para in Packages.iter_paragraphs(StringIO(file_content)): args = {} for key, value in para.iteritems(): key = key.lower() if key == 'md5sum': key = 'md5' elif key == 'package': key = 'name' elif key == 'size': value = int(value) if key in FetchedPackage._equality_attributes: args[key] = value packages.append(FetchedPackage(**args)) return packages class AfterPreproccessing(object): """Matches if the value matches after passing through a function.""" def __init__(self, preprocessor, matcher): self.preprocessor = preprocessor self.matcher = matcher def __str__(self): return "AfterPreproccessing(%s, %s)" % ( self.preprocessor, self.matcher) def match(self, value): value = self.preprocessor(value) return self.matcher.match(value) def MatchesAsPackagesFile(*package_matchers): """Matches the contents of a Packages file against the given matchers. The contents of the Packages file is turned into a list of FetchedPackages using `parse_packages_file_content` above. """ return AfterPreproccessing( parse_packages_file_content, MatchesSetwise(*package_matchers)) def MatchesAsPackageContent(package_matcher): """Match a package on disk against `package_matcher`.""" def load_from_disk(content): fd, path = tempfile.mkstemp() try: os.write(fd, content) os.close(fd) return FetchedPackage.from_deb(path) finally: os.remove(path) return AfterPreproccessing(load_from_disk, package_matcher) class DoesNotStartWith(Mismatch): def __init__(self, matchee, expected): """Create a DoesNotStartWith Mismatch. :param matchee: the string that did not match. :param expected: the string that `matchee` was expected to start with. """ self.matchee = matchee self.expected = expected def describe(self): return "'%s' does not start with '%s'." % ( self.matchee, self.expected) class StartsWith(Matcher): """Checks whether one string starts with another.""" def __init__(self, expected): """Create a StartsWith Matcher. :param expected: the string that matchees should start with. """ self.expected = expected def __str__(self): return "Starts with '%s'." % self.expected def match(self, matchee): if not matchee.startswith(self.expected): return DoesNotStartWith(matchee, self.expected) return None def MatchesPackageRelationshipList(relationship_matchers): """Matches a set of matchers against a package relationship specification. >>> MatchesPackageRelationshipList( ... [Equals('foo'), StartsWith('bar (')]).match('bar (= 1.0), foo') >>> """ def process(relationships): if relationships is None: return [] return [rel.strip() for rel in relationships.split(',')] return AfterPreproccessing( process, MatchesSetwise(*relationship_matchers)) class AppendingHandler(logging.Handler): """A logging handler that simply appends messages to a list.""" def __init__(self): logging.Handler.__init__(self) self.messages = [] def emit(self, message): self.messages.append(message)