import ConfigParser import re class HwpackConfigError(Exception): pass class Config(object): """Encapsulation of a hwpack-create configuration.""" MAIN_SECTION = "hwpack" NAME_KEY = "name" NAME_REGEX = r"[a-z0-9][a-z0-9+\-.]+$" INCLUDE_DEBS_KEY = "include-debs" SUPPORT_KEY = "support" SOURCES_ENTRY_KEY = "sources-entry" PACKAGES_KEY = "packages" PACKAGE_REGEX = NAME_REGEX ORIGIN_KEY = "origin" MAINTAINER_KEY = "maintainer" ARCHITECTURES_KEY = "architectures" ASSUME_INSTALLED_KEY = "assume-installed" def __init__(self, fp): """Create a Config. :param fp: a file-like object containing the configuration. """ self.parser = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser() self.parser.readfp(fp) def validate(self): """Check that this configuration follows the schema. :raises HwpackConfigError: if it does not. """ if not self.parser.has_section(self.MAIN_SECTION): raise HwpackConfigError("No [%s] section" % self.MAIN_SECTION) self._validate_name() self._validate_include_debs() self._validate_support() self._validate_packages() self._validate_architectures() self._validate_assume_installed() self._validate_sections() @property def name(self): """The name of the hardware pack. A str.""" return self.parser.get(self.MAIN_SECTION, self.NAME_KEY) @property def include_debs(self): """Whether the hardware pack should contain .debs. A bool.""" try: if not self.parser.get( self.MAIN_SECTION, self.INCLUDE_DEBS_KEY): return True return self.parser.getboolean( self.MAIN_SECTION, self.INCLUDE_DEBS_KEY) except ConfigParser.NoOptionError: return True def _get_option_from_main_section(self, key): """Get the value from the main section for the given key. :param key: the key to return the value for. :type key: str. :return: the value for that key, or None if the key is not present or the value is empty. :rtype: str or None. """ try: result = self.parser.get(self.MAIN_SECTION, key) if not result: return None return result except ConfigParser.NoOptionError: return None @property def origin(self): """The origin that should be recorded in the hwpack. A str or None if no origin should be recorded. """ return self._get_option_from_main_section(self.ORIGIN_KEY) @property def maintainer(self): """The maintainer that should be recorded in the hwpack. A str or None if not maintainer should be recorded. """ return self._get_option_from_main_section(self.MAINTAINER_KEY) @property def support(self): """The support level that should be recorded in the hwpack. A str or None if no support level should be recorded. """ return self._get_option_from_main_section(self.SUPPORT_KEY) def _get_list_from_main_section(self, key): raw_values = self._get_option_from_main_section(key) if raw_values is None: return [] values = re.split("\s+", raw_values) filtered_values = [] for value in values: if value not in filtered_values: filtered_values.append(value) return filtered_values @property def packages(self): """The packages that should be contained in the hwpack. A list of str. """ return self._get_list_from_main_section(self.PACKAGES_KEY) @property def architectures(self): """The architectures to build the hwpack for. A list of str. """ return self._get_list_from_main_section(self.ARCHITECTURES_KEY) @property def assume_installed(self): """The packages that the hwpack should assume as already installed. A list of str. """ return self._get_list_from_main_section(self.ASSUME_INSTALLED_KEY) @property def sources(self): """The sources defined in the configuration. A dict mapping source identifiers to sources entries. """ sources = {} sections = self.parser.sections() found = False for section_name in sections: if section_name == self.MAIN_SECTION: continue sources[section_name] = self.parser.get( section_name, self.SOURCES_ENTRY_KEY) return sources def _validate_name(self): try: name = if not name: raise HwpackConfigError("Empty value for name") if re.match(self.NAME_REGEX, name) is None: raise HwpackConfigError("Invalid name: %s" % name) except ConfigParser.NoOptionError: raise HwpackConfigError( "No name in the [%s] section" % self.MAIN_SECTION) def _validate_include_debs(self): try: self.include_debs except ValueError: raise HwpackConfigError( "Invalid value for include-debs: %s" % self.parser.get("hwpack", "include-debs")) def _validate_support(self): support = if support not in (None, "supported", "unsupported"): raise HwpackConfigError( "Invalid value for support: %s" % support) def _validate_packages(self): packages = self.packages if not packages: raise HwpackConfigError( "No %s in the [%s] section" % (self.PACKAGES_KEY, self.MAIN_SECTION)) for package in packages: if re.match(self.PACKAGE_REGEX, package) is None: raise HwpackConfigError( "Invalid value in %s in the [%s] section: %s" % (self.PACKAGES_KEY, self.MAIN_SECTION, package)) def _validate_architectures(self): architectures = self.architectures if not architectures: raise HwpackConfigError( "No %s in the [%s] section" % (self.ARCHITECTURES_KEY, self.MAIN_SECTION)) def _validate_assume_installed(self): assume_installed = self.assume_installed for package in assume_installed: if re.match(self.PACKAGE_REGEX, package) is None: raise HwpackConfigError( "Invalid value in %s in the [%s] section: %s" % (self.ASSUME_INSTALLED_KEY, self.MAIN_SECTION, package)) def _validate_section_sources_entry(self, section_name): try: sources_entry = self.parser.get( section_name, self.SOURCES_ENTRY_KEY) if not sources_entry: raise HwpackConfigError( "The %s in the [%s] section is missing the URI" % (self.SOURCES_ENTRY_KEY, section_name)) if len(sources_entry.split(" ", 1)) < 2: raise HwpackConfigError( "The %s in the [%s] section is missing the distribution" % (self.SOURCES_ENTRY_KEY, section_name)) if sources_entry.startswith("deb"): raise HwpackConfigError( "The %s in the [%s] section shouldn't start with 'deb'" % (self.SOURCES_ENTRY_KEY, section_name)) except ConfigParser.NoOptionError: raise HwpackConfigError( "No %s in the [%s] section" % (self.SOURCES_ENTRY_KEY, section_name)) def _validate_section(self, section_name): self._validate_section_sources_entry(section_name) def _validate_sections(self): sections = self.parser.sections() found = False for section_name in sections: if section_name == self.MAIN_SECTION: continue self._validate_section(section_name) found = True if not found: raise HwpackConfigError( "No sections other than [%s]" % self.MAIN_SECTION)