#! /usr/bin/perl # Subroutines for automatic tests # # Copyright (C) 2009 Thomas Lange, lange@informatik.uni-koeln.de # Based on the first version by Sebastian Hetze, 08/2008 package FAITEST; my $errors = 0; use strict; use Getopt::Long; use Pod::Usage; # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - sub setup_test { my $verbose = 0; my $help = 0; my $man = 0; $verbose = $ENV{'debug'} if $ENV{'debug'}; my $result = GetOptions ( "verbose=i" => \$verbose, "help" => \$help, "man" => \$man, ); pod2usage(1) if $help; pod2usage(-exitstatus => 0, -verbose => 2) if $man; open(LOGFILE,">> $ENV{LOGDIR}/test.log") || die "Can't open test.log. $!"; print LOGFILE "------------ Test $0 starting ------------\n"; } sub printresult { # write test result and set next test my ($nexttest) = @_; if ($errors > 0) { print STDERR "\n===> $0 FAILED with $errors errors\n"; print LOGFILE "\n===> $0 FAILED with $errors errors\n"; } else { print STDERR "\n===> $0 PASSED successfully\n"; print LOGFILE "\n===> $0 PASSED successfully\n"; print LOGFILE "NEXTTEST=$nexttest\n" if $nexttest; } close (LOGFILE); return $errors; } sub getDevByMount { my $mount = shift; my $dev = qx#mount|grep $mount|cut -d' ' -f1#; chomp $dev; return $dev } sub checkMdStat { my ($device, $expected) = @_; my ($value) = qx#grep -i "^$device\\b" /proc/mdstat# =~ m/$device\s*:\s*(.*)/i; if ($value eq $expected) { print LOGFILE "Check raid $device success\n"; return 0; } else { print LOGFILE "Check raid $device FAILED.\n Expect <$expected>\n Found <$value>\n"; $errors++; return 1; } } sub checkE2fsAttribute { my ($device, $attribute, $expected) = @_; # since attribute is a space separated list of attributes, IMO we must loop over # the list. Ask Sebastian again my ($value) = qx#tune2fs -l $device |grep -i "$attribute"# =~ m/$attribute:\s+(.*)/i; if ($value eq $expected) { print LOGFILE "Check $attribute for $device success\n"; return 0; } else { print LOGFILE "Check $attribute for $device FAILED.\n Expect <$expected>\n Found <$value>\n"; $errors++; return 1; } } 1;